Chapter 1: What world is this?

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Hello, guys, this is TwilightSiren and Baker4ever. This is our first romance story. We hope you enjoy. This story is about Hazel Grace from Fault in Our Stars and Four (Tobias Eaton) from the Divergent series.

A few years after Tris's death
Four's POV:

You would think that after a few years a man would get over one of his girlfriends. But, I am not that man. Tris's death has affected me in a way I did not expect. After about a year of deep grief, I began to build a time machine. My plan is to go back in time and prevent Tris's death. I won't stop until she is alive, breathing, and in my arms.

And that has brought me to my current predicament. I'm almost done with the time machine prototype, but it's missing the quantum crystal. Without it, the machine can't function within the warps of the time-space continuum. This one crystal is keeping me away from her.

As I wait for the perfect opportunity to visit the black market and trade center, I plan. I plan what to do when I get where I need to be. I plan how to change the future. But little did I know that all my planning would go down the drain.

More on that later, right now I'm trying to build this machine. There is only one place that would have the crystal and that's the underground trade. That's where I got most of the parts for this crazy contraption. I can't just walk into a hardware store and ask for a forbidden object, now can I?

So after some time, I find the crystal, pay a hefty sum, and go on my way. As soon as I insert the crystal into the chamber, the machine seems to come together as one, badly oiled machine.

---The next morning:

I checked my bag once more, making sure I had everything I needed to save Tris. It is my only purpose in life now.

I left my quarters at about 5 am, sneaking around to the garage under the blanket of darkness. I clicked the crystal into place and waited for the green light to flash.

As soon as the light gave me the okay, I climbed in and took the controller into my hands. I entered the date I wanted to return to and hoped for the best.

I felt a sudden wave of energy go through me, zapping every particle within me. The crystal lit up brighter than the Sun and was vibrating within its makeshift glass chamber.

I zoomed into a black hole-like portal and it promptly closed. Well, there's no going back now, I thought as the machine sped through the space-time continuum. By doing this I could trigger the Butterfly effect and change the world drastically as I know it.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the machine stopped in front of a light portal. The portal started to shimmer and grow larger to accommodate the size of this contraption.

And suddenly, bag in hand, I was free falling through a bright blue sky with wispy clouds that looked nothing like what the weather was like on that fateful day.

As I came closer to the ground, my heart began to race. Out of all the things that could happen to me, I fall from the sky. Before I could even prevent my fall I met the ground. I landed right on my arm causing it to shatter. I groaned, this day just kept on getting better. I attempted to stand up using my left hand, but a shooting pain went through my left shoulder blade. I grimaced and began to walk around.

After a few minutes, I arrived in front of a house that used to exist long ago, before the Purity War, before Chicago, back when the United States was a country.

I didn't want to go inside the house, but I knew that I couldn't just walk around with a broken arm and a damaged shoulder blade. I also needed to figure what year I ended up in. 

A few years after Gus's death and into remission

Hazel Grace's POV:

           After Gus died, our little trio that we had formed turned into a duo. A duo of Isaac and myself. We both loved doings things in the world to make a difference, but not many people looked at a blind man and a woman with a breathing problem as beneficial to the community. We were a liability. Great world we live in. A girl overcomes the great disease of cancer and she ends up being a disease to everyone around her.

Despite that, we attempted to volunteer at the local library, where I tutored the young kids in literature and Isaac read Braille books to them. The children were always fascinated by the idea that one could read without looking.
You can thank my mother for that. It was either this or go back to the Support Group at the literal heart of Jesus. What's wrong with watching reruns of America's Next Top Model?

          But as happy as we were trying to be without Gus, I still had a void that needed to be filled within my heart. A space that was once filled with the joy I felt being with Gus. The hollowness that wouldn't let me forget that night when I received the phone call. 

       Isaac had left for the day, so I was laying in my backyard, staring at the clouds and trying to imagine what they were. So far I had found a unicorn, taco, crayon, and child's dress. Just as I was about to go inside, I saw a man fall from the sky into my neighbor's yard. I shook my head and thought that I was hallucinating. In what world do men mysteriously fall from the sky! I must be going mental. Once I went inside and started dinner, I heard footsteps at the front of the house. Must be a rabbit, I thought thinking that my brain was just working overtime. I have to be going crazy, first I see flying men and now I hear rabid bunnies in the bushes.  

      But I knew it was time to come back to Earth when I heard a loud knock on the solid oak door. Who was it? I slowly walked towards the door and peeked through the peephole. It looked like the man. He was dressed in a black jacket, black shirt, and grass-stained black jeans. Upon closer inspection, I saw that his arm was covered in blood and had swelled far past normal size. 

     Hurriedly, I unlocked the door and said the first thing that came to my mind, 

"What did you do to your arm!? Let me help you." 

   He didn't look fazed at my lack of pleasantries, all he said was, 

"What world is this?"


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