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What can be said about the sea that hasn't been said already? It's a world teeming with adventure and beauty. Who knows what may be out there? Islands that remain undiscovered, secrets waiting to be revealed, tales that have yet to be told, vast riches not yet claimed.

All one must do to experience these things is take the first step.

For who knows what awaits-



Uh... ahem... for who knows what awaits-



What awaits-

"Come on, Asuka! You can't keep them to yourself~"

Who knows what awaits-

"Will you knock it off, Katsuragi?!"


Ok... I might be hyping up the whole 'adventure on the open sea' thing. The way I'm talking about it, you'd think everybody's doing it. In truth, there are only a few people who actually enjoy sailing the ocean anymore. There are others who simply enjoy being on the beach for a short while.

Such is the case for a certain group of interrupting ninjas from a place called Hanzō Academy.

They were at a beach resort, along with two other Shinobi Academies and a group of friends/rivals, all of whom they invited to come with them.

Currently, three of the five girls were watching as a usual (and unfortunate) occurrence plays out in front of them.

As stated before, this was, unfortunately, a common occurrence. Katsuragi had a tendency to harass her peers, and she tended to target poor Asuka. That meant that Hibari, Ikarga, and Yagyū had to intervene...which was the case in this instance when Yagyū grabbed an umbrella and Ikaruga grabbed her sheathed sword and they both whacked Katsuragi on the head, causing spirals in her eyes as she sank to the ground.

"At least I got to see those magnificent-" She groaned before she was cut off by Yagyū whacking her again.

Ikaruga just sighed at her friend's antics and turned around to head to the beach. Asuka followed after she very quickly put her swimsuit top on. Hibari went to make sandcastles with Yagyū. Katsuragi, after recovering from getting the shit knocked out of her, set up a towel, applied some sunscreen, and simply laid down.

After forgetting about what had happened earlier, Asuka decided to take a seat on a nearby palm tree and take in the scenery. It was a beautiful sight. The sky was clear with few clouds, the sunlight glistened off the water, and seeing her friends having fun added to the sight.

"Having fun, dear?"

Asuka turned around to see an old woman whom she was very familiar with.

"We are, Grandma. Although, there as a little bit of an incident not to long ago." Asuka replied.

"Am I correct in assuming that it has something to do with your blond friend?" Sayuri asked.

"Yeah." Asuka replied.

"I figured. There are times where she reminds me of your grandfather a bit." Sayuri said.

"How's he doing, by the way?" Asuka asked.

Sayuri's smile faded as she turned her cane upside down and harshly prodded the tree above them once. The leaves rustled a bit, and an old man suddenly fell out of the tree.

"G-GRANDPA?!" Asuka exclaimed.

The old man grinned sheepishly as he got up.

"Quit spying on me and my friends!" Asuka yelled, a tick mark on her head.

"Heh... I-I wasn't spying on you, Asuka! I was about to, uh... test you and your friends on your reflexes! Yes! A shinobi must always be prepared." Hanzō chuckled nervously.

"Hanzō..." Sayuri growled.

The old man then looked over to his wife with a nervous smile.

"Hello, dear." He said, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his head.

He then bolted away at lightning speeds. Sayuri just sighed in response.

"I suppose you're going to go after him and teach him a lesson?" Asuka sighed in exasperation.

"It seems that way, since he obviously didn't learn the first ten thousand times." Sayuri replied.

"I guess I'll see you later, then?" Asuka said.

"Yes. You have fun with your friends, Asuka." Sayuri said.

She then turned to chase after her husband and teach him yet another lesson...

But then she suddenly stopped. Her head then perked up, which Asuka noticed.

"Grandma? Are you okay?" She asked.

The elderly woman remained silent for a moment.


"Something is... off." Sayuri said ominously.

"What is it?" Asuka asked, her concern for her grandmother growing.

"Hey! What's that?!" Hibari exclaimed behind them worriedly.

Asuka and Sayuri turned around, and the other girls stopped what they were doing, and looked at what Hibari was talking about.

In the sky, far off in the horizon, there was an odd cloud. It was odd in that it was shaped like a skull. Asuka turned to her grandmother and saw that something about it had Sayuri on edge.

Much to everyone's surprise, the eyes of the skull suddenly glowed for a brief moment. When they did, the girls saw a shockwave in the water coming towards them. When the shockwave hit the land, it turned into a light gust of wind.

The Hanzō Academy Students all prepared themselves for when the wind hit them. However, when it did, nothing happened. Well, nothing happened to them. When it hit Sayuri, however, she dropped her cane and fell to her knees.

"Grandma?!" Asuka exclaimed in worry.

"Sayuri?!" Hanzō also exclaimed as he popped out of the bushes next to Sayuri.

Normally, Asuka would have questioned that last part, but she had more pressing concerns at the moment.

They both wrapped Sayuri's arms around them and helped her stand back up. Asuka's friends then came to Sayuri's aid after they heard Asuka's cry of concern.

"Sensei?! Are you alright?!" Ikaruga asked.

Sayuri's breathing was heavy, though only for a few moments. She then looked to the six of them with an ominous look in her eyes.

"There is something here... something not of our world." Sayuri said.

This made everyone else's eyes widen.

"It isn't yōma, is it?" Hanzō asked.

"No, this is different. Yōma branch out into our world. This... this is more like we branched out into another world." Sayuri replied.

Hanzō and the girls were shocked at what they just heard. How could they have branched out into another world? They thought was only something in manga and anime. The students were sure that the only way this could have happened was if one of the other groups found a Shinobi Scroll and started messing around with it, likely Crimson Squad.

Ikaruga and Yagyū were about to point this out, but then Katsuragi spoke before they could.

"Uh... was there a heavy fog in the forecast?" Katsuragi asked, pointing out to the sea.

The other girls, Sayuri, and Hanzō all looked out to the ocean where Katsuragi was pointing. Indeed, there was a thick fog sitting on the water a few miles out.

"What is happening?" Hanzō asked himself ominously.

Suddenly, there was a loud but low boom sound in the distance, accompanied by a flash of light within the fog. There were three more booms that erupted around the island.

"What is that?!" Yagyū asked, ready for an attack.

"Uh, better question: what is that?" Katsuragi asked, pointing at something in the sky.

Everyone looked towards the sky and saw something hurling towards them. Something that looked like it was flailing in panic. And, as the seven of them listened closely, it sounded as though someone was screaming in absolute terror.

"Is that a person?!" Hibari exclaimed in worry.

The girls' eyes widened when they realized that she was right. As the person grew closer and closer, Ikaruga and Asuka moved to catch them. When they did, they came at them with such force that it knocked the two of them over on their backs.

When they sat up, their friends rushed towards them to make sure they were alright. When they said they were fine, they all turned to the person who had essentially been shot out of the sky, who was face down in the sand. The person then tried to turn themselves over, but was too weak to do so. Asuka and Hanzō helped them flip onto their back, giving the shinobi a good view of their, or rather his face.

The boy then managed to slowly sit up, with Asuka and Hibari ready to catch his back if he fell. His eyes looked dazed, which was understandable, given that they literally just fell from the sky.

He then looked around him. However, it didn't look like he was taking in his surroundings. Rather, it looked like he was searching for something.

"Are you alright?" Ikaruga asked.


"I had a knife on me..." The boy said.

Suddenly, a large knife landed between his legs, causing him and the girls to yelp in surprise.

The boy then simply groaned and passed out.

The girls then all looked to each other.

"So... what do we do? I mean, obviously we help him, but where do we take him?" Katsuragi asked.

"I suppose the only place we can take him is our room." Ikaruga said.

"That's all well and good, but who's going to check on the others?" Katsuragi asked.

"The others?" Asuka asked.

"Wait, you're all telling me that none of you saw that there were flying people that landed near the other groups?!" Katsuragi exclaimed.

Upon hearing this news, the other Hanzō girls' eyes widened in surprise and concern.

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