Meeting a new friend

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The Dylan and Luke sat there forever watching their little sister rapidly hitting the doorknob with the bag of marbles, waiting for it to fall off.

Finally, it happened. The doorknob fell to the ground with a large clanking sound. She stuck her hand through and opened up the door from the other side.

She turned around to face her brothers with a triumphant look on her face, "Come on boys, let's go touch some expensive stuff!"

Not a second later a rope came out of the dark hallway and wrapped its self around Sammy's right arms and waist.

"SAMMY" The boy's yelled in union when she was pulled into the darkness. They chased her down the hallway, finally, Dylan was just in reach to jump down to the ground and get a hold of her left hand, once he had a grip, he felt Luke grab onto his leg.

But the figure In the dark was too strong for them and pulled them away with her.

"Ahh!" They all screamed as they were all consumed by darkness.



They triplets hung from the ceiling upside down tied together.

The light turned on above them, that's when they all started to freak out.

"I'll put the marbles back I sware!" Sammy yelled.

The figure started to talk to them in a deep gruff voice, "who sent you? Ma Crip, Mc Craig, answer me!"

"Uncle Carter!" Luke wailed, calling for their uncle's help.

"Wait, UNCLE CARTER?!" The voice said,  but it changed to a girlie high pitched voice, "OMG, THE TRIPLETS" 

The figure clapped it's hands, which turned on all of the lights in the room, to revile a girl about their age. Not what they were expecting. 

She had a light purple skirt on, a nice pink top, with a purple vest that matched the skirt.

As she walked over to a swirly chair right by the upside down triplets, Sammy asked her, "Wait  hold on, you know us?"

She grabbed a dagger out of the wall, and used it to cut the rope, which caused the triplets to land on their heads.

"Of course I know you!" She exclaimed as she jumped off of the chair and stood in front of them, "Researching Mr. Mc Clouds secrets is kind of my hobby."

"What?" Dylan asked as she walked back over to them and started talking, "what are your blood types, What's James really like, who's the evil triplet?"

Immediately Luke and Sammy answered the last question, "Dylan." "Ehh." he shrugged.

"Tell me everything!" She said as she took a picture of the triplets with a Polaroid camera.

"Umm, we live with our uncle."

"On a boat"

"Go, on" she urged as she waved the picture around, bringing in the color.

"Kind of it," Sammy said, "We're just a normal, boring, family."

"Normal? Boring? Ha!" She laughed as she kid a volleyball to a built-in cork board behind Luke, making the map roll up to reveal a lot of photos, string, pins, and notes.

"Dylan, Sammy, and Luke Mc Cloud," she said, adding their picture and stringing it to James picture, "Grand Nephews to Carter Mc Cloud, and nephews to James Mc Cloud."

"And you are?" Dylan asked her. "Oh, me? Abby Vanderbilt, my nanny's the housekeeper." She said twirling her hair pointing to two hand-drawn pictures.

"Wait? Are we friends now?" She asked the triplets "If we say yes will you let us live?" Luke asked her, very scared.

"Ha! Good one new Best friend" she said walking back up to the board and putting a string between our picture and hers, writing 'friends' beneath it.

"So, what about you?" Sammy asked her. "Me? Oh well, I'm nothing important. I'm just a dork, girly-girlish, and a little feisty." 

"So friend," Dylan asked, "what do you do for fun around here?"

She looked around, clearly blank at the question. But then saw the vent and kicked the cover off of it, "follow me!"

"Least it's not The marble room," Luke said. 

And they followed Abby into the dark vent. And the adventure had just begun.

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