The Adventure Begins

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This is a story is about a group of triplets, their Uncle, a Great Uncle, a corky friend, and their amazing adventures together. But before we get into all of that, let's start at the beginning, on a houseboat where the triplets: Dylan, Sammy, and Luke who lived with there Uncle James...

Writers Provision:

It was a beautiful sunny day in the harbor of Basinburg, and on one imparticular houseboat was a small family of 4, an Uncle, and the triplets: Dylan, Sammy, and Luke. And just like every morning for them, it was a reck...

"UNCLE JAMES!" The youngest of the sibling yelled as he chased his uncle through the houseboat. He was holding one of his uncle's fancy suits as he chased him into the kitchen, where the oldest triplet (by only a few seconds) was making them breakfast on the stove.

"Good morning uncle James," Luke said calmly as he cooked eggs and sausage. "Uncle James, hold still!" Dylan yelled as he tried to put the coats jacket on his uncle.

Once it was finally on, Dylan grabbed the old jacket his uncle just had on, and threw it into the dryer, "You can't wear this to your job interview." He said calmly as he began putting on the tie. "You have to dress for the job you want, not the job that you have, which is no job." He said as he finished getting his uncle ready.

"Luke, get away from the stove, you'll get hurt." Their uncle said when a cloth near the stove accidentally caught on fire.

"But it's a big day," Luke said after putting out the fire on the cloth, then he put the eggs and sausage on a plate and handed it to his uncle saying, "And a big day calls for a big breakfast!"

Uncle James set the plate and said, "You two need the life vests on, the babysitter will come any minute and I don't trust that crazy old hag." He stated as he fixed his tie "Yes Uncle James" They replied glumly as they put on their too small of life vests

"Now where is that babysitter?" James mumbled as he started dialing her number. 

"Where are you?" He yelled at  the lady on the other side when she finally answered, "What I didn't send you a new address?" He continued to speak into the phone but didn't notice how the two boys looked at each other with mischievous grins.

"Ok, ok." He said while he hung up with her. "I need a new babysitter by the time it is 10:00. 10:00!!" He yelled after he saw the clock on the wall that read, 10:00.

"You've gotta go!" Luke said as he and his brother pushed their uncle out the door, off of the ramp, and onto the dock.

"I can't just leave you" He protested, "We can survive for a few hours" Dylan replied to his worried uncle. 

James was about to agree with him, but then the engine started to roar to life. "Where's your Sammy?" Uncle James asked as finally taking notice their sister was not there.

"Sleeping," Dylan said, "Who's Sammy?" Luke replied in panic.

As Uncle James stormed off into the Bulkhead, Dylan looked at his older brother, "Who's Sammy!?" he yelled in frustration as their  brilliant plan started crumbled, "Sorry, I panicked." He replied looking down at his feet in shame.

As James entered the bulk head, he saw Sammy hijacking the steering wheel, and saying, "Alright Boys! We'll be in and out of this place before anybody knows we were gone! Goodbye Basinburg and hello ...Uncle James?!" she said as he turned around to see her Uncle crossing his arms and looking at her with a very disapproving look, "Oh, hey Wh-What's up." She stuttered and sheepishly waving at him.

"I can never trust you, kids." Uncle James said as he threw the triplets into the car.

"You were supposed to get him out by 10:00!" Sammy yelled at her brother Dylan, "You were supposed to wait for the signal to start the boat, Samantha!" He yelled right back at her while teasing her with her full name, causing a gasp to come from the female triplet. "We never get to do anything!" Luke complained from between them.

"Kids," James said as he moved his mirror so he could see the triplets in the back seat, "If we want to keep our home afloat," He sighs turning around and punching in an address into the GPS, "We all have to do things we don't want to do."

He pressed 'enter' and the GPS said allowed, "Destination: Mc Cloud Manor."

"Wait, Mc Cloud Manor? As in Carter Mc Cloud?" Luke asked leaning forward as Uncle James drove through the city, "The Bagillion Air!" Sammy added on. "You're finally gonna sell us," Dylan said leaning back with a grin on his face.

"I'm not gonna sell you, *sighs* He owes me." Uncle James said to the boys in the back of the car, Oh this is not going to be any good, he thought to himself as the boys went on about the rumors they had heard before, which James knew that were all true.

"Remember, it's only a couple of hours." He replied back to them annoyed. "A couple of hours with the most exciting guy in the world!" Sammy said her voice getting louder with each word.

Each of the triplets kept on ranting on how cool Carter Mc Cloud was, they finally got quite as Uncle James pulled up to the gates that lead to the manor, he rolled down his window and pressed a little button by a speaker that stuck up from the ground.

"Hello and welcome to the Mc Cloud Manor, who is this?" An older woman's voice said through the speaker, "Elanor, this is James, James Mc Cloud."

There was a pause then the voice began to speak again, "James?" "Yes Elanor it's me, Carter owe me a favor, and I need to get inside before-" But he was cut off by a honking of a car, "-He comes."

James stepped out of the car to see Carter Mc Cloud. "Get that beat up car out of my driveway you old beat!" Carter yelled as he walked out of his car to see James. 

"James Mc Cloud"

"Uncle Carter," they both said to each other bitterly.

"UNCLE CARTER?!" The triplets yelled in unison when they figured out that the richest guy in the world was their uncle. James and Carter continued to give each other the death glare as the kids were doing a little victory yell.

"So, you're looking good," James said after the triplets calmed down, "Still living on that boat?" Carter asked him.

"yep, still a trillion air?"

Cater pointed his cane at the huge mansion behind him for an answer, "good, good."



"Get that beat up car off of my driveway this instant!" Carter yelled at him, shoving the cane into James's chest.  "Oh here we go, you pretending that you're the richest man in the world."

"I am The richest man in the world! Now move!"

"I Would love to! But it just so happens that I have a job interview!"

"So what are you doing here?"

"I need someone to watch the kids, can you do that without using them?!"

"Of course I can!"

"Good, thank you so much."

"Your welcome! Wait, what?"

 Then Uncle James opened up the door for Dylan, Sammy, and Luke, "Kids meet Carter Mc Cloud. Now, no tricks, no lies, and no troublemaking."

"yes, uncle James," The triplets said in unison. "I wasn't talking to you" Uncle James said giving Carter a bitter look.

"And who are these?" Carter asked looking at the triplets, "Your grandchildren, the ones you have been avoiding for 12 years." James said never changing from the bitter look on his face.

---------Time skip to the mansion, cause I can, I'm the author---------

The three triplets were lead into the kitchen by Uncle Carter, and the care keeper of the house, Mrs. Elanor.

They all sat down at a very long table, Carter sat as far away as he could get from the triplets, while Mrs. Elanor poured some tea into a cup she whispered to Carter, "Talk to your grandchildren."

He huffed and continued to read the paper, then he lowered it down and saw that the three had moved closer without a sound, "So. Do children still like marbles?" he asked them.

But the triplets had some questions of their own for him, "Are you really our uncle?" "How old are you?" "What's your wifi password?" "How are you related to uncle James?" "How come you never visit?" "Oh cause your so old, and moving is really hard?" "You used to be a big deal, whatever happened to you?"

Carter had, had enough with them and the questions, " Elanor!" He yelled to the housekeeper, and grabbed the kids and hauled them up to their room in the attic, "You are going to watch em', watch em'!" he told Eleanor. He then turned to the three, "Dylan, Luke, the third one" Then tipping his hat at them, he walked away.

She turned to face Dylan, Sammy, and Luke. "Please do not leave the designated play area." Then she tossed a bag of marbles into Sammy's hands, and kept on going, "A gift from your great uncle, return them upon your departure, he's counted them."

Then she slammed the door and left them in the attic. They heard the door lock, and steps echoing as they walked down the stairs. 

"Great, now we have 2 boring uncles," Dylan said kicking a rock. "We're totally ditching this room right?" Luke asked looking at his sister and brother. "Yep," Sammy said, holding up the bag of marbles for her identical brothers could see, "And I know just how to do it." 

She watched as smiles grew onto there faces. They were going to have some fun.

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