22 | Heart

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Sienna | Eric

Wow your hair is stunning.

Just come out and reveal yourself to me!

Tyrant much :p

Argh please just tell me who you are! You're killing me from anticipation!

Look around and guess XD

... that overgrown haired guy who's ironically looking at a phone.

That's a homeless guy, sweetie. Do I sound homeless to you?

Sometimes ;)

Well then... that's not me.

Hahah I'm joking.

Not funny.

Nawww you're sulking.

Wait... don't tell me you're that ultra hot guy who's creepily smiling at his phone.

Nah-uh honey. That kid over there is a perv and I can 100% guarantee I'm no perv.

But dayum look at those muscles.


Now you're sounding like a perv.


Come on Sienna, guess again! Third time's the charm.

Okay. How about that cute boy with dashing brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes.

Ooh! I think you found me!

Nah that's just me reading the description you gave me of you before.


Hahahha hurry up and come out. There's at least a billion other kids with brown hair and hazelish eyes.



I'm already here.


Turn around, sweetie.


"Holy Majolballs," he uttered as the pale faced girl swiftly turned on her heels in surprise. "You're too beautiful up close. I fell like my eyeballs will melt off"

She blushed, her dark pupils meeting the ground in anxiousness. She was totally different from what he had imagined. But who told him to count on his imagination. Sienna was more than anything his brain could think of.

She shifted her body as if anxious of being judged and he noticed how her baggy turtleneck sweater and long skirt covered up almost all of her skin. But he didn't mind that. It only helped to prove that Sienna was special; different.

But seriously, did all her hardass behaviour fly out of the window?

He was sure she was going to greet him with a punch or something and text him some sarcastic comment to annoy him. Not that he would truly be annoyed. He enjoyed his short exchange of text messages with her.

Was he a masochist?

How could he fall in love with such a verbally abusive girl?

As he got lost in his own thoughts, he felt his shirt being tugged. He looked back at Sienna, her dark hair curtaining her face as she swiftly typed on her phone.

So that's how she always replied to him so fast.

With another tug she finished typing and pulled up her phone.

That's disgusting you know. How the heck will your eyeballs melt off, wtf?

AND that was the real Sienna that Eric knew. He internally smiled as he watched her type something else.

My brother said he wants to talk to you face to face.

"Wha-" he stammered only to falter at the mute girl's grin. His mouth closed.


Sienna stuck out her tongue, obviously pleased with tormenting the poor boy. But unbeknownst to her, Eric was taken aback by her bright smile.

Just seeing her smile made him smile.

And with his smile, she frowned.

I didn't do that just to see you smile, dumbass.

"But you're happy aren't you?" he replied with a bigger smile. Over their long talks via text messages, he had learnt to read her.

She was tsundere.

She blushed before typing again.


"Well I'm happy."

She pouted for a second.

Okay. Maybe I'm just a little happy.

Eric grinned.

He had finally met Sienna. He had finally met a woman who had managed to steal his heart.

In his 16 years of living, he had never imagined his brainy head would find someone who could trigger his hormones so much.

A soulmate?

Nah, that was to cheesy.

But seriously, if fate existed, Sienna would be his soulmate. 



WOOT FOR SIERRIC (Is that an ok ship name lmao?)


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