1.5 | rant, tags, doodles

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So just because school has lately become a tough time due to annoyingly bad marks and watching my friends become sadder than sad (that really influences me somehow ;-;) but I just ended up in a crappy depressed mood yesterday and ended up becoming sadly inspired? Lmao idk.

Welp here's where my inspiration has lead me, trying to cover up the pain inside me. So yeep tough life Merlene. Anyway, just wanted to say I was cheered up by Matthew 28:20 "Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of ages" - cos yes I'm Christian and I do believe there's God out there who has a plan for our entire life. So even if you're not Christian or don't believe in a God, I just want to say that we're not alone in our troubles - you're never alone. See right here, in front of you, we're your wattpadian fam and we're with you.

Well I went deep quickly 0///0

On another note, ignore my crappy finger art ahaha just trying out an app spiderprincess-senpai told me about (ibis paint - if you guys wanted to know XD)

Now for random sketch doodles

^ courtesy of 'fun' English classes - what even happened to anatomy lol

^ some yin yang planning ahah

And of course overdue tags from SpiderPrincess  (^_^*)
Overdue tag 1

1. I go to an all girl's high school
2. I have a non-existent love life
3. I have an older sister
4. What are life aspirations? Someone please help me decipher my future ;-;
5. I'm very very lazy

tag 2

1. Well yis but not romantically XD
2. I would assume so or ;-;
3. Hehe my reading lists ;)
4. Taken by my God ❤
5. Uhm my coaching teacher
6. My sister singing a made up song
7. 25%
8. Well wattpad based would be SpiderPrincess QueenFaery hcrondale  love you baes ❤❤
9. Ahahah nah (I seem to have a problem where I can't talk to guys properly ;///;)
10. Welllll 😏 asjdjdbeksbsksb there's so many but ahskwndjksbdkd I'll have to say TOMOE AND NANAMI :00
11. To write short stories?

Yip nishinoya is bae XD
13. 17th Jan cos I'm a special baby ahahha nah I wish

Anyways I don't have nearly enough friends (who haven't done this) to tag soooo
If I tagged you and you don't want to do this, you don't have to :)

~Merlene the seasonal dragon

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