❄️ Creatures In Depth | SILVER ❄️

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Reviewer: PeterPan2210

Author: June_berrin

Title: Creatures in depth

Genre: Fantasy/Action/Mystery

Total score: 85.5 /100

Note: May be subjective to reader. These scores are simply a reflection of the particular reviewer's evaluation and interest.



It's a beautiful cover. Fits the genre and matches the name.

Short Description:


I like it. It gives a fair amount of insight to the story while also, succeeding in not revealing much.

Writing Style/ flow:


Your writing style although good, gets lost within the not-so-good grammar, overtly flowery language and extensive but unnecessary usage of adjectives.

The flow, again, although good, gets overshadowed by the tense issues, the odd phrasing of certain sentences, and incorrect word usage with respect to context.

Character arc(s):


I like how every character has a different personality that shines through in the way they react and through their dialogue. Personally, I'm a sucker for strong female characters so really you got me at "Cerelia".

Plot and originality:


A strong female character, an original plot. I've read of vampire hunters, werewolf hunters, not so much about siren hunters. So this is, personally new for me. Therefore, original to me.

Plus, it keeps the mystery and the action up very nicely.



There are tense issues. Too many of them, here and there. I found a bunch in the first chapter. They did get lesser as I progressed through the book but still a fair few to put me off reading.



You're trying to use heavy vocabulary. By heavy, I mean words that aren't usually used in conversations. Now, I understand that this book is of the mystery/action/fantasy genre and that allows for using heavy vocabulary and flowery words. But you've overdone it.

Not only this, but you've used words in the wrong context a fair few times. It seems as if you checked the dictionary meaning of the word and used it without thinking whether it would actually fit the context. English is way too much a nuanced language for the words to simply be used after checking their meaning from a dictionary. Which is why I very much prefer using words that come up in normal conversation. Or commonly used idioms or examples or similes or metaphors. Instead of one's that are not frequently used. Or not used at all and are entirely made up by the author.

Creativity is good. But creativity at the expense of context is not.

Story Pacing:


Not too fast, not too slow. This was perfect and as I said before, the action and the mystery part of the story was well kept up.

Reader enjoyment:


Solely because of the grammar and vocabulary part. Some of the sentences barely even made sense to me. But the plot and the story is good. You just need to get the book edited for it to be perfect.

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