24 | Fly

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Sienna | Eric

"Hey... I hate to ask this... but didn't your bro want to meet me?"

Oh yeah! I forgot!

He told me to bring you to his workplace.

"Workplace wtf?! Why?"

Just cos after dropping me off, he had to go to work and couldn't stay to meet you.

"He works around here?"

Yep. That's why I suggested we meet here.


"Wait a second. He doesn't work in a butcher's shop or anything right?!"

Sienna's eyes lit up in amusement and her mouth opened as she laughed inaudibly.

No, you poop. :)

"Oh," Eric muttered.

Sienna noticed how the atmosphere around him became tense.

You nervous?

He gave her a weak smile. "Why wouldn't I be? I'm going to meet your older brother."

She returned his smile.

Thanks, you know, for putting up with him.

"Well... you know how first impressions are always the most important... especially if I want to become your future husband."

Sienna lightly punched his shoulder, taking him by surprise. As if noticing her own outspoken behaviour, she swiftly looked away, regaining her composure and posture.

From Eric's point of view, it seemed as if she was restraining herself.

He couldn't help but wonder, why?

But before he could ponder more, Sienna grabbed at his shirt and led him through the crowd to the place he would probably meet her older brother.



Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter, but good news; I'm going to continue updating daily now!

Not cos my exams are over, in fact they've barely started but just cos I feel like procrastinating ahahahha....... haha

Lmao but thanks for continuing to read anyway!


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