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Reviewed by : nebulaxxx_1401
Book: facetopia - a mystery
Author: LPKnits

Cover: 9/10

The cover of your book is really cool. Unlike the books that i have read so far, your book was very different ( in a good way). The cover showing a person holding a piece of mirror gave me the vibes of a netflix show , no kidding. When I first saw the book cover , it took me time to really know what it was telling. Yes, the cover must tell the readers what really your book is about.thats how the readers can get connected with the story.

Title: 10/10

The title really suits the story. I never really heard a name like that. When I read the title of your book : Facetopia , it also said mystery but even without the word ' mystery ' , it did seem like a mystery story. The word ' Facetopia' attracted me towards the story and I love your title .

Blurb/ Description: 7/10

The story line is great, I really loved it. The description of the situations were a bit incomplete. You could elaborate the situation more. Focus on their emotions too. There were few gaps between two scenes and the readers must know the whole scenario when they are reading. You can describe the tiny livings more too. Maybe write from their point of view and their way of living. The description of ray and mac and many more characters were amazing.

Creativity / Originality : 10/10

The story of your book is very rare. Seriously , hats off to your creativity. The senses of ray as tiny livings was not what I expected . as per the originality , the story was 100 percent original. I love how ray and fuzzy's relationship with each other as best friends and cousins as well. Ed and fuzzy's relationship was a couple goals.

Plot / Flow: 15/20

I loved the plot . The flow of the story was steady . not many writers can do that, so it's a win for ya. The dialogues in the story were very rare . write more dialogues and more content. The story was quite funny. I love fuzzy's sense of humour. Write the story in depth and the readers will be hooked to it.

Character Development: 8/10

The characters were introduced in a proper way, Especially the tiny livings.as there were only 7 chapters , i wouldn't really notice any character development. Hopefully , in upcoming chapters, there will be more characters and their pasts as well presents described well.

Writing style, Grammar etc: 10/10

There were no mistakes or any typos when I read the book. The words you used were simple yet suitable and held much more energy. Your writing style was in general. The story can contain scenes about what is happening around the characters in a formal way.

Genre relevance: 8/10

The genre 'mystery' could only make the readers curious when the key was not found . but i hope that you create much more mystery in future. It was also romantic because of the relationship between ed and fuzzy and the chemistry between mac and ray.

Reader enjoyment: 10/10

Honestly , I really love your book so the readers would really love your book . The plot and the story line is very rare. You did a really good job at being creative.

Overall: 87/100

Overall, your book is very addictive (in a good way) . if you correct all the errors like fill in the gaps in the story . elaborate the scene more. Focus on emotions and feelings of the characters.

Otherwise , the readers would love to read a mysterious book. Good luck with your book. You have my support.

Don't take it to your heart, dear.
Treat people with kindness.

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