17 | Love

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Sienna | Eric



What are you doing to me??

What am I doing to you?

I... I swear I only just started texting you a week ago and yet all I can think about is you.


I can't stop my mind for picturing what you look like! What your hobbies are! What your daily life is like!

I have black hair.

God, I don't even know your real name!

Eric, calm!

I can't stop myself for waiting for EVERY ONE of your texts.

I can't stop myself from thinking about your problems.

I can't stop myself from regretting half the things I've said to you.


God, I can't believe me.

I can't believe you too??!

Solar, I think you're an wildly beautiful girl! I don't care if you're mute or if you have a scary older brother.

Okay I do care a bit.

But the thing is... that I think I love you.

Now, I would flee but I'm a man.

A very manly man.

Shit, what have you done to me Solar?

Eric! Calm down!


I'm calm now.


Now tell me again what I think you just said.

Damn you.


I love you.



I think same actually...

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