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Priya's Pov

I came back to home and had my lunch. I wanted to sleep for a while. But I couldn't sleep at all.

"Is that Arjun?"Mom asked me sitting beside me.

"Yes!"I looked away.

"What?"She truly felt happy.

"He is our client"I kept my answer really short.

"You should have asked him to come in.It has been years. I want to have a talk with him"She said casually.

"Tomorrow or Someday"I said politely. I don't want to spoil her mood.

"I still remember that day. When you both came to our house holding a cup"She ruffled my hair.

I smiled at her but don't want to carry on the conversation.

"How about Sowmya?"She asked me suddenly.

"She got married to Pradeep. I met her yesterday. She lives in Vizag"I gave her the information she wanted.

"That's great!"She said happily.

"Give me her number I would like to invite them for dinner."She said something which I didn't expect at all.

"Mom!'I looked at her with an irritating face.

"Do what I say!"She ordered me this time.

"You are impossible"I left in my room as I don't want to stay here more.

I went to my room and looked at the teddy bear given by Sowmya on my birthday.

She was my best friend. But she didn't have enough trust in me.
She blamed me for nothing. She misunderstood me brutally. I don't know why it all had happened.

I earned a very bad name while leaving the college. I took a deep breath to relax.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. It's Sowmya.

"Hai"I lifted the phone quickly.

"Hai! Hope I haven't disturbed you"She asked me very formally.

"No"I said quickly.

"That's great then!"She said.

"Had your lunch?"I truly don't know what to ask.

"Yup. Just now"Don't know we both feel really awkward to talk so formally like a stranger.

"Mom wants to invite you both,You and Pradeep for dinner. She has asked about you both"I invited her on behalf of my Mom.

"So sweet of aunty"She said. I can imagine the expression on her face, Wide eyed shock.

"She doesn't know anything. I don't want you to reveal anything to her,Please"I admitted.

"So nice of you!"She mumbled.

"Are you coming? You have no option left"I tried to speak like earlier.

"Sure, Tomorrow"She accepted my invitation quickly.

"Arjun came to Vizag"She suddenly started talking about him.

"Yes,I know"I answered.

"He told me he met you and is currently working with you"She seems very enthusiastic.

"Yes,"I didn't speak a word more.

"That's great"She said.

"Seems you both sorted out all your problems"She continued.

"Nothing like that Sowmya. He is our client and I am doing my work"I want to end the conversation here itself.

"Sorry!"She mumbled.

"It's okay!"A moment of silence between us.

"Okay! Be prepared. Don't forget about tomorrow"I reminded her again.

"Sure"She cut the call.

Why this awkwardness between us.We are best friends once. When did this silence creep between us?

I closed my eyes and trying hard to sleep.

Flashes of memories...

"You gifted a cute Key chain to bro"Sowmya asked me.

"Yes!"I said to her.

"How do you know him?"I asked Sowmya occupying my seat.

"He is my neighbour, we are family friends."She said smiling.

"You call him brother, right?!"I asked her writing down the notes.

"Yes!"She nodded.

"Good!"I smiled.

"You didn't tell me why did you give him a Keychain."She asked me again.

"You know that I lost my dad in an accident two years back. Since then I stopped singing. I don't know why? My mom asked me to continue it many times. But I couldn't. I have enrolled my name under this category, but I am truly unaware whether I could succeed in it or not? Then came Arjun. He encouraged me heartily like a good friend. He even played guitar for me.I did it for my dad. Where ever he may be, he would have watched me signing and must feel happy"I sighed.

"Oh!'She hugged me.

"And why particularly that Keychain?"She looked at me anxiously.

"Purple is my favourite colour and guitar is his favourite  instrument"I gave my answer.

"I got it"She nodded.

"Will you come to my house today?"She invited me.

"I have to ask mom"I said hesitantly.

"I am your friend damn it"She pretended anger.

"Really?!"I frowned.

"I will kill you"She slapped my shoulder.

"Ouch!"I threw a weird gaze at her.

"Sorry!"She kept a puppy face.

"Accepted"I smiled.

"I will inform mom!"I assured her.

"Great! My mom wants to see you"She declared suddenly.

"What?"I am shocked.

"She became a big fan of you."She said in a dramatic way.

"What?"I couldn't get what she said.

"She saw our Fresher's video"She revealed the truth.

"Good, "I smiled fakely.

"What?"She felt a bit unhappy.

"Nothing, " cupped her cheeks.

"Then get ready!"She smiled.

The rest of  the day went happily. Classes went peacefully. I informed mom, she said yes. I felt happy.We are on the way to Sowmya's house. She brought her Scooty today.

It was a beautiful house with a large lawn. We entered a big hall.Her mom greeted us and asked me to come in.

"Feel free.Be comfortable"She has a pleasant smile.

"Thanks  Aunty!"I smi. ed bac. .

"You sing greatly"She complimeted me.

"Thanks, "I continued my grin.

"How is mom?"She asked me politely.

"She is fine"I answered her.

I talked to her for sometime.She spoke very nicely with me.She praised my singing skills.She felt sad to here about my dad.She praised mom.She never made me feel like a stranger.I felt happy to meet her.She is so humble yet nice lady.Sowmya might have got her cuteness from her.She is so talkative like her mom.

Sowmya took her to her room.It is all pink.

"Very Pretty!"I compliemted her.

"Really?"She chuckled.

"Just like you!"I smiled.

"Aw..Thank you!"She hugged me.

"I will bring you something"She left me in her room.

I walked to the window and enjoying the view.

"So you are here!"I heard a very familiar voice.

"I Won't leave you!"He threatened  me.

I felt weird and worried.

"See what I will do"He closed my mouth with his hands.

I felt breathless. I am trying hard to relieve myself from him.

"What are you doing?"Sowmya entered.

He left me and it took a second for me breath easily.

"I am sorry"Arjun looked at me with a pale face.

"What did you do Idiot?"Sowmya shouted in rage.

"Nothing!"Arjun kept a sulky face.

"I will kill you!"Sowmya shouted at him.

He left without a word.I felt sorry for her.He thought me as Sowmya.He was truly clueless.

"Did he do anything?"She looked at me suspiciously.

"Nothing"I looked away.

"Don't worry.Have this"she gave me a something to drink.

I drank it without a word.

I came back to home and shared the experience with mom.She felt happy about it.I told her about everything expect that last weird incident.

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