Chapter 42

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Priya's Pov
Day 15

"Hello!"I called him after a minute.

"Hello"He spoke softly.

"Arjun!"I called his name.

He took sometime and said"Priya!"

"I want to throw a surprise party tonight!"I said calmly.

"That's good but why?"He spoke hesitantly.

"Its mom's birthday today!"I answered his question.

"Oh!Great"He said calmly.

"I want aunty to be here,for the surprise party!"I said quickly.

"Oh!"He said and I couldn't find what is his expression.

"Please!"I requested this time.

"Sure!"He said in a composed tone.

"Thank you soo much!"I almost shouted.

"Thank you!"I smiled and cut the call.

"Done!"I smiled at Prawjal.

"Thanks!"He mouthed.


"What do you think so?"Prajwal asked me curiously.

"He will come definitely"I said pumping the air in the balloons with the pump.

"I am talking about Mom!"He gave a lifeless smile.

"Sure!Don't worry"Brunda placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Look there!"I noticed a car infront of the gate.

"come on,"Brunda dragged Prajwal into the room.

"Hai!"Arjun arrived in no time.I can see aunty coming slowly behind him.

"I am so happy to see you!"Mom appeared from no where.

"Happy birthday dear!"They both hugged and we Arjun and me exchanged few glances mean while.

"15 days!"I threw a wicked smile at him.

"I gave up soon I saw you with Prajwal.I told you that already!I am sorry for everything"He looked away.

"Why?So suddenly?Means those words?!Love?!Are they all fake?!"I teased him.

"You have changed a lot!"He is still hesitant to look at me.

"Really?!"I raised my eyebrow.

"What about the cake?!"Brunda came into the living room very casually.

"My friend!"I looked at Arjun who is staring at her.

"Arjun,This is Brunda!"I introduced her successfully as a part of our plan.

"Hai"He said very casually and I sighed heavily.

"Hai!"She greeted back and they are talking their whereabouts.

"Oh No!"I gave sad look.

"What?!"Arjun asked out of surprise and I am truly happy for his concern.

"Bakery is closed,From where we ordered the cake"I looked at them both.

"Then go out and get another before guests arrive!"Bruda said quickly.

"I even don't have my scooty with me,I gave it to a friend"I sighed in disappointment.

"Will you help her?!If you dont mind"Bruda asked Arjun quickly without giving him any time to think.

"Okay!"He took a second and said looking at me.

"Thanks!"I mouthed and I saw a spark in his eyes which I have been missing for last two days,Since Prajwal's encounter.

We both walked towards his Chevrolet in utter Silence.

"Are you fine?!"I asked him occupying my seat.

"Yes"He said somewhat curtly adjusting himself in the driver's  seat.

"Where should we go now?!"He asked after leaving the house heading towards the highway.

"Blossoms!"I said quickly.

"But why?!We have Cakewala here"He looked at me unbelievably.

"I love the the cakes they prepare"I said emphasising every word.

"Hmm!"He simply looked away.

"Why cannt you go this side?"I showed him another way.

"It is some what nearer!"He showed the other.

"I always prefer this way!"I said quickly before the red signal turns into green.

"Okay!"He gave a fake smile,Thank god he smiled,Even it is a fake smile.

"Thanks"I adjusted my bindi looking at the mirror.

He is riding slowly,Perhaps a bit carefully on the bypass rider.I can see very few vehicles and you can see I purposefully chose the track to Keep Arjun away from aunty for somemore time.

"Its about to rain!"Arjun looked a bit worried.

"Really?!"I opened the window glass and watched the weather.

"Stop!"I shouted suddenly.

"What?!"He gave an irritated look.

"Its raining!"I stepped down and took the pleasure to drench myself in rain.

"Are you mad!"He is shouting.

"Yes!"I nodded and looked away.

"Get in"He dragged me inside.

"You are totally drenched!"He gave me his handkerchief.

I simply smiled at him,ofcourse smiling madly.

"What?!"He looked away hesitantly.

"Why do you care for me If you gave up already?"I asked him straight away.

"What?!"He pretended that he didn't hear anything.

"Nothing!"I murmured.

"This way!"I showed him the way 
We reached the "Blossoms" in time.Now I realised the mistake What I did,I am completely drenched in water.How could I get down?!

"You just stay here"He volunteered to get down and brought the cake.

We are back to home.I am staring at him openly,But he seems he is too busy with driving.

"Oh god!"He almost shouted and the car stopped so suddenly taking a leap and I fell into his arms all of a sudden.

"Are you fine?!"He asked taking my face into his arms.

"Think so!"I lied,my head is aching so much and felt like it just collided with a hard rock.

"What had happened?!"I asked him shaking my head twice.

"Carefull!"He is still holding my face in his palms.

"Is everything okay?!"I asked trying to peep through the window.

"We just missed an accident!"He said slowly pressing my palm.

"Thank god!"I sighed.

"But we stuck here in the Traffic Jam!"He gave a perplexed look.

"What?!"I opened the door and shocked to see the surroundings.

"How long would it take?!"I asked him.

"Probably 5 more hours,Even a night"He frowned.

"My plan backfired"I scolded myself.

"Have this!"He gave me a waterbottle.

"I brought that at the bakery as I felt thirsty!"He said.

I took a gulp and tried to close my eyes.I felt asleep after few minutes.

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