7 | Family

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Sienna | Eric


Oh. Hey.

What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong what.

You haven't texted me in a week. What do you mean nothing's wrong?

Awww Sweetie, did you miss me? ;)

No. I just thought you died.

Well... I'm alive and breathing now. :)


So much for caring.

So much for 'but it's my way of living'.

Anyway, what have you been doing? Does Message Aldi not need you anymore?

HaHa. You wish.

No, actually I don't

Did you actually say what I think you said.



Well, for your information, I had the week off. So I'm currently on a family vacation at the beach.

Oh wow! That sounds fun.

Trust me, it's great.

When you have about three little sisters poking you whilst running around your chair.


Honestly it's exhausting. I barely have any time to myself. 

I wish you were here.


I've never been to the beach before.

WAIT WHatlaksjdlkasjdklajs

You have no life.

You just... don't know me.

Then tell me about yourself. I could use some distraction from Katie, Mary and Jane.

Your sisters?

Yep. They're hella annoying.

...then... I have an older brother.

Wait what?! You do?! Wowow I wish I had one.

But he never allows me to leave the house.

o.0 What?!


Gosh, he sounds... scary?

No offense.

Nah, it's all good. He's great actually. Just a little...


I was going to say loving... but overprotective is more accurate.


Then... what if you get a boyfriend?



He'll murder the poor boy.





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