second 2

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Giotto stared at the papers at his desk, almost willing the words written on it to shrivel up and curl in a smoking heap. His normally soft looking eyes were now hardened gems, a piece of parchment thrown on top of the sturdy wood with the rest of its companions, but not before being scrunched up tightly in his fist, almost tearing it apart as he slowly digested the information scrawled on it.

"Is this information correct?" His voice, usually so mellow and gentle, were now hardened steel, cold, unfeeling, thickened with an emotion that was a mixture of shock, rage and fury. "Alaude."

His Cloud Guardian was silent, taking in the sight of the obviously enraged Vongola Primo with similar feelings, but much more composed about it. He eyed the information on the don's desk with distaste and disgust, his own anger bubbling and writhing, just barely escaping the surface, waiting for the right outlet to come.

"The Neve Famiglia." He stated blandly, almost indifferently, but the blond could tell, with his always present intuition, that his Guardian was feeling the same as he was, if not worse, judging by the way the ice cool eyes now flashed with a frozen fire. "Headquarters is in Venice, slowly gaining other allied families on their side and extending their networks towards the whole of Italy. Recently starting to rise in the ranks of the most powerful mafia, and had wanted to extend their territory in Sicily, but–"

"We're getting in the way of their rise to power." Giotto turned to face his window, watching their children play below on the garden, particularly intent on his own little Tsunayoshi, who was oblivious to the storm of emotions his father was feeling at the moment. "A criminal syndicate who took on the name of 'mafia' to further spread their influence in the Underworld, and resorted to murder and genocide to show off their newly acquired power." His mouth thinned, voice hard as he almost spat out his next words.

"Are you absolutely sure that it's them?"

"Don't insult my information network, Vongola." The older skylark's answer was sharper, as if insulted that the blond man was double checking his sources. "I personally saw to it myself." He could feel his fingers twitching, clearly itching to obliterate the said Mafia Famiglia into a million, indiscernible pieces. He could care less about the mafia itself, as long as their activities don't cause unrest among the masses, but that Famiglia had crossed the line of his justice by slaughtering innocent people, and they must be punished at once, and heavily at that. He was his own man, and would rather go to their headquarters to finish them off himself.

But, as of the moment, the Vongola's ideals currently matched his own, and it was clear that it was a battle that he wasn't meant to fight in alone. And so, he would consent to be with the Vongola, just this once.

The Primo frowned, thinking deeply of the next steps to be done. Almost immediately after rescuing the children from the village, his Cloud Guardian had immediately thrown himself into research and investigation about the massacre, more importantly, about the Famiglia that did it. Giotto was vehement about him questioning the children about it, and had to resort to physically blocking the man from barging into the children's rooms just to make the Frenchman back down from his intent of interrogating the young ones who were just starting to recover from the horrible experience. Thwarted from his initial plan, Alaude had turned instead to his wide range of contacts, jumping from one country to another to gather information despite of the missions he also received at a regular basis, and finally getting the name and the data that he wanted.

The Neve Famiglia. Just the mere name makes Giotto's blood boil.

The Vongola leader exhaled a sharp breath, trying to control himself. There's no use getting angry about it now. He turned back to his desk, reviewing all of the documents present with a keen eye, taking in as much as he could before incinerating them with his flame, the papers disintegrating into fine ashes, smoldering black under Alaude's cool gaze.

"They're coming tomorrow night." The sentence was said tersely, and suddenly vivid orange-gold eyes centered on an envelope at the side, the only thing that was saved from the brightly burning Dying Will Flames, a yellow-colored parchment with the crest of the Vongola affixed at its opening folds. "I'll inform the others about this."

"Hn." Alaude definitely wanted another match with the other man in his incensed state, wondering what it would be like without the rational thinking and just pure, brute force from his Sky flames. He turned his heel to exit the office, but as he placed his hand on the door handle, the other man spoke up.

"Alaude," The Vongola leader called out, seated on his chair and once again surprising the Frenchman by returning back to his usual personality, the Dying Will Flames gone and only the smudge of black on his desk the only evidence of the man's earlier rage. "Buy something nice for Kyouya to wear tomorrow. Remember, you're also going." Giotto cheerfully reminded the other, whose eyes immediately narrowed, showing his loathing of such useless frivolities.

"… Don't tell me what to do." And with that, his trench coat billowed as he promptly went out of the room, shutting the door with a little more force than intended when he heard the blond man chuckle, his steps louder as if purposefully telling the other man that he wasn't hearing any of it. Giotto couldn't stop laughing to himself as he heard the Cloud Guardian stomp away, his humorous mood vanishing the moment he was alone once again.

He immersed himself with his thoughts, once again glancing at the innocent invitation lying on the table.

He too, needed to make his own preparations for the upcoming event.


After more than a year of their newly extended family, Giotto thought that it was finally time for them to formally introduce their children to their…'associates', that was, the other Famiglias they were allied with as well as the other mafia clans that littered the large system of the Underworld. The Vongola Famiglia was known to be one of the most powerful mafia families in the world, and it certainly came as a shock when its leader, Giotto Vongola, suddenly announced the existence of his five-year old son, who was virtually unheard of in the inner circles of the mafia families. Everybody in their world knew that Giotto Vongola was certainly not married yet, and in fact was the driving force of many heads to introduce their own grown up daughters to the blond man to secure a strong family alliance, and to find out that he had already sired an offspring was shocking, not to mention very suspicious.

Who was the mother of the child? And was the child born out of wedlock? If not, then where was she? And if so, will the boy still be the rightful heir of the Vongola throne?

Rumors continued to float around, one that Giotto neither confirmed nor denied, letting them assume their own ideas about it. The dons who conducted business with Vongola neither saw head nor foot of the rumored child, the blond man taking care to always get Tsuna out of the way of prying eyes. He knew his enemies were trying to see if this news was good or not, and he will not allow them the satisfaction to getting a glimpse of his only son. He went into his work as usual, dodging and avoiding questions about his supposedly wife and child.

This went on for quite some time, causing quite the buzz in their world, and add to the fact that other children appeared by his Guardians' side with almost the same faces as the older men did little to dispel the gossip, even intensifying it to the point of blatant questioning.

Why would seven men who were originally unattached before would suddenly have eight kids by their sides as if they were there all along? And where were their wives? And why didn't the mafia know until now? The news of a wedding between mafia members would almost immediately be spread out without question, more so for an incoming heir that could either be a threat or an asset to the Underworld. For such a well-known Mafioso, how had Giotto Vongola managed to hide his family from the rest of the Families?

It was a complete mystery, one that the Underworld was determined to solve at all costs.

At first, his Guardians were extremely against it.

"Hell no, Giotto." G flatly declared after a moment of tense, surprised silence. "You know the risks. The kids are just recovering from that attack. Don't tell me you want to traumatize them again?"

"People are starting to talk, G." Giotto retorted calmly, hands clasped together tightly as he surveyed the rest of his Guardians (save Alaude, who as usual was doing god-only-knows-what), taking in all of their expressions. He knew the concerns his Storm Guardian had, because he had it himself but it had to be done, for the safety of the children, and of the Vongola itself. Of course, it meant that he was going to bring in the kids into their world, but it was an inevitable fate that he had to accept eventually. "It's been a year, after all. It's the perfect opportunity to introduce them to our allies."

"But it would also mean that we're going to expose them to our enemies." Asari was deeply in thought, also not in favor of the Primo's decision. "And besides, can the children even face new people right now? They are just starting to be comfortable with us. If they meet new people now, they might be shocked back into their trauma."

"But they've been showing great improvement." Daemon looked at the ceiling, a slight frown on his lips, trying to find a loophole. "Nufufufu… I think they're more than ready to face other children their age."

"I don't care about that," Lampo stretched and shrugged. "If the kids want to meet them, I say let them."

"What I'm concerned about is not about our allies, but of the other Famiglia coming." Knuckle slid the piece of paper away from him, one that contained all the information the Sky leader had read just hours ago. "The Neve Famiglia is coming to the party. While the information Alaude gave is probable, if the children saw them and if they somewhat recognize each other…"

"All the more reason to make the party go on." The Mist Guardian answered serenely. "We will finally uncover the people who did it. The children will make excellent bait."

"Enough, Daemon." Giotto was quick to step in when the three older men stood up, bristling and growling at the insensitivity of the other man. "You do not talk about our children in that manner. They are not bait, and they never will be." The blond said sternly.

"Nufufufu… I simply speak the truth, Primo. But no matter, I kid." The Mist waved a hand, not sounding regretful in the least, smirking as one by one the others took their seat once more.

But then again, Daemon had a valid argument. Giotto didn't want to think about it that way, but the 'party' they were planning was really to draw out the attention of the whole mafia. It was, in a way, to make the Famigilia who did the massacre rear its ugly head out and essentially, using their children as bait, as Daemon Spade so eloquently declared. As much as possible he would want to keep the children away, the mafia was starting to pressure him to make his family appear in public, and it was turning into a situation that he couldn't control anymore.

All he could do now was to do damage control. He swore to protect his son and the rest of the kids, but it was another thing if they were to confine these children from the outside world.

"We can't keep the children here forever." He said this quietly, enough to make the others stop and look at him. "Sooner or later we would have to explain things to them, what we are, what we do. I don't want them to be deprived of their childhood, but at the same time, I want them to be aware of what's happening around them." Giotto couldn't forget the sad and longing look on Tsuna's face whenever he would see the boy look outside from the window, having been not allowed to go into town once again. It almost physically hurt the blond man to see his brunet boy so sad and melancholic, knowing that it was his fault, but he couldn't let Tsuna go outside without someone to protect him. Ever since they heard what happened to Chrome during her excursion with Daemon, the children were now more closely observed than ever, only allowed to play close to the mansion, not even allowed to explore the massive hectares the Vongola had.

"While we may have sworn to protect them, we may not always be there for them if they needed us." A heavy silence followed after that statement, all of them reminded of what caused the children to be with them in the first place, and Giotto knew it.

"…At least this time, we'll be present, and if they attempt to hurt the children in our territory, they're asking for a death sentence." G didn't like it at all, but when his best friend got like that, they all knew they had no choice but to agree.

"So, what's the plan?"


"Tsuna, are you ready?" Giotto was fixing himself in front of the mirror, his eyes quirking up at the reflection of his son sitting on the bed behind him, who was dangling his feet over the edge, swinging it to and fro. The brunet boy affirmed happily, looking up from observing his brand new shoes to smile sweetly at his father. "Yup!" He jumped off from the bed to join the older man, watching curiously as Giotto swiftly did his tie, the last thing needed to complete his attire.

Seeing the boy's outfit more properly now, Giotto kneeled down when he saw that Tsuna's vest was worn the wrong way, popping off the buttons one by one and sliding it correctly on the boy's small form. "Are you excited for tonight?" He asked softly, restraining the urge to smile, seeing the child nod his head vigorously.

"Yes! Tsuna's happy that we're going to have a party!" The brunet chattered on excitedly, smiling at the thought of meeting new people. It was rare that he would get to know others, so when his Papa announced that they were going to hold a party for him and his siblings, he could hardly wait. And Tsuna was determined to make the most of it. "I can't wait, Papa!"

"I see." Giotto laughed a little bit, finally finished fixing his son's clothes, smoothing down the folds on the shoulder blades and resting his hands there, turning to look at the mirror again. "Look now, you look much better."

"Wow! Papa and Tsuna look so good!" Tsuna beamed at both of their reflections on the full body mirror, making the blond man chuckle and ruffle the chocolate brown hair, also observing the similarities he and his adopted son had. Even though Tsuna wasn't related to him by blood, their resemblance was unsettlingly uncanny. In fact, the only thing the boy hadn't 'inherited' from him was the dark shade of his hair and eyes, a warm, caramel brown, whilst Giotto's was a bright gold and cool blue. While it was very convenient since it would lessen the questions of Tsuna's already suspicious 'parentage', Giotto had to admit that seeing a young, brown-haired lookalike running around without his knowledge was a very scary thing.

And he still can't shake off the bad feeling he could still feel now. His parental instincts were screaming at him, telling that he was putting his son in possible danger. While it was completely necessary for the Famiglia, he was still concerned for his family. What should do?

"That's right." Forcing the dark thoughts away in his mind and choosing to think about the mystery of their likeness at a later date, the blond man chuckled and grasped the boy's hand, exiting the man's bedroom chamber just as the clock struck seven, reminding them of their current engagement. "Let's hurry, Tsuna." Giotto quipped good-naturedly at his son, not showing his inner turmoil as he held the boy by the wrist, who stayed oblivious to it all.

"We wouldn't want your Uncles to get angry, after all."

Please let me do the right thing… Giotto could only hope that he wasn't making the biggest mistake of his life.


"Is everyone here?" Giotto had finally arrived in the landing, seeing all of his Guardians and the children present dressed in their best clothes, Asari and Takeshi in traditional Japanese robes, Hayato's long silver hair pulled and tied up with a bit of red ribbon, Ryohei for once wearing proper non-sports attire, and even Mukuro and Kyouya were being reasonably well-behaved, though kept as far away from each other as possible. Tsuna beamed brightly when he saw them, waving a marry hand and cheerfully greeting all of his siblings, the children unaware of the heavy gravity of the situation.

"I still don't like this, Giotto." G muttered in an undertone to the blond when they took their places before the door of the massive ballroom, hearing the muted voices of the people chattering inside, a continuous buzz that didn't lift Giotto's anxiety one bit. "Knowing that those guys are on the other side makes me want to skewer them to the wall…"

"I know. I'm sorry if I'm putting Hayato in danger, G." The Vongola Primo apologized quietly, knowing that this had to be done, blinking when the Storm Guardian snorted and looked at him in disbelief.

"What are you talking about, idiot? You're not doing anything wrong." The redhead dismissed he apology aside, merely clapping a hand on the leader's shoulder and taking his place right behind the Vongola boss. "I know that you'll protect Tsuna and the others. We all would."

Giotto smiled at his best friend, composing himself and coaxing Tsuna to his side, holding the smaller boy's hand as the grand double doors finally opened, announcing their arrival.

At first they were blinded by the giant chandeliers ablaze with light, giving the room an bright, yellow glow. The usually deserted Vongola Mansion ballroom now alive with music and life as the light was reflected from the gold colored walls, with large, top to bottom windows showing the lit fairy-like gardens outside. Everyone wore fine clothes make of silk and velvet, the most powerful people of the mafia underworld gathering under one roof to witness the formal introduction of the Vongola Famiglia's heir. Tsuna gasped in wonder; it was the first time he saw the ballroom lit, and the sheer beauty made him speechless, his head turning left and right, trying to take in everything.

Giotto felt relieved somewhat when he saw the little feet hiding behind the colorful gowns and the tailored coats, knowing that it wasn't just the adults that came to their party. As they said that it was a party for their children to mingle and know one another, in a show of goodwill, the other mafia families also brought their children along, in the hopes of arranging an alliance with the powerful Vongola Famiglia.

In their world, appearances were everything.

The invited guests looked up from their own conversations as the host was announced, respectfully moving aside make a path to the other side of the ballroom, seeing the young and handsome Giotto Vongola at the very front, holding a young boy by the hand. They entered the ballroom, and everyone gave a gasp at the children's features, surprised by the sheer likeness they could see. What once were mere whispers became audible murmurs, just stopping when the blond man stepped up onto the raised platform, his Guardians and their children forming one line, side-by-side.

"Everyone, thank you for coming tonight." His raised voice carried all throughout the large room, the Guardians upright and solemn, the children suddenly feeling shy and somewhat afraid, clinging on to their fathers, feeling a hundred eyes look at them critically. It was also the first time they saw so many unfamiliar faces, and it was very overwhelming.

"Today, the Vongola Famiglia hosted this party today to introduce our children, who has been separated from us since birth for personal and safety reasons, as you can understand." Giotto started the story coolly, not an ounce of uncertainty in his voice. "However, certain… circumstances willed us to being our children into our care. Tonight, I will now break my silence about this matter, and my Guardians as well." His hands swept across the room, gesturing to the men beside him. He looked down, and seeing Tsuna cling to him tightly, he smiled and held the boy's hand, keeling down and patting his head reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Tsuna. Papa's here, so don't be afraid to show yourself." He whispered softly, smiling wider when the brunet boy looked at him full of trust and nodded slowly, moving out from his father's shadow, looking down at his feet when he felt the weight of everyone's gaze on him.

"My son, Tsunayoshi Vongola." He could feel his father's warm hand on his back, rubbing soothingly, and it took away some of his nervousness, managing to look up and give a shaky, but sweet smile of greeting to the guests, especially towards the children he could now see peeking at him interestedly.

"Forgive him; he's a little shy because he rarely sees other people apart from my Guardian's own children." Giotto immediately shielded Tsuna from their scrutinizing eyes, deciding that they've seen the boy enough already. "He's very sheltered."

"At any rate, please enjoy the party tonight." Asari quickly added in. "We're looking forward to it."

Once again the music started, and the party had officially begun.


The party had been going on for quite some time now, and almost at once the members of the Vongola were swamped by their guests trying to take a glimpse of their children. The last time Giotto checked, his Guardians were also making up their own versions of the story, Kyouya disappeared, Mukuro and Chrome impressed the other children with their illusions, Ryohei was making those near him almost deaf, Hayato stayed as anti-social as ever, Lambo was tucked away to sleep, and Takeshi was as cheerful and accommodating as ever.

Tsuna, on the other hand…

Giotto tried not to sigh again as he was once again crowded by the wives and the females of the mafia families, Tsuna shirking in further into his cloak, only a tuft of brown hair and one eye appearing as the boy was squealed and cooed over by the ladies. There was no denying it, everyone was curious about the brunet child, and Giotto tried his best to stem the almost unending flow of questions about him and Tsuna.

"Yes, Tsuna is six years old right now." He answered, just the tiniest bit uncomfortable with lying, but, again, it was necessary. "He started to live with me a year ago."

The ladies laughed and giggled as if he had just made the most hilarious joke ever, and Giotto tired not to roll his eyes. Women in the underworld were more often than not just trophy wives of mafia dons to brag about with no real knowledge of their husband's darker 'work'. True bred mafiosa were rare to come by, since most daughters tend to be married off to a younger mafia heir to secure an alliance, and as much as possible most mafia leaders would want a son to 'carry on the tradition', so to speak.

"But what about your wife, Lord Vongola?" A woman in a skintight red gown that covered less than intended and showed her ample bosom simpered, batting her eyelashes at the blond man, who tried not to outwardly cringe. He recognized her as one of the mistresses of the Donnaiolo Famiglia leader, and even without the hyper intuition, he knew that her thoughts about him would be anything but pure. "Is she not here with you?"

"I'm afraid so. She's not here with us anymore." Despite the blatant lie, he did feel genuine sadness at the thought of Tsuna's biological mother, face scrunched up in pain and terror, her last moments before giving up her life for her son. "She's dead."

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She wasn't sorry at all, his intuition supplied happily. Giotto resisted the urge to bang his head on the nearest hard surface, feeling Tsuna's fingers curl around the sleeve of his pants, tugging almost relentlessly for the past 30 minutes. He knew that Tsuna was uncomfortable with strangers, still distrustful of them due to his trauma, and yet he still stayed, just terribly introverted. Giotto had hoped that this experience would loosen up the child more to make him return to a relatively normal childhood, but with company like this… well… Giotto couldn't blame him.

And just as he was excusing himself for the innumerous time, sensing Tsuna's tense posture, a smooth, familiar voice interrupted silkily, making Giotto's head turn at the sound.

That voice… it can't be…

"Excuse me ladies, but may I please have a word with the Vongola Primo?" Crimson hair. Unusual eyes. A charming smile. "As much as I would want to stay in your wonderful company, I believe that your husbands are looking for you."

The women tittered excitedly at the new addition to their group, a young man as equally striking as the Vongola Primo himself. He moved with an easy grace, hands casually tucked into his pockets as he gave an amused glance to the blond man who was gaping, looking stunned and grateful at the same time. "I'll borrow him for a while, but I can promise that I'll bring him back safe and sound."

"Oh, Lord Shimon! Always the charmer!" And with that, the ladies moved away, but not before promising that they would come back after they were done talking to one another. The two men watched the women disperse, and finally the Vongola Primo looked at the redheaded man, who merely grinned at him.


"Cozart!" Instead of the customary handshake, the blond man pulled him into a tight, brotherly hug, resting his chin on the other's shoulder, incredibly happy that the Shimon leader managed to come. "I thought you wouldn't be able to make it!" Giotto missed his friend dearly. Despite the fact that they were allied families, the Shimon Famiglia's base was located at the north of Italy, while they were in the South. Ever since they made their vigilante group (now turned into mafia) they barely had time for themselves, much less see each other. They sent letters to each other frequently, nothing about their group, but about their private lives, keeping in touch and keeping their close friendship intact. "How are you? And how's your Famiglia?"

"Well," Cozart Shimon mused as they both pulled away, his compass-red eyes filled with warmth for his longtime friend, "Right now, I feel very surprised since you just suddenly announced that you have a son." His eyebrow was raised in question, one that was answered with an 'I'll-explain-later' look. "But both my family and Family are fine, thanks to your help." It's been too long since they saw each other again, and the two men would make the most of it. "If I had known earlier what you going to do, I would've brought Enma along. I'm sure that Adel and Julie wouldn't mind."

"He's the same age as Tsuna, right?" The last time Giotto saw Cozart's little nephew was when he was born, and by then he was already busy trying to raise Vongola's reputation. He was a tiny little thing, with the Shimon family hair and eyes, and Cozart was terribly protective of him, being the only son of his older half-sister, Adeleheid. "That's too bad."

"Yeah, I think they would be good friends." Red eyes spied a caramel-colored orb peeking up at him, and he knelled down to the boy's level slowly, chuckling when Tsuna squeaked and hid himself again, wrapping the Vongola Primo's cloak around himself.

"Come on, Tsuna. I want you to meet your Uncle Cozart." Giotto bent down and tried to tug the black fabric away, but Tsuna shook his head quickly and refused to budge, the older man ignoring the quirked eyebrow the redhead shot at him. "Don't worry. He's Papa's friend, and he'll be good to you."

After what seemed a long time Tsuna finally relented, opening the black flap just enough to uncover his face, looking at the Shimon leader curiously, but also warily. Cozart smiled at the action, kneeling down and offering his hand up for a handshake, his voice soft and friendly.

"Ciao, Tsunayoshi."

Tsuna blinked, wondering how to answer. His eyes carefully took in the man's form, realizing, for the first time, that that was the same stance his Papa made when they saw each other for the first time. A slow smile made its way to his face, somehow knowing that this man wouldn't hurt him, and that it was okay to trust him. Tsuna's hand reached out and grasped the large one, shyly shaking it, just like his Papa told him. "Um… my name is Tsuna." He whispered, already half-out of his father's cloak.

"And my name is Cozart. I'm a friend of your Papa's."

Giotto had to admit, the other man certainly had a way with children, watching him interact with his little boy. He almost felt jealousy towards him, really, for making Tsuna trust him almost at once, easily coaxing him out into the open and talking with him about his family, which the brunet boy happily supplied. Giotto could only smile as Cozart picked Tsuna up, the boy squealing as he touched the other man's face, staring in curiosity at the man's features.

"You have pretty eyes, Uncle Cozart." The two older men blinked at the sudden compliment, stated in simple truth and wonder that Giotto had to chuckle, and Cozart to smile more widely, making Tsuna blush, realizing what he just said. Cozart's eyes were certainly unusual, but it was the first time someone called it 'pretty'. Giotto resisted the urge to take the child away from his friend and cuddle him into oblivion, opting to just ruffle the chocolate colored hair fondly, chuckling when Tsuna turned to him and gave him a smile.

Cozart had a feeling that he would like his friend's son very, very much.

"You know, I have a nephew, just around your age." Cozart informed the little boy in his arms, making the caramel brown orbs widen slightly in question and interest. "His name is Enma, and I think you'll like him."

Tsuna asked curiously, "Is he nice?"

"Very nice." Cozart confirmed with a smile, sharing a look with Giotto as the boy instantly turned towards his father, pleading to see his Uncle Cozart's nephew.

"Of course, Tsuna." The Vongola Primo agreed, also deciding that it's time to make a visit to the Shimon family. "If your Uncle Cozart would allow us to, of course."

"What are you talking about, Giotto? You and your Famiglia are always welcome in our home." Tsuna was reaching for his father and Cozart willingly let him go, watching the boy cuddle up to the blond, burying his face in the crook of the Primo's neck and stifling a yawn. "He's sleepy."

"He's been tense all night." Giotto rubbed the small back comfortingly. "Always surrounded by the ladies…" He had to laugh at the sympathetic cringe at appeared on his friend's face.

"Well well… what a very heartwarming scene, Lord Vongola." A silky and cold voice commented from behind, making Giotto freeze, his hold on Tsuna unconsciously tightening as he slowly turned around to face the speaker. "And Lord Shimon as well."

"You are…" Cozart's brow was furrowed, trying to recognize the mafia don.

"Ah, I apologize, I forgot to introduce myself." The man bowed low before the two mafia dons, his hair a striking shade of inky black, eyes a peculiar shade of purplish-red, his friendly expression a mere façade that didn't hide the menacing aura he had.

"Carmine Neve, the son of the Neve Primo."

The Neve Famiglia had come.

Giotto stared distrustfully at the newly arrived man in front of him, unconsciously tightening his grip on his son, who he now realized has dropped off to unconsciousness, a thing he was thankful about. The soft, even breaths touched his neck and he soothed the boy into a deeper sleep, all the while not taking his eyes off the Neve Secondo. At the corner of his eye he saw G turn his head to their direction, noticing the way the crimson eyes narrowed down considerably.

"I didn't know that the Neve Famiglia had a son." It was Cozart who spoke out, looking at the black-haired man with some wariness and suspicion. It was true. The Neve Famiglia was an earlier established mafia family in the underworld, existing longer than the Vongola for about half a century, but most often than not they always took the neutral ground in most matters, making them both not ally nor enemy. Rosso Neve, its founder and first leader, had a wife, Cecilia, but it was well known that the man didn't have an heir, creating a lot of speculation on who would eventually succeed him.

Well, those rumors weren't needed anymore.

"It seems that my father has kept quiet about my existence, but rest assured that the Famiglias in the northern part of Italy know who I am." Carmine said, red violet irises shimmering amusedly. "My father had wanted to come, but he had an important engagement to attend to, and so sent me here in his stead." He made a little bow, lips quirking up in a small smile. "I do hope that I don't disappoint, my lords."

While Cozart was busy in trying to assure the other man that he didn't, Giotto was immersed in his thoughts, observing the Neve son closely. He was… pleasant, for someone whose father ordered mass genocide on a small town village. Giotto didn't know what to think of him. Almost as tall as Cozart, his hair was as black as midnight, long and tied neatly into a ponytail, straight bangs slightly shielding the side of his face, and yet they could still see the pair of eyes that now looked straight at them, framing an intelligent-looking and handsome face. He wore clothes of white and royal blue, form-fitting and regal, showing a manner and etiquette befitting of a young lord. He looked young, just around their age, give and take a few years, and Giotto almost thought of him as pretty, really, if he would admit it to himself.

"I have heard so much about the esteemed Vongola and its leader." Carmine continued on, shaking the Shimon leader's hand genially before turning back to the blond. "I truly consider it an honor to finally meet the famous Giotto Vongola."

His name suited him, Giotto thought, feeling something in those curious colored eyes unsettle him. Despite the warmth and geniality the other man excluded, the Vongola Primo could see nothing beneath the depths of his warm colored orbs. Caution suddenly seeped into his senses, sunset blue meeting twilight pink, the lavender and crimson melding and mixing to form the perfect color of bloodshed and violence, the only things he could see reflected in those eyes. "Likewise."

Carmine smiled, a dangerous lilt of the lips that had the Vongola Primo's intuition shrieking in alarm. "Is that your son, Lord Vongola?" Giotto immediately stiffened at the mention of Tsuna, cradling him closer, internally thanking that his son was already asleep.

"…Yes." He was reluctant to answer the question, and yet he didn't want to appear rude. Technically, the man didn't do anything… yet. But… "I apologize if he can't introduce himself; he's exhausted his energy all night."

"No… that's quite all right, Lord Vongola." The raven man cut in smoothly, waving a hand dismissively, not losing his friendly air, the blond didn't like the way the raven looked at his son, his eyes slowly raking down the brunet boy's small form with an almost malevolent interest, as if taking in all of the boy's physical details and wondering how to go about tearing it off one by one. Giotto was glad that Tsuna's face was buried in his neck; it shielded his face from view, and ensured a measure of safety. The Primo gritted his teeth, trying not to lose his composure. "How old is he?"

"He's six years old." He stopped himself from hugging the child to his chest when he saw the violet-red eyes gleam brighter, his already panicking intuition now shrieking to take Tsuna away from the man as far away as possible. But he held his ground, refusing to be intimidated.

"He's quite small for his age, isn't he?" Carmine mused thoughtfully, his eyes shifting once again to the blond leader. "Then again… children are quite fragile themselves… vulnerable… defenseless… quite susceptible to injury and harm…"

Giotto froze, his sapphire colored eyes slowly hardening into a furious stone as he quickly read between the lines, feeling the rage rise inside him quickly. His hold on Tsuna, if possible, became even tighter, almost digging his fingers in the small shoulder, willing himself not to go on Dying Will Mode for the sake of the people around him.

"And what," He asked in a voice that sounded calmer than what he actually felt, "is that supposed to mean, Lord Neve?"

Carmine Neve smiled, a dangerous lilt of his lips that filled the Sky leader with a sense of foreboding. A passing servant came by with a seafood platter, and the Neve don carelessly picked a medium-sized clam, studying it in all angles almost curiously, flickering his eyes up to meet with dark blue every so once in a while.

"Clams have always been my favorite." Carmine commented casually, abruptly changing the subject, though Giotto didn't know if this was deliberate or not. "I'm simply fascinated with the way they are, with a hard, strong shell to protect its much more delicate insides. But it is quite strange, really…" Instead of prying the shell open by splitting the two halves open, he pressed down hard on the top, causing it to crack.

"For all of its supposed sturdiness, it's quite easy to break…" The shell finally shattered under the pressure, fragments of shellfish scattering on his open palm. "And it's just a matter…" He prodded around, pushing the ceramic bits and pieces away from the edible parts of the animal.

His fingers pinched around the cream-colored clam meat, pulling it out of the shell wreckage.

"Of getting…"

Slowly he brought it to his lips, all the while not taking his eyes off the other man.

"The soft meat inside… "

Gently he bit on it, his teeth tearing through the flesh, tongue darting out to catch the remains, chewing slowly, savoring the deep, rich flavor of shellfish, shifting his gaze to the young boy sleeping innocently on the blond man's arms.

"… Just waiting to be devoured."

He finished off his short meal, lips taking form of a small smile as he sucked delicately on his smeared fingers, all done in front of Giotto Vonogla's widened eyes.

"And, of course, discard the now useless clams who failed in protecting its insides." The shell was instantly crushed under thin, pale fingers as if made from paper, the sickening crunch of ceramic echoing in the blond man's ears, numbly watching as the hand was opened once more and only the remains of a once whole shellfish could be seen.

Carmine smiled.

"Delicious. My compliments to your chefs, Lord Vongola."

Giotto couldn't think anymore. Almost immediately, white, red-hot rage filled his senses, drowning everything around but Carmine Neve, his eyes slowly taking on the shade of bright gold as he struggled to control himself. A deep growl rumbled in his throat, escaping though his lips as he held Tsuna protectively, reminiscent of a lion baring its fangs at its enemy as he bristled in barely disguised fury. He could feel his hands getting warmer, Sky flames threatening to burst out and attack the man who just dared threaten his Famiglia, not caring if it meant that he was declaring war on every single mafia family present in the ballroom. His Famiglia was the most important thing to him, his precious treasures, especially his little Tsuna, who he had sworn to protect with his very life the moment he saw him.

In the safety of his family, there were no compromises. As much as he hated violence and murder, if he had to kill everyone in this room just for his family and Family to stay safe, then so be it.

And Carmine Neve would be the first.

Cozart was looking at the two men engaged in a stare off, feeling wary but concerned at the same time, especially for his friend. He rarely saw Giotto upset. In fact, this was the first time he had seen the Vongola leader so livid, posture tense, his eyes slowly turning several shades lighter, flickering from blue to orange as the blond man resisted the urge to ignite his Flames and consequently scare everyone in the room. The air around them was thick with tension, one that could snap in any moment with the right trigger, and Cozart didn't know how to stop it, still in the dark on what was happening. What's going on with the Vongola and the Neve Famiglia?

A soft whimper broke the rising tension, and Giotto snapped out of his reckless rage when it reached his ears, quickly looking down and saw Tsuna's face scrunched in great discomfort, trying to squirm away from the heated hands, which were hot enough to blister skin. He was still unconscious, instinctively trying to get away from harm, and the Vongola Primo quickly cooled down the rising flames, murmuring a soft lullaby to ease the little boy into a deeper and more comfortable sleep, giving a small exhale of relief when his son finally stopped moving and returned to his peaceful dreams, mumbling incoherently.

The Neve don was looking on with amusement. "What a touching father and son moment."

Giotto quickly snapped his head up, eyes narrowing at the carmine-colored orbs. "Your message is well received, Carmine Neve." He said quietly, quickly regaining his composure.

"I will do whatever it takes to bring you down."

"Will you?" Reddish purple orbs widened in interest, taking on the image of innocence as he gave a cheerful smile which didn't follow with the words he said next.

"Then please do all you can to stop me, Giotto Vongola." With one last wave and a bow, the Neve heir disappeared in the throng of people, and it was only when he was completely gone did the Shimon head turn to the blond man, incredulous, curious, and worried all at the same time.

"Giotto, what's going on?" The redhead demanded in an undertone, still conscious of the people around them. "Are we fighting the Neve Famiglia now? For what reason?"

"Vongola's going to fight them." Giotto corrected him, feeling a migraine come on, all of the tension leaving his body at once, leaving him more exhausted than the whole party combined. He shifted Tsuna in his arms, trying to get into a more comfortable position. "This is our Famiglia's fight. I can't have you participating in a fight that doesn't concern you and your Famiglia. I can't have more people getting hurt."

"What are you talking about! We're allies, Giotto! Of course I would help you!" Cozart exclaimed, wanting to argue. The Vongola and Shimon would always be comrades-in-arms, brothers in pride and blood, no matter what the situation. "What happened?"

The blond man was about to answer when G suddenly entered his line of sight, startled with the appearance of his Storm Guardian.

"What did he say, Giotto?" Were the first words out of the gunman's mouth. Hayato, the Vongola leader saw, wasn't with him, and raised an eyebrow in slight question. "Where's Hayato?"

"With Asari and his brat. And don't change the subject, dammit." G's lips were formed into a deep scowl, glowering at the white-dressed man, who was now talking with another mafia don and his wife. "What did that bastard say to you?" He repeated, clearly showing that he wasn't taking a 'no' for an answer.

"It's… nothing, G." But, even then, Giotto shook his head, deciding to leave the answers for later. He felt tired, both physically and mentally, and he needed to tuck Tsuna into bed soon. "He just greeted and introduced himself, that's all." And threatened to destroy our Famiglia and take everything we hold dear… but it was something that needed to be said behind closed doors. The conversation with Carmine Neve had shaken him, unable to believe that the man had managed to get a rise out of him with a few chosen words and gestures. But what had surprised him the most was how much he was affected by it, his intuition and instincts all telling him one thing.

The Neve Famiglia was dangerous. Very much more than what they had originally thought.

"It's fine, G. Nothing happened." The blond assured his right hand man, who didn't look entirely convinced, interrupting when the Shimon leader opened his mouth to reply heatedly that, no, it definitely wasn't fine at all. "Cozart, I'll explain everything later on. You could even ask G about it if you want to, but I have to take Tsuna to his bed now. G, cover for me for a while. I'll be back in fifteen minutes or so." And without waiting for a response from either men, Giotto spun on his heel and left the room as quickly and as quietly as he could, excusing himself before finally going through the double doors once more, the silent darkness in the hallways greeting him as he almost collapsed against the wall, trying to regain his strength.

He took slow, deep breaths, struggling to keep himself upright, taking care to protect the bundle in his arms. He looked down, brushing away the loose strands of chocolate colored hair that brushed against his son's smooth cheek, before pressing his fingers against it, finding comfort and solace in the warmth he felt. Tsuna was still fast asleep, unaware of the events that transpired, and Giotto hoped that it would stay that way forever.

I'll protect you, Tsuna. I'll protect you with everything I have, even my life.


Daemon Spade, for a lack of a better term and to quote his rather loud-mouthed nephew, was extremely bored. Like Alaude, he despised these kinds of formal events, but unlike him, he never openly showed his displeasure by skipping the party in the middle of it, like what the skylark father and son pair did hours ago. Sipping his glass of wine, he surveyed his own children from the rim of his wineglass, carefully taking in the surroundings lest a threatening presence made itself known.

His Chrome, his beloved little angel, was for once talking, albeit shyly, with the other children, her long, lavender dress fluttering around her petite form as she showed her illusions to a fascinated group of young boys, of whom he warned Mukuro about. And, just as he instructed, Mukuro was by her side at once, very calmly and politely excusing her to take her to 'safer waters', that was, to the adults who was enchanted by Mukuro's gentlemanly manners and mature conduct. He had to hand it to his boy, the Mist Guardian mused wistfully as he now clearly saw the way Mukuro wrapped them all around his little finger. The tall boy of eight was quite the hustler, frequently getting his way by means of small talk and manipulative maneuvers, charisma and charm oozing out of him in waves. Daemon Spade himself couldn't have done it better.

Turning away for a moment, he spied long, flaxen-colored hair a few feet away from him, its owner standing alone, looking lonely amidst the swirling gowns talking and chatting animatedly. Allowing a smaller, but genuine smile grace his features, he set his wineglass down and approached the lady, making sure that his children could still see him before smoothly appearing in front of her and taking her hand, chuckling at the surprised gasp she gave.

Slowly he raised the hand to his lips, pressing lightly against the long, delicate fingers, his touch lingering just for a short moment before pulling away. He never took his eyes off her angelic face, her deep forest-green eyes even as he straightened out, their hands still touching. "Why is a lady such as you alone in a place like this?" He asked with a light, teasing tone, smiling at the pink flush that suddenly appeared on her skin. But she smiled at him, different from the others she gave, special and reserved just for him, and him alone. "There must be something wrong with the eyes of the men here if they were to leave someone as beautiful as you."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Lord Spade." She answered him matter-of-factly, her hand squeezing his warmly, the two of them oblivious to the world except for each other.

"It's not flattery if it's telling the truth." His normally ice colored eyes turned soft, caressing every inch of her face.

"… Elena."

The blush darkened into a deep scarlet, but she was still smiling, nevertheless, looking at her lover who chose to wear his complete military uniform to the party tonight, looking more handsome than ever. "… Daemon." Sharing one more meaningful look with each other, the Mist Guardian proceeded to tuck her hand into his arm and place his own above it, taking her away to meet his children.

While Elena might have a kind and caring heart, even he didn't know how she would react if she would see his children face to face. He had admitted his 'secret' to her after a few months of finding the children, and it hurt him to see her so distraught about it at first, which was perfectly understandable. He was fortunate that she had loved him enough to accept it freely; any other woman would have been shocked and hurt to find out that their lover already had children prior to their current relationship and was keeping it from her. It helped though that he had told her later on that it was only an adoption and not a biological siring, though he wasn't sure if she would believe him when she would see the children's faces.

They emerged from the crowd to approach the children, whose eyes slowly widened when they took in the sight of a beautiful woman by their father's side.

"Father, who is she?" Mukuro asked curiously, holding his sister's hand as they stood before their adoptive parent, blinking at the woman, who looked surprised. Elena could not believe it. Because Daemon had told her that his children were adopted, she had expected them to have a different face, but what she was seeing was a near perfect replica of her lover when he was at that age, save for the pineapple-shaped hairstyle. She looked at him with uncertainty. Was it possible that he was lying to her? No, her mind decided quickly. She trusted him, and she knew him well enough that he would never hide anything important from her. But it was certainly startling to see a boy who so looked like the Vongola Mist Guardian without being related to him at all.

"Mukuro, Chrome, there is someone I would like you to meet." Daemon patted both children on the head, coaxing them to come closer. He had seen the myriad of expressions on her face, which only worsened his feelings of unease. But hoping for the best, he removed himself from her side to coax his little girl out, who took to hiding behind her older brother, her phobia once again manifesting itself as she looked up the blond woman timidly.

"Come my dear, don't be frightened." Daemon soothed his daughter, slowly taking her hand and pulling her out of Mukuro's shadow. "She will not hurt you." He assured the young girl, who still looked unsure, but nodding when her twin held her other hand, also telling her without words that he was also there to protect her.

"Daemon, what's wrong with her?" Elena asked, concerned. She had never seen a little girl look so frightened before, and it made her heart ache, sensing that there was more to these children than what she saw. "Why is she so afraid of me?"

"That's…" The Mist Guardian couldn't tell her the truth about his children, not here with so many people listening in intently. He was surprised, though, when Chrome broke away from him and walked towards Elena, taking Mukuro with her, before standing in front of the older woman.

"You're very beautiful." Chrome shyly started to speak, gathering her courage to speak out loud, feeling her brother's hand in her own give her strength. She gave a small, shaky smile, somehow knowing that the woman was kind. Her face showed it. "My name is Chrome, and this is my big brother, Mukuro."

Slowly the blond woman bent down to her level and smiled, warm and almost motherly, quickly making both children at ease. "And I am Elena." She took a glance at her lover, and had to hide her smile at his incredulous face. "You're also very pretty, Chrome. In fact, you're much prettier than I am." She reached out tucked a stray strand of violet hair behind the smaller girl's ear, offering a kind look and a sincere nod.

The little girl flushed at the compliment, looking down bashfully. Except for her family, nobody has ever called her pretty before. Ken always called her ugly, and Chikusa didn't even say anything. Beside her Mukuro was looking at Elena with a thoughtful look, though still guarded. However, she complimented Chrome, and whoever was nice to his little sister was in his good books, unless proven otherwise.

He still had his reservations, but he would allow the woman to get close to them both. She was his father's friend, after all. He had to admit though, that she was very beautiful, like his sister had said, and subsequently produced a rose out of nowhere to give to the older woman.

"A beautiful rose for a beautiful woman." He smiled innocently, making his father glower at him as he received a soft kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

This was going to be so much fun.


A black, horse-drawn carriage stopped at the entrance of a quiet, stately mansion, the iron-wrought gates opening with a silent creak, letting the coach pass through its defenses, stopping at the large, mahogany double doors at the front. The horses reared back and neighed when they were halted, buckled feet clapping against the sandy ground, as the coachman calmed down his charges. The footman immediately opened the door and a leather-clad foot descended on the footplate, a lean body exiting the carriage as the young man gave his thanks to his driver and footman before moving to enter the large house.

It was past midnight, and yet the house still had some living souls, evidenced by the servant opening the entrance door for him before he even had the chance to grab the handle. Pleasantly surprised, he didn't have the chance to ask why they were still awake, as a woman started to descend on the staircase, with luscious auburn hair that fell down in large waves, framing her sultry, voluptuous figure, plump lips curled up in a mischievous smile.

"Welcome back," she cooed softly once she had reached the bottom of the stairs, immediately linking her arms around his neck and giving his cheek a peck. "How was your trip, sweetheart?"

"… Interesting enough." He kissed the corner of her lips in return, his hands wounding around her waist and pulling her closer to him. "Were you lonely without me?" He murmured in her ear, making her giggle at the ticklish sensation.

"Oh, you don't know how much." The woman pouted, making the gesture undeniably sexy as she did it. "The house was simply unbearable without you here. Everybody was mean to me, and they won't let me catch a break." She sighed melodramatically, making the man chuckle.

"Please you two, get a room already." A voice grumbled out, and both turned their heads to the sight of a younger looking man appearing by the side door, yawning and disheveled, a hand scratching at his spiky, silver hair, teal eyes narrowing slightly at the two. "For god's sake, it's past midnight already. Don't make me throw up my dinner four hours ago."

"Hah, you're just jealous because I got to Carmine first and you didn't." The woman teased back, sticking her tongue out childishly, tightening her hold over the Neve don while watching the silveret splutter and blush at the implications. She smirked, rubbing her cheek against the soft, white silk, her jade colored eyes not leaving sea green ones. "Speaking of which, isn't it your bedtime already, Lanzo?"

"S-Shut up! I'm not a kid!" The sixteen year old seethed, cheeks still a dark scarlet as he scowled at the older woman. "I can sleep anytime I want, old hag!"

She wasn't put off in the least by the insult, opting to slide away from her initial captive, who was trying hard not to laugh, and sauntered over to the younger, who immediately took a step back as he saw her approach.

"Oh, is that so?" She asked seductively, internally gleeful of the visible gulp the teen gave. "Well, then, why don't you show this woman how it's done?" She captured his face in her hands, staring intently, watching the darkened pupils slowly dilate as she leaned closer, murmuring sweetly to the gaping lips. "Be gentle with me, okay?" Their lips almost brushed, giggling when the teen finally snapped out of it and tried to escape.

"Serafina, please stop teasing Lanzo." Carmine stepped in good-naturedly when he saw the boy hyperventilating, close to passing out, eyes rolling at the back of his head as the brunette woman held him to her chest, arms flailing as his face was crushed in between two soft mounds of flesh. "He's going to spontaneously combust, and I need all of you alive."

She pouted. "Aww, but Carmi…" When the Neve son shook his head humorously again she sighed dramatically and let the teen go, who first gulped in large amounts of air before streaking away, face and neck still red as he disappeared from view, presumably to go back to sleep, but not before giving a grateful glace to the older man.

"He's so fun to tease." Serafina laughed after Lanzo, tucking her hair back. "He's so innocent I just can't help it." Her blue-colored nightgown shimmered in the light, which was starting to dim on Carmine's orders.

"Not all of us have your… expertise, Serafina." Carmine chuckled back, glancing around the main hall. "How are the rest?"

"Well, Tino and Abramo are already asleep, you already saw Lanzo, and god-know only knows where Raven is." The auburn-haired lady grumbled at the mention of her other colleagues. "I don't know where Ricci is either."

"Why don't you get your beauty rest, Serafina." Carmine finally saw what he was looking for and turned back to her, reaching for her hand and guiding her back to the staircase. "I think I'll stay out here a little while longer." He smiled.

"Carmi, you're not going to bed yet?" She fretted worriedly, but finally conceded with a final kiss to his cheek and a promise that he would come to bed later. After watching her come up the stairs and disappear, the Neve don once again turned back to the empty entrance hall, moonlight filtering through the arched windows, bathing the room in a dim, silvery glow. Carelessly he walked through the semi-darkness, alone, stopping just before a glass panel and pressing his hand against it, looking at the dense trees just beyond the transparent glass.

"How long are you going to stay quiet?" He asked in a light voice to no one in particular, seemingly talking to himself, and yet he perfectly knew that there was another person with him, though he was completely alone just moments ago. And, as if coming out of the darkness itself, another figure emerged, directly across from him, leaning against the cream-colored wall, head bowed, arms crossed against a lean, muscled chest. Darkened golden eyes peeked out of strawberry blond bangs, almost feral looking, as he observed the raven from his spot. "If you want to scold me, then now is the time to do so."

"You went out without us again. Haven't I told you that it was dangerous?" His low-octave voice, rich, deep and almost sensual, answered back, leaving his spot to move towards the other man, his steps slow and almost purposeful as if he was letting the black-haired man know that he was walking closer to him. He stopped, directly behind the smaller male, who neither turned nor made any indication that he acknowledged the other man's presence. "Especially if you went to the Vongola's side without any protection."

"Ah, you worry too much." Carmine chuckled, the soft sound reverberating through the room. "I just went to make a little visit, that's all." Their gazes, carmine and gold, met in the reflection of the transparent glass. The Neve Secondo slowly curled his hand into a fist, a finger running down to trace the reflection of a tanned cheek. Unnaturally bright eyes flickered at the taller man's handsome features, pale, pink lips quirking pleasantly at the sight of the stern expression seen on the angular face. "You should've come with me, Neroli." He said wistfully. "The Vongola is certainly interesting."

They were silent, with the other man not dignifying the given statement with a response. Minutes passed by slowly, but merely felt like seconds, as Neroli Ricci finally stopped their small talk, knowing that they would have to speak of more private matters now.

"Are they strong?"

"… Not particularly." The peculiar-eyed man now sounded amused. "I'm afraid that I hadn't made a good first impression. After my little greeting, Giotto Vongola almost attacked me." He could feel the man tensing behind him, but he continued on as if he hadn't noticed. "It's too bad that his… son managed to stop him in time." He sighed again, this time with a tinge of regret, seeing the sudden frown that appeared on the other man's face. "It would make destroying them a lot easier if that happened."

Neroli was once again silent. Knowing the man well, there were times that even he couldn't comprehend what the other was thinking, and this was one of those moments.

"What are you planning, Carmine?"

Carmine now turned around and faced the orange-haired man, his lips quirking up almost as if he was just asked on the status of the weather. His purplish-red eyes glazed over as a wave of power suddenly surged, immediately making the other man breathless, the killing intent undeniable despite the relaxed form the leader gave.

"I'll use their dead and decaying bodies as the stepping stone for our Famiglia's future glory." He answered easily, a genuine sweetness to his tone. He stared up at his best friend, who, despite the casual declaration of morbidity, didn't look surprised at all. "You'll be accompanying me, of course?" Carmine asked promptly, reaching up to touch the scar that spoiled what would have been a too handsome face, a finger tracing a deep indent running from the top of an eyebrow to the middle of a cheek.

But, even so, he would follow the man anywhere, to the ends of the earth, even to hell if they so happened to end up there. Neroli closed his eyes, accepting the words with no complaint, as he submitted to the Neve heir's will.

"… Yes."

If it's your wish, then the Vongola will be crushed.

The party finished successfully enough, but Giotto had enough on his mind to worry about what the other mafia families thought. He was sitting on his desk early the next day, unable to sleep, mind clouded over with his errant thoughts. He never bothered changing into more comfortable clothes, leaving his shirt and pants on, the sleeves rolled back to his elbows as he nursed a very much needed cup of coffee, trying to think about his options.

He had been considering dispersing the Vongola's military forces the moment they became the most powerful Mafia Famiglia in the South so they wouldn't be able to abuse their power, but now the existence of the Neve Famiglia threatened the safety of his Famiglia. Ever since they found the children his priorities had changed considerably, and protecting them was first and foremost on the list. But wouldn't that mean that he was using his Famiglia for self-interest? It would be hypocritical if he were to keep his massive power just for the well-being of his and his Guardian's kids, and it would clash with his belief of fairness and equality, as he would be doing the very thing he didn't want his Guardians and himself to do.

If he were to lower their guard right now, the Neve would choose that moment to attack, and the children would definitely be involved in the crossfire. He raked his hand through his unkempt blond hair, trying to reach a compromise between his own morals and paternal feelings. Was it wrong to ensure his family's security? Or was he just being selfish? He suddenly remembered, with a small, wry smile, Cozart's reaction after he unceremoniously escaped the ballroom with Tsuna in tow: the redhead immediately demanded in the situation and to be kept posted on the details, and had to be shoved in the carriage to take him back to his own headquarters. While he knew that he would always have the Shimon Famiglia's support, this was a problem that the Vongola must rectify themselves. Giotto was unwilling to bring more people into danger, he had brought enough damage by bringing in the kids as it was.

He sighed and drained the rest of his coffee, standing up and feeling exhausted, though not sleepy. He had to ask his Guardians on their opinion about the matter, but he knew that his Guardians would most probably be for the keeping of their forces, not because of power, but for their children. While he too wanted to protect his little boy the best he could, it nagged constantly at his conscience, and while he won't regret it, it would never probably let him rest.

… What should he do?

So immersed he was in his thoughts that he didn't hear his office door open, and jumped a few feet when a voice startled him out of his thinking.

"You're going to get sick that way, Boss." Knuckle came in with a tray in hand, freshened up and quite ready to face the new day 'to the limit!'. His brown eyes stared worriedly at his friend, placing the breakfast tray on the desk. "You should rest. You look extremely exhausted. Have you been up all night?"

"Ah, Knuckle." Giotto quickly rubbed his eyes and looked down at the food, steam still rising from the plate of Linguine con le Vongole*, his favorite dish. He looked at the priest, grateful but at the same time startled that it was already that late in the morning. "You didn't have to, you know."

The Sun Guardian merely smiled. "And let you go down looking like that?" He chuckled at the sudden cringe that appeared on the blond man's face. Giotto had no doubt that if he went down in his current, disheveled state, his self-appointed right-hand man would be on his back in an instant, dragging him back to bed and threatening to knock him out (and already had at one time) if ever he would voice out his protests, and he didn't want the trouble of a throbbing and aching head to worry about afterward.

"Yeah, thanks." But even with the appetizing spread in front of him, the Vongola leader can't find it himself to eat, his appetite diminished by the current problem he was facing, too absorbed in what he was doing to even take a bite, something that the young priest noticed at once.

"You should eat, Giotto." Knuckle said firmly, moving closer and placing a hand on the other's shoulder, frowning. "You're doing it again."

It has always been a bad habit of Giotto's to forget about himself just to solve any problem the Famiglia was currently facing, forgoing sleep and food and devoting himself to thinking a solution for days at hand. There was one time he didn't eat for three days straight and had to be rescued when they were suddenly ambushed by the rival Famiglia he was concerned about, simply crumbling under from extreme exhaustion. The Primo had never come close to death until that very moment, and it was the first time anyone of them felt genuine fear at the thought of losing their leader. After the incident was over and done with, G had screamed himself hoarse at the blond, with them listening in behind the double doors, telling how irresponsible and dangerous it was, and how worried they were when they thought that he had keeled over and died during that attack (Alaude had snorted unbelievably at that, but the rest of them merely ignored it in favor of paying attention to the lecture being given). It was only when the Storm Guardian finally stopped did Giotto speak up, apologizing quietly to his best friend, and promising not to do it again.

But it seemed that habits really did die hard.

"W-What?" The blond man was once again shaken out of his thoughts, and realizing what he was (or wasn't) doing, he winced and dragged himself to his chair, knowing that he was doing it again. "Sorry, it's just that I–"

"Those things could wait." Knuckle stood and watched as the other man forced himself to swallow, making sure that the plates he brought in would be close to spotless before speaking up again. "You're not taking care of yourself again."

"I just don't know that to do, Knuckle." Giotto confessed, resisting the urge to put his arms over his head and wallow over the current situation. He was completely at a loss, and honestly didn't know how to deal with it. At times he was really envious of the other man, who had thrown away his skills in to be the pious follower of God, though now he used those skills in protecting the innocent and the abused. Though at times passionate and energetic to the point of being irritating at times, the priest had a good heart, one that always listened to their problems, being their family priest and confessor. "I want to protect everyone, but I also don't want to betray my morals and beliefs. What should I do?"

The raven haired man was silent. Though not as perspective as the others, he knew of the internal struggle his friend and leader had, always trying his best for others, to the point of forsaking his own safety and well-being. "Just do what you think is right, Giotto. You have never failed us before." He finally spoke out with a kind voice, placing a hand on the white-clothed shoulder and squeezing lightly. "We trust you, and we will always follow what you believe in."

The man, somehow, always knew what to say at the right times, the Sun that shines down on their Famiglia, never faltering, always enduring. Giotto looked up and smiled at the nodding face, feeling as if a large burden had been taken off his shoulders. Perhaps, in some way, it had.

"Thank you, Knuckle."

"Now then, get out of this room, Boss, and train to the limit!" Giotto had to stop the unmanly squeak that rose in his throat as he was unceremoniously pushed from the chair and dragged outside the door, the priest showing his unmatched physical strength, honed to perfection with years of boxing training. "Ryohei and I have a sparring match today! Oh yeah, we could include Tsuna so both of you could spar with us, to the limit!" The Sun Guardian nodded to himself, thinking that it was a very good idea. "Yup, that's a good idea! So, let's go!"

"K-Knuckle, w-wait!" The Vongola Primo can't help but get sucked into the other man's pace, stumbling a little as his wrist was held in a tight grip. "Don't bring Tsuna into this!"

But, then again, he couldn't help the time that appeared on his face, knowing it was his Guardian's own way of cheering him up and distracting him from the more pressing matters at hand. However, he can't help but wince as well, knowing that he won't get out of the sparring session unscratched.

He just hoped that the man wouldn't bring his son into it. God knows how much injures Tsuna had just by tripping on his own two feet; forcing him to participate in a sparring match would be disastrous. G called the brunet boy clumsy, but he preferred the term 'coordinately challenged'. But all thoughts about the boy disappeared as they turned the corner, the blond's face flushed with all the looks being given to them, but ultimately dismissed as something normal in the Vongola household.


"Wah!" Tsuna, for the innumerous time, sneezed and fell flat on his face, a foot caught on the carpet. Hayato, who was with him, was beside him in a flash, helping the smaller boy up, voice chattering worriedly.

"Tenth! Are you all right! Are you hurt!" Pale green eyes glared at the offending object, as if trying to set it on fire with his looks alone. "Stupid carpet, tripping the Tenth…" He muttered, stopping his murder-by-glare at the inanimate furniture before turning back to the brunet. "Tenth, don't worry, I'll avenge you! I'll burn that carpet into a million pieces!" He made to remove a stick of dynamite from his person, intent on doing just that, alarming Tsuna and quickly shaking his head, hand flailing as he tried to stop the silveret.

"I-It's okay, Hayato! I'm fine! You don't have to do that!" Tsuna rubbed his aching nose, the only major injury for the moment, eyes slightly watering as he sniffled. "It's my fault anyway…"

"D-Don't say that, Tenth! It's not your fault!" The glare towards the carpet was returned with an unholy vengeance. "Anyway, are you hurt?"

"N-Not really…" The little nose wiggled and Tsuna sneezed again, feeling something odd pass by him, but instantly going away as fast as it came.

Hayato hovered closer to the small brunet, feeling worried. The Tenth had sneezed twice, and that wasn't a good thing, right? "Are you sick? Do you have a cold?" Should he call Uncle Giotto? Or his old man probably? The Tenth might be coming down with something, and he would fail as the Tenth's closest friend if he couldn't take care of it!

"This is nothing… my nose just feels funny, that's all." Tsuna offered a small smile, awkwardly chuckling a bit when the other didn't look too convinced.

"Hey! You two~!" The two children looked up and forward, seeing a familiar black hair and friendly smile coming towards them. Takeshi came into view, wearing his blue training hakama, a bamboo sword slung across his shoulders and under his arms as he cheerfully greeted the two of them, making Hayato scowl.

"Don't be so loud, sword idiot!" The silver-haired child griped as a way of a greeting, his bad mood worsening when the tall junior swordsman merely blinked confusedly at him before smiling his usual megawatt smile at the two of them. "You're bothering the Tenth!"

"What's wrong, Tsuna? Your nose is red." It's not that Takeshi meant to ignore Hayato, it's just that he found the sight of Tsuna's red nose funny and confusing at the same time. "What happened?"

"Don't ignore me, you idiot!" Dynamites were ready to fly, same with the silver-haired child's rage, only fueled more when the raven haired-boy looked at the sticks curiously and laughed.

"Wow, you got the fireworks again! Uncle G's going to be angry if he sees that!"

Tsuna quickly held Hayato back, who was about to light one of the sticks, intending to blow up the other boy in one single move. "Fireworks… you say… I'll blow you up, and let's see if you call them fireworks again!"

"No! Hayato, please don't!" The brown-haired boy pleaded. Tsuna tugged relentlessly on Hayato's sleeve, trying to stop the other from placing body harm on their 'sibling', and such occurrences were normal in the Vongola household, and the people around simply diverted themselves somewhere safe in case their young master Hayato managed to blow up another wall (which happened last time).

Thankfully Hayato listened and put the dynamites down, but not before growling out another warning to the raven-haired boy, who smiled cheekily and nodded, knowing that the other wouldn't go through with it, as he always did.

Tsuna smiled, sighing in relief that he managed to stop another wall from crumbling. He made to talk to the two again when a sharp, foreboding feeling suddenly filled him, making him step back, gasping out loud. The sound reached the two children's ears, who stopped and immediately went beside the brunet.

"Tenth, what's wrong?"

"Yeah, Tsuna, are you sick?"

"N-No… I feel fine, but…" Tsuna slowly clutched his head, wincing at the pressure that was suddenly present. "I feel like… something's going to happen…"

"Something?" Hayato and Takeshi exchanged looks, taking the words to heart, wondering what that meant. "Tsuna, what do you mean?" Takeshi asked, still a bit puzzled on what was happening.

"I-I don't know…" The brunet clutched at his chest, worry slowly settling in, as the feeling finally disappeared, but it was more than enough to leave him restless.

But... it's feels bad… something bad is going to happen soon…


Carmine Neve descended the stairs to the dining room, humming quietly to himself as the servants opened the doors for him, revealing the long table in the middle of the room, the fireplace behind the middle chair bare and sunlight streaming through the undrawn windows. He was the last one in, and smiled as he saw his Guardians settled around the table in their respective places, some eating, and some looking up when the doors gave way to their leader.

"Carmi!" Serafina was the first to greet the man sweetly, her knife and fork lying innocently on the table as she stopped eating and made to stand up. He immediately motioned for her to keep seated, going to his own place at the table, thanking the servant who pulled his chair for him.

"Good morning everyone." He greeted everyone in the room, and was replied with scattered cheers. Neroli was seated to his right, not bothering to look up as he drank from his glass quietly.

"Hey Carmine." Lanzo was wolfing down his food as fast as possible, wanting to get out of his seat ASAP, as he was seated beside Serafina, who kept glancing at him teasingly at the corner of her eye. "Sorry about not waiting, I was hungry."

"You're always hungry." A deep voice opposite him said disdainfully, watching with disgust the bits and pieces of food flying out from the plate. The bluish-black hair swayed slightly as he moved away, cut short to his neck and framing his dark blue eyes that almost bordered on a depthless black. He was fascinating in a cold, aloof way, with pale white skin and a lean body covered by loose clothing. His food was barely eaten, all the vegetables finished, the meat pushed aside as he took a sip of water. "Look, just like how a pig eats…"

"Hey!" The male teen swallowed first before replying back heatedly. "I don't usually eat like this, you know!" He spluttered as he started to choke, and immediately grabbed a glass of water, downing it in one go.

"Not usually, but always." An aged man was looking fondly at the two younger males, drumming his fingers amusedly at the top of his walking cane. Sitting tall and dignified, he looked younger than his true age, though it was clear that a few years had already passed him by. Wisps of white sprinkled his used to be fiery red hair, accentuating his lined face, which showed that he was quite the handsome man in his youth, green eyes blazing with a fire that showed his experience and wisdom. "Lanzo child, nobody's chasing you."

"But Sera's looking at me funny!" He stuttered back, causing the female beside him to laugh gaily, throwing her hair back. "I know she's planning something evil for me!"

"Is Lanzo scared of little old me?" She fluttered her eyelashes, causing the other to cringe and inch away more.

"Big brother is noisy, isn't he?" A child on the other side commentated matter-of-factly, holding a stuffed rabbit in his arms as he continued his monotonous tone. Sable-colored hair feathered his head, chocolate brown eyes blinking uninterestedly at his food, running a hand through the soft fake white fur of his pet stuffed toy, looking down and speaking to it as a normal person would converse with another. "That's why he almost died."

"Why you–!" The teen tried to reach for the boy, but a quick growl and a glare from the short-haired man quickly stopped him.

"Now now, no fighting on the dinner table." Carmine interrupted, starting to eat as well, watching his Famiglia with amusement in his features. "Everyone's just got back, and I want all of you to get along, at least for a while."

"Now that you mention it, Carmine, why have you summoned us?" The old man asked conversationally, resting his hands on his cane, looking at the Neve Secondo, who had the thoughtful look of consideration on his face.

"I assure you that I would not send for you unless it was necessary, Abramo." He replied back, tone respectful and assuring. "I don't like to tire you more than you should, being in your respectable age." He beamed when saw what his breakfast was: a glass of wine, a basket of Panini sandwiches, a bowl of assorted fruits, and Linguini ala Vongola for his main dish.

"Ah, my boy," Abramo chuckled, leaning forward from his seat and patting the younger man's arm. "Don't hesitate to call for my help if ever you need it." Carmine smiled back and covered the slightly wrinkled hand with his own, before pulling away and taking a bite, humming at the rubbery texture of the clam meat. His chefs did know his favorites, after all. "It's good."

"I had the chefs make your favorites today, since all of us are present today." Neroli said as an explanation, taking a full sweep at the faces at the table, both concerned and guarded at the same time. When word had reached him that all of them were summoned to the manor as fast as possible, his mind had immediately reacted, telling him that something was going to happen. The Neve don never summoned all of them at once unless it was an emergency or a serious situation. For Carmine Neve to call for all of them was once in a blue moon, and he could barely remember a time that all of them were present in one room lately, the last happening when Carmine was instated as the second generation Famiglia head half a year ago.

What was happening?

"So? What now, Carmine?" The male beside the elder man finally snapped out the moment the Neve leader swallowed his last bite of food, taking care to enjoy and savor it as much as possible. "Why the hell are we all here?"

"Patience, Raven." Carmine soothed his Guardian, finally putting down his knife and fork, ready to talk business. "You know that I don't summon you unless it's for an important reason."

"What is it, then?" Neroli spoke out, finally catching the attention of everyone, who looked at their leader questioningly. Carmine's lips tilted up at the sight of his Guardians at the table, his elbows propped up, fingers steepled together as he regarded the rest with an affectionate look.

"It's time."

Everyone stiffened at his words, processing it carefully, as if not believing what they had heard. Carmine chuckled at their reactions, resting his chin on his joined fingers, tilting his head sideways as he waited his Guardians to respond.

Then Lanzo started to grin, pearly whites gleaming under between his lips as excitement shone in his teal-colored eyes.

"Seriously? This soon?"

"That's right." The older male nodded indulgently at the hyperventilating teen. "I know you've been waiting for this moment, Lanzo." He teased gently, laughing when the boy nodded back quickly.

"But Carmi, why so soon?" Serafina asked, pouting a bit. Not that she didn't like the idea of speeding things up a bit, but she had to dress up and beautify herself for the occasion, and Carmi's not giving her any time to do it. "I have to get ready, you know."

"I apologize, Serafina, but worry not, you still have some time." Carmine assured the beautiful lady, who giggled and said her thanks before daintily standing up, sitting on the arm of their leader's chair, her hands sifting through the long locks of jet-black hair. "I saw something of interest lately, and coincidentally, it was the very thing we need for this event to happen."

The young boy, who was listening in quietly, jumped off his seat and approached the older raven, tugging on his sleeve to gain his attention.

"Carmine, will I be able to play a lot?" The little child asked curiously, a hopeful tone edging in despite the flatness of his voice. Carmine chuckled and ruffled the slate-colored hair, also patting the stuffed bunny when the boy raised it up. "Of course, Tino. I think you'll have fun."

"Yay." The child smiled slightly before scampering back to his seat, Raven pulling the chair back and helping the boy to his seat.

"When?" was the only thing Neroli asked, and Carmine smiled wider, sweeter and more genuine, before giving out a reply.


"You mean…?" Lanzo butted in, not able to keep out the excitement in his voice.

"Yes." Carmine leaned back on his seat, letting his female Guardian play with his hair as his eyes shimmered and gleamed, the sudden rise of energy around them spiking and fluctuating, spreading all throughout the large estate, alerting the men around at once of their leader's intentions.

"I think it's time that we give the Vongola a nice… surprise."


Alaude reviewed the paper in his hands once again as he lounged on his chair in his hotel room, trying to decode a letter he intercepted on its way to France. Placing it down amongst the other papers he had also acquired, he leaned forward, elbows on top of his knees as he pressed his fingers together on the ridge of his nose, mind furiously working out the myriad of words and letters littered on the surface. He had been tailing the communication line for a few days now, staying in a nondescript house near the border of Northern Italy and Switzerland, anticipating the almost weekly letters that came in from a Famiglia that he had been observing more closely than ever now that he had acquired the right information about them.

The parchment was once again from the same source, and while he prided himself upon the fact that he was the founder and leader of CEDEF, the Vongola's largest and most extensive network of information, he still hadn't quite grasped how to translate the letters yet, which was written in a language he knew was spoken in continental Europe, but not quite sure what exactly the language was. For all he knew it might have been a code that the rival Famiglia had developed themselves, but if that was the case, he would've gotten a transcription for it at once.

Their leader was very smart; he had to admit grudgingly as he took another glance at the letters. Making your own code would have the weakness of it being exposed quickly, thus enabling quick translation, but using a language both vaguely familiar and unfamiliar would immediately confuse pursuers, and would have the danger of being misinterpreted, thus throwing them completely off track. For days he had tried to find similarities in the letters he had gotten: sentence structures, vocabulary, syntax and pragmatics, but none of them really matched up, from Italian to French to Spanish to Portuguese. It was starting to frustrate him and just an hour ago he released his frustrations on the large pine trees that completely surrounded the house, one now lying on the ground and pulverized into splinters and needles after he was done with it.

Ever since he had heard from Giotto that the Neve had been gracious enough to announce their presence during the party, the Cloud Guardian had wasted no time in preparing to leave at once to the stakeout in Aosta, North Italy where he was sure that another letter from the said Famiglia would come in. Normally Kyouya would always willingly accompany him to wherever he would go, but the younger skylark had told him bluntly that he would stay behind this time, the reason being that he and Mukuro were once again under one roof and it would the perfect opportunity to off the pineapple-haired boy without any restrictions and/or interruptions from his parental figure. Not the type to force anyone to come along with him, Alaude had agreed, but not before subtly threatening Giotto and the others that if one hair on his son's head was out of place when he came back, Cloud Guardian be damned, the Vongola would need to find its Secondo Generazione after he's over with them.

"Alaude! Alaude!" Hearing the familiar chirp made him look up, seeing a fluff of yellow sitting on the windowsill, its wings ruffling as it tilted its head and gazed at the older version of its master. Alaude chose that moment to pause and rethink his thoughts, raising his hand invitingly to the canary, who whistled and flew straight to his hands.

"Alaude! Alaude!" It repeated, tweeting happily, and Alaude allowed a small smile to appear on his face, raising a finger to ruffle the small bird lightly on the head.

"Do you have something from Kyouya?" He asked, and the small animal tweeted once in affirmation, letting the man see the tiny scroll attached to one of its legs.

Letting Kyouya keep his pet was a good idea, he mused as he tied the paper off carefully, placing the bird on the table in front of him and letting the small animal clean and ruffle itself. Hibird (as his son so eloquently named it) was surprisingly useful as a pet, able to carry messages over great distances and serving as a communication device between him and his son whenever the two of them were apart. It also served as somewhat of a tracking device for them as well, the little animal was always able to find where they were every single time. The first time this happened, he was certain that he would be ambushed easily with such a blatant yellow-feathered puff ball always following after him, but the little critter was also surprisingly smart, since nobody was able to track his movements until now.

But he also had to commend his own child, who taught the bird everything it knew. The canary always stayed close to his son, either sitting on his shoulder or resting on top of his head, the puff of yellow easily seen within a ten-mile radius. At times it would sing out a song his son had taught it (something about a Namimori, if he could remember correctly…) but they were inseparable, except for the times that Hibird would travel for days to stay with him. Slowly but surely he too also grew fond of the bird, and now welcomed its presence anytime it would drop by. He stood up and went to the kitchen, coming back with a small tray of water and a handful of breadcrumbs, one he presented to the small canary who gave a tweet of gratitude before digging into its food, while the human unfurled the scroll and slowly read its contents.

His eyes narrowed when he saw the words in fast-written Italian. What was Giotto Vongola thinking? Dismantling their military strength at this crucial point against a strong rival Famiglia was dangerous, disastrous, even. For what reason? Didn't he see that he was potentially endangering the Vongola with that risky move? Since when had Giotto Vongola been thinking about this? It was a stupid move, one that had Alaude wanting to go back and smack some sense into an obviously air filled head, irritation eating at him at the news. Pausing a while to cool down his annoyance, he continued reading down, his impulse to return back to Vongola Mansion growing larger by the second. As usual, Giotto acted in accordance to his feelings, and the worst part was he couldn't fault the other man because he understood where the blond man was coming from. Wielding so much power was temptation, and he understood the need to control the urge for the quest of more power, but must he do it now, in the midst of a brewing war with another Famiglia?

Frowning, he laid the parchment down, exhaling a long-suffering breath. He did not need the stress right now, especially since he was nowhere near close to cracking the messages the Neve Famiglia had sent. Hibird tilted its head sideways at its human master, chirping questioningly, and Alaude absentmindedly ruffled its head, before returning back to the letters scattered on the table.

There must be something he was missing. The thought was already there, but just can't grasp it completely yet. The language used was familiar to him, but as much as he tried to translate it, it would always come out wrong, the thought incomprehensible in one way or another. Closing his eyes he tried to clear his mind, brows wrinkling in deep thought.

He was interrupted, however, when a series of alarmed tweets and chirps reached his ears; Hibird had accidentally scattered the crumbs on the letters and was looking at its human master with something akin to fear and worry, as if afraid that it was going to be turned into a fried dish. Alaude stared… and stopped the fond quirk of his lips just in time, merely patting the small animal on the head, feeling slight exasperation, but not anger. And, just as he brushed away the stray bits of food away from his work, he stopped, and something immediately clicked into place.

Of course. The Cloud Guardian's stare went from the papers below to the animal standing beside it, which merely blinked its black eyes at its master. How could he have missed that? Since the letter was going to France, he had assumed quickly that the language used was a Romantic one. But, as he thought about it now, the letters were actually sent near the Swiss border, and the language used there, while still called French, was slightly different from what they used. That, and the fact that Switzerland used three languages at once.

The letters were actually written in Swiss German.

Armed with this new development, he immediately set to work, the yellow canary merely looking at on at the blond human who tried to translate it the best he could, not really used to speaking Germanic languages. Letters were leafed through, quills feverishly scratching a fresh sheet of parchment every once in a while, ink staining and blotting while letters and words were scratched or crossed out… Alaude sat back as the last sentence was finished with a flourish, panting slightly from the effort, the quill put down now that he had a rough translation of the letters before him.

His eyes widened when he saw what they contained.

Without another word he grabbed his coat and exited the house, Hibird trailing after him like a shadow as he reared his readied his horse and sped off, reins snapping as he raced across the countryside, trying to go as fast and as quick as humanly possible.

Once the Vongola retracts their forces, we attack.

He was working against time. He had to go back, now, before something happened. Hooves clattered on the ground as it pounded harshly on the hard ground, the animal snorting and whining as Alaude spurned it faster, further, greens and browns blurring as they dashed southwards, the people moving out of the way when a black and violet blur went past them.

Kill anyone who gets in the way.

Hibird followed silently, gliding as fast as its master, who gritted his teeth, knuckles turning white as he grasped the reins tightly, bowing low over his horse to produce less drag as they ran past the scenery, their very lives depending on it.

However, bring the Vongola children alive.

The sudden crack of a gunshot made him stop, however, and pulled back just as the steed neighed and reared over, a sound of pain coming from the animal as it collapsed, blood seeping through the cracks on the dry earth. Alaude fell, rolling over the ground as the house keeled over, laying to the side, lifeless. The Cloud Guardian looked around, eyes narrowed, producing his handcuffs as he was quickly surrounded, readying himself for a battle as various weapons appeared, their intention of stopping the other man clear.

They interest me.

He had no time for this. But, as he saw them charge, he knew he had no choice but to fight. Their lack of skills was compensated with the quantity of sheer numbers, and Alaude was certain that this was just a way to delaying him before the true attack on the Vongola occurred.

He held the manacles in hand as the bloody carnage started.

Oh, and be sure to extend an invitation to the Vongola Guardians, especially Giotto Vongola.

He ducked, dodged, restrained a dozen of them to the ground, but the waves won't just stop coming. He growled and flipped over, handcuffs twirling in his fingers as he waited for the next attack to come.

I'm sure that he'll be happy if he finds out that his child is in my care.

He gasped as an unseen blow managed to get him at the back of his head, his world turning and spinning as he winced, his vision slowly descending into nothingness as he collapsed, fingers reaching for his weapons, willing himself not to succumb to unconsciousness, one eye already shut as he tried to reach forward, his pride shattering as he finally gave in to the comfort of the darkness.

~Carmine Neve

Kyou… ya…

"Alaude!" Giotto shot out of bed, eyes wide, cold sweat pouring down from the side of his face. Slowly he tried to regain his breath, orienting himself with his surroundings, seeing the familiar sight of his bedroom once again, silent and semi-hidden in the darkness.

With shaky fingers he pressed a hand to his face, closing his eyes and feeling the torrent of sweat on his damp skin. The other clenched itself on the sheets tightly, knuckles turning white as he tried to remember what he saw before he woke up, exhaling a slow breath, calming down his racing heart.

It was dream. Or, to be more accurate, it was a nightmare. Giotto was used to it; his intuition would always manifest itself even in his sleep, especially during times of trouble in his Famiglia, and it was at those moments when he would 'see' the clearest, sometimes good, but more often than not, bad. But the only downside of this was that he can't remember exactly what happened in his dreams. Right now all he could remember was the face of his Cloud Guardian, and vague, fleeting moments of screaming, shouting, fighting… but he knew enough to feel disquieted, knowing that whenever he had these dreams, something was going to happen.

Something terrible, or worse.

Shaking the last remnants of sleep he slid off his bed, his nightclothes sticking to his skin, opening his windows and letting the night air cool him down. The Vongola Mansion at this time of the night was quiet, almost soothing, the moonlight casting an almost ethereal shadow over the grounds, covering the trees and flowers in a silvery white light.

The calm before the storm. Without another word he closed the windows once more, clicking the latches shut, letting out another breath he didn't know he'd been holding. He won't be getting any more sleep right now, so he might as well do something productive rather than worry about something that wasn't definite yet. But he still worried, especially since it was Alaude he saw in his dream. The man was strong, the strongest of all his Guardians, the Cloud that refused to be tied down, drifting along its own path while still protecting the Famiglia.

Had this aloofness put him in danger?

Giotto didn't have the time to think about it now as a faint sound reached his ears, coming from the room right beside his own. At first he thought it was only his imagination, but as the sounds grew clearer (and unmistakably louder), his recognized immediately what it was and left his room, feet quick but quiet as he opened the door to Tsuna's bedroom.

He reached his son's side, who was thrashing and struggling with his sheets, whimpering and moaning in pain as an unknown hallucination seized the boy captive, fisting the comforters as his head twisted and turned, trying to break out of his nightmarish trance.

"N-No…! S-Stop it…!" His face was scrunched up in deep pain, tears leaking out of the corners of his eyes as his screams got louder. "D-Don't…!"

"Tsuna!" Giotto held the child by the shoulders, quickly trying to shake him awake, blue eyes narrowed in concern as fear gripped him tightly, heart thudding hard against his chest. "Tsuna! Wake up!" The only thing that scared him more was when his son was in the middle of one of his many nightmares, with him unable to do anything but do his best to rouse him out of his fitful slumber. He can't recall anymore the number of times he had burst into the room just to witness the small boy cry and wail in his sleep, and the pain and sorrow he felt because he can't do anything about it.


The brunet boy woke up with a gasp, caramel-brown eyes glazed over and wild with terror as it searched for a familiar face, gripping the larger arms like a vice. A tear managed to escape his eye and slid down a sweat-streaked cheek, the sight of his father's face making him feel relief, fear and anxiety all at the same time.

"Papa!" Tsuna burst into tears, clinging to his blond father like a lifeline, sobbing outright now that someone came for him. The man held the child close, letting him cry his heart out, large hands pressing against a small back as the boy curled up against him, face buried in the crook of his shoulder.

"Shh. It's okay, Tsuna, Papa's here." Giotto hummed a quiet lullaby, rubbing small circles on the smaller boy's back, feeling the water droplets soak through his clothes and touch his skin. "It's okay now." And to think, a year ago, he wasn't able to touch his son like this. The first time this happened, Tsuna curled himself in further, shrinking against the covers, looking tearfully and fearfully at him, as if the blond man was the one who caused the nightmare in the first place. But now Tsuna trusted him wholeheartedly, and he swore to himself to never break that fragile trust the child had given to him.

He continued rocking back and forth, sitting more comfortably now on the small bed, Tsuna now sitting on his lap and laying comfortably against him. He waited until the cries subsided into small sniffles, not stopping until the boy finally managed to raise his head, face red and sloppy from all the crying earlier.

"T-Tsu-Tsuna was-hic-so s-scared!" Tsuna hiccupped, voice muffled and hoarse from all the screaming he did earlier. Smaller fingers held tightly on the white shirt, his trembling form slowly being soothed with his father's gentle and warm touches. "T-Tsuna-hic-d-dreamed that I was-hic-h-hurting P-Papa… a-and Uncle G, and U-Uncle-hic-A-Asari too…!"

"Shh, it's all right now, Tsuna. You didn't hurt anyone." The Vongola leader assured his son quietly, ruffling the brown hair comfortingly, wiping away any traces of tears with a thumb. "We're fine. We're okay Tsuna, see?"

"B-But there's a-also a-hic-man w-with us, and h-he was hurting y-you too, P-Papa… but I-I didn't k-know who he w-was…"

"A man?" Giotto looked at Tsuna in surprise, and a hint of concern. Usually Tsuna's dreams were about them and the men who killed his biological family, and it was the first time he heard the boy talk about someone he didn't know. "What did he look like, Tsuna?" He hadn't realized his urgent tone, and how serious it sounded. "Can you tell me?"

Tsuna's face scrunched up in thoughts, clearly trying to remember the man he saw in his nightmare. "Um… H-He had long black hair, a-and pretty looking red eyes…"

Giotto shot back, staring at Tsuna with wide eyes. What did his son mean? He only knew one person with that kind of description. And, if he wasn't mistaken, his son was asleep the moment they met. So how? How did Tsuna know about Carmine Neve? Unless… blue eyes widened at the sudden thought that passed through his mind.

Was it possible? Was it possible that… Tsuna also has hyper intuition?

Tsuna was starting to feel worried about his Papa, whose eyes were now narrowed down considerably, looking at him strangely. Did he say something wrong? Tentatively he reached out to touch the other man's cheek, his formerly quivering lips taking on the shape of a small frown.

"Papa, w-what's wrong? D-Did Tsuna say something bad?"

Realizing that he was making the boy more nervous, Giotto school his expression into a calmer and more assuring one, shaking his head softly.

"No, Tsuna. You just make Papa think about something, that's all." He ruffled the spiky hair and abruptly changed the subject when he saw the younger hide a yawn behind his hand. "Now go back to sleep, Tsuna. You won't be able to play with the rest tomorrow if you're not going to sleep properly."

The boy quickly shook his head at the thought, holding to his father's clothes, preventing the other man from moving. "I-I'm scared." He admitted, still shaken with the nightmare he experienced moments ago. "T-Tsuna doesn't want to have more bad dreams."

Giotto smiled. "Then Papa will stay and drive all the bad dreams away." Scooping up the little boy into his arms he cuddled the child to his chest, chuckling then Tsuna and shrieked and giggled, his fears wiped away when he felt his sides being tickled mercilessly. "P-Papa, s-stop!" He laughed, trying to grab hold of the hand poking his ticklish spots. The blond man continued for a while, relentless, until the little boy was breathless and was settled into his bed once more.

He tucked the covers in around the petite form, half-sitting, half-lying on the bed, resting his elbow on top of the pillow Tsuna was resting on. The small child yawned once more, eyes droopy as he gave his father a tired smile. "Papa… don't go yet…" He murmured sleepily, a smaller hand resting on top of a larger one that rested on his stomach.

"I'll stay, Tsuna. I promise." Blue eyes turned mellow as lips brushed against a smooth forehead. "Buonanotte, mio figlio."

"Buonanotte, Papa…" Slowly but surely Tsuna fell asleep again, hand curling around his father's own, as if assuring himself that the older man wasn't going anywhere. Giotto noticed this and chuckled, giving another fond look towards the sleeping boy before reaching forward and grabbing Nuts, who had fallen off the bed sometime along the night. Gently he arranged the stuffed lion beside his son, before returning back to stroke the smooth brown locks, content to stay there and watch his son's sleeping face until morning.


Now that he was fairly certain that something's going to happen, Giotto was now more reluctant than ever to leave the mansion, unwilling to leave the children behind now that he had decided to dismantle most of their military strength. But there was a meeting he must attend, a monthly congregation of all the leaders of the Mafia Underworld that was mandatory in attendance, he and all of his Guardians must be present. It was a temporary cease fire, to talk about the most pressing matters that concerned their world, rouge hitmen, primary targets, mafia criminals, and the like. It was also the perfect opportunity to settle disputes among rival Famiglia clans… that was, if they hadn't been successful in their numerous assassination attempts on the other yet.

He stood on the threshold of the mansion, already dressed and ready to depart. Most of his Guardians were already present as well as their children, who was by the staircase, not used to seeing all of their parents leaving at the same time. Worry was present on Tsuna's and Chrome's faces, indifference in Hayato and Kyouya's, a smile on Takeshi's and a frown on Ryohei's.

"Alaude isn't here yet?" Lampo looked around, yawning and grumbling under his breath, passing a sleeping Lambo to an awaiting maid. "Geez, making the magnificent me wait…"

"Well, he's always like that." G rolled his eyes slightly as he turned to his silver-haired son, who was decidedly not looking at him. "Oi, Hayato. Remember what I told you. No sneaking around the basement, no trouble in the mansion while we're gone, and no–"

"And don't hurt the people who are approaching the Tenth, especially the other kids. Yeah, yeah, I got it, old man." Hayato scoffed, rolling his eyes at the older man, pale green eyes showing his worry, even if he didn't show it. "Don't nag."

A vein twitched on the Storm Guardian's eyebrow. "You brat…!"

"OW! Ow ow ow ow OW! Let go of my ear, old man!"

"Take care of yourself, Takeshi, and try not to trouble anyone in the mansion." Asari was kneeling down to the raven boy's level, staring into golden-brown eyes. "You can always practice your sword training in the gardens. Be good, and take care of the others, all right?"

"Yup! Have fun, Otou-san!" Takeshi was laughing, nodding along cheerfully. "We'll be fine!"

"I EXTREMELY don't get why you have to go, Uncle!" Ryohei exclaimed at the Sun Guardian, upset by the fact that he wouldn't have a sparring partner for a few days. He charged at the young priest, who was ready and blocked the incoming punch with an arm. "Is it…!" An uppercut. "Extremely…!" A left jab. A straight. "…important!"

"It is, TO THE LIMIT!" Knuckle answered his nephew, also bringing in punches of his own, a right hook, another straight and a feint. "Don't worry…! We'll be back… before you know it!"


Daemon cringed at the sheer level of decibels heard from the other side of the room, covering his daughter's ears until the volume got considerably lower. "Now my dearest boy and girl, Father shall be leaving for a few days. Please take care of your sister, Mukuro."

"Kufufufu…. Of course. Father, when will you be back?" Mukuro asked complacently, placing a comforting arm over his twin, who was visibly saddened at the thought. "Don't worry Chrome, Father will be back soon."

"Don't fret, my dear." The Mist Guardian held both of his children's hands, nodding at the little girl. "I will be back as soon as I can."

"Please be careful, Father." Chrome tightened her hand over her father's, afraid for his safety. "Stay safe."

He smiled and nodded back, secretly pleased with the surprise he had planned not just for the two of them, but for all of their children. Elena, now knowing the existence of all the Vongola children, quickly become fond of them, and the children, too, slowly and surely adored her, viewing her as a mother figure they all had, though it took Kyouya, Hayato and possibly Mukuro some time to accept and acknowledge her as such. She knew of the monthly meetings they must attend, and, finding out that the children would be left alone, offered that she go to the mansion and look after them in their stead. Giotto had declined at first of course, not wanting to trouble the lady, but she had insisted, and Daemon, never the one to refuse his lover, had backed her up, knowing that Chrome's innocence would be safer with her presence. She will be arriving later on, after they had gone, and Daemon wished that he would be there to see the children's happy faces when they see her.

"Papa, will you be gone long?" While all of these were happening, Tsuna also fretted, feeling separation anxiety, evidenced by Nuts now being choked via death grip. Giotto smiled and kneeled down, not letting his own anxiety show as he touched his son's cheek and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead. "No, it's only for a few days. Don't worry Tsuna, we'll be back as soon as we can."

"But…" The boy looked unsure, as a familiar feeling spiked again, the one that he felt while he was talking to Hayato and Takeshi a few days ago. He can't understand it, but something was telling him to stop the other from leaving at all costs. It was weird, and he was starting to feel afraid, but Tsuna forcefully pushed those feelings aside so the older man wouldn't worry about him. He shook his head instead, forcing a smile on his face as he hugged his father tightly. "It's nothing, Papa. Don't worry about us, we'll be okay."

"Are you sure?" Giotto knew he had to leave, and the knowledge was making his head hurt, his haywiring intuition making him think second thoughts about leaving. But he was endangering his Famiglia more if he stayed; the other mafia clans would think of his absence as being uncooperative, and might strike out against them. He saw the flash of concern in his son's eyes, and something else, lurking underneath the usually happy caramel depths… he shook it off as his imagination, removing himself from his son's embrace to ruffle his hair. "Be good, okay? You too, Kyouya," He added to the raven boy leaning on the wall away from them, watching the greetings of farewell with an impassive face. "You father's not here, but he'll meet us there and he'll be with us when we come back. I'm sure that he'd also tell you to take care." He smiled at the boy.

"Hm." The older boy acknowledged the words with a small nod, eyes narrowed as his gaze flitted from one place to another, as if trying to look for something. Giotto left him to it, wondering what he was looking for, when a servant announced the completion of preparations, and they were ready to go.

"We have to go, Tsuna." Once again he hugged his son tightly for a brief moment before letting go, standing up as his Guardians also said their last minute goodbyes and walked towards the door. "We'll see you soon."

"Goodbye, Papa. Be careful." Tsuna and the rest watched as, one-by-one, their fathers disappeared through the entrance doors and into the carriages, the doors swinging shut as the horses neighed and went off, finally leaving Vongola Mansion and into the road.


Giotto was staring out of the window, wincing at the almost unbearable pressure on his head, his intuition shrieking in agony with every snap of the whip and neigh of the horse he heard, taking them father and farther away from the mansion and their children. He clutched his head, trying to will the warnings away, to convince himself that everything was fine, but the further they travelled, the headaches became worse.

"Giotto?" The two people with him, Asari and G, looked at the blond leader worriedly, the Japanese man deciding to speak up when he saw the flashes of pain on the man's face. "Are you all right?"

"Y-Yes…" Closing his eyes he tried to relax, trying to clear his mind of everything, a well-timed throb making him groan quietly. "It's just that… my intuition is trying to kill me… it's telling me to go back now… as if Tsuna and the others are in danger…"

The Rain and Storm Guardians shared a look. The Sky leader's intuition was never wrong; in fact, it had saved them a lot of times, and a declaration like that wouldn't be held lightly, as it concerned their children. But they can't also ignore the monthly mafia gathering; doing so would be the instant death of the Vongola Famiglia.

"Giotto, calm down. Nothing's going to happen to them." But as much as he also tried to convince himself, his voice sounded oddly flat, taking the foreboding words seriously. Hell, even he didn't believe what he was saying. "The Neve is also at that gathering. They won't be able to do anything if Carmine Neve and his Guardians are there."

"That's true." Asari put in, nodding along, though he too, was troubled. "Relax, Giotto. Our children will be fine." The musician smiled.

Giotto sent them a slight smile, grateful for their assurance, but he trusted his intuition more than anything else. He couldn't be wrong. Not with his intuition currently like this. All of them stayed silent all throughout the rest of the trip, the two men not knowing what to say to their obviously worrying leader, who took to staring out of the window, not for the first time wishing that he didn't have such a keen and sharp insight.


Alaude slowly woke up to a pounding headache, feeling has if his head was about to split open at any second. His surroundings were blurred, his vision swimming and swirling as he tried to remember what happened before he passed out. His eyes suddenly snapped open and he lurched forward, a well-timed throb on his neck making him lean back, his world spinning around again as he let out a low growl of pain.

Damn it. He let his guard down quickly. He probably has a concussion right now, and wouldn't be able to move very well for a few minutes, hours if he would let it come to that. Warily he looked around, not sensing anyone nearby at the moment, cementing his theory of delaying him, just enough to provide the Neve with enough time to extract the children from the mansion without too much trouble. He struggled to stand up, wincing at the pressure on the back of his head, staggering against the tree he had been propped up on, struggling to let his mind return to its normal state. He'll be damned if he let something like this stop him.

He looked around, trying to figure out where he was. The mob that attacked him wasn't very smart, leaving him so close on the road. It would be easy to hitch a ride to a nearby town, rent a horse and be on his way. Willing his headache away, his still blurred vision spied something yellow perched on a branch, standing out against the green that surrounded it. He heard frantic screeching from it as he weakly raised his hand and let the bird rest on his palm, leaning against the trunk.

"Calm down." He said in a voice steadier than what he actually felt. He undid his tie quickly with one hand, fingers wobbling from the effort, and tore a strip from it with his mouth, shakily tying it around the small animal's leg.

They should've killed him when they had the chance to, and Alaude would make them regret that greatly.

"Go," he ordered the bird, "Go to Kyouya. Hurry."

The canary wasted no time in taking off, hopping from the outstretched hand and taking to the skies, and it was only when the bird disappeared when Alaude allowed himself to collapse, resting his head and knowing that he won't be able to move for a while, chest heaving from the effort, face grimacing in pain.

He could only hope that his son's pet would make it there in time.


"… They're gone." Takeshi hadn't realized how much his father's presence meant to him when they were the only ones left, the rest of the children not speaking, as they too, felt the weight that settled upon all of them the moment it hit that their fathers were truly gone now. Half-fearful, half-apprehensive, they tried not to let their fears overtake them, the trauma of losing another parent surfacing as they reached for each other, trying to comfort each other in the fact that their fathers would definitely be back for them. Ryohei wordlessly accepted the hugs Tsuna and Chrome gave him, Hayato nodding at the smile Takeshi gave, Mukuro and Kyouya silently entering a temporary truce for the sake of their siblings.

Struggling not to be depressed, each child walked off to immerse themselves, cheerfully nodding when the servants and maids ushered them off to their rooms, who were also worried for their little masters. Kyouya stopped by a window, watching the blue, cloudless sky, gaze calculating, scrutinizing as he searched intensely at the endless sky above him.

"Kyouya?" Mukuro was watching the other boy, curious but starting to be wary. His 'sibling' only looked like that when there was trouble, and he, too could feel something in the air. "Kufufu… What are you looking for?"

"It's strange…" The younger skylark ignored him, murmuring to himself as his senses instantly went on high alert. "Hibird isn't back yet…"

"The annoying bird that keeps following you?" The pineapple haired boy also realized this, noting the absence of the yellow abomination that always followed the other boy around wherever he went. Now he felt more cautious than ever, the disquieting feeling only growing worse.

The other boy glared at the mention of his beloved pet. "I'll bite you to death, plant-eater."

Mukuro smirked, his trident starting to materialize in his hand as the raven boy also adopted a battle stance. But just as another fight started, a shiver when down their spines, and both children faced the window, feeling eyes watching them. Both boys immediately pointed their respective weapons at the window, scanning outside to see anything unusual. The outside was still, not a leaf out of place, but their watcher was gone as well, putting both on completely edge.

"My, my… it looks like we're going to have some fun today." Mukuro commented lightly as the trident was slowly lowered down, but not disintegrating, guards up and running as he turned his head sideways at the smaller boy. "What are we going to do, Kyouya?"

The other boy was about to answer when an arrival of someone was announced, surprising both children when they saw that it was their only Aunt. "Mukuro! Kyouya!" Elena greeted the boys warmly, who hid their surprise at her arrival, bending down to give the each boy a hug. "How are you two?"

"Miss Elena." Mukuro bowed politely, masking his frown with a charming smile as he patted the hand holding his own, while Kyouya allowed the contact, as he, amusingly, thought of the woman as a meat-eater after seeing her face to face. "Why are you doing here? Father is out at the moment."

The woman nodded, sensing something… off in the mansion, but brushed it off as inconsequential. "I'll be looking after all of you while your fathers are out." Elena ran her hands through the blue hair, smiling at the other child, who had moved away to the window, looking up to the sky. "Where are the others?"

Kyouya ignored the conversation currently going on, still searching the skies for his wayward bird, when, suddenly, a yellow speck suddenly whizzed through the air, landing on the windowsill and tumbling to his arms. The boy immediately straightened out his pet, which was tweeting and ruffling its feathers in alarm, the black eyes half-crazed as it looked up to its owner in clear distress.

"What's wrong?" He murmured quietly to the canary, smoothing down the feathers, trying to calm down the small pounding heart.

And that's when he noticed the absence of a scroll that was supposed to be on the animal's tiny leg, a torn piece of black-colored cloth encircling it instead. His eyes narrowed, and untied the piece of cloth, perching the animal on his head, who snuggled into the black silky locks, exhausted from its emotional and physical stress.

"Plant-eater," He called out to Mukuro, who paused with his conversation with Elena and stared at the shredded cloth in his hands, instantly recognizing it for what it was.

Elena startled when she saw the deep frown marring the young child's features, making him look older than he really was. "Mukuro, is there something the matter?"

"Nothing, Miss Elena." The boy cut off smoothly, taking his eyes off the other boy, taking her arm and calling a servant to escort her to the drawing room. "Kufufufu… Chrome will be happy to see you again." He said with a small, genuine smile, trying to put her at ease. "Tsunayoshi and the others as well. I'll have someone bring you to them." He gave a small glance to the skylark, who turned his head away, snarling, tonfas now out and gleaming in the sunlight as he went off to greet the first of their… unwanted guests. The Mist's son watched amusedly as the other set off to cut the intruders short, wondering how to keep this from the woman and the rest of his siblings, especially his twin sister and Tsunayoshi.

"I've missed all of you as well." Elena felt that something was wrong. Mukuro was serious, too serious for his usual personality, and it worried her. "Mukuro," she called out before going off to meet the other children, making the boy look up at her.

"You'll tell me if something is wrong, right?" She asked gently, wanting to make the child trust her. While Chrome had opened up to her, Mukuro was standoffish, acting like the perfect little gentleman, but sensing a deep distrust on the boy that unsettled her. She wouldn't press the child, opting to place her trust in him, and hoping that he would do the same.

Mukuro blinked, a bit surprised that she wasn't asking questions, unlike the rest of the adults he knew. A surge of appreciation welled up in him, and he shook his head, giving the woman a crooked smile. Perhaps she wasn't that bad after all. "Everything will be fine, Miss Elena. Please take care of Chrome and the others for me."

"Mukuro…!" Elena wasn't able to answer back as the boy disappeared in a swirl of mist, leaving a blank spot where he used to be standing. Everything will be fine… What did he mean? The child's words left her preoccupied, even as she went into the room of the children, who beamed and shouted their welcome.

"Aunt Elena!" Tsuna was the first to come forward, hugging her tightly, glad that she came. Chrome also smiled, but not approaching, letting the younger boy do as he wished first. Takeshi and Hayato were also there, as well as Ryohei, who had Lambo siting on his shoulders, the baby squealing and bubbling happily, grasping the snow white locks tightly.

"It's Aunt Elena to the EXTREME!" The boxer yelled, coming forward, grinning up at the woman who smiled and pulled Lambo away into her arms. "How are you EXTREMEY doing!"

"I'm doing extremely fine, Ryohei!" She laughed at his enthusiasm, cooing at the toddler at her arms. "How are the rest of you?" She surveyed the room, seeing Hayato in the corner, nose buried in a thick, old-looking book, while Takeshi waved from his position by the window, wearing his training hakama and clutching a small ball in his hands, throwing it up and down.

"Hey Auntie! Long time no see!" With almost scary accuracy, the Rain's son took aim and threw the ball, landing perfectly on a box beside the Storm's son, the material softly grazing against a cheek as the other boy looked up and gave the raven boy a dirty look.

"I see all of you are the same as always." Elena entered the room, sitting on the armchair by the side, setting Lambo on her lap. Gently she beckoned to Chrome to sit near her, missing the only girl very much, glad that she followed and sat on the arm of the chair.

"How are you, my dear?" Elena asked warmly, a hand reaching forward to touch a frail-looking arm. Chrome was very thin for her age, something she noticed at once. "Have you been eating well?"

"I'm all right, Miss Elena." Chrome answered shyly, smiling sweetly at Lambo, who grabbed her fingers and played with it happily. "Father and the rest are treating me all well."

"I'm glad then." The woman smiled at the girl, coaxing Tsuna to her side to talk to him as well.

Chrome suddenly paused, looking at the door, a hit of concern in her purple eye. Hayato also stopped, slamming his book down and looking around the room, untied silver strands framing his bright teal eyes.

"Huh? What's wrong, everyone?" Tsuna, who noticed the eerie stillness of the room, asked curiously, looking from one sibling to another.

"Tsuna." Takeshi's voice was oddly flat, and sounded somewhat strange. "Can you and Chrome stay here for a while? I need to check something outside."

"Yeah, I'll go with him." Hayato was on his feet in a second, right behind the mini swordsman, whose hand was just on the door handle. "We'll just go somewhere really quickly."

"Where are you two going?" Elena asked concernedly, watching as Ryohei also stood, following after the younger boys, Takeshi giving a back wave to the people in the room, Hayato bowing low, and Ryohei boisterous as they, one-by-one disappeared from sight.

"I'll accompany them to the extreme!"

"Wait! I'll come with you!" Tsuna also made to stand up and follow after, but Chrome quickly stopped him, a hand on his sleeve as she mutely shook her head, catching her silver-haired brother's eye and nodding once.

You know what to do.

The door closed behind them, and the three children exchanged mutually serious looks before going off in different directions, the sounds of screaming and fighting muted and almost unheard of in the distance.

Giotto gave a start as the carriages were abruptly put to a stop. Rubbing his temples, he blinked and turned to his Guardians sitting opposite him. "Have we arrived?"

"Yeah. It's strange though, that we arrived later than usual." The doors to the carriages opened and one by one they stepped out, with Giotto exiting first, curtly acknowledging those who bowed to him respectfully before turning back to G, who was right behind him. "Are you feeling okay now, Giotto? Does your head still hurt?"

The Vongola Primo blinked in slight confusion and disorientation. "Now that you mention it…"

It's strange, he found himself thinking as, after quick checks to see if everyone was fine, they entered the building with his entourage in tow. His intuition wasn't as… insistent as it was before. In fact, the pain, while still present, had faded into a dull throb, manageable, but still warning him of danger. Was the worst over? Until when? He didn't know. His brow crinkled, trying to figure out why he was feeling that way. His feet directed him with no problem to the direction of the conference room, his Guardians silently trailing after him, allowing him to wallow in his thoughts.

"We're here." Knuckles' now quiet voice brought him out of his stupor, and Giotto mentally slapped himself into focus.

Once again, he can't help but feel the raw power and influence emanating from the large room, now partially full with people, the most powerful of the mafia underground. All he could see were coats and ties and the occasional gown, also the barely concealed weapons hidden underneath skirts and sleeves, keeping a polite and civil façade that didn't erase the still tangible tension that surrounded the entire room. His blue eyes searched around; he knew Cozart and his Famiglia would be present, as well as their other allied Families, but he wasn't looking for them.

"There they are," Lampo muttered in an undertone that was heard by the others as they finally spied the long, black hair in the corner of the room, together with others that instantly made them wary. Giotto took a moment to assess them. They certainly weren't what he was expecting for the Neve Guardians, who stood by their leader as the man pleasantly chatted with another Famiglia head. Two young men, an old man, a voluptuous woman, and teenager and… a child? Carmine Neve had a little boy for a Guardian?

"See, I told you that he wouldn't be able to do anything." G murmured in Giotto's ear as they entered and exchanged pleasantries with everyone. The blond internally cringed, before once again sliding into a mask of cordiality; it was impossible for him to confront the man here. Every move all of them would make was scrutinized, and it would take just one wrong move to make the room into a war zone…

Despite himself, Giotto still kept on sliding his eyes over to the black haired man, who was now talking with his Guardians, standing elegantly in the standard coat-and-tie attire. Carmine Neve seemed so out of place among the other mafia heads, looking too delicate and fragile for violence and bloodshed, but he knew better.

Carmine Neve had the face of a woman, the body of a man, and the mind of a killer.

And, as he discreetly watched the other man wander around the room, Giotto was once again reminded of Tsuna's nightmare hours ago. While assuring the child that everything was fine and he would never do such a thing, the blond man can't help but feel disquieted at the knowledge of his son's dream. It was only recently that the brunet boy had showed signs of hyper intuition, the most blatant one happening just last night, when he woke his son up from another nightmare. Tsuna had always dreamed about his blood-stained past, not about a possible event that could happen in the future, and, frankly, it worried Giotto, who had learned to trust his own dreams as possible foreshadowing.

Hyper intuition manifested itself in their aristocratic family; it was the result of much generational intermarriage between people with close blood relations. Siblings and cousins who wed and had offspring would have it if they had the dominant gene and it showed itself primarily among males, though a female having hyper awareness wasn't rare. Giotto's parents themselves were related, his father was his mother's uncle, though they were close in age.

So did that mean that, since Tsuna showed signs of hyper intuition, his adopted son was biologically related to him in one way or another? As far as Giotto knew, they were the only family who had this… special ability. He supposed that he should've been thankful that decades of intermarrying worked in their favor, but even then he would've known about a cousin or a nephew who also had their… gift. Even in their family, the chances of gaining hyper intuition were slim, and currently, only he and his second cousin, Ricardo, had it.

So what was Tsuna's relation to him, then? Was their shared resemblance a fluke? A coincidence? Or were they actually blood related? Now he regretted more than ever that he hadn't been able to find out anything substantial about Tsuna's biological parents; the people who took their corpses were close friends of the couple and not their relatives, and had told the man everything they knew, which was not much to start on to begin with. Alaude had also tried his best to obtain information about the other children's biological families, and had unfortunately returned unsuccessful.

And speaking of his Cloud Guardian…

"Alaude isn't here yet." Asari's worried tone took him out of his thoughts. He blinked, once again taking note of his surroundings. Alaude wasn't present?

"Nufufufu… perhaps he finally saw light and decided not to come to such a boring engagement." Daemon suggested mildly, eyes looking left and right for a familiar shaggy crop of pale blond hair.

"That bastard…" G gritted his teeth in annoyance, "He knows that this is an important mafia gathering, damn it! If he's not present, then the Vongola can be suspected of treason!"

The meeting was starting, and yet the last Guardian of his Famiglia was still nowhere to be found. Giotto thought it strange, while the man absolutely hated gatherings, he wasn't the type of person to forget or abandon his duties. At times he would appear late, but Alaude had never deliberately skipped a meeting once, especially with one as important as this. Knuckle had immediately offered to look for him, dragging an unwilling Lampo with him, and when they came back empty-handed, the blond man was more than perturbed.

What happened to his Cloud Guardian? Was he safe? Why wasn't he here yet? Was it possible that something happened to him?

As maddening as the questions were, he had no answers to them yet. Once again feeling the pressure in head increase, he tried to look as composed as possible; not letting the other mafia dons catch on to his distress as they took their places, he in front, his Guardians standing respectfully back.

And just as he was about to take his seat, he felt eyes on him, and immediately looked up, only to see red-violet orbs peeking out of long black lashes, staring at him with interest. The Neve Famiglia was directly across from them, their leader now seated, fingers steepled and his chin resting on top of his joined fingers, head turned to the side in an innocent expression of curiosity. At first glance the other man would be perceived as jaded, if not perfectly bored with the events going on. Then he gave Giotto a slow, hot smile that made something curl at the pit of his stomach, and it was anything but good.

And, before he knew it, he was scrutinizing the other man's every move, sensing something… wrong with Carmine Neve's companions. They were there yes, standing behind their leader like sentient guards, but there was something… inhuman about them, as if he was seeing photographs instead of the real persons that were supposed to be there. But they were real flesh and blood, he confirmed that much when he saw the supposed only woman of the Neve Guardians wrapping her hand around Carmine's arm. But his intuition was acting up again, telling him that there was really something… off about the Neve Guardians.

He really didn't know what to believe anymore, because his intuition, for the first time, proved itself wrong when it was clear that the Neve weren't going to do anything.

Should he dare believe his intuition again when his eyes were already telling him the truth?

"Daemon," he called the man over, trying to put himself at ease. His Mist Guardian, of all people, would know if they were trapped in an illusion of some sort. He nodded to the slate-haired man, who approached with a quizzical look.

"Is there someone casting an illusion in this room?" Vongola Primo asked in an undertone, glancing around, particularly to one leader of a certain enemy Famiglia. "I feel something's… not quite right in here."

Daemon Spade frowned in thought, concentrating. He can't sense anything dangerous as of the moment, but he could feel a certain amount of pressure inside the room, as if someone was purposefully trying to interfere with his scanning. But, then again, he could always chalk that one up to the other Mist Guardians in the room, trying to keep one another from casting an illusion and subsequently start an all-out fight.

"There's none who would dare, Giotto." He assured the blond man, who didn't look convinced. "I didn't feel anything out of place." And, of course, if something did happen, he would be the first one to know.

Giotto nodded his thanks, still pensive. He's been feeling off all day, and he didn't like that feeling. Alaude was absent, and his intuition wasn't working properly.

Slowly, everything was starting to fall apart, and he didn't know what to do about it.


Kyouya stalked the halls of the Vongola Mansion, tonfas out and eyes darting left and right quickly, watching for any sign of attack. It seemed that the servants had started to notice; people were scurrying left and right, taking no notice of their young, raven-haired master going straight to where their enemies were. He wasn't in a very good mood, scowling deeply, his urge to beat someone into an unrecognizable pulp worsening as he finally arrived outside and into the gardens.

He went to the line of trees surrounding the walls of the mansion, eyes quickly taking in the sight and number of intruders. There were three partially hidden behind the trees, two in the bushes, and one was stealthily approaching towards him, most likely thinking that he would be able to take him by surprise.

Hn. Plant-eaters. Without turning back he buried the butt of his tonfa deeply into the older man's gut, before turning around and smashing him squarely on the face, smirking at the blood now lightly coating the surface of his tonfa.

"Leave for a while." He told his pet, which was just waking up from a light snooze, ruffling its feathers and sending a light gust of wind on his scalp. "Go somewhere else and don't bother me." The bird blinked and chirped its understanding, before leaving its perch and relocating on a nearby branch, staring down at its master.

"Now…" Assured of Hibird's safely, the boy turned back to the trees, raising his weapons in anticipation of a fight. "Let's go, older plant-eaters."

And, as the emerged one by one to attack, Kyouya smirked, knowing that his fight would alert the other guards into action. He wasn't particularly worried about his plant-eater siblings and the woman meat-eater; he knew that the pineapple would do something to distract them. And, while siding with that accursed pineapple meat-eater left a disgustingly bitter taste in his mouth, he knew he had no choice. He recognized what Hibird brought back, a torn piece of cloth from his father's clothes, the work of the older man held up somewhere the boy didn't know. He was most probably ambushed on the way to the mansion. Just as well. Without his Uncles to hold him back and his father to steal his prey, he could run as wild as he pleased.

He really should thank someone for that.

Kyouya turned his head to the side, droplets of blood that wasn't his own splattering and sliding down his cheek. He nonchalantly slashed his tonfas down, the excess crimson liquid making a stain on the ground as he raised his tonfas again for another attack, smirking.

Father, don't let some plant-eaters defeat you.

"I'll bite you all to death."

The only person who can beat you… is me.


Mukuro watched complacently on the rooftop, seeing the intruders sneak in stealthily and swiftly, observing how they move. There was no doubt about it, these people were professionals, and they know how to do their jobs well, seeing one of them efficiently slit the throat of one of the guards. He then chuckled as his raven-haired sibling appeared, looking pissed, and ready to bludgeon them all to death.

Or, he should say instead, bite them all to death.

He was amusing himself, watching the ensuing fight from a distance. But he knew that his presence was already noticed when he saw a storm of daggers hurtling straight at him, he nonchalantly dodged them, rolling over and looking down on the ground, seeing a pair of eyes looking where he was, though he was invisible. Smirking, his trident materialized and he slammed it on the roof tiles, watching with gleeful cruelty as the man was engulfed in flames.

He always had power. His illusion-making abilities had been present ever since he could remember. His former parents had worshipped him for it, gloating over the fact that they had a 'gifted' child, his playmates had looked up to him adoringly because of it, and he always had everything at the palm of his hands. He hated it. Because of his powers he was pressured to learn his skills quickly and to be showed off like cattle in a prized auction.

Nagi, his dear twin sister, because she didn't have the same powers, was quickly and promptly ignored, and yet treated him with sweetness and gentleness. He could never explain on how much she saved him, preventing him from losing his mind and sanity and just do away with their parents and run away together, a thought that had passed through his minds too many times for it to be healthy. And when the massacre happened, even his supposed 'strong' powers didn't help him, and nearly lost an eye because of it.

His parents were killed, not that he cared about that, but his sister suffered greatly, and it was his fault for not being able to stop it.

"So you want power." Daemon leaned back and observed his adopted child with an amused glint in his eyes. It's been eight months after the massacre, and so far, most of the children have adjusted and accept their new lives as the children of the Vongola.

He liked Mukuro. There was defiance in his eyes that reminded the Mist Guardian very much of his younger self, though nearly unseeing in one eye and being a perpetual headache by engaging in fights with Kyouya, Alaude's son. "Tell me, why should I teach you when you've attempted to run away from his mansion a week before with your sister in tow? What would assure me that you wouldn't do so again?"

The child was calm and silent, before answering with a maturity that came from seeing too much pain and destruction.

"My sister. I would do anything to keep her safe."

And so he studied under the tutelage of his adoptive father, who agreed to it. Even Mukuro can't tell what was on the older man's mind as he trained every day, using the very power he had come to despise with all his heart.

The road to obtaining power was anything but easy.

"Endure it, Mukuro. Power does not come without a price. " Mukuro was on all fours, breathing heavily, trying his best not to scream as he felt his right eye burn in pain, as if continuously being stabbed, burned and pierced all at the same time. Daemon watched with an apathetic face, seeing the child roll around in pain, trying to ignore it, nails scratching the carpet as the small body shuddered and twitched. "You will experience the pains of Hell itself, and even knowing this, you still want to continue?"

Despite this, Mukuro smiled, shedding tears of blood as he looked up, his right eye now tinged with the color of crimson.

"It's fine. I've experienced Hell once. I can go through it again and again if I have to."

Daemon smiled. His child was strong. Though seeing the boy in extreme pain, the man had no regrets. Mukuro, he knew, would be able to do it.

"Very well. Then go through the underworld six times, and emerge victorious."

"My, my, I didn't expect to be discovered so easily." Mukuro jumped off from the rooftop, slowing down and materializing as his feet gently touched the ground, twirling his trident in his hands. The kanji in his eye changed from one to the symbol of six as he stood, ready to fight.

"Shall we dance then, my puppets?" He smiled. He still hadn't completed the six paths, and he knew his eye was strained with continuous use, but he'll go to Hell first before letting these men have their way in the Mansion. He and his sister could live peacefully now, and he won't let anyone destroy that, even if he had to go to Hell again for it.

For his sister, and for his newfound siblings.

Heaven wouldn't like him on their ranks anyway.


Takeshi ran along the corridors of the mansion, the cries and shouts of an ongoing battle growing closer as he sped along the empty passages, catching glimpses every so once in a while of an airborne body through the windows. The normally cheerful smile was replaced with a serious and grim look, and he was glad that Tsuna, his Aunt Elena and Lambo were completely on the other side of the mansion, otherwise they would be caught up in it too.

He noticed it at once, the unconscious body of a guard lying in the side gardens and disappearing once he blinked. At first he thought it was just a trick of the light, but when he saw the figures creeping though the bushes, he knew that something was going on, and the appearance of his older adopted siblings with weapons out and ready to fight just set it in stone. Wincing as he saw another body through the windows, (most likely the work of Kyouya, since he's the only person he knew who was strong enough to send grown up men flying up to the second floor), he finally arrived in his father's study, opening it without ceremony to go to the small alcove his father had built, not for the hanging scroll and the pretty flower arrangements, but for the objects mounted below it.

His father's sword collection.

But, as expected, the long katana and the three short swords weren't there, an empty space where the four weapons should be. Takeshi had always wondered how his adoptive father was able to use it, amazed with the way his father moved every time he would practice with his swords, as if doing a very complicated but pretty dance.

Instead he grabbed the hilt of the one at the very bottom, a plain looking bamboo sword he used for daily practice, the familiar weight making him grin as he swung it once. His father had gotten it especially for him when the Japanese man told him that he would teach him how to handle a sword, to his happiness. Wasting no time, he twirled around and exited the room, sliding down the banisters on the staircase just in time to see the entrance door broken down. A determined look settled into his bright brown eyes, raising the bamboo sword as he faced his opponents, tightening his grip as he felt the adrenaline pounding into his veins, seeing the unknown men charge at him. Exhaling a breath, he concentrated, closing his eyes, remembering the words his Japanese father had imparted to him on his first day of training.

"Only use your sword to protect, Takeshi. Raise your blade in defense, in defiance, rather than violence. Fight, not for power and influence, but for something precious you wish to protect. Only then will I teach you. Can you promise me this?"

He had taken these words to heart, and just a little over three months he had learned much of his father's sword style, though his techniques were still far from perfect. He felt stronger, more capable, and more than ready to take on these men who wanted to hurt his family. But his fingers were shaking, and he didn't know whether it was from fear or from apprehension. Probably both. This was his first real fight, and he knew that he could lose his life if he did this, both inexperienced and lacking in training.

But he felt that he needed something to prove to himself that he wasn't a failure, that he would be able to protect his siblings this time around. His father wasn't here, and he couldn't rely on him forever. He wasn't able to stop the man who murdered his first family, but this time, he won't fail. He would take care of Tsuna, Hayato, and the rest, just as he promised his father that he would, no matter what happens.

"There's the kid! Get him!"

His eyes snapped open.

Protect me, Shigure Kintoki!

"Shigure Soen Ryu: First Form! Shajiku no Ame!"


Hayato ducked into a room in time to avoid a swipe at his collar, hearing the men behind him in close pursuit as he turned into a corner and rested against the wall, quickly fishing out a dynamite and lighting it. He smirked as the men fell into his trap and threw the bomb once they were close enough; the gratifying sound of the explosion music in his ears when he also heard the men shout in surprise and alarm before the flames quickly engulfed them.

He had always been interested with bombs and dynamites, a book about them was the first thing he saw when he explored the Vongola Mansion's library. He knew how to read and write, his older sister taught him how to when he was three, seeing that he was smarter and absorbed information better than most children. She had continuously tutored him until… that time happened, and his old man had taught him in her place, consisting of bringing a book, a dictionary and telling him to 'find the words he didn't know himself'.

He knew his father was strong. Hayato saw the skills he had with his own two eyes when he chanced the other on the outside shooting range, amazed with the way the older man changed his guns so efficiently and quickly, always hitting the target straight on. Still, when he asked the old man to teach him, The Storm Guardian had refused, and they had fought about it until Hayato had given up and sulked about it for days at hand.

He wanted to learn how to fight. When he came to the mansion he had learned to live again, remembering how to smile and laugh and have fun with the Tenth and his other siblings and Uncles, even if he was reluctant to admit it. He loved his new family fiercely, and was determined to always keep it together, wanting to preserve the gentle doting of his Uncles and the sunny smiles of his siblings. What happened before could happen again, and Hayato never wanted to take chances like that again.

And so he studied. Buried himself in books and spent the nights away reading and stacking up knowledge. Even if he didn't have the tactical experiences yet, he knew that, in theory, it would always work. He studied the maps of the mansion and read up on tactical strategy; using the freedom his adoptive father gave him in trying to understand everything in his young but bright mind. It helped that his more supportive uncles helped him sometimes, with his Uncle Alaude bringing back books from other countries translated in Italian so he could read and understand better and his Uncle Daemon explaining to him the things he can't comprehend fully.

Slowly but surely he taught himself how to differentiate weapons and their uses, especially on mid-range weapons. He studied on different projectiles, bombs, grenades and the ways on how to mix and create gunpowder (in theory anyway, his Uncles never let them near Talbot's laboratory for safety purposes) and had stolen dynamites from the weapons room in the basement mansion on a regular basis, stashing them in a loose floorboard in his room where he was sure no one would look for. He hid his 'training' from everyone except for those who already knew about it, especially his father, not wanting to be stopped, at any cost. He knew he was young, and he would most probably screw it up when the real thing would come, but he just had to try.

He had lost everything once, and he'll be damned if he let someone take it away from him again.

His adoptive old man always gave him hell for it, scolding him and talking away whatever he amassed when caught in the act, telling him it was dangerous and a brat like him shouldn't be holding such things because he just might set himself off, and he didn't want to be the one talking care of the bloodstains on the carpet.

Tch. Stupid old man. Hayato scowled at the thought of his crimson-haired father, this time skidding into the lower ground dining room, the double doors, long mahogany table and various china cabinets stretching out before and above him.

It was the perfect battleground: a place cluttered with objects everywhere. Glancing momentarily at the side and seeing the men after him, he had no time to waste. Slapping long-niched dynamites on the doorframe, he lit them up and waited until the very last moment to dart inside and slide underneath the dining table, fingers just missing him by a hairsbreadth as he crawled out through a side door to the kitchens, standing by the door and waiting, in 3…



He smirked in self-satisfaction as the dining room exploded, debris spewing out from the opened kitchen doorway and hitting the wall behind him, the backlash ruffling his hair as his lips turned up in a small, proud smile.

No sneaking around the basement, no trouble in the mansion while we're gone, and don't hurt the people who are approaching Tsuna, especially the other kids.

Well, he was never really good in following orders from his old man in the first place.


Ryohei panted as he rested against the door, looking none the worse for wear, with knuckles bruised and his bandages unfurling, pooling at his arms. He winced, staring at his bloodied hands, wondering if he went too far.

It hurts… He breathed out a sigh, wrapping the bandages again in his hands carefully but quickly, tightening it even further, though it sent jolts of pain into his arms and his body. He had been fighting for quite some time now, trying to contain it on the other side of the mansion, so that Tsuna and his Aunt Elena wouldn't hear anything. He's been stopping any intruder from entering the other part of the mansion, knocking them out quickly, even though there was one time that he got surrounded and barely escaped without being seriously hurt. Dimly he could hear his other siblings also fighting their own battles, and allowed a grin to appear on his face.

He was born into a very poor family. His father, when he was still alive, continuously fought in ring battles so they would have food on the table. His father was very skilled, but because the battles were always rigged, he came home with just enough for them to eat for the day.

Ryohei admired his father. For him, his father was possibly the strongest man alive, and no one could ever beat him. Every day he went to the rings just to see his father fight, even though his mother told him continuous times not to. And his father would always welcome him there, though bruised and injured, with a smile and thumbs up.

"Cheer on your old man, Ryohei! He'll win this time!"

And Ryohei believed that wholeheartedly.

Until that day came.

It was another day in the fighting ring, his father coming up to fight next, when they came.


The memories were blurry, forcefully pushed out of his mind, to cope with the extreme shock and trauma he felt when he saw his father's bleeding and weakening body. His father had thrown himself on his son just in time to protect him, the blade piercing through his body, droplets on blood dripping on Ryohei's face as his father collapsed on top of him. His father was heavy, and in that young age Ryohei didn't have the capacity to move the older man, hearing the shouts and screams but not seeing it, only able to hear slowing beat of his father's heart.

It was the worst, knowing that your father was slowly dying and yet can't do anything about it. Tried as he might to scream and shout for help, he was muffled by the older man's chest, shushing him, firmly holding his head forward so he wouldn't see the falling bodies left and right, only seeing shadows from his wide and horrified eyes.


"Sorry… Ryohei… Dad… wasn't able to win… this time…"

The child squeezed his eyes shut, chasing away the painful memories that had surfaced. No, he can't lose focus now. He had a family to protect now, as well as a promise to keep to his Uncle Knuckle, the person who looked after him now, to never lose hope, because there will always be someone there to guide you.

"Ryohei, take care of your younger siblings, all right? I'm counting on you!"

Ryohei pulled on his bandages one last time with his teeth, before curling his hands into a fist, his eyes opening with a determined flame.

To protect his Family, so that they would never feel what he felt when he also lost his own… for that he will fight.

"I'll fight… to the extreme!"


Chrome stared worriedly out of the window, biting her lower lip, acutely hearing the sounds of battle steadily growling closer to where they were. She took a glance at the other people in the room, Lambo now sleeping soundly in the blonde woman's arms as she read a story to an attentive Tsuna, brown eyes wide with interest.

She knew that her brother was still fighting due to their bond, a telepathic link that was unique to twin siblings, strengthened by their powers of illusion. It was her adoptive father that discovered that she had illusion-making abilities as well and taught her accordingly, though her training was different from Mukuro's. She can't help but worry a lot for her other siblings, who were scattered all throughout the mansion, who could be seriously and gravely injured right at that moment.

Chrome! Chrome, can you hear me!

She gasped, looking up when she heard the familiar voice inside her head.

Big brother! All you all right? What's happening!

Chrome, take Miss Elena and rest out of the mansion as fast as you can. His voice sounded strained, weak, clearly struggling against his enemy. I…

"Aunt Elena, look out!" Tsuna's suddenly rang out, throwing himself in front of the startled woman, making the chair tip back and clatter to the ground just as the wall nearest them exploded, rock and mortar shattering and scattering throughout the room.

Chrome ducked just in time, the blast making her ears ring as dust clouded, Lambo's shrill cry wailing in the air as shadows slowly emerged from the hole in the wall.

"Tsuna! Chrome! Are you two all right!" Elena called out in panic and fear, coughing as she inhaled some of the dust, looking around for some signs of the children with her. Why didn't she realize what was happening? It was clearly an attack on the Vongola, and yet why didn't she know from the very beginning! The children, she thought with horror. The children were out there, and she didn't have any idea if they were all right or not! She tried to sit up, only for a stab of pain to greet her, something warm seeping into her clothes from her thigh.

"I-I'm fine, Miss Elena!" Chrome called back, eye darting towards the men as the dust and debris finally settled. She had no time to lose. She ran forward, trident materializing in her hands as she stood in front of her aunt and her siblings.

"Tsuna!" She called out to the younger brunet, "Please take Lady Elena and Lambo out of the mansion as soon as you can!" She slammed the end on the trident on the floor, lotus vines snaking out and ensnaring the intruders into their grasp. Chokes and screams soon filled the air, the girl holding the weapon on both hands as her head turned back. "Hurry!"

"B-But Chrome! We can't leave you here!" Tsuna protested, standing up, caramel brown eyes filled with fear and anxiety. Chrome smiled at her younger sibling, despite the situation, turning back to her opponents and twirling her trident once.

"Tsuna, please. I'm counting on you."

I'll hold them back for you.

"C-Chrome…" The brunet looked unsure and hesitant, but finally came to a decision, nodding once determinedly and helping his Aunt Elena stand up. "Aunt Elena, let's go! I know which way to go!"

"You're not getting away!" A man charged forward, intent on grabbing the boy, but was stopped when three spikes imbedded themselves in his throat, blood gurgling out of his throat as he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

"I won't let you." Chrome stood as a barrier between her family and the intruders, her small frame shaking, but nonetheless stood her ground as she bought time for them to escape.

She won't be a burden to anyone ever again. This time, she will be the one they would depend on.


Tsuna panted, feeling the weight of his Aunt on his side as they made their quick escape from the drawing room. Despite the fear he felt, he pushed on, wanting to help in any way he could.

It was happening again. It was a replay of the nightmarish events that happened more than a year ago, and Tsuna felt the tears sting his eyes as he felt the helplessness and despair drown him.

Why was this happening?

He gasped as he stared at the door, gaze taking in the man that prevented their escape, tall, serious, with bright strawberry-blond hair and scary looking gold eyes.

"I've come for you, child of the Vongola."

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