Denial (on CRACK)

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(a/n: this is a CRACK episode based off of recent previous chapter, "Denial", it will not affect the story's plot thereafter as it has no actual significant relevance to the story. so naturally, this is not to be taken seriously heheh)


(based off of the Maki and Tsubasa piano room scene)

Nico: it's time we update ourselves of what had our fans written in for us! after all, as idols we must ensure we give the quality of fan service our fans want ;)

Eli: (opens an email in the inbox of the idol research club email address) Okay, we have a burning question from our fans for Maki... woah, someone hold onto Nico before I continue because shit's going down here.

Nozomi: (grins and unhesitantly grabs Nico by her flat chest) ready.

Nico: For Maki? what the hell, let go of- (muffled by Maki's hand which appeared out of nowhere)

Umi: ...please continue, Eli.

Eli: Okay (clears throat) so the fans are curious, what exactly happened during that 'fateful night' between Maki and Tsubasa?

Nico: (angry noises)

Honoka: oooooo (starts chanting) Maki is in trouble! Maki is in trouble!

Rin(joins in the chant) Maki is in trouble!

Hanayo and Kotori: (awkwardly remains silent and irrelevant lol)

Umi: (crosses her arm and shakes her head disapprovingly) I'm disappointed in you, Maki.

Maki: (turns away, blushing as she nervously twirls her hair)

Eli: We need to answer our fans, Maki. (grinning playfully as she poke Maki in the elbow)

Maki: (bites lower lip) ...I have no comment.

Tsubasa: (appears out of nowhere) But I have some comments!

Maki: are you doing here, get out.

(angry Nico noises)

Tsubasa: (ignores Maki) that night, it was my first time seeing Nishikino getting so hyped (smirks as she leans onto Maki) she was so aggressive...

(angry Nico noises intensifies

Tsubasa: (whispering seductively) I told her to take it slow but she kept going on, till morning 

Umi: (extremely flustered) wha-what the hell, Maki?? How can you do this to Nico!

Eli: (blushing a little) woah okay, we need to keep this PG rated so skip the details-

(the rest, except Nozomi and Nico, looks away, blushing)

Maki: (defenceless and exposed) hold on-

Tsubasa: (interrupts Maki) By the way, does your offer for another round still stand?

 Umi: (nearly passes out but Eli caught her in time)

Maki: (slaps forehead) why does this sound like you're talking about sex. Listen, all we did was play monopoly till the next day. Kira stop giving them wrong ideas.

Everyone except Maki and Tsubasa: EHHHHHH???

Tsubasa: (pouts) aw, you ruined the fun. 

Maki: (rolls eyes) damn you, Tsubasa. They totally fell for your words. Nozomi, you can let go of Nico now.

Nico: (in a threatening voice) Nishikino, explain everything in detail and you had better not leave anything out.

Maki: (sighs) Okay, okay. Tsubasa and I agreed to play a game during a sleepover at her place and we chose monopoly, which by the way is a bad idea. 

Nico: (examines Maki's face with suspicion) is this true, Tsubasa?

Tsubasa: (nods) it's just as what she've said. Maki was fired up while playing monopoly but she was still no match for me. When she realised she was losing, she became so aggressive that she flipped the whole table over. Seriously, Maki is such a sore loser.

Maki: (embarrassed, scratches her throat) oh please, it's just that the game was a bad simulation of the actual thing. I could have won if that stupid game was the real deal.

Tsubasa: (continues unmercifully) And because of Nishikino's pettiness and refusal to apologise, we stopped calling each other by our first names. 

Maki: (gasps indignantly) But I apologised!

Tsubasa: (scoffs) Ah, no, you didn't. Saying sorry for staining my carpet with juice when you flipped the table doesn't count. 

Maki: (folds her arm) Whatever, in my opinion the red carpet definitely had a higher value than the stupid game.

Tsubasa: (pointing at the unrepentant Maki) Look! This is why you should never invite Nishikino to play a game.

Eli: (glancing at Nico) And the verdict?

Nico: (rubs chin and nods) Hm, so it's settled.

Maki: (raises a brow) What's settled?

Nico: Maki, apologise to Tsubasa.

Maki: But-

Nico: No buts. 

Maki: (groans) Fine. (avoids Tsubasa's eye contact) I'm sorry for possibly damaging your table. 

The rest: Nishikino Maki!

Maki: (tosses her hands in the air, surrendering)  Alright, alright! (mutters) I'm sorry for being such a sore loser...

Nozomi: there we go, a salvaged rotten tomato is now welcomed back to our group!


a/n: whoopsies I got tired of the depressing chapters i've been publishing so here's a crack/fluff for a breather hahaha may continue the crack in between chapters whenever i grow bored of writing heavy content ;)

anyways thanks for reading!


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