26 || Nothing Personal

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Sajaki woke up and it was daytime, a light drizzle filled the air. Sajaki looked around at the fence and saw all the skeletals who were banging on the fence, taking a knife off one of the corpses Sajaki ran over and started stabbing them. After about 30 skeletals dropped to the ground and started turning to goo Sajaki slightly cracked open the gate and walked out trying not to step in the rotting goo. The road was quiet apart from the few skeletals that were trapped behind broken windows and some comprised pillars surrounding. 

Sajaki looked down at his bloodied and tattered clothes. His skin-tight t-shirt was bearly handing on but at least he had his life but he might be having his life for all eternity.  Looking around Sajaki saw some stores lining the street, most of the shops had been broken into but there still seemed to be some stock left inside. Walking over he saw the dark insides, the lights in the store had been long broken but the daylight beaming in still allowed Sajaki to slightly look in. Plundering the store Sajaki grabbed a football team branded hoddie that covered a plain white t-shirt and a pair of skinny black jeans and some running shoes, the new clothes felt nice seems that Sajaki wasn't covered in blood anymore.

Sajaki walked out the store and heard the sound of a revving engine as the pain in the back of his skull came back forcing him to drop to the ground, he landed on the side of the pavement but rolled into a dirty puddle that was lying on the ground soaking his fresh hoddie leaving a brown muddy stain.

"I have a new task for you. You hear that noise? Kill the driver" The demon spoke into  Sajaki's mind as the car swerved around the corner.

"How am I meant to do that? I only have a fuckin knif..." Sajaki felt a smash into the back of his legs as he fell onto the hood of the car. The car drove into him which caused him to smash into the windshield causing it to smash, Sajaki turned around and looked at the four people in the car who were shocked to see that he wasn't knocked out.

One woman who was in the passenger seat pulled out a gun and was about to shoot when Sajaki put his feet on the hood of the car and managed to push himself up and flipping over so he was lying on the roof of the car. The woman pointed her upwards and pulled the trigger shooting through the roof of the car and hitting Sajaki in the bicep causing him to scream out in pain and roll to the side nearly falling off the side of the car. Sajaki was dangling off the side of the car at the back hanging his torso directly in the line of sight of the back window.

The man in the back smashed the window and grabbed Sajaki by the torso and tried dropping him but Sajaki wouldn't let go of them, his feet were dragging across the floor as he tried as hard as he could to run backwards. The rubber on his shoes was quickly burning away and he knew it wouldn't be long until the road was going to be scraping the skin on his feet. Panic set on Sajaki's face.

The car swung to the side allowing Sajaki to lift his feet up and place them on the wing mirror, pushing his weight he managed to make it into the car landing between the two people in the back. Both men started to beat Sajaki up, fists started to fly from both directions Sajaki didn't know what to do he never had a chance to fight back. He pretended to be knocked out to stop the guys beating him up.

"Who the fuck is this guy?" The driver said as he started to push down harder on the pedal to speed the car up as fast as he could and started to make sharp turns.

"No idea but we have to kill him" The man to the left of Sajaki replied as he pulled out a knife from his pocket.

"Shit" Sajaki shouted as he used his right fist to hit the man with the knife in the jaw, the man dropped the knife and it fell into his lap. Grabbing the knife Sajaki slammed it into the second man's throat before he was able to react, blood started to spray the whole inside of the car soaking everyone.

The woman in the front passenger seat pulled her gun out and was about to shoot Sajaki in the face but he smacked her arm out the way when she pulled the trigger which caused the bullet to miss Sajaki but him the man who had the knife in the face causing a quarter of his face to blow off and leaving a layer of brain matter covering the inside of the car on top of the old blood. The driver was trying the swerve the car as much as he could, each turn he would speed up and slow down to try and knock Sajaki to the side and make him drop the knife which worked after a few attempts. Sajaki grabbed the head of the passenger after he dropped his knife under the seat and started to bang her head against the chair then slammed it on the side window.

"Why are you doing this?" The driver said as he gripped the steering wheel as tight as he could, his knuckles turned white for the force and his teeth were gritted.

"Friends in high places. Nothing personal" Sajaki replied as his balled his hand into a fist and recoiled it ready to knock the driver out.

"Nothing personal..." The driver mocked Sajaki's words as he jumped out the moving car and started to roll on the road which caused Sajaki to panic and look forward. The car started to swerve and slam into the building on the side of the road, the car broke a hole in the wall making the top of the building to creak and slowly tilt. Bricks started to fall landing on the top of the car, the woman in the front of the car was passed out leaning forward, a piece of metal fell off the top of a building and impaled her from the top of her head.  The hundreds of glass shards that managed to cut into Sajaki's face started to heal as he turned his head to look at the man who was lying down on the ground and watched what happened to his friend. The man had a shocked look on his face but Sajaki took the opportunity to push the bodies out of the way to climb out of the car and start to chase down the driver.

The driver quickly stood up and turned around running down a dingy alleyway, doors line the alleyway and there were bins and rubbish all over the floor but somehow no skeletals had managed to make it down the alleyway just yet but Sajaki knew that from all the noise the skeletals would be coming towards them from miles away. Sajaki quickly followed and was only a few feet behind him, every few steps the man looked back at Sajaki who's whole focus was on managing to tackle the man and kill him. Sajaki was almost able to grab the driver when he quickly opened a door which smashed Sajaki in the face causing him to fall over and blood to pour out of his nose, the blood from his nose was mixing with the blood from everyone in the car. Sajaki tried to open the door by the driver locked it, the only sound Sajaki could hear was the sound of the door banging and the driving running up some stairs.

Sajaki looked up and saw a fire-escape that was hanging from the side of the building, Sajaki turned around and jumped on one of the rubbish bins and quickly jumped up to the fire-escape. Catching himself by his fingertips, he struggles to lift himself up but when he did he managed to quickly run up the stairs, missing two steps at a time until he was on the second floor. Looking through the window Sajaki saw the man running up the next flight of stairs, this repeated until Sajaki managed to tackle the man to the ground about halfway up the building, the man pushed Sajaki off him and tried to run away but he grabbed the driver foot causing him to fall to the ground and smash into a table. Sajaki stood up and so did the driver, turning around the driver tried to run away but Sajaki charged at him and grabbed at his waist lifting him off the ground and barreling out the window, both Sajaki and the driver were falling onto the concrete that was below them.

Sajaki's face landed on the ground first and most of his spine and his skull was cracked into hundreds of pieces, the driver landed on a car wish crushed most of his body and left him dead, blood was leaking out of every small cut that littered the mans body and it was a gruesome sight to see. When Sajaki gained consciousness he felt the nice relaxing droplets of water against his face followed by the agonising pain of his spine being slowly snapped into place.

"Good job, I see potential in you" The creepy voice spoke as the man on the car started to slip in a newly formed hole in the ground which quickly got patched up once the man got dragged to hell.

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