The fateful meeting

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About four years ago, at that moment, I was very stressed because of the exam that I had just taken. To help me overcame that problem, my parents decide to let me travel to Nha Trang for a month. I was left to my own device and stayed in my uncle's house. It was such a fantastic house, It had three bedrooms (one for me and two for my uncle's family), two bathrooms and a kitchen. I spent most of the days with my wife, beach. To the place which its beauty was so picturesque that the word fabulous couldn't say it all. The golden yellow sand lying quietly watched the dawn rose and sunset ended up. The deep blue water was dancing before the only rare audience that was me and sparkled by the sunlight shone in. Day by day, I walked along the seashore, whistled, and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere there.

One Sunday afternoon, still like normal days, while I was taking a walk, I suddenly heard a loud noise echoed from somewhere far away. Immediately, I looked for where that strange voice came from. I found a girl with a white dress, the same as a magnificent angel. She was drowning, struggling with the Grim Reaper to grab back her life. Of course, when I saw that scene I couldn't ignore her, I had to give her a hand to defeat him. I sprinted and plunged into the water. As I swam quite well, I quickly held her hand and dragged her to the shore. She was still unconscious then, although I had been awaking her lots of times. I felt panic, my brain filled with many questions like "What should I do to save her". I was going to scream to get people help, but unfortunately there was no one there. All of a sudden, the idea appeared in my mind, I applied what I had learned before to bring her back from the death. I didn't have any other choices, I gave her artificial respiration and hoped she would be all right. So my lips gently touched her seductive lips. It was soft, pale due to lack of blood, but still snug. There was an indescribable feeling flowing in my body, heart beat fast.

My happiness was doubled when she slowly opened her eyes, observed the sun crouched behind the majestic mountains. She was a bit bewildered and looked at me for a long time. I was actually ashamed of my behavior, so my face turned red and couldn't say anything. We looked at each other, there were no words went out from our mouths, we were being put in checkmate. I took all my confidence, besides I was a boy, I had to speak up, I told her what had just happened before to let her understand. She is a little suspicious of me, but then from her facial expression I can guess that she also gradually trusts me...

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