Chapter 2: Wedding Night

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Anika was taken to her new room by Priyanka, her sister-in-law. Priyanka's cousin Mallika was carrying Shivani who like an angel was smiling and playing with her hair. They had shifted Shivani's cradle to the room that she was sharing with her husband. The two girls were teasing her and giggling their heads off while she kept silent. The room was decorated with roses. They helped her settle onto the bed the way new brides do. For today Shivani was sleeping with Priyanka and Nisha.

Shivaay entered the room filled with candles lit. He knew that this would have been Prinku's idea. He did not know how to tell his new wife that this would be an arrangement for six months after which he would divorce her and marry Tia. He saw a girl dressed in red sitting on his bed with a veil around his face. He slowly moved towards the bed and removed her veil and looked into a face he knew very well.

"Anika!"He said.

She was dumbstruck. She had not seen this face for the past 2 years and had hoped on not seeing it ever again."Tum". His phone rang, it showed "Jaan". He picked up the phone and Tia yelled at him for not calling and slammed the phone down before he could say anything.

Anika could feel tears welling up in her eyes as she saw the caller id and remembered her number had been saved as jaan. She quickly got up from the bed and went to the washroom to change into her nightwear. When she came out Shivaay was staring out of the window. She quickly crossed the room and left through the door in search of Shivani.

Shivaay heard the door close with a click and knew Anika had left the room. He remembered 5 years ago, how he had met Anika at a party. She had been wearing a baby pink dress that floated around her like clouds. Her hair was flowing down her back. It was love at first sight. They had dated for two long and happy years. But the day before he proposed to her, she showed her true colors. She said nasty things about his mother and family. She had told him that they were characterless.

Shivaay gritted his teeth at the final memory. He too had insulted her that day of having no character and living in his house as his mistress. This broke her and three days later, she left for India.

Anika was sitting in the garden of the Oberoi Mansion. She too was enveloped in the memories of the past. She remembered how her cousin, Tia had threatened to tell her parents about Shivaay if she did not leave him. Few weeks after she left him, did she realize that a part of Shivaay had joint with her in the form of the bundle sleeping in her arms, Shivani.

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