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Reviewer: Nebulaxxx_1401
Book: same mistake
Author : -Nina-Koutsianas-

Cover : 9/10
The cover is really beautiful . It really suits the story between Sam and Mike. You can put up a cover which gives bad boy vibes and the lines written over it are amazing too .

Title : 10/10
How did you keep the title so perfect? The title itself is so interesting not to read the book. It resonates along with the plot. I just love it.

Blurb/description: 8/10
I feel like you can describe more about the characters and the scenes . The drama can only be interesting if there is more description. When the characters are feeling desire for each other , write it in detail for the readers to understand what they are feeling .

Creativity / originality: 7/10
I can only find creativity in title and the plot where we get to know that mike’s sister committed suicide. There are less chapters so try to bring out the originality in further chapters .
Tip: you can write how Mike feels when his sister died or you can bring up the past when he felt devastated by the news of her sister being gone.

Plot flow: 19/20
The plot is going a bit too fast . So maybe , let it be steady and not miss out any scenes between any characters . From what I have read , few scenes are missing and the readers must have the continuation of the story.

Character development : 9/10
I have definitely observed some change in Mike's behaviour towards Sam and I like how it is going . You can develop other characters too so that when the ending comes , it will be epic.

Writing style/ grammar: 10/10
Your writing style is simple yet elegant. Try to add some dialogues so that the story can be more interesting. Grammar is perfect . I couldn't find any mistakes. Focus on their emotions.

Genre relevance : 10/10
It is a totally young adult. The scenes were pretty mature and they were pretty decent to me , according to me. It can also be categorised under romance and teen fiction. 18+ scenes were more so young adult category would be the correct fit.

Reader’s enjoyment: 10/10
It would be perfect for the readers to read , especially the ones who love to read more mature books. You can write more plot in each chapter and bring up their past once in a while.

Overall : 92/100

Overall, your book is amazing and I really love it. Have a look at my suggestions and you're good. I really love the plot but give it some more originality. Your book deserves to stand out as unique.

All the best

And don't take it to heart.

Treat people with kindness

S .

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