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Reviewed by: mikrokosmostae

Book Title: Einia
Author's Name: ericson119

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(This is an opinion of an individual, which may not coincide with the masses. The individual's taste, thinking, and way of perception will definitely be different).

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Cover: 8/10!

The cover is hauntingly beautiful – shows the sea and the buildings. But what it doesn't have is the author's name, which is as important as the title of the book.

Title: 9/10

Haunting, just like your cover!

Blurb/Description: 9.5/10!

Amazing vocabulary! It captured my attention within seconds! You didn't give away much information, keeping these 'other-worldly' powers under the wraps. I like that there is just the mention of the history of this chaos, and not a full-on description of what, how, and when, it keeps the readers hooked in means of learning about it more in the actual book.

The first two lines though, I feel could use a little bit of rephrasing or commas like –

What happens when a devastating impact, caused by a meteorite that nearly destroyed your planet, gives the people of earth other-worldly powers?

Creativity and originality: 10/10!

A superb dystopian idea tbh! And mind you, the way you have introduced your characters (the interview) was damm!!! Such a fine brain you have, I'd like to worship it.

Plot and Flow: 18.5/20

The plot is instantly so pulling! The structure of the story and the plans you have, the characters and their transformation, is a very good mix. A suggestion I'd give is either to divide the chapters a bit – because it was a bit (too) long. It wasn't too haywire, just some places may have off-balance.

Character Development: 9/10

The thing I loved the most is the character interactions. They are funny, vivid, and dialogue-wise, a very good blend and balance. Their development isn't

Writing style, Grammar, spellings, etc.: 8/10

The action scenes, are mind you, some of the best-described ones I have read! Every description sits within the reader's mind, though sometimes it feels more like narration than storytelling (narration in the sense that you are just writing what is happening in a very plain manner? You are not letting some of those descriptions sink in) Usually, it happens when you use shorter sentences, or you don't give a breather in between them. But still, kudos to your writing.

Some typos, tense mistakes, and grammatical mistakes (missing and wrong) hindered my reading (I did read you will edit these soon, so I hope you also take some help from a friend, it's always better with four eyes to point out some unreadable mistakes).

What I didn't understand is, when a character is out of the dialogue, like an action of some sort, you place a hyphen in front of it. I don't see a use of it – the way you write is known as a script form, where the name of the characters speaking appears before the character's dialogue, and their activities are either in brackets, continuing in the same line, or in the next line. So I just don't understand the use of the hyphen. If you want to distinguish between the dialogue and action, it's completely unnecessary. Same with the dialogues. You don't have to write them in the next line, you can just continue in the same line –

Lux : We ain't out yet, Klaus. Where to J?

Sometimes, this did hinder my reading.

Genre relevance: 10/10!

Definitely one of the most intriguing, Action/adventure book I have read in a while!

Reader enjoyment and Communication with the readers: 9/10!

Apart from the length, I think your plot and story structure are the main heroes of your book. And your characters make the story all the more exciting.

Overall: 91/100

With a bit more polishing, I'd like to see the characters and this story, actually be depicted on the big screen!

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