Chapter Three

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My throat closed up, it felt rough from screaming previously. He probably already knew my name and was testing me.

Softly I said, "Briella."

"Nice to meet you, Briella, I'm Scar. This idiot here is Neon, my brother." He introduced me to his brother like we were old friends from school who'd somehow lost touch. Something gave me the impression that despite appearing so friendly, this guy was the one I should be very careful around.

"Boss, the supplier has a deal for the girl." A thuggish man said from the back.

Scar frowned, and a dangerous look crossed his features, "Let them in."

What was my fate going to be?

The two guys who had kidnapped me walked into the room.

The one who was driving said, "Mr. Henley, we agreed for three hundred thousand."

Scar laughed, "Too much. I'll pay you two hundred thousand."

The man looked at him like he was joking, "She is a virgin. Untouched, has a college degree—

"She doesn't need a college degree to suck cock." Scar interjected.

I almost doubled over and vomited the food listening to him say that.

So that's what I was going to be reduced to. A sex slave.

The driver guy blanched, "Three hundred thousand, sir. With all due respect, if you disagree, I'll take her to another buyer who might purchase her for a higher price."

Scar looked at me and back at the man. "I want to make sure she's a virgin as you said, can't have you cheating me for my money."

The guy shrugged his shoulders but nodded.

All eyes turned in my direction.

I was breathing hard, knowing what was coming for me. I backed up against the wall even though I knew there was no other escape for me. Not when these men were looking at me like a bunch of hawks.

"I can check for you, brother." Neon said with a wicked glint in his eye.

Scar narrowed his eyes at him, "Everyone out of the room."

"I want to watch!" Neon said, almost stomping his leg on the floor.

Scar looked at him, "I will not repeat myself. I want you gone along with the others."

Neon passed me one nasty look and stormed out, followed by the other men.

Scar turned to me and a chill ran down my spine.

Whatever he planned to do wasn't going to be good.

He reached for the chains tied to my hand and unlocked it. I felt relieved to be free of it but knew that if I tried to escape, he'd catch. There were dozens of men outside.

He didn't wait to ask me anything as he easily lifted me in his arms and walked to the far end of the warehouse where I could see a stretcher. He placed me down on it.

Scar was really good looking, if he'd been on the street, I would have easily pegged him as a runway model. I guess we can never tell of the evil that resides in people by just looking at them.

"Lie down and spread your legs." He ordered.

I shook my head, "No, please."

"It's okay Briella, do as I say. I promise not to hurt you." He said sincerely. At least I thought he was being sincere, he could also be a snake. "You are a valuable merch. I don't want to cause you any harm. I'll count to five and if you don't do as I say, I'll have to call the other boys in to hold you down and trust me it would be a lot more uncomfortable with them around waiting for me to turn my back so they could have their way with you."

I sniffled, "Okay."

"Take your clothes off." He said.

Slowly I took every piece of garment off my body until I was completely naked in front of him. His eyes scanned all over my body as I lay down. He nudged my legs apart and like some gynecologist he reached between my thighs and touched my core. Well, let's just say he didn't violate me per se but I felt his finger enter my body and I froze.

My body was locked with fear.

He went a little deeper and then he was done.

"Can you roll over to your front?" He asked sweetly.

I did as I was told. He looked all over me, and I felt my face burn being so completely open to someone. I had never even had sex before and my first experience being naked in front of a man who turns out to be a human trafficker.

He tossed my clothes towards me, "He was telling the truth." He chuckled.

I shouldn't have asked this question but I couldn't stop myself as the question spilled from my mouth, "what are you planning to do to me?"

Ignorance is bliss and now I was making my life miserable by asking him about my future. I should have just let it go, live each day as it came to me.

Scar stared at me for a few seconds as I began dressing up again. "The plan is to purchase you and then present you in the auction in two weeks. Sell you to the highest bidder. It's a private auction, you see. Men who have too much money and are bored with their wives and seek pleasure elsewhere would purchase you. I must say, you're gorgeous so I know you will get me a lot of money. Too bad, I changed my mind."

I looked up at him, surprised by what he'd just said, "You're going to let me go?"

The feeling infiltrated my heart.

"Let you go?" He asked and then roared with laughter, "and why would I do that, my sweet? I changed my mind about taking you directly to the auction. I've decided to keep you with me for a while. Enjoy the pleasures of your body before I present you at the auction." He said trailing a finger from my jawline down to my neck. "That will drop your price because you wouldn't be a virgin anymore, but that's okay. That's a small price to pay for everything you have to offer me." His eyes moved over my body, and it made me feel so dirty. "I plan to make good use of your luscious body. You have a lovely ass."

His suggestion gave me chills.

"Please." I tried, already knowing begging didn't matter. "I have dreams. I want to..."

"Your dreams don't matter anymore, Briella." He smiled again. "You can only hope that the man who buys you at the auction would grant your wishes. Most men there just want a slave."

That's when I spit in his face.

Scar's jaw ticked when he saw what I had done, his eyes flared in anger and he looked like a fire breathing dragon. His hand snaked around my neck, his nails biting into my skin. With gritted teeth, he growled, "I'm going to let that slide for now because I'm pretty goddamn experienced with disobedient pets. If you do something else like that again, Briella, you'll be sorry."

He wiped his face with the back of his hand, "I'm going to have a lot of fun claiming that sweet cunt."

I shuddered at the thought of being in Scar's bed. He was evil, manipulative and I couldn't help but notice some kind of depravity that ran deep within him.

This man didn't possess a soul. It was all black, ruthless, and ugly.

I had no future.

I was going to be used by Scar for as long as he wished and then passed over to someone else.

Something told me that in two weeks when Scar would be done with me, I would be so broken it wouldn't matter who he gave me over to.

I wanted to fight.

I needed to fight.

I couldn't give up so soon.

* * * 

I'd been sold to Scar for a whopping three hundred thousand dollars. I couldn't even wrap my head around those digits. I knew that he was going to make sure he got his money's worth before he auctioned me off at some sleazy place and that thought added to my anxieties.

The men ignored me as they played pool in the warehouse, drank booze, did drugs, and talked. I was thankful for the lack of attention.

After breakfast on the second day of captivity, they told me I was going to be moved somewhere else.

There was one man in the group of men who didn't seem as evil as the rest of the men. He was called Rust. It seemed to me like he still had a soul intact there somewhere, lost but not completely gone. I saw compassion in his eyes, pity, and even sympathy.

His weakness was going to be something that I could use to my advantage.

"Where are they taking me?" I asked.

Rust looked at me once before answering, "Scar's house."

"How does does he treat women?" I asked, mentally kicking myself for sounding weak.

"You will be treated well if you behave."

"What if I don't?"

He looked disturbed by the alternative, "He'll draw your blood. He gets off on pain too. Here's some advice, the more docile you are, the easier it will be."

Anger coursed through me and I couldn't stop myself before asking, "So you're telling me to be okay with rape?"

Rust didn't offer me an answer and tried to blindfold me but I did a lot of protesting and begging, asking him not to. By some miracle, Rust agreed and he convinced the others that I was going to follow the rules and that I had no plans of escaping.

A few minutes later, I was man-handled and led to a black Mercedes SUV parked outside the warehouse. It was the first time that I laid my eyes outside in two days.

There was no sign of civilization nearby. The place was surrounded by mountains and trees, a narrow path leading to the warehouse.

Even if I ran away, I wouldn't get far. I was sure Scar's men would find me in a blink of an eye.

My throat clogged and I almost sobbed about the fact that my fate was sealed.

I was going to become Scar's whore.

I sat down in the van in the backseat. Rust was on the driver's side and another guy named Hammer rode shotgun. We drove for about twenty minutes when I called out to Rust.

"I want to pee," I said.

He frowned, "Hold it in for another hour."

"I have to go really badly." I insisted, "If you don't stop, I'll just do it in the car."

Hammer scrunched up his nose, "Let's stop for a few minutes."

I guess the alternative of me peeing in the car and forcing them to tolerate the stench of the urine for an hour disturbed him.

He stopped the car in the middle of the wilderness. Rust followed me to a tree, pinning me with a glare. "Do it fast."

I went around the tree, reaching for the hem of my dress. "Can you please turn around? A little privacy would be appreciated."

Grimacing, he turned.

It was now or never.

I went around the tree, a few feet away from him, checked to make sure he wasn't looking, and made a run deep into the woods.

Survival was the only thing on my mind.

* * *

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