Scores For Entry #2 (contest three)

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Unknownverse123's entry:

9/10 - Neatness
Though nearly everything is clear, the dude under the 'a dog is a man's best friend' is quite blurry. This lowers the quality of the aesthetic, even though everything else is perfect. 

10/10 - Spelling & Fonts
I absolutely love the fonts you chose, they are so fitting! Additionally, I really love how you gave the dog a name too, that's sooo adorable!! 

20/20 - Creativity
This is pretty creative - you've used multiple images and blended them with a general theme that matches the prompt flawlessly. Of course, it could be seen as a bit generic, but I think the 'a dog is a man's best friend' badge type thing, with the kid and the dog, and the grass and blue background, really pulled this aesthetic together - especially when paired with the formatting of the names and photos. 

9.5/10 - Colour Scheme
Somehow, despite the differences in colours and shades, it does blend well. 

9.5/10 - Originality
I'd say there is room for a bit more originality, as this is slightly common, but really, you did a rather good job.

19.9/20 - Face Claim
The photos used for the face claim are correct, butttttttt, the one is blurry and low quality - it is, however, the perfect photo for the style you wanted, so I'm not going to downgrade your mark much for it - nice job. 

15/15 - Genre
This isn't being judged in this contest. 

9.5/10 - Imagination
You could have used a bit more imagination. When I see the aesthetic, I think, well, that's cute. But there isn't that special factor that makes you simply wowed. Next time, try to use more of your imagination, and imprint your personality, your ideas - don't be afraid to try something new, because the most important part of an aesthetic is how special it is - how memorable and important it is. When you see it, it has to be something that has a unique style and is eye-catching. This almost always comes from originality, creativity, and imagination. 

15/15 - Maturity
This isn't being judged in this contest.

Total: 117.4/120

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