Bonus Chapter #1

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a/n: this chapter does not include eliumi, feel free to skip, it'll be covering the other ships


(continued from epilogue)

"Damn," Nico awed in amusement as she scrolled through her website. "They're a hit."

Confused, Maki rose a brow. "Eli's and Umi's performance? How can you tell?"

"This." Nico proudly presented her brightly lit laptop to Maki who scrutinised the website's details. Pictures of the performance just seconds ago were already flooding in.

Rin who was quietly listening Maki and Nico's conversation a while ago, bursted in, snatching the laptop away to show Hanayo who was busy cheering with the other fans. Her actions happened in a flash that Nico could not protect her laptop in time from Rin's mischievous hands.

"Look! Look, Kayo-chin!" Rin eagerly tugged at Hanayo's blazer. "Eli and Umi has their own website! How cool, nya! I want one for the both of us too!"

The energetic Rin's words were fast for Hanayo to catch but her last sentence was heard clearly by Hanayo. The two penlight dropped out of Hanayo's hands, freezing in delight.


Recovering, Hanayo returned the laptop to Nico before hugging her dear friend Rin. Hanayo knew, Rin may be the worst in the romance department but Rin's genuine actions like this was enough for her.


Watching her two close classmates enjoying themselves, a smile subconsciously tugged at the corner of Maki's lips.

At the corner of her eyes, Nico caught Maki smiling to herself. "Hmm, you seem really happy for them."

"O-of course, they're my classmates." Maki looked away, trying to cover up her blushing cheeks.

Nudging Maki at her elbow, Nico smirked. "Just clasmates, huh. If I told them that, they'll be disappointed, don't ya think?"

"Fine!" Maki sighed, giving in to her true feelings. "They're my close friend..."

"What about me?" Nico continued, pushing Maki's buttons.

Folding her arms, Maki rolled her eyes. "You're my close friend as well, I guess."

When the bugging stopped, Maki turned her head slightly to peer at the silent Nico. Her expression was solemn, an expression that is uncomfortably unfitting for the bubbly Nico that Maki remembers.

"Just a friend, huh." Nico nervously bit her bottom lip as she scrolled furiously through the website.

"If," Maki uneasily scratched her throat," If you've seen the picture Nozomi sent, you would have known I lied..."

Nico's finger hovered on the trackpad, her crimson eyes widening in surprise. Clumsily placing her laptop on the seat, Nico bolted right up from her seat.

"I- I thought you just had this weird fetish for smelling other people's clothes!"

"Will you settle down first," Maki held Nico's shoulders. "People are looking."

Maki whispered anxiously through her gritted teeth as sweat dripped from her forehead. They were slowly starting to gain the attention of the others.

When Nico finally sat back down on her seat, Maki cleared her throat. "And I thought Umi and Rin were the only dense ones..."

"Well," Nico shuffled in her seat, her ear tips burning red. "How do you expect others to notice if you're never true to your own feelings?"

Nico's words got Maki hard.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Maki muttered, her hand slowly slipping under Nico's, that rested on the chair's armrest.

"Apologising isn't your style, Maki." Nico chuckled softly, her grip on Maki's hand tightened.

"I know." Maki's gaze shifted to Nico, her violet eyes filled with sincerity. "But I feel like you deserve an apology."

"Why just me?" Nico swallowed.

"Gosh," Maki sighed. "Do you really need me to say it?"

"Like I've said," Nico shrugged, "How do you expect others to notice if you're never true to your own feelings?"

"Fine." Maki gave in. "Because you mean a lot to me."

Suppressing her inner excitement, Nico jumped in her seat, turning her body to face Maki, her eyes sparkling in anticipation for Maki to continue. Her heart squeezed by Nico's cuteness, Maki knew she could not leave Nico hanging. Whispering, Maki blushed,

"I love you."


a/n: yikes i lied, the epilogue wasnt the last chapter hahahahah whoops i felt bad for leaving the other ships hanging so urm i decided to include some bonus chapters to wrap things up for good! :)

also, the new eliumi fanfic is still brewing, would you guys prefer cold! umi or cold! eli ?

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