Ninja Mutant Turtle Teens???

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After Callie had fell asleep in an unknown area, four shadows surrounded her. Slowly, each shadow came closer to her sleeping figure. One approached very close and examined her, two seemed to be arguing, and the last one looked to be exited.

"How in the world did this person even find us?! And as soon as they did, what?! THEY FELL ASLEEP!!!!"

"Calm down. We don't know about their intentions, or if they even knew about us."

"EXACTLY!!! We don't know anything about them! They could be working for Shredder, the Kraang, or any other enemy we have!"

"OOOOOHHHH!!!!! I've got to tell Ice Cream Kitty that she's gonna get a new bestie!!!"

"Guys, will you shut up?! Who ever this person is looks really beat up. They must have been through something bad. Help me get them to my lab."

The four unknown figures helped Callie into the worried one's lab. She was placed on a lab table and one of the others put a blanket over her. The figure that suggested helping Callie hooked up some sort of machine that helped him to know if she was alive or not. He was also trying to make sure his shorter brothers wouldn't wake up the cat mutant. In the meantime, the figure decided to work on other experiment while waiting for their guest to wake up.

To took many hours for Callie to actually wake up. It was around noon the next day when she did finally awake. At least, she thought it was noon. It was hard to tell due to being underground, in the sewers; however, there was a clock near her that said 12:00 p.m. She became confused, not recognizing the area, then looked at her hands.

"So it wasn't a dream," she said to herself out loud.

"Oh. You're awake."

When Callie sat up and turned around, she was face to face with a giant turtle-man wearing a purple mask. She was even more confused at this point. Did this turtle bring her to his home? Did he mean her harm? Just as she was about to ask a question, three more turtle people walked into the room. One wore a blue mask, one wore red, and the last one wore orange.

"Whaddup, D?"

"Our guest is finally awake. They probably have many questions for us, as we do for them. For now let's take things slowly and not overloa-"

"You're a cat, right?! What are your pronouns?! What do you think about comics and video games?! DO YOU LIKE PIZZA?!?!?!"

"MIKEY!!!!," the other three turtles yelled at the orange masked one.

"Whoa! Hey! It's okay. Yes, I'm a cat. I go by She/Her. I do like comics and video games. And I don't think New York City is the place for you if you don't like pizza. Anyway, who are you guys?"

"We're ninjas," said the turtle in blue.

"We're mutants," the red one said with a sneer.

The one clad in purple chimed in, "Um... Technically, we're turtles."

The one that bombarded Callie with questions added, "And we're teenagers!"

"I-I meant like your names.... I'll start. My name is Callista, but I go by Callie." Everyone statyed silent in the moment of awkwardness. After a few moments, the turtle that wore blue spoke up.

"Sorry about that. I'm Leonardo, the one in red is Raphael, you already met Donatello, and the one that got in your face is Michelangelo."

"Yeah, great. Now that introductions are done, how did you find this place?!," Raphael yelled.

"I don't know, man! I was on my roof studying for a test, got turned into a FNAF reject after some weird, green stuff spilled on me, and have been on the run from these crazy robots for three weeks with no sleep, or food! Last night, I just stumbled on this place while hiding. I didn't know anyone lived here."

All the turtles' faces dropped as they heard the cat's story. It became obvious that they knew what happened and what exactly those robots were. They went into a huddle and talked about something that Callie could barely hear. Each had a worried look on their face as well.

As they discussed, Callie just looked at them. She may have not known what was going on, so she tried to learn of her surroundings by using her new abilities. She could hear better, see better, and even smell better. The last one of which you may not really want to have if you're in a sewer. Nevertheless, it helped her to figure out a few things. For example, she heard and smelled a large rat nearby. Something also smelled like it was burning, or on fire in general.

Leonardo caught Callie's attention when he started speaking. "Callie, you're going to have to stay here. There's something going on that you don't know about. You can stay on the couch, but we'll have to tell Master Splinter."

"Alright. It's not like I actually have anywhere to stay, plus I don't think you guys are going to give me a choice."

Donatello and Michelangelo gave Callie a quick tour of the area that they called, "the lair." While they did this, it was Leonardo and Raphael's job to tell their master about the situation at hand. Afterwards, the five teens had lunch together, which was pizza. Donatello, remembering that Callie had not eaten in a longtime, suggested that she should have soup instead to help reintroduce food into her systems.

She appreciated the purple clad turtle's knowledge of things. She didn't feel like an outsiders now having someone to talk to about technology and other things people would consider geeky. Callie also enjoyed Michelangelo's excitable behavior. It reminded her of when she was a little kid. She also found out that he had in affinity for art like she did. Leonardo and Raphael were two completely different stories in the same book, however. Callie thought that they both needed to loosen up and have fun. Leonardo was to stoic for his own good, and Raphael had severe anger issues, along with a very apparent inferiority complex.

For the rest of the day, the five teenagers got to know each other better. They goofed off, laughed, and just had fun in general. Little did they know of the danger that would enter their lives soon after.

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