Chapter One

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Dear Violet,

Cape Cod is amazing. We're going to the beach pretty much everyday. There are really cool seashells! You'd love them. Also, there's ice cream, which I bet you would also love. 

How's life back in Oregon?

I wish you were here with us. I'm so sorry my parents said no.



P.S. Send me a Pumpkin update! I require news about my son.

She'd sent a tiny shell with the letter. One of those shells that are barely the size of a quarter, with the silvery-gold sheen on them.

Violet reread the letter several times, turning the shell over and over in her hands, wondering what to write back.

Love. Jade had signed her letter with love. And while it was probably just platonic, maybe, just maybe...

Charlie burst into the room. "Violet!" He cried. "Help! Backup!"

"What is it, Charlie?"

"They're after me!" Giggling and footsteps trickled into the room. The sounds of two girls coming up the stairs. "Hide me!" He dove beneath Violet's desk.

Charlene and Sage stepped inside. "Hi, Violet," Charlene said. "Have you seen Charlie?"

"Why do you ask?" Violet asked.

"No reason," Sage replied innocently. "Only we want to play a game."

"Well, no, I haven't seen him," Violet said, spotting the markers Charlene was trying to hide behind her back. "Maybe check outside?"

Charlie giggled.

"THERE HE IS!" Charlene exclaimed. She pinned him to the floor and Sage drew a mustache in black marker on his face.

Charlie glared at them. "Aw, you're both so annoying."

"Sorry, Charlie," Charlene said through her laughter. "You can draw on us if you want."

"Okay!" Charlie took the marker from her and the three went back downstairs.

Violet lifted her pen and began to write.

Dear Jade,

Things are hectic here. Charlene and Sage were just chasing Charlie around trying to draw a mustache on him. Debbie broke a jar of grape jelly earlier and cried because of all the wasted jelly.

We went to the pool, but Peanut Butter tried to get in the water with us and Eliza Grace got a stomachache from swallowing the pool water. If she would keep her mouth closed she'd be fine, but she's always grinning while she swims. You wouldn't know she was terrified of the water only a little while ago.



P.S. Pumpkin is good. He hasn't grown much yet, but I'm sure by the time you get back he'll be a different cat.

Violet slipped the letter inside an envelope. She was about to seal the letter when she got an idea.

She slipped a pressed flower- a morning glory- into the envelope with the letter.

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