3-Wide Awake

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hollyleaf's POV~~
I hope they're ready, because I know I am. I have been for moons. Both their faces show excitement, as I'm sure mine does to.

I take a deep breath and speak, slowly at first, but steadily speeding up. The confusion that was once on their faces quickly turns to amazement. I was surprised when I was able to cut the deal for not just me, but Briarlight & Ivypool as well. I guess StarClan realized that we needed this.

I sigh with relief and ask them one last question, "Are you ready?" As expected, they both nod quickly, jittery with energy.

"Ok then," I laugh with anticipation, "But it might hurt a bit," Their eyes go wide for a moment, but I know they'll get over it. They've had it worse.

I walk towards a pool sitting a few tail lengths away from us and sit down, the others soon joining me. Under the water sits a holly leaf, some ivy and a briar thorn. I would've put a briar light in there, but I was pretty sure that didn't exist.

I take a drink of the water, the cool wetness sliding down my throat. The two she-cats frown, but lap up some of the liquid as well. I smile as they begin to fade, as I feel myself as well.

It's as if I'm dying all over again, but without most of the pain.

My soul floating away from me.

The world darkening, darkening until it's gone.
Sorry for the super short chapter, but it was necessary. I'll try and update more, and any ideas from you guys would help! Thanks!


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