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Arjun's Pov

"Is everything fine?"Mom is asking someone on phone.

"Don't worry mom!Everything will be fine"I gave a peck on her forehead and hugged her for a second.

"I hope so"She smiled and cupped my cheeks.

"Why are you like this,It's already 4Pm"Mom almost shouted.

"Mom,I am a boy it takes few minutes for me to get ready"I gave a teasing smile.

"You are blaming your mom?You have grown up!"Mom kept a sulky face.

"I am talking about girls not about moms"I laughed.

"Ohh"She chuckled

"And you are the world's best mom!"I said tilting my head a bit looking into her eyes.

"What's happening here?"Dad entered my room so suddenly.

"Aren't you ready yet?"Dad too posed the same question to me.

"Why are you both after me?"I heaved a sigh and looked at them both.

"Because we don't want to be late,We have to reach mandap by 5 and start the engagement function by 6"Dad winked.

"Oh god!"I looked at them with a pale face and walked towards washroom.

Prajwal is getting engaged today,Mom and dad wants to announce him as their son on this occasion.

I am happy they are ready to give him his identity which he deserves.They should have done it much earlier but they were worried about their name,Especially mom!Now they made their hearts and they are ready to do it.I am happy for them.

Still I can't accept Prajwal.He was after me all the time,He blamed me for some other's mistake,for his own fate.I too feel pity about him sometimes but the very next second he does something which will disturb me,my life.

My parents allowed him to stay in my house,Dad is happy to take him to our office.He declared him as his heir,he asked me whether I am happy about his decision.I didn't say anything just nodded and smiled at him.

I know it's difficult for me to spare his presence,He lives with me,in my house,our house what I should call probably.So I started avoiding him very wantedly, purposefully.I started an another venture in Goa,So that I can stay there atleast three days per week.
I don't want to go to our office daily as I don't want to see him.I spend my weekends with Priya.Everyone thinks that I go for a gym session or a boxing session but the little secret is we both hang out at different restaurants,beach and mainly at our guesthouse.

Still I can't avoid Prajwal at home,during family time,lunch and dinner.I talk to him like a friend,a stranger not like a brother,I know mom,dad and he himselft knows but thank fully they aren't pushing me with some senti words.

Priya,I didn't say anything about Priya,I don't want promulgate our feelings infornt of my parents and so called brother before I can sense few of his intentions.

Priya was completely against my words,She thought I am doubting him purposefully yet I am not fully convinced by his words,Probably I won't forever.

I came out of my thoughts soon
I pour a bucket of cold water relentlessly on me.I came out wrapping a towel and searching for my dress chosen by mom.

I don't know what's need of wearing a traditional dress it's not my engagement.

I looked at my phone which is vibrating continuously.

Its Priya"Will be late a bit,Have an urgent work,Love you"

What?I felt bad to hear those words from her,Why would she come late to her best friend's engagement.Though I am his brother Priya is his best friend.I never stopped her from meeting him but just asked her to keep our thing secret from everyone even from our parents.I want to keep it secret for a while.I don't want people to talk about us,they have talked enough so check for their gossips for a while.

"Are you ready?"I heard mom almost shouting and knocking the door hastily after ten minutes.

"Yes!"I am shocked to see my family standing infront of my room for me.My parents and my elder brother are waiting for me like I am a child.

"What?"I looked at them with a wide grin.

"We are getting late"Mom showed me her wrist watch.

I was given no option except accompany them,I wanted to meet Priya but my plans are dumped by my family.I was curious to know the reason behind her text!Why will she come a bit late?I wanted to call but these people aren't leaving me at all.

"What?!"Mom asked me after sometime.I simply nodded"No" and occupied the driver seat.

Mom and Prajwal occupied the back seat where dad is with me beside my seat.

They are talking nonstop all the time,I sighed as I am literally worried about Priya.

I don't know why I feel she in a kind of problem,I don't know whether it is my fear or the truth?!I am driving with a sullen face and surprised to see Priya there at a floral shop.

I sighed for a second,Why can't she call me once?!She didn't call me from the morning.Though I felt relieved a bit I badly want to ask her the reason.

We reached the hall in time,later I learnt that Brunda is an orphan and the persons whom mom and dad told me as her parents are her Uncle and Aunt.I felt sad for a second that I wasn't acknowledged about the things happening around me.May be I am also responsible for this.

I tried to call Priya but she didn't pick my call and sent a message again

"Coming,Just started at home"She sent a text.

Why is she lying to me, I have seen her a while back at floral shop.I am confused at the same time I am worried about her

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