38 | Run

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Sienna | Eric

So... please save me?

Eric frowned. He hated seeing Sienna sound so vulnerable.

It was as if his heart had split open, had broken into a million shards and had been joyfully trampled on by the perpetrators.

How could he let this happen?

How could he not protect her?

Forgoing all of his anger, he ran past the squad of boys and towards the left room.

He would save her.



Dark, dismal dread omitted from the heavily curtained room.

Eric could see her silhouetted figure amidst this dread.

She was curled up, arms to chest, head to knees.

And suddenly he realised that he could do nothing.

Seeing her made him feel miserable,



He could not save her.

Without a word, he took a seat beside her figure.

His stomach belted as he noticed red markings overpopulating her skin. And too much skin. His fury once again boiled over and he brashly got up, ready to exit the room and face off with the culprits once again. But a slim, cold hand grabbed his jacket, and it would not let go.

It was Sienna.

Silence flooded the room and all Eric wanted to do was pick up her broken pieces and run away with them. Run away from all of life's problems taking the one thing he treasured.


But he could not do that. He knew more than anything that any careless actions could disintegrate her broken pieces.

So instead he sat back down, removing his jacket and gently covering her feeble body. She shivered and he took her hand, their fingers intertwining like red strings of fate.

She did not recoil nor did she say anything, as if she found comfort in the knowledge that it was him.

And he found comfort in the warmth of her hands.

It was silent once again.

And almost immediately that comfort flowed into dread.

He felt her trembles, the way her hand shook uncomfortably, as if he was not enough.

So he grabbed tighter. He clenched onto her hand, unwilling to let her go and unwilling to have her give up.

With that action, he felt her body relax,

And as if he were one with her, he relaxed too.

"Everything about you; mute and... anorexic, I already knew about it," Eric whispered.

Sienna flinched but didn't move from her spot.

"But I know. I know how hard you've tried to get over this and-"

He paused meeting her eyes, her fragile, tear stained and scrunched up eyes, and all of a sudden anger flooded over again.

"I won't forgive those bastards who ruined your rehabilitation, you efforts - those bastards who did that to you," he growled.

Sienna tugged on his hand and she shook her head.

Eric sighed, expecting such reaction.

"But I won't get revenge now. Right now I want you to know that you are perfect and I love you."

Sienna hiccuped for a second, as if she were about to cry.

"And no matter what I will love you forever."



Hi lovelies, so this is the end of Eric and Sienna's story (I'm sorry if there are still any mysteries or loose ends that I have forgotten? :// please comment any if you can think of them. thanks)

And yes, I'm so proud of this story and all you readers, voters, commenters for dedicating your time to push through to the end. So thank you so so much.

I will be writing some epilogue chapters so please stay tuned for that (oh and if you get any ideas for epilogue chapters, please comment them too so I can dedicate the chapter to you and use your idea if I like it :DD ), and once again thank you so much!

<3 merlene ~

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