19 || Be Better

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Viper was talking to the middle-aged police officer who was driving him to the station when he saw the damage that was going on in the city.

"Whats your name then?" The police officer said while driving past the bodies that lay on the pavement covered in bite marks and seemingly months old.

"Viper, you?" Viper replied as he was looking at the stores that were seeming getting looted. People were wielding makeshift weapons while running into the stores hoping to pick up anything they could.

"The names Finley," The officer said as he swerved between the other cars when suddenly a man jumped from a dark alley and pointed a gun at the cop car forcing Finley to stop. "Don't do anything you will regret lads."

"Get out the car now and no one gets hurt," The man pointing the gun said in a muffled tone due to the black bandana covering his mouth. Not much of the man could be seen as his green hood was covering his torso and head.

Viper kicked open the door of the police car open and stepped out, standing behind Finley he motioned him to take his handcuffs off. Viper didn't think it would work, but a moment later his hands were free, quickly Viper managed to grab the taser out of Finley holster.

Two more men came out either side of the armed man each wearing a different colour of hoodie to hide their identity. The man to his left was wearing a cyan hoodie with sunglasses and had a baseball bat firmly in his grip whereas the man to the right had a black hoodie on with a switchblade in his hand.

In a blink of an eye, Finley got shot in the shoulder causing him to fall backward onto Viper who dropped him in horror. Like a standoff, no one knew what to do. Viper was eyeing up all three men when he realised that he had to attack. He brought the taser to eye level and pulled the trigger causing two small cables fly out the taser and lodge themselves in the green hoodied man's neck sending 50,000 volts flying through the air and into the mans body. Every muscle in his body tightened forcing him to drop the gun and then drop to the ground, while on the floor he was convulsing violently so Viper knew he wouldn't be getting up for a while.

The man with the baseball bat charged at Viper taking a swing before he was in arms reach, the bat missed Viper and hit the window of the car causing a smash to echo through Viper's body. Seeing an opportunity to attack Viper kicked the man in the back of the leg twice hoping he would fall down in pain but being much larger than Viper the man just winced at the kicks. Retaliating, the man elbowed Viper in the chest causing him to topple over and land on the ground. It took viper a few moments to stand up but as soon as he did the last man started to charge at him, grabbing onto Viper he pushed him against a car and started to push a knife to his throat. Despite using all his strength, Viper still couldn't hold the knife back as it slowly started to inch closer to him. The man with the bat swung again but missed this time hitting the man with the knife squire in the face knocking him back to the ground with a disgusting crunch from the impact from the bat to his face.

Skeletals heard the commotion going on and have tried to get to their food, pressing up against the gates of the alleyways and from behind the cars reaching to try and get a free meal. Rotting bodies are covered by blood-soaked clothes with mass tears down the length of them.

Viper jabbed the man in the chest twice and then brought his hands behind the man's head and slammed it into the roof of the car, grabbing the bat out of the man's hands Viper and quickly brought it down on his back causing him to gasp out in pain. Viper using all his force hit the man in the head with the bat knocking the man out, then a second hit and a third. Once Viper had finally finished his barrage of attacks the man's head was nothing but chunky mush piled on the ground.

Dropping the bat Viper looked down at the twitching body of the man who he just killed, remorse flowing through him. Seeing the man who had the gun finally stand up he knew he had to kill again and fast, gut-punching the man he stumbled backward as Viper kicked him in the back of the knee forcing him to fall to the ground on his knee's. Without mercy Viper kicked the man in the face knocking him to the ground as he spat out the blood and teeth that filled his mouth, thinking quickly Viper managed to put a pair of handcuffs from the cop onto the man's hands leaving him vulnerable on the floor.

The last man stumbled over and grabbed the gun pointing it at Viper, swaying from side to side from the pain from his nose as he was spewing blood out of it.

"Don't..... fucking move" The man huffed out between forced breaths. A feral jumped onto the car behind the man and quickly jumped onto his back before he could react, the man tried punching the thing of it but the feral started to bite the man in the head causing him to fall to the ground and start to die. His screaming became gurgles and quickly stopped.

Walking away Viper saw the two skeletals bashing the fence trying to get in, Viper opened the gate allowing the two to get to their meals, the first skeletals walked straight past Viper and tumbled over to eat the man on the ground, biting his leg the man started to squirm fighting through the pain and the skeletal kept on biting. The second skeletals went straight for Viper but he managed to pick it up by its tattered collar, he looked into the skeletal rotting lifeless eyes, it had a look of nothing but anger and hunger as it chattered its fangs together. Viper threw the creature towards the first and sprinted down the alleyway jumped over the trash on the ground and dodging between the arms from the skeletals that were reaching for him, jumping over fences to find out where Sajaki was.

Managing to get back to the police station viper sawthe carnage that happened, the open door to allow the view of all the dead bodies surrounded by an ocean of blood. Entering the station Sajaki was nowhere to be found, bloody footprints left the station and head towards the street outside. Leaving the room Viper took a few seconds to take in his surroundings, a few skeletals littered the street but what caught his attention the most was the loud bang of a gunshot and someone screaming their lungs out. Viper knew this was his only chance of finding Sajaki so ignoring all the terror that was hapoening around him he sprinted down the road still dodging all the arms reaching out to get him.

Finding the source of the noise Viper saw Sajaki on the ground crawling with blood gushing from his knee as two men are walking over to him. Viper had to hide behind a bin to make sure the people who were moving Sajaki couldn't see him, Viper slowly started to follow the men when he saw the building he got taken into.

Seeing two guards standing infront of the building that seemed to be going up into the clouds, Viper knew that he had to attack the guards to save his only living friend, year after year battle after battle everyone he knew died one by one.

One of the guards was a large man with skin as white as bone with no hair on his head and he was holding an AK-47. The other man was the same height but had olive skin with shoulder length black hair and was holding a small revolver by his side. Once Sajaki was lifted into the building Viper ran up to the guard with the AK-47 and kicked the barrel of the gun forcing it out of his hands while stabbing the olive-skinned man in the torso forcing him onto the ground as blood started to stain his t-shirt. The first man grabbed Vipers collar holding him in place as he looked with the same anger as the skeletals looled at him, jumping up, Viper hit thr man in thr chin with the top of his head causing him to stumble back in a daze and instantly back that up by punching the man in the ribs sending a ripple of force through his body and hitting his liver sending him to the ground gasping for air.

Grabbing the revolver Viper placed it in his belt and picked up the AK-47 willing to take out everyone in his path if it meant making it to his friend. Viper kicked open the door waiting for more action.

"Put the gun down you burnt bitch" one voice came from the crowd of people who were aiming their guns at him, seemingly hundreds of people were locked onto Viper with fully automatic weapons and covered head-to-toe in tactical clothing.

"Ah fuck" Viper said to himself as a man whistled as someone walked up behind him and smashed him on the head with the butt of his gun, Vipers vision turned completely black as the butt of the gun made contact. Once Viper woke up he was in a room tied up facing Sajaki who was sat down on the other side still passed out, the wound on his knee was bandaged but the bandage was all bloody and he knew it would get infected if not treated properly, Viper just wished Andres was back to help them.

After an hour Sajaki woke up to see two men standing over Viper who was tied down onto a chair, Sajaki tried to move but any movement causing the stabbing pain in the knee to come back and give him an awful reminded of what happened throughout the day, the men were beating Viper, even with all the burnt scarred skin bruising could be seen, blood was pouring from his nose and his left eye was swelled closed, knives were dug into his arms and he was shaking from the pain. Vipers eye locked with Sajaki as a man came behind him and put a knife to his throat.

"Any last words?" The man said with a chuckle seemingly enjoying torturing Viper.

Viper looked Sajaki in the eyes and tried to clear his throat pressing the skin slightly against the knife blade. "Be better, do better" a deep frown loomed on Vipers face as the man slid the knife along Vipers neck sending a stream of blood going everywhere, Viper started to thrash in his chair as the colour from his face went and his skin turned pale and the trashing turned into a slight twitch and then no motion as his head slumped down.

Sajaki turned his attention to the man, wiping away a tear Sajaki spoke to the man. "You made a decision today, this can only go down one way. Everyone I know dies."

The man let out a hearty laugh as he walked out the room slamming the door behind him, all Sajaki was able to look at was the lifeless body of his friend sat down in the chair. 

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