Scores For Entry #14

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lunaetic-'s entry:

10/10 - Neatness

9/10 - Spelling & Fonts
Though pretty, the font could be nicer, and more eye-catching.

18/20 - Creativity
Relatively creative - but there's room for improvement. The more creative it is, the more original it is.

10/10 - Colour Scheme
The colours blend flawlessly and are quite gorgeous.

9/10 - Originality
This is pretty original and somewhat creative.

14/20 - Face Claim
The face claim for Ashley Benson isn't quite as obvious as it could be - is that her? I honestly can't tell, and she's my favourite character in a lot of movies and series.

14/15 - Genre
You covered werewolf, but there wasn't really anything for fantasy. However, you got books, and ice, which was the most important part.

8/10 - Imagination
There is always so much room to be creative, to be imaginative, to use your amazing artisticness to create original art! So though you created a beautiful aesthetic, next time try to imprint more of yourself into it, and give it your touch of beauty and talent.

15/15 - Maturity
As this is a bonus, and I did not include it in this round, this is a section that is not being judged and won't affect your score.

Total: 107/120

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