13. Let the Heart rule the Head

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'Hey!' He called and noticed the figure straightened. Haider took quick steps and as he neared the room, he increased his pace. The figure kept still with its back facing him. He noticed the person being a woman and only one name popped in his head.


The person lit a lighter that she held and slowly turned around. Dramatically, she brought the light to her face and revealed herself, whilst grinning widely.

'What are you doing here in the dark?' Haider shrugged raising his arms. Amaal bit her smile and showed him a sky lantern. He looked at it and then he was surprised to see her dressed, for the first time, in feminine clothing. She was outfitted in an elegant floor-length black, golden embroidery Anarkali suit with red dupatta rested against her neck. Her face was the same.

Amaal's giggling got him distracted. 'This is so romantic and filmy.' – She sighed dreamily. This time he wasn't annoyed, instead, he placed his hands on his hips and smiled. She covered her mouth and chuckled again.

Together Haider and Amaal made their way upstairs through claustrophobic spiral stairways. Mid-way, he began to feel tightness in his chest and struggled to breathe. Amaal turned around and found him a few steps behind her, holding his chest. She hurried to him with a look of concern, - 'What happened?'

Haider breathed loudly and lowered clenching his knees. She quickly climbed down the stairs and held his shoulder.

'Ya Allah! Are you alright?'

Haider nodded still breathless. He extended his hand and she grabbed him tightly. Then, she helped him climb. He closed his eyes, imagining he was in some other place. But the feeling of the dark brick walls closing on him was overwhelming. He just kept climbing, clenching on Amaal's hand even though his legs felt like jelly.

A few minutes later, he felt a fresh chilly breeze. He gasped shivering reflexively. Slowly, he flickered his eyes. Feeling breath coming back to him, Haider let out a shaky breath, noticing vapor escape from his mouth. Amaal sighed and looked closely at him.

'Are you—'

'I am fine, fine.' He let go of her hand and took a few steps away from her. He arranged his muffler pulling his grey woolen long coat closer to his body while badly avoiding her. Amaal bit her lip and then walked towards the parapet. He watched her lit the lantern. She turned to him.

'Come?' Amaal signaled with her head. Haider gulped and walked towards her. He stood behind her and held the lantern. She was so petite that it felt like his frame would engulf her. Haider was awkward as his palms rested over her soft and warm hands. Amaal turned her head; she seemed not bothered. Their gaze met. She smiled at him and he smiled back, then she turned her head and they looked ahead at the sky. Gently, together they let go of the sky lantern.

Haider took a step back and watched the sky lantern float away. His gaze fell on Amaal, and he noticed her send a flying kiss in the air. His smile turned into a frown upon noticing her eyes glistening with tears.

'Hey!' He held her shoulder. Amaal nodded sniffling and then she brushed her eyelid with her finger.

'I am fine.' She replied not meeting his eyes for a moment and then looked up at him.

Haider observed her. The black color complimented her fair-rosy complexion very well and due to the cold weather; her cheeks were red like apples and the red nose was like a cherry on top of her beautiful face. The glint in her olive-green eyes, enhanced by the winged eyeliner hid behind her golden rimmed aviator glasses. The golden-brown long bang framed her oval-shaped face. Before he knew it, Haider was lost in her beauty. Taking in every bit of her prettiness with his eyes. Leisurely.

'Uff!' Amaal exclaimed bringing him out of his daze. He noticed she was rubbing her palms against her transparent long sleeve.

'You are freezing.' Haider began to remove his coat, but she held his hand.

'Just a few minutes. I am fine.' She responded and hurried to the parapet again. He pressed his lips wondering how he had lost his concentration. Changing clothes doesn't mean a change in personality. She was still annoying.

Amaal clasped her palms together. Haider noted her lips moved fervently. After she finished, she ran her palms over her face and opened her eyes. She let out a sad sigh.

'Um, you are looking beautiful in traditional attire. Now, you are looking like a woman.' He chuckled towards the end. Amaal frowned at him and slapped his arm.

Then, she smiled. 'You think I am looking pretty.'

'Very. You are looking lovely.' He complimented sincerely. For the first time, he was finding her incredibly attractive; cute, and angelic.

Amaal suppressed her smile, - 'I should have given you SRK's role from Kuch Kuch Hota hai.' She spoke a random thought. Haider frowned placing his hands on his hips.

'Excuse me?'

She giggled briefly, - 'You are so much like him. Now see,' – she leaned on his arm, - 'you were like,' – she mimicked his voice, - 'you are so annoying, Miss. Jaffery and all.' – she chuckled, - 'now, you are like drooling and complimenting me because I am dressed like a "woman". You are so—' she pinched his cheek taking him by surprise while he whined. Amaal kept laughing as she tried to reach his cheek, but he kept moving his head away, rising on his feet.

'Thanks for making this day happy for me. Usually—' She lowered her head playing with her finger. Haider cleared his throat, resting his palms on the parapet.

'What is so special today?' He enquired. Amaal sighed and glanced at him.

'I think I shouldn't hide from you anymore. I mean.' – she straightened, - 'we are friends now, right?'

Haider nodded, leaning his back against the parapet - more interested in the answer.

Amaal walked beside him and climbed up. He was scared but she raised her palm, - 'Today, is Zaroon's birthday.' She revealed. Then, she pulled up the churidar sleeve and turned her wrist. Haider noticed a black inked musical note tattooed at the back of her wrist.

'Wow!' He exclaimed in a whisper. Amaal looked at him.

'He was deeply passionate about music.' - she lovingly caressed her wrist. Haider felt uncomfortable with "was". She moved her head moving the bangs from her face.

'My parents wanted me to have a hobby, basically because—', she looked ahead tugging her hair behind her ear,- 'they wanted some time without me jumping around all over the place.' – she chuckled sadly, - 'So, they got me into a music class. There I met him.'

'He was a student there?' Haider asked curiously. Amaal shook her head, a proud grin appeared on her face.

'No. He was the founder and teacher of the music school. It wasn't a big hi-fi school. A decent one.' She informed and Haider was impressed as well. She lowered her head briefly and then looked at him, - 'Zaroon belonged from a lower-middle-class family but he wanted to pursue his higher studies and to support that he started the music school.' She explained. By this time, Haider guessed the route the story was about to take.

'During our time in his class and because of our common passion for music—we fell in love. By the way, he taught me the guitar. I was clueless before.' She smiled at her silliness.

Haider leaned his arm next to her and looked on at her. Admiring her as she spoke, - 'Rest you guessed it. My father opposed our relationship and—' she bit her quivering lower lip.

'And?' He realized her hesitation and knew he should not press her further lest she gets upset.

Amaal sighed and eagerly jumped down. He gasped as she lost her balance, but he supported her by holding her hand firmly.

'Thanks.' She hissed and looked up at him. He noticed that she had turned paler, with exception to her cheeks and nose. He got worried and began to insist that they leave. Just then, Haider felt snowflakes rest over his nose.

'Are you kidding?'- Amaal walked away from him and opened her arms, throwing her head slightly back and enjoying the snow, - 'And miss this fun?'

'You can enjoy it in the morning or anytime later.' Haider scolded her whilst pulling her by her wrist, - 'You will freeze to death.'

Amaal jerked her hand from his grip, - 'Stop being my parent.' She reprimanded him instead and walked ahead. Haider shook his head in disbelief as he watched her twirl around enjoying the mild snowfall.

'Come, Haider. Enjoy the snow.' She urged him but he waved a hand at her.

'No thanks. I am not interested in making a fool of myself. I am thirty years old not three.'

Amaal laughed at him, - 'And I am twenty-five, not two. Still, that doesn't stop me from enjoying my life.' She commented still twirling on spot. He shook his head, looking away. He was secure with layers of clothing, but he was worried for Amaal as she was clad in just chiffon Anarkali suit.

This Pagal ladki will catch a cold and fever. – He thought whilst scowling at her, then he shrugged, - but why do I care?

Even though Haider wanted to be indifferent he couldn't help but feel concerned for her. Why? Perhaps, she had grown on him. That is why. Also, she thinks they are friends. So, the concern is justified. But why was he justifying to himself?

Sometime later, Amaal sneezed, and Haider straightened, - 'Okay, that's it.' He waved his arms and marched towards her, grabbed her forearm, and began to drag her. Amaal protested but he kept ignoring her. At the exit, she pulled back with all her strength. Haider twirled on his feet, and she slipped.

Swiftly, he grabbed her waist and steadied her. She held the collar of his woolen coat and let out a shaky sigh. Their gaze met and neither could look away.

A few minutes later, Haider shook his head and helped her stand properly.

'Thanks.' She said and exhaled deeply letting vapors escape her nostrils. Now, the temperature had begun to plump, and an increase in the intensity of the snowfall wasn't helpful either. Haider began to shrug his coat off him but Amaal refused.

'I am a strong woman. I can handle this.' She said adjusting the collar of his coat. But he was miffed and kept insisting. 'Okay,' – she sighed, - 'If you insist, we can share your coat.'

'Huh!' Haider looked baffled, - 'Why can't we just go?'

'Because I want to stay here and enjoy the weather and you—you can't go alone in the closed stairways. I won't let you. So, we are stuck here.' She then grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the parapet.

Amaal snuggled into his coat, close to him. She was so slender compared to him that she disappeared into his clothes. She sighed happily and leaned her head on his shoulder. Haider shook a little. The proximity to her was a different feeling. It was warm, pleasant, and relaxing. He rested his arm on her shoulder as the two stared at the silhouette of mountains ahead of them.

Kuch Kuch Hotha hai... i guess ;P 

Haider, *hehehehehehe*

How was the Chapter, guys? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *smiles* and Stay Tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and kisses*

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