Chapter 12....

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After our small conversation we lapsed back into silence. I picked at my meal and across from me Hunter did the same, deep in thought. Besides us Ryan and Hannah were in their own little world. Hunter and I's drama long forgotten as the pair chatted feverishly with one another.

Hannah had moved to sit closer. Their hands intertwined on the table, the food long forgotten between them. I watched jealously. They both were so into each other and I was right in easing Hannah's nerves about Ryan not liking her. By the way he was gazing at her the man was in love. She didn't know it but she already had him wrapped around her finger.

"They make a cute couple." Hunter said, making me jump slightly. I hadn't realized how full on staring I was doing.

"They do." I murmured. While I was slightly jealous I was happy for my best friend. She deserved it.

"I promise you he is a good guy. Probably one the best guys I've ever met." Hunter looked at the couple before looking at me.

"He better be or I'll kick his ass for hurting my best friend." I took a sip of my wine and almost choked when Hunter chuckled under his breath. I almost closed my eyes to savor the sound of it.


"You kick his ass?" The way he said it made me raise an eyebrow.

"You don't believe I could do it?" Hunter leaned forward over the table, his blue eyes dancing as he smirked at me.

"Mia, you are as scary as a mouse."

"Hey! I do kickboxing for your information."

"He's triple your size. And in a dress like that...." Those eyes ran over me once again lingering on my exposed chest before flicking back up to my eyes. He leaned back and reached for his own drink.

The sight of the smirk on his face and the way he stared at me made butterflies erupt in my stomach. I watched as those full lips touched the rim of his glass before he took a sip. The simple action somehow sending a zing straight through me.

Seeing him leaning back, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, big hands holding his glass to his lips, it made my mouth suddenly dry. I thought Hunter looked good back in college but now...damn. His sex appeal definitely skyrocketed in the last few years.

"I can do a lot of damage in this dress." I found myself saying, and also found myself leaning forward just a bit as if to tease him.

"I bet you can." He whispered, his tone dropping a few octaves. We were treading on dangerous waters right now. The atmosphere shifting just a little bit but I couldn't go any further. Once I did I knew I wouldn't be able to back out. As soon as Hunter was involved the reasonable part of my brain shut off.

I was bound to do something stupid and most likely end up with my heart shattered again. After tonight Hunter will go back to his fancy apartment and his life, leaving me behind forgotten once more. So instead of giving into the flirty comments like I was wanted to I switch it around.

"Does that tone usually work on your girls?" I teased, leaning back in my chair and letting out a laugh. If Hunter seemed shocked by the mood change he didn't let on.

"If I say yes are you going to kick my ass?" He raised an eyebrow at me and teased me right on back. "Or will it be another swing incident like that one time?" The sudden memory came to mind and I let out a laugh.

"Oh god." It was yet another embarrassing as hell story that of course involved me.

"If I remember right it was all your idea."

"It was not!" I shot back. "You were the one who bet that I couldn't do it."

"And I was right."

"Was not." My jaw dropped at his words. "I was totally able to fit!"

"You fit alright...and then had to call 9-1-1 cause you were stuck." The smug look on his face had me shaking his head.

"It was your fault." I insisted.

"Nuh uh you willingly got in the baby swing, I just happened to help you up into it. You got stuck on your own."

"But then you wouldn't help me out and instead sat there recording me while laughing your ass off." I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed.

It was such an embarrassing day. The two of us decided to go to a park near campus cause we were bored and tired of doing homework. Well they had a bunch of swings and somehow Hunter bet with me that I couldn't fit in the baby sized swing. And as someone who never backs down from a challenge I easily agreed. I hadn't realized at the time that my butt and thighs were way to big for it and got stuck immediately.

And instead of being a good boyfriend Hunter stood there laughing his ass off as he recorded me. He had literal tears coming out of his eyes as I struggled to get free.

"Hey now, I eventually helped." He defended.

"After I started crying." I was so embarrassed and people were starting to stare so I ended up crying. He did try to help after that but even a 220 pound football player couldn't get me out. We ended up having to call 9-1-1 to come out and get me unstuck.

They had to literally saw me out of the swing while parents and kids stood around watching. It was horrible and humiliating. And I never lived it down after that either. Hunter went and told the entire football team so every time they saw me they made some sort of joke.

"I did call 9-1-1 for you though. That has to count for something."

"Oh yeah, such a big help." I rolled my eyes.

Hunter chuckled again and I couldn't help myself but join in at the embarrassing memory. Now it was funny looking back at it but at the time it wasn't.

Our laughter faded but Hunter's grin stayed and I found mine wasn't going anywhere either. And for the first time in a very long time it felt like something slid into place inside of me. 

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