A Mysterious Text Message

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Welcome to the Madness. And if you get the reference, marry me.


It was a strange surprise when Karma received the text.

An unknown person introduced themselves.

They informed him of something that would change his life.

He was unlike everyone around him.

Excluding his mother.

And even she could not help with this.

For she was unknowing. 

After all, the revelation to him wasn't exactly overflowing with tact. But you know, is there really any tactful way to tell someone that they're the reincarnation of a most unfortunate young man?


In Karma's texts:

Karma: What do you mean, I'm a reincarnation?! Who even are you?! You have got to be kidding me! This isn't funny, Tricia, you tyrant! Isn't tormenting me at school enough for you?

Creepy stranger: Whoever this Tricia girl is, she's an asshole. Also, I'm serious. Actually, I'm never serious. What I am, however, is telling the truth. The name is Nikolai, Nikolai Gogol. I'm the same as you, and as a matter of fact, so are all of my friends, a few, if you will, "enemies" too. The world we were first born in... we certainly did not lead such peaceful lives as I currently do, and as I hope you are.

Karma: Whatever you say, "Nikolai". Hey wait, where's that name from anyway? 

Nikolai: This interesting mix of Russia and Ukraine. But anyway, would you like me to explain a bit more in detail about this reincarnation business?

Karma: ...

Karma: well I suppose so...

Nikolai: We are from a universe those around me, as well as myself, refer to as the esper world. Espers, who were more often referred to as ability users or gifted, were essentially holders of supernatural power. This is something which, by the way, you were not.

Karma: 😐 Nice to know there really isn't anything special about me at all. Just a ginger with a face scar.

Nikolai: Ooh! You're a redhead? We've got lots of those!

Karma: Didn't you know me or sum?🤨

Nikolai: Ah, no actually. My darling best friend is one of two ability users who have met you. His name is Fyodor Dostoevsky.

For reasons completely unidentifiable to him, a shiver ran over his entire body, as well a sharp pain, particularly in his forehead.

Karma: That name sounds familiar. In a bad way. As though it's something I learned to fear too late.

Nikolai: yes, I can see that. Plenty of people learned to fear him just a little bit too late in that cruel world🤭🫠

Karma: you gloating over his accomplishments makes it sound as though you had none of your own, creepy stranger.

Nikolai: Oh, don't worry about little old me! I had plenty of lives under my belt, myself!😼

Karma: wh... what?

Nikolai: Lives, sweet child. I know Dos-kun said you seemed to be more prone to feeling than thinking, but there really isn't any way to simplify that and keep the vibe I'm with right now, yk?

Karma: I feel as though there's a wrong answer, and it's probably no, but no is quite literally the only answer I can use.

Nikolai: oh well. It isn't as though I'm a murderer in this life, if that's what you're worried about. Also, I'm in Japan, attending the school of your dreams.

Karma: How do you know what college I want to attend?! Are you stalking me?!

Nikolai: That actually depends on how you define stalking. I'm not stalking you like a creepy old man from the internet or a schoolchild with a crush that went too far, I'm tracking you down with a goal in mind. I know where you live, but it's not like I have the energy to get up out of bed and pay you an unannounced visit. I know where you want to go to college, but that's because I looked at all your college ideas. I am at Aspiration University, but I'm not here because you will be, I'm here because I want to be with my friends. Most reincarnations from the esper world choose this college, you know.

Karma: but I don't know, remember. Also I looked you up, and you're creepy as all hell. Why on earth do you look like a walking deck of playing cards?

Nikolai: that's a new one. People usually stick to killer clown. Incidentally, my fav emoji sequence is exactly that: 🤡🔪

Karma: you seriously need some help. Also, was there anyone named Ace in that other world? The name brings the same chill as Fyodor's, with an unpleasant burning sensation around my neck.

Nikolai: hmm... I believe there was. The way Dos-kun recounted it, it seems as though Ace lived in your nightmares. And his ability was, in fact, connected to a collar.

Karma waits two minutes for a continuation. And then he begins to feel frustrated.

Karma: okay AND?! Also, Dos-kun?

Nikolai: oh, you're still here. Dos-kun=Dostoevsky, mhm. And anyone wearing that collar was a servant of his. What his ability did was turn his servants' remaining lifespans into wealth: gold and precious jewels. Oh, but don't worry about that, though. If I remember correctly, that's not how you met your end.

Karma: wh-what was it...

Nikolai: stuttering over text, darling?

Karma: sorry, I do that when I know I would stutter irl...

Nikolai: I guess that's okay, then? 😕

Karma: stop, why do I feel ashamed?! 😭

Nikolai: 😕

Karma: You're not here to make me feel bad about myself!😭

Nikolai: 😕

Karma: It's not like I stutter often, but this is a weird conversation!😭😭😭

Nikolai: Alright, fine, whatever. Anyway, I'll be having a friend of mine pull some strings to ensure your spot.

Karma: No, wait!

Nikolai: Hm?

Karma: Everyone you know got in fairly, right? I will too.

Nikolai: Hm... alright. Work hard, and text me whenever you need anything.✨

Karma: Sure...

And that was the last of that conversation for a while. Sometimes Karma had to look back at it to convince himself that the whole ordeal hadn't simply been a dream. And every single time, there it was.

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