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^^^ thank you so much guys for pushing this book high!!!!

Third Person POV

About a week after the Amusement Park date, Freed wanted to go on another date with y/n. But he wanted to make it a date they'll never forget. He slammed open the door with a look of determination on his face and strode over to the girls' table. It consisted of Lucy, Juvia, Erza, Cana, Lisa was surprisingly there too, talking to Wendy and Carla.

He slammed his fist onto the table and the girls stopped and turned to him with surprised expressions.

"Freed?" Cana tilted her head to the side, staring at the Rune Mage.

"I need you ladies to help me," he blurted out, crimson red, "I need you to give me advice on how to give y/n a proper date!"







"Well well well, Justine. She's not easy I'll give you that,"

Freed pouted and folded his arms, "I just don't know how to plan it,"

Lucy laughed and sipped her beer. Cana hummed and went into deep thought. An idea suddenly popped in and her face brightened.

"Well, what do you both like?"

Freed paused to think.

"Hm, we enjoy reading, eating and cooking food... oH, dancing is a new one," Freed counted on his fingers. Lucy hummed and pouted as the thought.

"You could try a double date? Maybe at the square? There's a hill nearby which is the perfect place for a picnic," Lucy finally suggested. Freed's eyes lit up and thought.

"oh freed," Y/n gasped as Freed showed her the picnic site. He smirked and pulled y/n into his chest. They dipped and y/n brought her head closer and closer to his and their lips were about to touch-

"-eed, eARTH TO FREED, DO YOU COPY?" Cana patted his face and Freed snapped out of it. The girls rolled their eyes and Freed went red.

"S-sorry, that's a great idea but what's a double date?" Freed questioned. The girls all sweatdropped.

"Freed, a double date is two couples going on a date together," Wendy explained.

"Juvia has always wanted to go on a double date with her beloved Gray," Juvia swooned, Freed hummed in thought once again.

"What are the advantages?" He questioned, the girls looked around at each other.

"W-well, I guess there's always the fact that it won't be awkward?" Lucy spoke slowly, trying to find the right words.

"As in... if you go with a couple, they might be able to smooth down andy tension or awkwardness between you two, you know what I mean?"

Freed's eyes widened, he had never heard of such a thing, it sounded brilliant.

"That's great," Freed spoke flabberghasted, but a problem flashed ove his mind and he frowned, bringing it to the conversation. "But how do I find another couple willing to go on a date wih us?"

"Beats me, does y/n have any friends who are dating?" Erza hummed. Freed wracked his brain for people, Eren and Levi will make things weird... and there aren't actually many couples in Fairy Tail... a flashback suddenly came back to his mind.

"aND HE'S A LITTLE BIT OF A BITCH!" Y/n shoved a phone under Freed's nose and showed him a picture of Jay and his boyfriend.

"That's it! I'll ask them!" Freed suddenly exclaimed and ran out, smashing a hole through the door.

"FREED, GODDAMN IT!" Makarov yelled.

Freed's POV

I ran around the whole of Magnolia trying to find that man with the blonde hair. I stopped and panted, looking around the town square.

I suddenly heard a rumble and the sound of a motor, I looked around and I saw the guy sitting on a motorcycle with the magic energy band around his arm.

If you don't know how this works then I'll tell you, some wizards don't have the ability to fly or travel with their powers, therefor they can travel in vehicles that rely on the users' magic to move. However excessive use can drain your magic energy.

I waved at him and signalled him to wait, he looked over and nodded. I jogged over and greeted him.

"Hello! Uh, Jay.. was it?" I asked, cringing that I couldn't fully remember his name. Nonetheless, Jay nodded and I sighed with relief.

"Well Jay, I was wondering if you and your boyfriend could come with y/n and I on a double date..."
EYYYYYYOOOO no I am not dead, I got caught up in exam week and revision but I completed exams and got As and Bs

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