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"Do whatever you can dad I wanna go to New Orleans as early as I can" I bawl, standing in front of his office desk.

Closing his laptop he sighs, "Why?" He asked.

"I've to search for the Mikaelsons" I banged the desk.

"Who are they?" He interrogates calmly.

"They...are....some sort of...people, you don't wanna know about" I shutter, should have prepared myself for this.

"How will I know you'll be safe there?"

Argggggghhhhh!!!!! I hate his interrogation sessions.

"I'll call you," I said in an 'isn't it obvious' tone.

"Sure" he took a pause, sitting straight he folded his hands over the table and asked, "With whom are you planning to go?"

I gave it a thought, "Ummm...." I count my fingers with my friend's names, "Charlie, Reggie, Emmett, Anastasia, Catherine and Hannah"

"Harmony, are you sure?" He pleaded still in doubt.

"Dad, why are you so confused? I've been travelling with my friends since I was twelve" I said aggravating, what is even up with him?? He never stopped me to go anywhere.

"I'm just making sure you're in a good state of mind," he said.

"Why is that?" This time I was the one to question.

"The fight that you had with your Mother today and now this sudden plan to New Orleans--"

"It isn't a sudden plan Dad. I've been planning this for a long time now" I interrupt him getting irritated.

"Fine!" He said leaning back on his chair.

"Tell Delilah to notify Geraldine about our plan," I told Dad, Delilah is Dad's secretary and Geraldine is our private jets pilot.

"I'll Har, go get yourself ready" He nodded.

Well, this is my life; businessman Father, Annoying Mother and a rich brat that's me.

Talking about The Mikaelsons, I have a lot of questions that I want answers to.

What if they are real??
What if Vampires are real??
What if Originals still live in New Orleans??
What if New Orleans is a place of supernatural??
What if Klaus is still alive??
If not, what if Rebekah and Marcellus still live there??
What about Freya??
The werewolves??
The witches??
The VooDoo shop??


I know, this is too kiddish and I know I sound bitchy speaking the way I just did with my father. But, wait till you know what's the actual purpose of all of these.

But right now, just let me go to New Orleans first.

Smirking, I head towards my Mercedes.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and called Anastasia, she picked up in the second ring, "Yes babe!" She said.

"Pack your bags we're going to New Orleans," I announced getting inside the car.

"You gotta be kidding me," Hannah's voice came to notice.

"No, I'm not, do as I say guys pack your bags and meet me at Charlie's as soon as you can" with that I hung up the call.

Rest of the way home I phoned all my friends whose name I listed earlier and told them to get ready.


"Everyone's ready Ms Quinn?" Asked Geraldine before taking off.

"Yes! Captain!" All of us yelled.

"Perfect" he answered back.

"By the way, what's this sudden plan for New Orleans?" Asked Charlie in his Irish accent.

"We're getting on a mission," I said dramatically.

"What mission?" Question Reggie eating his hot dog.

"It's called, Searching for Mikaelsons" I announced.


There you go with the first chapter.
I hope you like it:)

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What do you think about supernatural creatures?
~                                            ~

Have an amazing day ahead<333

Thank you for reading

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