Chapter One 𝔈𝔶𝔢'𝔰 𝔲𝔭 𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔡

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'Where am I?'


'this place is dark, empty, it kinda reminds me of the deep dark... Damn... Guess your minds really does imagine the best of your life as you die... Though I wonder... What's next? Emptiness or resurrection?'


'... You know it's actually kinda peaceful... Compared to my overwhelming life I once had, now I can think without my mind getting fuzzy... It makes me wonder if... I lived life to the fullest. I lived for twenty six years, served in the military for six years after becoming 18, and even did some tours threw enemy territory. I survived when many of my squad didn't, and even found a way to get into civil life.... I found friends, and in those two years enjoyed simple things like that game, Minecraft with my new and still remaining friends and yet... I feel like I didn't live my life properly....


'I failed... Shit got tough for a buddy I tried to help, got popped and now I'm here. Guess that's just life, it's a damn game on who draws who's switch first and first comes first served. Now my buddy is probably in deep now... Damnit I really fucked up... Sorry dad, couldn't do it. Couldn't keep my squad alive even after all this shit....


'I just hope... They live better then I did...'


[Greetings you have been selected to be reborn]

'What the hell!?' the figure looked as a screen appeared before there eyes.

[You have been selected for reincarnation.]

'Ah... I see, I read about this from Josh, an I becoming a gamer like in those books?'


'Damn, that was quick'

[This is just to make the selection easier for the soon to be reincarnated]

'I see.' the being took a breath. 'Well... No point in waiting, what are my options?'


[First is the world? Would you like to go to a fantasy world filled with magic devil, dragons and all that, or a more realistic world?]

'.... After living 26 years in my previous world, seeing it's ugly time after time again, I'd like to have something new. Send me to a fantasy world.'

[Very well, Fantasy world sender selected, now what race would you like to be born as?]

'Dont know, how am I supposed to choose if I don't have my options?'

[Ok Smartass, here are all available selections]



-Fallen Angel





-Variant Human



The figures eyes scanned the selection before them, they weren't impressed by any of these.

Sure being a devil sounds interesting, but considering what they are, beings of ambition and greed, The literal children of the seven sins, ya they where going to pass on this.

Angels was also out, being boggle down by there righteousness was something that was an immediate no-go for them.

Going human or variant human seemed interesting, They probably guessed that variant just met half breed, which could be cool. Humans where creatures of harmony and chaos, creatures of sin and grace. They are tenacious, arguably have the most potential out of the entirety of the races here, (with the exception of dragons) and having access to another races powers could be cool... But no, they rolled them out. They lived there life as a human for 26 years, they weren't keen on living that again. This is a chance for something new, so they where going to pick something new.

Looking down at dragon, they hummed. You can never go wrong with them, flight, a massive body, scales able to resist basically everything, magic out the ass, freaking anything really, there the top of the Apex Class of predators, theses things can kill gods, and usurp demon lords.

And it's that power that makes them so freaking boring, Dragons yes have potential, probably the most here, after all these things can live basically forever, where born with magic, and are able to evolve as they grow. Dragons are gifted from birth, they have the ability to dominate the skies and burn the Earth, they are creatures of Power, chaos and nature's wrath.

So picking them... Honestly didn't sound appealing, especially if you get the negatives like the overwhelming ego, and greedy for nonsensical riches.

Not to mention, just sounded generic to be reborn as a dragon... If she was going to be reborn, she wanted it to be as something... Unique, maybe something themed around what her and her buddies enjoyed while she was still arrive...

And her wish came true, her eyes drifted to custom, wonder filled her mind as she had to ask...

'Whats custom?'

[Allows the User to create a race of there own, with abilities they desire but with equal negatives as well. They will have there own custom evolution tree and can forge there own path.]

'I see... I'm going to make whoever sent you regrets giving me this.'

[You seem to have taken great interest in the "Custom" race. Would you like to select said race?]

'yes, I would'

[Warning, once a race is selected there will be no turning back.]

'Very well, I'm ready, I select the Custom race.'

[Race "Custom" has been selected, moving into avatar creation/race creation. Behold]

A screen appeared before her that had many blanks on it.

-Race: [not named]

[Please give a name to your new race.]

'The Sculk.'

-Race: [The Sculk]

[Race name identified, moving on, please imagine, or design a look for yourself and the look of your race.]

'... Alright let's take a moment and think... What should I look like? If I go off of the Sculk entity within Minecraft then I'm going to look extremely monstrous, which will cause problems. If this fantasy world is even 1% like any I know. Looks and race are a huge thing, entire wars can start just because someone has a different color eye. So I should think, going full on Eldritch monstrosity will cause problems. I need to be able to blend in while my Sculk spreads. So humanoid, but I can't look completely human so.... Let's add some horns and all that. Dark green eyes to reflect the color, and I should also look the part of some kind of divine humanoid being, which means... Hey system thing, humanities ideal look for a divine being exist in this world right?'

[Correct, the ideal look for all races exist in this world. However most do not look like it, but the ideal remains.]

'Good, didn't want to go over the top but with that I can safely make my avatar into a sort of divine looking being. Only makes sense considering what I'm going to be bringing. So let's add the finishing touch-'

[On the topic of "divine appearance" would the host like to incorporated their own special species in the "Sculk evolution branch"]


[As the Progenitor of a new race, you will be the highest ranking member, and the most powerful, as such a special Race will be added to the Sculk hierarchy. What would you want this rank to be called? Depending on the name, it may influence abilities reserved upon entry.]

'Huh... Alright I got the look down, just kinda a more mature version of myself that has all that other shit. But for the name... Let's see... I could go something like queen because well I was female and this form is hella feminine, but actually wait. System thing what gender would I be upon entering this world?'

[What gender would you like to be upon entering this world? Male, female, Parthenogenesis, asexual or not have any gender.]

'Alright we got options good... Hmmm... Parthenogenesis may be useful, I can create young without the need of a male but if I'm going to be the Sculk then does that really matter? I'm just creating it. But perhaps picking this I can give "birth" to my own special Sculk beings? That could be helpful. Especially if I can make them Wardens or beings stronger then them. But asexual would be good to, but that would just be me creating more copy's of myself instead of them being differentiating entities. And I'm going to be the only one of this special Sculk race so... Alright, I select Parthenogenesis.'

[Noted, sexuality is now "Parthenogenesis" you can create special sculk beings without the need of sperm or other reproductive requirements. Now, what name will you give to yourself?]

'I don't want to cause mindless slaughter, so something strong to keep people away with fear... Hmmm, queen is again good but to basic, god is just asking for problems, mother is just... Aghhhh ya no, I want something else.... Something strong and intimidating. Hmmm, ah. I got it, I would like my special class/subrace or whatever of the Sculk to be called "The Sculk Overlord"'

[Is this what you desire?]


[Very well, you have been granted the Advanced Race "Sculk Overlord". After looking into your mind as to what the Sculk is, you have been granted five new abilities only accessible by your race. [Body Recreation], [Immortal Soul], [Hive Mind], [Sculk Creation/control], and [Sculk Omnipresent/omniscient]. With body recreation you can remake your physical form but only in Sculk infested areas. Immortal Soul prevents you from dying, by normal means you cannot die sense you would be brought into your Hive mind, however creates such as the Oroboros dragon or other high Teir gods, dragons, or creatures that can destroy your soul will result in permanent death. Hive Mind allows you to connect and control the Sculk from anywhere in the universe, even between dimensions. And Sculk Creation/Control allows the Overlord to create and control the Sculk, making spreading an easier task. Lastly with the trait Sculk Omnipresent/omniscient the Overlord can look threw the Sculk as "eyes" and is intrinsically connected to it, wherever the Sculk takes root the Overlord can feel and know everything that goes on in that area.]

'Holy shit.... And here I was getting on dragons for being too strong...'

[Additionally the race traits of "The Sculk" has been recognized. All "Sculk" being will have these Abilities. Said Abilities include [Soul Absorption/manipulation], [Experience Absorption/Manipulation], [Sonic Blast], [Infestation], [Dimensional Travel], and [otherworldly nature] would you like to know more about theses traits?]


[Ability [Soul Absorption/Manipulation] allows all Sculk beings to take the souls of infected or slain entities, adding there souls to your collection. Additionally because of the nature of this world, souls carry power, the power of the being to be exact. By taking/absorbing there souls the Sculk entity and by proxy you, will gain the power of those assimilated into your Sculk hive mind.]

'Well I'm officially a hypocrite and I apologize to the entire dragon race.'

Ya.... although they knew the Sculk from Minecraft could take souls as shown by the Warden, Sculk streaker and many other Sculk themed items and blocks. They didn't freaking know it would be this busted in this world!

'Ok... I'm almost afraid to ask... But what are my races other abilities?'

[Race ability [Experience Absorption/Manipulation] translate to any slain/infected entity will have all there life's memories and understanding of there abilities taken by the Sculk. Allowing them to use the powers or skills taken by the Sculk. However if the entire has an unknown power they don't understand fully, the Sculk as a whole will only have that entities understanding of it.]

'Ah, I see.'

Honestly at this point the soon to be resurrected didn't know what to think. This was well... Alot.

[Race trait [sonic blast] allows the Overlord, and all Sculk beings to project a blast of Sculk energy that can bypasses shields, armor, enchantments, blocks and even the armor of some of the mightiest beings. This attack can reach 15 meters (49 feet 2.551 inches). However depending on the level of Sculk entity the cooldown and damage output will vary, for newly infected the [Sonic Blast] will be more along the lines of an annoyance to creatures like Dragons. And have a cooldown of over 10 seconds. However in the hands of the Overlord the [Sonic Blast] can cause massive damage, internal, or external. To entities like Dragons or high ranking demons. And only requires a 1.7 second to charge and unleash. Followed by a 1.3 second cooldown time. With sufficient training and abilities of other absorbed entities this cool down and charging time can be reduced, but only for higher level Sculk entities.]

'Alright, so the Wardens Sonic Boom but juiced up.'

[The Race trait [Infestation] allows the Overlord and all Sculk being to infect entities/the surrounding environment with the Sculk. Infected areas will become known as Sculk fields, and if enough Sculk is gathered it will spawn the deep dark. However if a entity is infected the Sculk will attack there biology in an attempt to get to its soul. If a targets soul if infected they will become a Sculk infected being. But if they can resist soul based attacks or things similar to its nature. [Infestation] will not be able to take root.]

'So similar to a zombie plague except Sculk-effied'

[The race trait [Dimensional Travel] allows the Sculk to travel between realms by infected the air and opening gateways to other Sculk infected areas. This trait doesn't utilize magic, so magic made to counter magical transport will not affect this ability.]

[And lastly the trait [Otherworldly Nature] makes it to where all Sculk beings do not require food, water, air, sleep or organs to function. As such they have more endurance then most beings in the world, and can take loads of damage. However they are not invincible, just annoying to put down.]

'I see, but come on now, surely there's some downsides of this. Can't have all this without having some major downsides.

[Correct the "Sculk" race has several weakness's, although the "Overlord" has more resilience towards these weakness, you too are still affected by them.]

'And those being?'

[Holy magic]

[Healing magic]




[Demonic Magic]


'How common are these things?'

[Magic "holy" "demonic" and "healing" are very plentiful. With Devil, Angels and fallen angels being able to use "Holy" and "Demonic" magic. Theses races are part of the largest supernatural races found in this new world, with Devil, Angel, and Fallen angels taking up the three most populated supernatural races. So the odds of finding them and getting into conflict are extremely high. As for Healing magic, it's common for all races to use it.]

'Ah, I see. How about Fire, light and lightning?'

[Fire is shared and used by many different species, from Youkai, dragons, devils, angels, fallen angels human mages, gods and so on. Additionally higher ranking beings like dragon kings flames burn with star like intensity.]

'oh, great... -_-'

[Light is a sub-element to holy, as such Angel, fallen angels, human mages, and Youkai are able to use it. Beings who are proficient in Light such as angels can expunge dark beings with a violent intensity. Making them feel as they are being burned from the inside out.]

'well fuck...'

[Lastly Lightning is used by a variety of different races, Devils, angels, fallen angels, dragons, Youkai, vampires, and gods. Although less used like flames lightning is arguably more dangerous then fire to the Overlord and her Sculk creatures. Lightning is more destructive and if used by a higher practitioner of lighting it can feel as though your atoms are being ripped apart.]

'You know what... That's understandable, I'm way to OP as is. Having some weaknesses will make this more memorable.... Actually wait...'

[As for Blindness, all Sculk beings can't see, but have the other four senses]

'Makes sense, the warden has that so of course I would.'

[Do you have a question?]

'You said I can absorbed and take abilities and all that shit from different races I kill or assimilate. But what happens if I take someone who can use one of my weakness? Will I gain immunity to it.'

[In the case that the Overlord slays or infects a entity that can use any of there lesser weakness's like fire, lighting and light they will gain immunity to it. However Demonic and Holy are Core weakness. You can never gain complete immunity to them, as for healing and being blind. Those depend, potent healing magic can burn away your Sculk, as for being blind if the Overlord assimilated an entire who can see, they would gain a weak sight sense, but will mainly have to rely on the Sculk senses.]

'Alright, I just have one more question.'

[That being?]

'Is there a way I can get something to keep track of all the abilities and things I have taken? Because trying to remember every little thing is going to be annoying.'

[..... -_- really?]

'Yes really, if there a way to get some kind of screen? Page? Invisible well anything that can let me view what I got? I'm not asking for anything crazy like a gamer system thing or whatever, just a screen showing what I got. That's it.'

[Very well. [Trait screen] has been added. Is that all?]

'Yes, that's it.'

[Very well, but a question to you, Overlord, why did you create this race?]


[You served in the military in the year 2056, you gave six years of your live protecting and serving your country of America, you saved hundreds of lives, and have taken more that behold to the enemies. Many would consider you a hero. Even when you left that life and went into Civil life you tried to keep in touch and help out your old squad buddy's and balance that along with your new life friends. Which resulted in your death. You clearly have a good heart, you enjoy enjoyment and other things that give you passion. So I ask, why create the Sculk? A race that devours, can consume, assimilate and become unstoppable. A race that most would consider a monster, a plague, an infection. A race that potential for power has no limit. Why create this? Why do this? What is your reasoning?]

'Because... Looking back at my life, I realized that what I found missing, was the power to make shit different.'

[.... Can you explain?]

'... Reason I joined the military was to get out of a shit rough spot in my life and actually do something I thought would be meaningful in my lifetime. I trained tirelessly, studied, passed my test and got enlisted. Got shipped off to south Korea and there I found friends and all that, but as I took order after order, and watched as friends and loved ones I cared for died all around me. I felt fucking hopeless, I hated that feeling. Even when I got out... I felt as though I needed to hide behind a mask to try and make others feel protected. Because they looked up to me as a figure who was strong and had shit together, who could hold shit together. But I couldn't, it was a phantom strength. I died, I wasn't strong enough. So I guess... Maybe this is me trying to be different. Maybe this is just me running from my past life responsibility and burdens with a theme me and my buddies enjoyed. Honestly I don't know, I just thought "hey Sculk could be pretty cool".... I just, don't really know.... All I know is that life is a bitch, a painful bitch, and unless you got strength, money or connections, you can't really do shit. Maybe that's why I'm so excited to be the Sculk Overlord, because now I can make something and actually be able to protect it with some real strength.'

[... I understand, the User in my eyes is more then worth of reincarnation. Before you depart I want to give you luck. This new world will have changed because of your arrival, beings that are normally weak will be stronger, and the strong will become absurd monsters of strength.]

'Ah shit, looks like I inadvertently raised the difficulty level of this world, huh system thing.'

[Yes, yes you have. Now take care.]

The void turned to a flash of color, the world became a blinding blur as the figure watched as things began to go dark.

Though as the color left they watched at there hands morphed, a green and teal blue substance wash over them, there body became wrapped in it like a cloak and before she knew it, all went dark.


So much time passed...


Drifting between awake and subconscious...


It was like a slumber that would never end...


Then... Sound.

There senses heightened...

There was footsteps.

'I can't see... No shit sense I'm blind, but... I can fell them, there's... A group is here...'

The reborn lord could feel there every step.

Every press of there heel.

Every breath they took.

Every quick shift as there eyes darted towards the darkness, she could feel all of it.

And she felt something growing...

Crawling from her feet something began to spread, it was the Sculk, it was doing as is its nature, consuming all around it, and as it did, the Overlord's senses grew.

What was only a small radius turned into a field larger then what she could conceive previously as a human, now she could feel there set as if they where stepping on her own foot, she could feel there breath, there terror.

But also... Something else... A hand reached out and grabbed the Sculk. It was her her first taste of the living was had.

Like a plague it punched its way into the beings scaring the living shit out of the others as heard by the screams, the overlord looked towards it, standing up fully they felt there center of gravity shift, they also felt the air rushing past her.

'Ah, I'm falling.'

Quickly throwing there arms out there hands collided with the Earth, punching threw stone as she pushes up, slipping through ground more.

She stumbled back getting a hang of her larger form, she looked around... Before palming her face, she was blind, well... Not for long...

Her injection had buried its way into the creatures very skin, she felt it spread, it's desire for growth, it ate away at the now lone being, his screams to his comrade who had at this point ran in the opposite direction.

And with his weakening screams... His essence slowly faded, the Sculk has taken its first meal.

Soon the surrounding became clearer, she could see, but only a little bit Infront on her, maybe around twenty or so feet before everything gave way back into the darkness, but this... this was enough, looking down she got to view her own hands, there razored point on her nails... Actually that would be incorrect, theses where claws, full on claws.

Looking around with her limited sight, she could see the Sculk as it spread from her shadow, as she stepped it went with her, to... wherever here was.

Looking back she saw darkness, looking forward she saw darkness, confused she tried walking towards the dark, her Sculk followed as she made her journey. She was looking for anything, maybe some light, the sun, the whatever the fuck she needed...

But there was nothing, it felt like an eternity, the wounds of her steps the only thing in her mind... The echo as her heel clicked against the stone below.

It was maddening.

But she kept herself together, she had to...

Until she felt a tug.

Not a physical one, more along the lines of a spiritual or a tug on the mind.

She looked and felt her Sculk calling, how could she tell? Because this feeling, it wasn't harmful, and her body seemed to be resonating with it. So she followed it.

Down she went, deeper and deeper into what appeared to be a subterranean wilderness, she felt the wetness of water clack against her feet, she saw the old and shaped stones as she walked. Further down, where her Sculk beckoned it Lord to come.

All around as she walked she felt her grasp on this place grow, tighten.

What once felt like an alien environment, now felt like a home to her. This massive underground cavern, it would serve her well.

But to make this so, she needed to go down.




And she did, she let this new feeling spread into her mind, this wanting to make root, to find a home, it was her guide. After all instincts where never wrong when logic and sense was little and far in between. The mind can make lapses, but the instincts in all living beings hardwired to keep them alive cannot.

And it's that Instinct she would follow.

Minutes, hours, days, it didn't matter, whatever concept of time there was it wasn't here for her to bare witness to, all there was was this journey down into this abyss.

And after another eternity, she had made it.

To this... Empty room?

Now... It wasn't empty... She felt her view on this place grow... Slowly, but it came into view, she could see it being revealed right before her mind...

It was ruins... Massive ruins, stretching god knows how far, they where abandoned, but here... Here this could serve her well.

Knowing this could be her Ancient City, she had to make haste, lifting her arms she tried to call upon that power she had, the power to create Sculk and will it to her desire.

At first she felt nothing, just an empty, eerie quiet, but soon rising from her depths of came rushing out.

It protected uncontrollably from her hands, and like a great tsunami it drowned the city in a shadow, it slammed upon it's ground rushing into the city, like the great wave it was. The Sculk carried little for what it destroyed it was only told to take root within this place, so the ensuing wave of soul sucking plague explained without restraint. Crashing threw many of the weakened walls as it spilled upon the city.

The creator found it hard to try and cut the Sculk that poured from her hands, she tried willing it to cease and... To her joy, it began to stop.

Less and less Sculk was protected from her hands, it's advance stopped and the Sculk that was projected out did its job, after all there was way more then enough Sculk at this point. Enough to have it practically cover the entire city threw times over, so she went to her mind, felling the small little tingles of millions of different Sculk strands feeding her info made her head hurt at first, but soon that trait of hers began to kick in making the burden less, and less.

Once the storm of information had quelled to a reasonable point, she had spoken into her mind, trying to see if this is how she ordered the Sculk.

It worked, thankfully, and she ordered the Sculk that wasn't infecting the ruins to explain out into this massive open space.

And like an obedient pet, it did.

Soon this entire place would become her home, her Ancient City, her Deep Dark.

Remembering some of her old memories during her military days she realized what was needed to be done.

'Where in enemy territory privet!' her lieutenant voice appeared in her head as a memory played. 'Now is not the time for dozing off and daydreaming! We got to fortify this position!'

Remembering this made her giggle, her lieutenant was a great man, always looking out for them and taking care of them, until a damn I.E.D took him and his friend out.

But whatever, he was correct, she can't be lolly gaging now, now she needed this place to be secured, after all there was no telling where in this damn universe she ended up at.

She needed to get defenses up and see to it what she has shit needed to grow, and while she's at it, maybe find some things to assimilate to get some more abilities.

Things where going to be interesting to say the least.

And cut.

Bio Updated: Sculk Overlord

Name: ???

Race name: Sculk

Type: Overlord

Age current: 48 minutes

Height m: 3m tall (9 feet 10.11 inches)

Looks (current):

Overlord traits:

[Body Recreation], [Immortal Soul], [Hive Mind], [Sculk Creation/control], [Sculk Omnipresent/omniscient]

Sculk traits:

[Soul Absorption/manipulation], [Experience Absorption/Manipulation], [Sonic Blast], [Infestation], [Dimensional Travel], [Otherworldly Nature].

Absorbed traits:

[Sight (weak)], [magic(weak)], [extreme potential (high)].

Beings Assimilated/killed:

Human: 1



Variant Human: 0

Devil: 0

Fallen angel: 0

Dragons : 0

Youkai: 0

Neko: 0

Gods: 0

Spirits: 0

Vampires: 0

Angels: 0

Objective: Create a home.

[Update pending, until next time.]

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest book is done hope you all enjoy.

I'm going back to my roots with this, been playing a lot of Minecraft and felt like making this, don't know how it will go sense creative passion has been running low with all the stuff going on but I'm here to try and make this work, I'm also going to try and make shorter chapters to reduce burn out so I hope y'all understand, but writing 9k plus words every time is starting to be draining.

Or at least I'll try, because knowing me, I'll do it again 😓.

Anyways take care people y'all got questions feel free to ask questions.

Until we meet again.

Word count: 4942


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