Bonus Chapter Two.

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Cgc Scott

I make sure there are bottles of milk in the fridge before closing it. I wipe my tired eyes with my fingers as I shake my head. It's about two in the afternoon and I haven't slept all night. I didn't forget how much work a newborn baby was but it certainly wasn't this hard the last two times. Brooks Scott is only four months old. Unlike his older sister and brother, he hates sleep. He seems to never want to do it. My lack of sleep comes from him. He decided to stay up all night, crying his deadly cry. I was able to put him down about ten minutes ago but it's not like I can take a nap. I still have a 4 and 2-year-old wide awake upstairs.

I pour myself some brew in a mug and get one for Brynn as well. She's been up all night too. With the two baby monitors attached to my hip, I make my way upstairs. I peak into Nola's room where she plays with dolls with her younger brother. They're fine. I head into mine and Brynn's room. She sits up, back against the headboard as she stares out the open window in our room. A tear slips slowly down her cheek which gets my heart racing quickly. I set both of our cups down on the nightstand, catching her attention. She's able to wipe the tears before I can. "What's wrong?" I question, even though I know I'll get the same response I've been getting for weeks.

She shakes her head. "I'm just tired," she says. It's a different response.She usually sticks to, "I don't know". Even though we both know what's wrong. I grab her hand and squeeze it, kissing her forehead. "I made you some coffee," I say. She turns her head, glancing at the mug. "I'm okay," she tells me. Her voice sounds hollow like she's barely even there. It makes my heart clench. Seeing Brynn upset is my least favorite thing in the world and these past weeks, I've only seen her smile about two times. I try to hold back my emotions to seeing my fiancé like this. I'm trying to be strong for her.

For both of us.

"I love you," I say faintly. She smiles, so small I barely notice it. A tear slips from her glossy eyes, but I wipe it quickly. "I love you too," she whispers. Her words calm me only a fraction. My eyes burn with emotions but stop when one of the baby monitors lights up with crying noises. Brooks. He's up again. Brynn looks down at the monitor and sighs. She begins to stand but I beat her to it. "I'll get him, it's fine. You need some sleep," I say, lifting the covers over her again. She shakes her head and gets up from the bed. "I need a shower," she tells me. "Okay, yeah. Take your time," I say, kissing her temple.

She nods and walks into our large bathroom, closing the door behind her. I take a long breath, frustration building up inside of me. I step out of my room and make my way down the hall to Brooks' nursery. I close the door behind me to shut out his cries. "Come here," I say over his loud sobs as I lift him up. I check his diaper again. Clean. I fed him just before he took a short-lived nap so there's no way he's hungry again. I hold him against my shoulder and try to put him back to sleep. His shrill cries in my ear aren't anything new but they still hurt me. I hate seeing any of my kids upset especially when I have no idea what they want.

But again, Nola and Kayce weren't this difficult. They weren't angelic, but they weren't this much. I never got this frustrated. "Come on, Brooks. You need sleep," I say to him even though he doesn't understand. I pat his back, his crying not slowing down. I wipe my eyes with my hand again. They burn. Not only from lack of sleep but from emotion. These past two months have been difficult. I don't know when the last time I got decent sleep was. I haven't gone to work in three days. I think the last time I ate was at this time yesterday. I'm taking more care of the kids than myself. I have to. Brynn hasn't been up to it for weeks.

If I don't do it, no one else will.

My phone rings in the pocket of my sweats and Brooks cries slow at the sound. I grab the phone with my free hand. It's Rhys. I pick it up and as soon as Brooks doesn't hear the sound, his cries become louder again. I sigh. "Ouch. Everything okay over there?" Rhys asks. No, I want to say. "He hasn't slept all night. I'm just trying to put him to sleep," I raise my voice enough in hopes he'll hear me over my son's cries. "Have you fed him?" Rhys asks. I nod, even though he can't see me. "Yeah, not that long ago. He just won't sleep," I say a bit of frustration shining through. "Man, fuck," I choke on my words. God, I don't want to be upset. I shouldn't be upset.

"Three kids is hard," I say after clearing my throat. "I got them. Monet and I are taking Frankie out for a little bit today. We'll take Nola and Kayce for the day," Rhys voices. I shake my head even though I should accept the help. A tear falls from my eyes, but I don't wipe it. "No, man. It's fine, I got this," I tell him, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I didn't ask, C. We'll be there in twenty minutes, have them ready." Before I can say anything, the line cuts off. "Fuck," I mutter to myself as I shove my phone back into my pocket. I know I won't be able to fight my best friend. So, I don't.

Despite his wails, I carry Brooks and walk over to Kayce's room. I pick him out something to wear before taking it over to Nola's room. My daughter and son both cover their ears when I walk in with their crying brother. I grab an outfit for Nola as well. There's no time to give them quick baths since my hands are full. "Hey, c'mon, let's change. Aunt Monet and Uncle Rhys are coming and taking you guys out," I tell them. Brooks cries slow again, a little less loud as Nola starts pulling her clothes off. "Where?" she asks me. "I don't know, kid," I say. She changes into her dress and I help Kayce since he's a bit younger.

"Will you come?" Nola asks another question. I shake my head. "I have to stay here and take care of your brother, so no," I tell her. She nods and I set Brooks down on a pillow as I help Nola put on her shoes. His cries finally stop as Kayce hands him a stuffed animal. "Where's momma?" Nola questions. "Showering," I answer. I slip Kayce's shoes on next and stand him up. "Okay, they'll be here in a bit," I say. "Dad, my hair," Nola says pointing at her blonde tame. Shit. I stand up and find a blue scrunchie on her nightstand. I make her a small braid, as best as I can. "There you go, squirt."

I pick Brooks up again and he holds onto the stuffed animal. At least he's not crying anymore. "I'll be right back," I tell my kids. Nola and Kayce sit back on the floor and get right back to what they were doing before I interrupted them. I go into my room and notice Brynn is still in the shower. I pick up one of the mugs and take a swig of the now warm coffee. Brooks makes a small noise and I stiffen waiting for him to begin his cries again, but they don't come. I sniffle and wipe my nose on my shoulder. I walk over to the mirror and look at my son through it. "You're going to be a little pain in the ass, huh?" He makes a noise again. I take that as a yes.

My phone rings in my pockets and I see that it's Rhys. I'm assuming he's here. "Nola, Kayce, let's go!" I shout out to my kids. I stand at the end of the hall and wait for them to come. I pick up Kayce with my free arm and make sure Nola holds onto the railing of the stairs as we descend. When I open the front door, Rhys and Monet both are out of the black SUV. They have a chauffeur. Monet's decision, obviously. Nola rushes off into her aunt's arms before I can even catch up to her. She gets into the car quickly and Rhys takes Kayce from my arms. "Hey, C," Monet greets as she walks over and takes my son from her husband's arms. "Hey," I say, "thanks for taking them." She nods, "Always."

She walks off with Kayce and Rhys stares at me for a long time. He walks over to get a look at the baby on my shoulder. Brooks hugs the stuffed animal his older brother gave him. He sniffles, his pale face tear-streaked. He puts a hand on my son's back. "Giving you a hellish time?" Rhys asks his eyes on me. "That's an understatement," I say, my voice low. "How's Brynn doing?" Rhys wonders. Emotions build at the mention of her. She hasn't been doing well and it kills me that I can't do anything about it. I've been trying to get her to do what's best for her even if it means I have to do everything myself to take care of our kids.

If Brynn doesn't get better then I have to do this on my own. I can't do this on my own.

I don't want to lie to Rhys. Not about this. I shake my head, my eyes burning. The weather isn't as hot as usual since it's only late March. The sun is still out, shining down on my skin. I don't know when the last time I stepped outside was. "She's not good," I admit, my voice slightly cracking. Remorse fills his blue eyes as I shake my head. "I just-" I pause, "it's a lot." As much as I try to stop the tears, I can't. Hot tears start to flow down my cheeks. Rhys comes closer and wraps his arm around my neck. He's a couple of inches shorter than me but I lean down on his shoulder.

"You're going to be fine, I know it," Rhys whispers which just makes me cry even more. I really want to be okay but with everything going on right now, I'm not. "I'm always here, C. I'm not going anywhere. And Brynn is strong, we both know that. Just give her time, she's going to get there again." I stain his white shirt with my tears. I would care more if I didn't feel so comfortable. I haven't let myself let this kind of emotion slip in weeks. I've had to keep everything inside for the sake of my kids and fiancé. Rhys' words only soothe me a fraction though. I just hope he's right.

I stand straighter and wipe my wet eyes. "Pack them a night bag. I'll come pick them up afterward," Rhys adds. As much as I want to tell Rhys 'it's fine', I know this is probably the best decision. Just one day with only one kid. "You sure?" I still question. He nods. "Fuck, yeah. I love those kids, I don't mind taking them for a week." He smiles. I let out a weak chuckle, nodding. "Text me if anything," I tell him. "You do the same. Like I said, I'm here," he reminds me. "Thanks, man. I'll see you later," I say. We exchange short goodbyes before he takes off with his wife, his daughter, and my kids.

When I make it back inside, I return with Brooks to his nursery. I set him down in his crib and lower the toy that hangs above it. I turn it on and it spins above him, light music playing. "You need some sleep," I whisper. He hangs onto the stuffed animal from earlier. He's not fussy anymore, so I sneak out of the room, shutting off the lights. I turn the baby monitor back on as I make my way to Nola's room. I pack her bag first and clean up the small mess she and her brother left behind. Then, I head to Kayce's room and pack his bag. When I go back to my room, Brynn sits on the edge of the bed, naked, brushing her blonde hair.

The bags under her eyes are huge, her eyes reddened and puffy. Mine are probably the same. "The kids?" she asks. "I put Brooks down and Rhys and Monet came over for the other two. They're spending the night over there," I say. Normally, Brynn wouldn't allow that. She hates putting more stress on our friends. Yet now, she only nods. "I think I'm going out for a while," she says, setting the hairbrush down. She brings her hair over one shoulder. "I kind of need it," she adds. I nod, not fighting her on it. It could help. "Where you going?" I ask. She shrugs, standing up and walking over to the drawers.

"Don't know yet," she tells me. She searches the drawers pulling out a bra and panties that she slips on. "You okay here with Brooks?" she asks. I nod. "He'll be asleep, I hope," I tell her. I walk over to the bed and lay down for a second, closing my eyes. I still have stuff to do today. Brynn walks over, leaning down to kiss me. I pull her down so that she's on top of me and she giggles. The sound makes my heart skip a beat. I haven't heard her laugh in a while. I wrap my arms around her waist as she stares down at me. "I'm sorry," she whispers. I furrow my brows. "Don't apologize," I say. She shakes her head. "I feel like I should."

"Never. We're okay. We'll be okay," I say, although I don't know if I'm telling the truth. I can't predict the future. "I hope so," she says into a sigh. I kiss her and she kisses back for only a moment. "Thank you, for taking care of him." She's talking about Brooks. "He doesn't really like me, I think," I admit. She smiles a bit and takes one of my hands, lowering it down to her ass. "Everyone likes you," she says. I squeeze her butt, making her flinch a bit. "Do you like me?" I ask. She leans down, cupping my jaw. Her lips hover above mine. "I love you." Her warm breath against my lips makes me pull her in for a kiss.

She deepens the kiss herself. Grinding her hips against my groin. I start to pull down her panties, but she stops me, pulling back. She stands back up as I groan. "I'm going out," she reminds me as she starts walking toward our closet. She changes quickly, coming back out in less than three minutes. "I love you, too," I barely say back. She nods, "I know." Brynn fixes her hair into a low bun and slips on some shoes. She walks back over to me. "You should sleep until Brooks wakes you up," she tells me. I shake my head. "I'll sleep tonight. Hopefully," I say.

Funny of me to assume he won't be up all night again.

"I'll be back later," she tells me. I nod and she gives me a weak smile before she leaves. When I hear the front door shut, I get up and go downstairs. I clean up the kitchen a bit and make sure none of Brooks' bottles are bad. I get a call about an hour later. It's our wedding planner. "Hello?" I say, putting it on speaker as I clean the backyard now. "Cgc! Sorry, I tried Brynn, but she didn't answer. I was calling to see if you wanted to discuss the flowers for the venue? It'd be a lot better to start ordering them now just in case they send the wrong ones. It's not like they'll go bad since they'll be fake," Zara, our wedding planner, rambles.

I proposed to Brynn a couple of months before we found out she was pregnant with Brooks. She didn't want to have a wedding while she was pregnant so we decided to wait until after he was born to have our wedding. These past two months, I've been doing more of the planning since Brynn doesn't feel up to it much. We've talked about our wedding for months and already agreed on everything so it's not like I need her help. Still, the date is only a couple of months away and I just hope everything is somewhat back to normal by then. Talking about our wedding stresses me out, just like everything else right now.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. I didn't need this today but I don't want to blow off Zara. She's a really nice woman and she has amazing ideas. So, I stay on the phone with her for about an hour discussing wedding stuff. When I make it back inside, I'm exhausted. I checked up on Brooks and he's finally passed out. My steps feel heavy as I come down the stairs, exhausted. I grab my laptop and basically flop onto the couch. I still have work to do. I look through my emails seeing more than twenty from my workers. Goddamn. I sigh.

It was only two years ago that I got promoted to head of the LA office. Richard Cohen moved to the one in Houston, his hometown. He promoted me and it's been going smooth for these past years. I enjoy it but it's also stressful, especially in times like this. As I open the oldest email, I start replying to everyone. By the fifth one, my frustration starts building again. My eyes beg to close, sitting heavy. Eventually, the waterworks start to come back. I shake my head. This is what I wanted. I wanted three kids. I wanted this job. This is what I get. I have to accept this life because it's mine.

I can't complain.

I shake my head quickly, trying to hold back my emotions and focus on these emails at the same time. That only works for a short amount of time as I start rereading my replies and they all sound like they were typed by a drunk college student. I shut my laptop closed and push it off to the side. My head falls back on the couch and I cover my eyes with my hands to hide the tears. They slip down my face, onto my neck, and down my chest. They don't stop once they start and I curse myself out in my head.

I pick up my phone angrily and open up my message app. I'm about to press on Ripley's name until I see my moms. She called me the other day to talk to my kids. Since she's in their lives, she calls me often. My thumb hovers over those two names but flinches, hitting my moms. Relief overcomes me for some reason as the line starts to ring. I slowly bring the phone up to my ear. Closing my eyes.

"You haven't called me first since 2022," Mom's voice fills my ear, my eyes opening. I knew she would answer, but still, I'm a bit shocked since her statement isn't wrong. I don't call her or my dad. They contact me to talk to my kids or visit and that's it. "You still remember the year? Get a life, Kayleen," I say. She chuckles, staying silent. "Everything alright?" she questions. When people ask me if everything's alright when clearly everything is not alright, it gets to me. Tears burn in my eyes again. I bite down on my lower lip, holding back any emotion. I sniffle, not even realizing how congested I am. "Cgc, what's going on?" my mom adds. I shake my head as a sob breaks through.

I hear shuffling on her line. "Tell me, you're frightening me," she says, her voice more strict. "Did I fuck up? Having three kids?" I say. The line is silent for a long moment. "I mean, personally, that would be hell for me. Why are you asking this?" she questions. I shake my head. "I'm going insane, I think. Brynn's still not okay and I feel like a dick for saying that but it's getting to me. Life's a fucking mess right now. I have no idea how I'm still going," I admit. "Cgc. It's postpartum depression, it's not going to go away in a couple of weeks," she says like I don't already know.

I'm not forcing her to get better. It's just hard for the both of us. Her more than me which is why I feel like a selfish fuck for even showing an ounce of emotion right now. "I know that. I just- I haven't been to work in three fucking days. My emails are full, I'm still planning this wedding. Brynn's having a hard time bonding with Brooks so he's always with me and I have two other kids to look after too. This kid won't sleep at night, I'm lucky I was able to put him down not long ago and now I'm trying to keep this house clean so Brynn won't have to clean it," I say, the tears still flowing freely.

"I feel like shit for even feeling like I'm going through half of what she is," I add. My mom sighs. "You don't have to do all of that by yourself, Cgc. I'm here. You know I'm not working as much anymore, I can take off for a week and help you out around the house. With Nola and Kayce so that you and Brynn can rest. I'm always going to be here for the kids," she pauses for a couple of beats, "for you. Because despite how much you despise me, I'm still your mother. And I love you. I love you so much, okay? I love Brynn and I'm never going to abandon you as much as you try to abandon me. I'll be there tomorrow."

Her words don't even slow my tears. They just make them worst. I can't remember the last time I heard my mom tell me she loves me. It burns a hole in my chest. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way, especially after all these years of weak communication but. . . she's my mom. I'm her only son after she lost her kid a couple of years back. That was hard on her which was one of the main reasons I let her see my kids and have a relationship with them.

"You don't have to," I choke out. "I'll be there tomorrow," she repeats, "and I'll tell your father you can't make it to that meeting this weekend. He'll understand." I'm supposed to fly down to New Orleans this weekend for the meeting we have every two weeks. This will be the fourth one I miss. My dad never says anything about it anymore but I feel like shit for missing them. It's business that I miss out on. I'm sure the only reason he hasn't fired me is because my mom is telling him not to. "Thanks, mom," I say, my voice cracking again. I haven't called her that in years. She's silent for a while.

"I'll see you soon. Go rest." She doesn't give me a second to reply, hanging up. I squeeze my eyes shut, and wipe my tears. I force myself to stop crying. I open my laptop up again and start sending emails back. Maybe I can go to the office when my mom comes. Maybe not. I don't know but I have to get work done. My phone rings next to me and I pick it up. My dad texts me a thumbs-up emoji. My mom probably filled him in on me not going to the meeting this weekend. I don't reply as I finish off my work.

Rhys came by to pick up Nola and Kayce's bags for the night. After he left, I finished replying to emails and then took a thirty-minute nap before I forced myself awake again. I cleaned the guest bedroom for my mom and did some laundry that had been sitting in the laundry room for about a week now. By the time I was finished, Brynn came back home. It was already inching nine at night. She had been out for a couple of hours. Her eyes are still reddened as she walks into our room. Brooks woke up about thirty minutes ago but I fed him and he knocked out again.

"Hey," she says, setting her phone and keys on top of our dresser. "You okay?" I ask and she nods. She slips out of her shoes and starts undressing. "I'm really tired," she says. That makes two of us. She hasn't slept at all. She opens one of my drawers and slips on one of my t-shirts. She joins me in bed and I set the book I was reading down. She gets under the covers and looks up at me. "Did you eat dinner at least?" I ask. I cooked up something earlier, leaving some leftovers in the fridge. She nods. "I picked something up," she tells me. Well, at least she's eating. She's been doing that a lot less.

"Let's sleep," she whispers. I nod and turn off the lamp on the nightstand. The room darkens and I adjust myself comfortably next to her. We don't cuddle or anything, only laying close in the middle of the bed. "Did you check up on the kids?" she asks. "Yeah, Rhys said they're fine. I told him to call me if they start acting up so that I could pick them up," I tell Brynn. She nods. "Okay." I kiss her forehead before laying back down. I've been tired for a while now, only waiting for her to get home. I don't even know where she's been but that's a conversation I'll save for tomorrow. I close my heavy eyes and drift off into slumber quickly.


I woke up to my girl kissing me. I haven't been woken up like that in a while, so I took it in. We haven't had sex in a while either since she was pregnant and everything that's been happening lately. I didn't think it would happen this morning, but it was happening. And my God, was I enjoying it.

Brynn rides me, my large t-shirt still on her body. The only piece of clothing I removed was her panties for access. I'm completely naked under her as he bounces up and down on my dick. I moan, holding onto her waist as she does her thing. She does her thing fucking well. She leans in to kiss my lips shortly. "Finish," she says, a sweet moan escaping her lips. "You first," I pant. I thrust up, matching her movements. She throws her head back, breathy moans filling the room. I pump into her at a faster pace and she eventually stops doing the work. I push her back, laying her down. Lifting her shirt up slightly, I pull her knees up for better access.

She bites her lip as she looks down between us. She doesn't stop moaning, as I don't stop my quick pace. "I'm coming," she breathes out, clutching onto my biceps. To fasten the process, I lick my thumb and lower it down to rub her clit. She gasps at the touch, letting go shortly after. Her legs shake around me, wrapped around my waist now. I keep going for my release, making her shutter underneath me.

"Cgc! Brynn!"

I stop. Fuck. Brynn's eyes widen. "Your mom?" she whisper shouts. Way to kill the fucking mood. I pull out of Brynn and nod. "I didn't know she was coming," Brynn says, "no pun intended." I make a disgusted face, pulling the condom off of myself and throwing it away. "Gross," I say. "Coming!" I shout back at my mom. Brynn holds back a laugh. I wish I could've came. Thanks, Kayleen. I quickly slide my boxer briefs on and find some sweats and a shirt. Brynn changes before me so she exits the room. I follow out after her, fixing my hair. "I didn't know you were visiting," Brynn says. My mom looks past her, at me, shortly.

"I missed the kids, so I thought I'd drop in. Where are they?" I don't know why she didn't say I told her to come with my sob story. "Rhys has Nola and Kayce. They'll be here in a while," I tell my mom. She sets her purse down on the dining room table and looks around my house even though she's been here plenty of times. I know she's judging it. "Brooks?" she questions. "Little man is asleep," I say. "Hm, okay, then. I'll make coffee and breakfast," she says, walking towards the kitchen. "Oh, that's fine. You don't have to, Kayleen," Brynn says.

"Don't worry, darling. You two. . . rest. I'll call you when everything's ready," Mom says. "Are you sure? I can help," Brynn adds. My mom shakes her head and shoos her off. "I'll be fine, go." She doesn't even steal a second glance at us as she starts pulling out things from the fridge. I look at Brynn and we both return upstairs. I close the door behind us. "I didn't-" I'm cut off when Brynn's lips hit my mouth. I pull away. "What are you doing?" I ask. "She said she'd call us when she's ready," Brynn says, playing with the hem of my sweats. She looks back up at me. "I'm not letting you not finish." A smirk crawls onto my lips and I kiss her again.

God, I love her.


Brynn Scott
Six months later

"Being married is like so cool," I say, clinking my glass against Cgc's. We sit at our reception and I still feel like an absolute princess with my hair done up and my dream wedding dress on. The night has only begun and I'm only about an hour into being Brynn Scott instead of Brynn Danvers. I think I like being a Scott better. "You think?" Cgc asks. We both take a long sip of fancy champagne. I set it down, licking the excess off my lips and nodding firmly. Cgc smiles and grabs my chin with his fingers. He kisses me shortly and I wipe gloss off his lips. Ugh, I love this man.

"Okay, we need a family picture!" I tell Cgc as I rise from my chair, holding my hand out for him. He doesn't hesitate to grab it, and I lead the way toward one of the guest tables. Everyone does their own thing for now. Dancing, eating, taking pictures, mingling. Nova's eyes light up when she sees me and Cgc inch toward her. I hold my hands out for my ten-month-old baby. I take him from her and she places a hand on her baby bump. Both her and Maddy are pregnant again, their babies being only a couple of months apart. It's like they plan their pregnancies.

"He's a little sweetie," Nova says, pinching his cheek lightly. Brooks giggles. "We're gonna go take a picture!" I tell her. She nods and shoos us off. "Now, where are the two others?" Cgc and I look around the huge reception hall, trying to spot Nola and Kayce. "Found 'em," Cgc says. I follow the direction he's looking. In a far corner by his parent's table, Nola scolds Kayce. She points a finger at him like she's getting him in trouble. Kayce looks at his hands, completely ignoring his older sister. Then, he takes off running on his little legs. "Hell," Cgc says, picking up his pace.

I don't walk fast since I'm still wearing heels and carrying a heavy baby. I watch him as Kayce tries to run past him but Cgc picks him up in one swift motion. Nola was running after her little brother so she catches onto Cgc's leg. She wiggles her fingers up at her dad and he bends down to pick her up to. I catch up to them, finally. "Want to take a picture?" I ask with a gasp. Nola starts nodding. Kayce ignores me, just staring at his brother who I hold in my arms. "Let's go," Cgc says. We walk over and into the white photo booth we got.

My dress fills most of it so we squeeze in as best as we can. I hold Brooks in my arms who starts getting fussy at the small space we're all in. I press a couple of buttons before the camera starts counting down. "Smileee!" I say. Cgc, Nola, and I all smile as the first picture snaps but the boys don't. "Kayc, smile," Nola says, showing him an example on how to. He makes a face. "No!" I look at Cgc. "Okay, don't smile but don't look so upset. C'mon!" Cgc says bouncing our oldest son on his hip. I look at Brooks and smile. He giggles and then the next picture snaps. Crap, I wasn't looking.

"Goofy face!" Nola shouts, sticking her tongue out at the camera. I do the same, a little less exaggerated. Kayce laughs at his sister, causing Brooks to laugh too. "That was a good one," Cgc says. We take the last three as best as possible. I get the picture strip and smile. They're not perfect, but they have my family in them, so I love it. "Okay, okay! Shall we do best man and woman speeches?" Rhys' voice fills the reception room, catching everyone's attention. I look up from the photo strip and Rhys fixes the cord on the microphone before wrapping his arm around my little sister's shoulder. I look at Cgc and smile.

Rhys was obviously Cgc's best man and my sister was my maid of honor. "Come sit, guys," Rhys says into the microphone. Cgc and I make our way to the front, sitting down at our table. He refills both of our glasses as we get comfortable.

By the end of them, both me and Cgc have tears of laughter in our eyes. Also just tears. Rhys and Kennedy sure do know how to make us get emotional. I hug my little sister after the speech. "Thank you, I love you," I say. She tears up making me tear up again. "You're ruining your makeup!" she says, wiping the tears from under my eyes with her thumb. I sniffle, "Sorry." I choke out a laugh. "Alright, girls. Let's not get too emotional." Both Kennedy and I turn our heads at the voice behind us. Ripley carries Kayce on his hip, my son distracted by his uncle's face. "Oh, shush! It's my wedding day, I'm allowed to cry," I defend. He smirks and comes up, kissing my head.

"It was a good speech, Ken," Ripley tells our little sister. "It was a great speech," I correct. He makes a face. "I wouldn't go that far. I could've done better," he says nonchalantly. Kennedy flips him off and he just smiles. "I want water," Kayce says, playing with Ripley's white button-up. "Yeah?" Ripley asks. My son nods. "Godfather duties call." Ripley winks and starts walking away. "He's my Godson too! I'm coming!" Kennedy shouts and starts trotting after them. I laugh as I watch them go and return to my table with my husband.


My bare chest lays against my husbands as I play with his hair. His blue eyes look lighter in this lighting, a brighter than the sun lamp shining down on us in our hotel room. We've been here for a couple of hours now and as I glance at the clock, I see the ungodly hour. 4:29 am. It's our wedding night though, of course, there hasn't been much sleep.

Just sex and conversation.

"You think Brooks is being a pain in the ass?" I question, wondering how all my kids are doing. They're staying with different aunts and uncles. Kayce is with my brother and sister. Nola is with Monet and Rhys and Brooks is with Chris and Nova. I feel bad for leaving my little aliens with my friends but we wanted the night alone. We'll see them tomorrow morning and every day after. "Nah. He's good. They'd text us," Cgc assures me. I lean over him a bit and grab my phone from the counter. A bunch of texts and notifications fill my screen but none of them are from any of our friends or my brother and sister.

"In the clear!" I say, readjusting myself. Cgc brings the covers up to cover my bare body. I lay my head on his chest, fatigue overtaking me. I don't want this night to end so I force my eyes open. "Ten out of ten wedding," Cgc comments, catching my attention. I can't stop the big grin that fills my face. It was definitely a ten out of ten. Out of this world day and night. It couldn't have been more perfect and I have him to thank. I wouldn't want to have married anyone other than my best friend. "I think your vows were the best part," he adds, a smirk on his lips. I blush, "Did I do good?" He huffs, shaking his head. "You had me crying in front of people, hell yeah you did good!"

I laugh. Yeah, I cried too. We're saps.

"I loved yours too," I tell him truthfully. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't know how this man feels about me. He's been here for me through the toughest of days. I never imagined I'd be hit with postpartum depression. I hadn't felt depressed in years. My soul felt like it was slowly cracking, breaking again. It terrified the shit out of me. I thought I would push him away with how distant I was becoming not only to him but to our kids too. I never wanted to be but I just didn't have any motivation to do anything. My heart clenches at the thought. I'm better now, one thousand times better.

Especially tonight. Here with my husband.

Calling him that will never get old. Unlike us.

I don't even let him say anything else before I'm slapping a hand on his bare chest. "I want to have another kid," I announce. His ocean blues widen and flit around my face in a fast pace. "Babe-" he starts, but I cut him off quick. "Not now. Eventually. We're getting old," I whisper that last sentence. I wish we could stay young forever but this is real life. "I don't know, B. I didn't like the way everything went down after Brooks was born. What if it happens again?" he questions. I sigh, staring at him for a long moment. I realize I might have left him all the parenting while I dealt with my depression. I didn't mean to, really.

If he doesn't see another kid in our future then that's fine. I already have three. It's worth a shot though. I always imagined having a big family and I'd go through everything I went through these last months if it meant getting to create another angel baby. I can see why he's hesitant though.

"It could have happened after my other two pregnancies. It's not really something I could've avoided but I don't think it'll happen again," I say, "and I know I didn't handle it in the best way, so I'm sorry." I've apologized before. This isn't the first time. "Don't apologize. We'll see," he says. Cgc never lets me apologize. He traces his finger along my lower back. "Maybe we made a baby tonight," I joke, wagging my brows at him. I've been on birth control for a while now so that's likely false. "At least let the boy turn one." He laughs. "Speaking of, I think Nola wants a little sister," I tell Cgc.

"She'll get one. One day," he says. I smile. I'm one hundred percent she will. I lift myself up so that I can straddle him. He groans slightly when our skin rubs against one another. "Cgc Scott, we just finished twenty minutes ago!" I remind him. He ignores me completely, his hands lowering from my waist to my back and lower. My arms stay on either side of his head and I peck his lips lightly. "Self-control," I whisper against them. "I don't have any of that when you're around," he whispers back. A smile tugs on my lips and I chuckle, kissing him more fully.

Cgc Scott

"Another fight?" I ask, slamming the door to my Mercedes Benz a little too hard. I wince. "Calm down, Thor. But yes," my wife says on the line. I start the car and pull out of the new house I was trying to sell. My job is important to me but my kids and wife take that number one spot. I'd burn my life to the ground if that meant protecting them. Brynn just called me and told me about how Kayce's school called. He got into another fight. I never saw my son as a fighter, and still don't. He uses his words — he knows plenty of those — not his fists. I guess some people can be riled up just enough. "What about this time?" I question as I turn onto the busy street.

"Principal Green told me he'd explain once we got there," Brynn fills me in. "And Kayce? Where is he?" I ask. "The office," I hear a car door shut, "I'm here." I switch lanes, stepping on the pedal. Ten over the speed limit isn't bad. "Brynn, wait for me. Don't go in yet," I tell her. She sighs. "That's like you telling me to wait as a bomb counts down till its explosion. I have to see how Kayce is doing," Brynn explains. I blow an angry breath through my nose. "Fine. But just see him. Don't go into the Principal's office yet," I tell her. "Okay. Well, hurry," she says and hangs up.

It takes me a good ten minutes to reach my kid's school. The house I was showing was close to our neighborhood meaning the school was nearby. I would've gotten there faster if it wasn't for the lunchtime traffic. I remove my suit jacket, leaving me in the white button-up underneath. Then I get out of the car and make my way to the school. I ring the doorbell, standing back as I wait for someone to speak. "How can we help you, sir?" A lady's voice comes from the speaker. "I have a meeting about my son Kayce Scott with the principal," I reply. A couple of seconds later, a woman opens up the double doors for me. "Come on in."

I follow her lead to the office even if I've been there countless times. When we're inside the office, she leads me to the principal's office. Outside of it, Brynn sits on the chairs with Kayce and. . . Nola? My brows furrow as I fasten my strides to get to them. "What's going on?" I say, sitting next to my daughter. Brynn looks up from Kayce to me. My nine-year-old son frowns deeply, his arms crossed on his chest. Nola sits in the chair next to him, playing with her fingers. "No clue. Neither of them has talked," Brynn informs me. I'm more curious now that Nola is here. "Let's go," I tell Brynn as I stand. She knocks on the principal's door and we wait.

I look at the kids, neither of them budging. Principal Green fills the doorway in two seconds. "Come in, Mr. and Mrs. Scott," he says. I hold the bottom of Brynn's back as we walk in. The heavy door closes behind us and we take a seat on the two available chairs in front of his desk. Principal Green fixes his glasses on his face, moving papers around his desk. He pushes one over at us. "I had to give both Kayce and Nola one of these," he says. I glance at the paper that looks like a form. I know what it is all too well. It's not Kayce's first. "What did Nola do, I thought this was about Kayce?" Brynn pipes up first.

"While Kayce might have been the one to get in a fight, his sister was there as well," Principal Green pauses, crossing his hands on the desk. "Cheering him on." Brynn and I exchange a look. "Cheering him on? Why did Kayce get into a fight in the first place?" Brynn asks. "Well there are sides to every story. Kayce said the fight was initiated by the other student, Bryce Reeves, who was being mean to his sister. I talked to Bryce who said Kayce started the fight and Nola was there cheering him on," Principal Green explains. My jaw tightens. "Well don't you have footage to watch? I'm sure that will tell you who's lying," I say sternly.

Brynn places a hand on my lower thigh. "My husbands. . right. I'm sure that'll give a better picture of what went down," she says in a way nicer tone. "Sure. We haven't gotten the chance to do so yet so both boys are facing suspension. Nola will only be suspended for one day — today — for perpetuating the fight," he says. "What? That's not fair," I say. "You don't know my kids. If Nola ever saw Kayce fight, she'd stay out of it, not encourage him. I'm sure she was doing that because that boy was being a prick to her just like they said."

"Cgc," Brynn says lowly. Principal Green's eyes widen at my words. I don't care. "Mr. Scott, even so, we don't tolerate any type of bullying at our school. Bryce Reeves will get a three-day suspension like Kayce for taking part in the fight and Nola can come back to school tomorrow," he says. "Fine. But you need to look at that footage. We don't pay for it for nothing," Brynn adds more sternness in her tone as she stands. I follow after her. "We'll take them," I say, trying my hardest not to roll my eyes. "Mr. and Mrs. Scott, you need to sign these papers first," he tells us before we can leave. Brynn grabs a pen from her purse and signs both quickly. "Thank you," she says.

I grab her hand and open the door for her as we exit. "Bullshit," I mumble under my breath. "C'mon let's go," Brynn says. Both Kayce and Nola stand, picking up their backpacks. I walk with them back to the car as Brynn signs them out at the front office. She has to go back to work but I'm taking the rest of the day off now. Both of my kids are still quiet once we reach the car. I fix my mirror so that I can see them in the backseat. "I have practice later," Nola whispers so lowly I can barely hear her. She only does that when I'm mad at her.

My frown probably makes her believe that I'm mad, but I'm not. Not at her at least. I sigh. "I'm not mad, Granola," I say. She looks up at me at this. "Are you mad at Kayce?" she asks. I look at my son. He's not looking at me. "No," I say honestly. I just now notice — when he looks up at me — the faint bruise on his cheek. I stare into his light blue eyes, him into mine. "What happened?" I ask. "This kid Bryce was talking about me," Nola answers for her brother. Kayce sighs, looking down again. "Saying what?" I ask, annoyed, not at her. "I-I don't know. Kayc didn't tell me," she whispers again.

"Because it doesn't matter," Kayce says tightly. "It matters to me!" Nola replies to him. "Shut up, Nola," he retorts. "Hey, chill out," I interrupt their bickering before Nola says anything else. "What did he say?" I ask Kayce. He looks up at me, his almost grey eyes, hard for a nine-year-old. "Nothing," he says. "I bet he wasn't even talking about me and you just used that as an excuse to get me to be by your side," Nola says angrily. Kayce makes a 'are you stupid' face. "I'm not a liar but don't believe me, I don't care." He shrugs. "Well, why can't you tell us what he said?" I question.

"Because I like being aggravating. Keep trying to get it out of me, but you're just wasting your breath," he says. I roll my eyes and sigh, shaking my head. I start the car. "Well, congratulations. You're the most aggravating person in this car," Nola mutters. Kayce fake laughs. "No talking. I need silence," I say just so they won't bicker again. They respect my wishes all the way home.


"Did they spill anything?" Brynn asks, placing her belongings on the kitchen counter. She just got home from work. "Nothing," I tell her, placing my cup of Greek yogurt down. She walks over to me and I place my hand on her stomach. She's about five months pregnant. Brynn sighs, dropping her head on my chest. "Where's Foster?" she asks, looking around. "Napping," I say. I just put him to sleep a couple of hours ago. He didn't get any sleep at daycare, so I was told. "Let me talk to Kayc, see if he says anything," Brynn says.

"Good luck, babe. He won't say a word." She looks at me like she doesn't believe that. Like she can get it out of him. She obviously doesn't know our son well enough. Once he says he's going to do something. He does it. He never falters. As she begins to walk off, I follow close behind her. She knocks on our son's door before entering. She looks at me as she closes the door behind her, leaving it open a fraction. I quietly step towards the door, standing close enough to hear. "You okay?" Brynn asks. I don't hear a response from Kayce.

"What happened at school today?" she asks another question. "Bryce was talking about my sister so I showed him why he shouldn't." I hear that. A small smirk pulls onto my lips. Although I hate the idea of my son fighting, hearing him defend his sister makes me proud. I hate that he got hurt because of it but him defending Nola was the right thing to do. I just wished he used his words instead of his hands. "Kayce, you can't keep fighting. You think Aspen is going to take a student who gets in fights all the time?" Brynn questions.

Aspen or Aspen Heights is a private middle school here in Oak Hill. It's where Maddy and Xander and Chris and Nova are sending Zya and Aviana. It's where Frankie, Rhys and Monet's daughter, is now. It's easier for them to send their kids there with their bits of fame being a bit of a problem. People always gawk at their kids because they're so well known, especially here in Oak Hill. They're still known in private school, of course, but it's calmer. Brynn and I send our kids there because we don't want to separate them from their cousins. It's fine, we like it. The schools are great and we've never had any issues. Not unless Kayce creates them.

"So?" he retorts. "You'll be separated from Aviana, Zya, your sister?" Brynn names off his cousins who are close in age. "I don't care. I don't even like Aviana. . ." he pauses, "or Nola." I hear Brynn sigh. "But I'm sure you rather not go to public school cause you'll be all alone." I look at them through the small opening of the door but I can't see much. "I'm. Not. Telling. You. Anything," Kayce says slowly. "You can't keep getting in trouble, Kayce. I don't care if you felt the need to protect your sister. Do it without fighting. You were blessed with a mouth, use it. Words go way farther than fists," my wife says sternly. I smile again.

"Can I get back to my book? I've been dying to read it since Uncle Ripley gave it to me for Christmas and well, seems like my schedule for the next three days has opened up," Kayce says nonchalantly. I just know Brynn is going insane. I rub my lips to stifle a laugh. "You still have swim practice. And baseball," Brynn fires back. "Not school, though," my son adds quickly. I hear Brynn's footsteps getting closer to the door. She doesn't say anything else, appearing in my view again. Her face is straight and I smile. I was right. She closes his door and glares at me.

"What did I say?" I say lowly. Brynn walks past me, heading for our room where I follow her to. "You raised a menace," she says under her breath as I shut the door behind us. I let out a chuckle. "He's perfect," I say to mock her. She's the one who always calls our kids that. I lay down in bed. Brynn eyes me, not saying anything. "I love him more than life," she whispers. My eyes soften a fraction for her. "I do too. He's our menace," I say. She smiles and nods, placing a hand on her growing belly. "Why is this baby's favorite thing to do is kick me?" She groans. I scoot closer to my wife and place a hand on her stomach. "I feel nothing," I say after a while.

"It's definitely another boy because Kayce and Brooks were the same way," Brynn says. She's really hoping for a girl. We haven't been told what the gender of our baby is yet. "All our kids are menaces. It could be either or," I assure her. I'm secretly hoping for a girl too. I don't care about gender as long as my baby is born healthy but I know how much Nola wants a sister. Brynn wants another baby girl. I do too. I know she would be in good hands with not one, not two, but three older brothers to protect her. I feel a kick right next to my hand. "I know you felt that!" Brynn says.

I smile. "Leave your mom alone, little one. You'll be out soon," I say to Brynn's stomach. "Let's hope she comes out as quiet and calm as Fos," Brynn says, placing her hand over mine on her belly. "Our last little menace," I say and my wife smiles, chuckling. "Definitely our last."


Kiersten Scott was born on July 3rd, 2036 weighing exactly 6 pounds. She was born at roughly 3:24 in the morning making her the only baby that Brynn's had in the middle of the night. The rest of them were born in the early morning or afternoon. She sleeps peacefully in her bassinet. As amazing as full quietness would be right now, having four other kids makes that difficult. Foster sits on my lap, watching a YouTube video on my phone. Kayce teaches Brooks how to play his favorite board game. And Nola practices her figure skating routine around the room, occasionally bumping into things. My life is absolutely perfect right now.

"We brought food!" Rhys enters the room as quietly as possible with Xander and Valdez behind him. Maddy, Nova, and Monet stopped by earlier. This catches the kid's attention and they all rush to see what their uncle brought them. Valdez's eyes widen as he looks down at my daughter. "Kiersten Scott, the final addition to your kindergarten class," Valdez quips, a smirk on his lips. I roll my eyes. The guys like to joke about me having an insane amount of kids. "I only have two more than you," I retort. "That's a helluva lot more," Xander joins in. Both of them only have three kids. I know for a fact, Maddy wants another one in hopes she has a girl. Knowing Nova, she'd probably match her best friend and get pregnant too.

"You hungry, Brynn?" Rhys asks, picking up a bag of food. All of my kids are already sitting at the table, eating. "I'm good, thanks Rhys," she says with a smile. "You need to eat something," Valdez tells her. "I will later. I'm just enjoying my empty stomach!" she replies, putting a hand on her belly. It's still kind of there even after giving birth. It'll take a while to go back down. "Fuck, I have to go," Rhys says, eyeing his phone hard. "Monet can't stay home alone for too long. She said she forgot how to take care of a baby." I make a face at that. Monet just gave birth to my niece, Briar Adler, less than a month ago. It's a big gap between her first daughter who she has straight out of college, 13 years ago.

"I'll see you later. Thanks for the food, man," I say. Rhys says bye to my kids and the rest of us before he's out the door. Xander wraps his arm around Valdez's shoulder. "Let's have one like that, stud," Xander says, pointing at my daughter. Chris gasps dramatically. "You want another? We already have six." Brynn laughs. "Having eight won't hurt," Xander smirks. "Let's do it," Chris says. They clap hands and grin at each other. They're still the best of friends after all these years. "One more won't hurt," I tell them. "No, because then we'd only have one less kid than you and I like making fun of your first-grade class," Valdez says.

"Five kids isn't a lot!" Brynn defends. Xander's eyes widen like he's saying 'she's joking'. I definitely never imagined having five kids but I fucking love it now.

The guys only stay for a bit longer before they're off to pick up their kids from practices and such. As the night rolls around, all the kids fall sleep. Kiersten is still down after waking up twice during the day. Kayce sleeps on the couch, sitting up. Nola lays down fully, her feet on his lap. Brooks sleeps on one of the cushioned chairs and Foster sleeps on my shoulder. I'm not getting much sleep tonight. Brynn looks at me with tired eyes as I sit down by her legs. Fosters mouth is parted, tiny snores leaving him. "He's so cute." Brynn stares at our youngest son in awe. "Yeah, cause he looks like you," I say.

His hair is a sandy-brown color. His eyes are an equal mix between blue and green. "Give him," Brynn says, holding her hands out. I stand up and place him on her. He wakes up shortly but when he sees he's in his mom's arms, he falls back to sleep. His legs lay over her lap and his head against her chest. Brynn makes a face like she's the happiest woman in the world. I know she must feel like it. The amount of love she has for each one of the kids makes my heart want to burst out of my chest.

I never knew how amazing having a family could be until I had my own. This is all mine, all of them belong to me. I couldn't be happier. I can't even believe that I once never wanted this. I wouldn't trade it for the world now. Kiersten starts to fuss in the bassinet and I quickly make my way around the bed to pick her up. If she starts crying, she'll wake up the rest of her siblings. I begin to rock her back to sleep and her tiny, barely audible cries start to lessen as she falls into a deep slumber again.

Brynn looks at me and smiles. "You're such a good dad," she says. Yeah, I am. Not to be cocky shit, but I am. I never thought I'd say that about myself. I'm happy I've gotten to this place where I can. But Brynn also helped me become this way. I owe it all to her. She gave me everything I have today. "I love you," I say. My love for her still grows every single day. Every second. Every millisecond. "I love you, too," she says. Those words never fail to make me ten thousand times happier. Even on one of the best days of my life.

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