Chapter 13: Gone, but maybe not

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...April 6th...

"He is dead all right," Beverely said, where Picard stood there along with Data.

"It can't be..." Picard said. "Mr Data, my quarters."

"Yes sir," Data said.

Data and Picard left sick bay.

"I wonder how you got into that abnormality," Beverley said, pretty curious at Commander Dodgers's body.

About an hour later the second shuttle departed the Enterprise without Picard. This time it is Data going in under Picard's orders. His main mission is to retrieve Q from the Q plane of souls no matter what the entity said. Data darted off from the Enterprise this time intending to go through the abnormality. From what Picard had said; this entity had done quite a lot that annoyed the crew in the previous timeline. Or more so the prime timeline that Picard had some trouble calling.

"Data," Came La Forge's voice.

Data turned toward the source of La Forge's voice.

"Geordi?" Data said.

In a white light appeared La Forge.

"Don't go in there," La Forge said. "That is not the entrance."

"...Geordi, how did you get aboard this shuttle?" Data asked.

"Please, stop," La Forge said.

Data pressed a few buttons making the shuttle stop.

"Geordi, did you sneak in?" Data asked.

"No,Data," La Forge said. "I am Q."

"You are not Q," Data said.

"I am a Q," La Forge said. "Captains orders you go after him?"

"Yes," Data said.

La Forge smiled.

"I will do it for you buddy," La Forge said. "I will go and retrieve Q. Just tell the Captain it will be all fixed...I recently finished my training..." The smile faded from La Forge's face. "I missed you, Data."

"How long has it been?" Data asked.

"One thousand years," La Forge said. "I suppose this mistake of Q's will come in handy."

La Forge smiled.

In a white flash Data is returned to his quarters and the shuttle is returned.

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