Chapter 5

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"Guys, that's enough. Leave him alone," Gidget piped up. She was the only one who hadn't shouted at Max. Standing in front of her boyfriend protectively, the fluffy white Pomeranian added, "It's not his fault."

"Right, and I would be dating one of these idiots if that was true," Chloe retorted, flicking her tail towards the rest of the animals in the apartment. His eyes lighting up, Pops woofed, "Ooh, I might have a chance!" Looking back over her shoulder, Chloe hissed, "Fat chance old timer."

"Sorry Max, no hard feelings," Mel apologized, head butting Max in the shoulder gently. Fluttering above their heads, Sweetpea chirped in agreement. Joining them, Buddy added, "Yeah man, sorry. But let's face it, you're always lost. Like, you've gotten lost... um..."

"Ninety four times this year alone, including today," Tiberius muttered solemnly. The red tailed hawk looked so dead inside as he added, "Last year, it was triple that." Popping over the hawk's left shoulder with a big smile on his face, Norman squeaked, "That's a lot of numbers!"

"Thanks, I needed that guys," Max mumbled sarcastically, gazing down at his paws in shame. He listened as everyone left his apartment, some grumbling about the horrible day while Snowball and Daisy planned their date for tomorrow. He didn't realize that Gidget was still with him until she placed her paw on top of his. "Maxie," she spoke softly, "Are you okay?"

"Do the others really hate me that much just because I get lost?" Max asked quietly, lifting his gaze. Nuzzling his face lovingly, Gidget reassured her boyfriend, "No, they don't hate you. They've never hated you. It's just..." Noticing the pause his girlfriend had taken, Max murmured, "What?" Sighing heavily, Gidget answered, "They're tired."

"Well, I'd assume they are. Sounds like you guys were searching for hours," Max pointed out. Shaking her head, Gidget lightly tapped her boyfriend on the nose as she explained, "No, they're tired of always searching for you. Think about it Max, they have lives too. And they have to put everything on hold just to find you."

"Do you think it's my fault I get lost?" Max questioned. Gidget once again shook her head and replied kindly, "No, you just have a bad habit of getting yourself in situations that get you lost. But I do wish you would break that habit. As fun as it is trying to rescue you, I'd rather go on romantic picnics with you instead." Biting his lip, the terrier mumbled, "Yeah, I'd like that too."

"Great, now sorry to intrude on your moment lovebirds," Rooster finally announced his presence, "But I just saw the family pull up outside the building. Time to go home."

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