Airport Trips.

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Practice today starts at 6 in the morning but I woke up earlier tonight to drive out to Los Angeles. I promised Nova I'd pick her up from the airport. She got in at 3:30 in the morning, weirdly. The only reason she requested I pick her up is because Valdez has no idea she's coming home today. She wasn't supposed to be coming home for another week but filming wrapped up earlier than expected.

I get into the passenger's side after putting her suitcases in the back of my car. She hands me the coffee she bought me inside and I take a drink from the hot liquid immediately, placing it back in the empty cup holder as she starts to drive off. She told me she would drive back to Oak Hill so I get some sleep in before practice. "I feel like I haven't seen you in years," I joke. She smiles but keeps her eyes on the road. "Months actually," she says.

Ever since Novalee moved to Oak Hill last year, we've gotten closer. We went to high school together for two years but we weren't as close as we are now. Last year, we kind of ran into a problem with our friends from back home. They were assholes to her and it didn't sit right with me. It didn't matter how much longer I had known them than her. I did the right thing and I don't really regret it anymore. Plus, I've made a lot more friends since I moved to Oak Hill. I'm fine where I am at.

"Okay, so tell me everything. How was the first week of school?" It's Friday meaning the first week of senior year is over after two final classes today. It went well for me I guess. I like my classes this year so far and despite what people might think, just because I'm a football player doesn't mean I'm a complete neanderthal. My dad's company was handed over to him from his dad as soon as he graduated college, meaning I'm next. My dad's a businessman. He owns a bunch of businesses everywhere but his biggest is his real estate company. He's handing it over to me in a couple of years.

There is no way I'm getting it as soon as I graduate since he still doesn't trust me enough. Doing well in school is one of the ways I earn his trust. Especially passing all and every single one of my finance and business management classes with A's and occasional B's - he doesn't really like those. I don't want my dad thinking I'll do a shit job and burn what my grandfather built, so I try my best every single day to prove to him that I'll be ready soon enough. Dad's tough though, so it will be a challenge.

"Good, so far. Footballs killing all of us, but we're getting there. How was fucking Hollywood? I'm sure we missed more than you did here," I say. She smiles again and nods. Nova getting cast as the main character on an upcoming Netflix show is still fucking surreal to me. She deserves it one hundred percent but it's just crazy to think that she'll be a public figure in a couple of months. She's been talking about being an actress since we were in high school. "Well, we've talked, it's great. It took a while to get used to but the cast and crew were so good to me. I also made lots of friends along the way, so I wasn't totally alone after Valdez left," she says.

"Leaving us soon for your equally famous Hollywood friends," I joke. She shakes her head quickly. "Never. Just because I was having a good time with them doesn't mean I didn't miss you guys like every single day. Besides Maddy and Xander because I saw them like all the time," she says. I laugh. Maddy and Xander spent almost the whole summer in New York with his family since Maddy doesn't speak to her parents anymore. "How did Valdez feel about your new boyfriend?" I say, grabbing a pretzel from the bag she placed in the middle console. Normally, I won't let anyone eat in here but she's my best friend and not a total snob like my roommates, so I don't really mind.

She gasps and shakes her head. "Don't call him that! He's not actually my boyfriend," she tells me. I'm highly aware that her on-screen boyfriend and her aren't actually dating but I like to joke around with her since she always takes what I say seriously. I know she's friends with the guy though since she's always posting him and her other castmates on her stories. "I know but you lock lips with that dude, I'd be jealous," I shrug. She turns to look at me quickly before looking back at the road.

"Chris is really good about it because he knows it's just acting but did he tell you something different? Is he mad?" she asks, worry evident in her voice. "Naah. Xander likes to give him shit about it in the group chat, Rhys too, but he doesn't care. He's proud of you," I say honestly. I like giving people shit for anything and everything but I don't do it with Valdez about Nova since I'd be pissed if I was in his shoes. He's hotheaded as fuck but this doesn't bother him since he knows where he's at with Nova in their relationship.

Nova's cheeks flush and she nods. "Valdez and Maddy told me you brought a girl to hang out with you guys on Tuesday though." She wags her eyebrows and moves her shoulders weirdly. I roll my eyes as I take a sip from my coffee. "It was a one-time thing. I was being nice because I wanted to sleep with her but she's not interested, so," I shrug my shoulders. I haven't talked to Brynn since after that night for a reason. I was interested in a lay that she wasn't going to give so I'm not wasting any more time there.

"C, seriously? When have you ever brought a girl to have drinks with us because you just wanted to sleep with her?" Nova asks me. I roll my eyes again. I've never done that but Brynn is new to campus so I thought I'd make her feel somewhat welcome. Most of it was just the fact that I wanted to sleep with her though. I'm not mad she basically rejected me, not like other guys would probably be. I've gotten rejected before - like twice - I'm not those loser guys who take it to heart and start calling the girls rude fucking names because of it.

"Don't get excited. I just met her on Monday and since she was new to the school, I decided to be nice," I shrug "plus she's a ten out of ten so I was extra nice." Nova shakes her head as she switches lanes smoothly. I was scared to let her drive my car but she hasn't almost killed us yet. "So you're not interested in her at all anymore?" she asks. I shake my head slowly. "Nope," I pop the p.

"Okay, well you have other things to focus on right? School and football I mean, not other girls," she says that last sentence quickly. I smirk, "Yes, but other girls too. Occasionally." I kind of went on a rampage last year after losing in the Orange Bowl. Let's just say, I had more sex in three months than I've had in the past year. Safely, of course. Kids and STDs are two things I'll avoid for the rest of my life. Since I do care about football and being captain of the team, I'm going to slow myself down for a couple of months.

Nova's phone rings through the Bluetooth since she connected her phone. It's Valdez. "Oh em gee, do I answer?" she asks me, panicked. "Yes, so it won't be obvious," I say quickly. She nods and presses the answer button on the monitor. She puts a finger to her mouth like telling me to not speak. "Heyyy," she says awkwardly. I roll my eyes. I thought this girl was an actress? She's definitely not good in under pressure situations or pretending which baffles me considering her occupation. "Hey, babe. I didn't know if you'd be up already." His voice echoes through my car. It's four in the morning so what is he doing up?

"Uhm, actually we're having a late-night, early morning. We've been filming all night," she says into a sigh and more calmly this time. I nod in encouragement. "You busy? I'll call you later," he asks. I nod quickly at her but she furrows her brows. "No, I'm just in my trailer right now. Danielle and Bryan are filming a scene," she replies. I roll my eyes and shake my head. Sorry, she mouths to me. "Okay, good because I woke up from the best dream I've had in a while and I'm fucking turned on," Valdez says. Nova's eyes widen and her face turns bright red quickly.

God, kill me now.

"Uhm, crap, sorry babe Danielle just texted me that I have to go back actually, I'll call you later though?" she says, panicked. "Oh yeah, that's fine, love. I love you," he says. She says it back and then they exchange short goodbyes. "Ohmygosh, I'm so sorry, C," she says, face still flushed. I shake my head quickly and wave her off. It's weird to hear but I've actually heard them have sex so I'm not that fazed I guess. "Don't worry about it, Nov," I assure her. "He's so weird," she murmurs, still loud enough for me to hear so I laugh.

"You'll be able to help him out with that dream in a couple of hours," I wink at her. Her face flushes more, but she doesn't look at me. "I'm going to the dorms first and then I'll come back to see him after you guys finish practice," she tells me. I nod and we sit in silence after that as I try to fall asleep. I slept early at around 8, but it wasn't enough hours for me. "Oh, guess who I saw when I went back home," I break the silence, suddenly remembering. "Who?" she asks.

"T and D," I say. I don't have to say their full names for her to know exactly who I'm talking about. "Oh. Did you hang out with them again?" she asks, clearing her throat. Nova has made it clear to me a bunch of times that she doesn't mind if I keep my friendship with our old friends. I would have if they wouldn't have come for her the way they did in my house. No way was I just going to sit there and side with them because I've known them longer. Especially since they sounded like a bunch of fucking idiots.

I laugh, "Hell no. They gave me the dirtiest look too but I guess they're dating again cause I saw them fingering each other in the middle of the restaurant," I say. Nova doesn't say anything for a couple of seconds and when I turn to look at her, her cheeks are light pink. "God, Nov, I didn't mean literally. I just meant that they were super touchy-feely with each other," I clarify. "Oh," she says again "do you think it was on purpose since you were there?" she asks, her voice low. I shrug my shoulders. They probably did, thinking I'd tell Nova like I am now. She doesn't care as much as I think they thought she would. She's with a way better guy now.

"Probably. I was with D'Andre and Jayson," I tell her. Those are two of my friends back home, ones who I still talk to because they're not complete morons. She smiles at their names, knowing them. They were a year older than us but Nova knew them just like I did. Still, she sighs and looks at me shortly again. "It's okay if you blame me for ruining your relationship with them," she says "you knew them since you were young, C. I feel like such an ass for taking that away from you." I shake my head quickly. She does this all the time and I tell her it is fine all the time. She obviously doesn't know what that means.

"You didn't take anything away from me. Why the fuck would I want to have friends like that? No way, I'm better off and I'm good. It's not like I fucking mourn losing them every damn day. I'm good, Nova," I say firmly, so she'll hopefully understand. She grimaces at me, her eyes apologizing to me again. She looks at me for a long while as there are no cars on the road. "Your accent got stronger," she suddenly says into a smile. I chuckle and shake my head. I definitely do not have a southern accent. I'm a Cali boy now. "You say things like y'all and howdy," she says, saying the certain words in a country accent. She's so weird.

Once this girl gets comfortable around people, she's completely herself. "You're hilarious," I say dryly, but I mean it. She laughs at herself and smiles. "That's how you sound," she tells me. "You wish," I say. We continue to talk for the rest of the ride since I keep failing to fall asleep every time I attempt to. I get back home around 5:30 and my roommates are already getting ready for practice. Valdez is in the kitchen when I get home and he furrows his brows when he sees me. "Where were you?" he asks. "I had to refill my tank," I lie easily.

He nods, continuing to stir his pre-workout. I rush upstairs and get all my things ready since I do have two classes today. "C! Can we use your car today?" Xan yells from downstairs. I collect all my things and make my way back down. "Yeah," I say. We all get into my car as I start driving out the driveway again. "God, I'm going crazy," Valdez whispers next to me. I furrow my brows at him. "Why?" I ask curiously. "For a second I thought your car smelled like my girlfriend," he says.

Xander snorts in the backseat and I look at him from my mirror. None of them know Nova asked me to pick her up today so I'm sure he doesn't know. Still, his reaction startled me. I don't look towards Valdez. "You just might be," I tell him. He'll be in for a surprise later.

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