Chapter 8....

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Flashback continued....

The two of us were quiet for a moment as he softly wiped the blood on my knees away with a cloth. The silence was a bit stifling and I didn't do well with pure silence.

"Looks like someone isn't going to make quarterback any time soon." I tried to joke again. He chuckled again, the sound filling my ears and making my chest tighten. How can someone have a sexy laugh? Cause he sure did.

"I'm actually the quarterback." He looked back up at me with the corner of his lip tilted in a small smirk.

It took a second before it finally struck me. Holy shit balls. How did I not notice before! He was Hunter James, star quarterback for our football team. He was a big shot on campus for leading our team to multiple championships and most likely going to the NFL at the end of the school year.

"Oh god. I'm sorry I didn't meant to offend you!" I stammered out. I just told the star quarterback he needed to work on his throw. Kill me now. Just strike me dead right now. Hunter just laughed shaking his head.

"You didn't offend me. By the looks of it I do need to work on my throw." His eyes drifted to my cheek. I quickly glanced away from him. How is it that the most popular, yes popular in college, and hottest guy on campus was sitting in front of me cleaning up my knees? Did I pass out and dream this?

"I'm sorry but this may hurt." Hunter said but didn't give me time to say anything before he put the cloth back on my knees making them burn.

"Fu-" I caught myself from swearing as he made quick work of disinfecting the scrapes.

"Sorry." He apologized. Thankfully his long fingers worked fast and he was finished in a few seconds. Through clenched teeth I spoke.

"That was payback for the comments huh." I made a joke despite my knees still burning.

"What can I say." He joked back making me laugh. I watched as he leaned forward and blew on my knees. The sight sent a zing straight through me. "You haven't told me your name." He said after a moment.

"Mia. Mia Gibson."

"Nice to officially meet you Mia Gibson." He grinned, flashing me a bright smile, making one grow on my face as well.

"Nice to meet you too Hunter James."

It was weird that I was just now meeting Hunter. We were in the same class year and maybe even had a few classes together over the last four years, but we've never once talked. I've heard plenty about him on campus and from my friends. Everyone always had something good to say about him.

I've even gone to a few of the football games, I guess I just never really noticed him. How I haven't I don't know. He seemed like a guy that was hard to miss. Add in the fact he was an amazing football player, he definitely wasn't invisible.

"Sorry I didn't recognize you at first."

"No its okay, it's actually quite nice not having someone fawn over me the moment they meet me."

"Oh were you expecting me to throw myself at you? I'm a little indisposed at the moment." I raised an eyebrow at him teasingly.

"Maybe next time." The side smirk he sent me made my stomach clench. His blue eyes looked away from mine and went back to my knees. I sat there patiently as he grabbed a few bandaids and gently placed them on my knees. "There you go." He murmured.

"Didn't know the star quarterback was so handy with bandaids."

"More than meets the eye with me." He was definitely surprising me at the moment. Most often than not football players were seen as cocky, flirty, playboys, and assholes. Or maybe that was only for those that have read too many teenfic novels. Yet here he was being kind to a complete stranger. I was bracing myself for the flirty comments to start but so far none have come.

"Thank you." I whispered. He really didn't have to bring me here and clean me up. He probably had better things to do with his time.

"Of course."

Silence washed over us but this time it wasn't as uncomfortable. For some odd reason I felt....comfortable around him. We stared at one another, neither saying a word as if we were both lost in our thoughts.

We both realized how long we've been staring, definitely past the awkward point. Clearing our throats we leaned back, breaking the silence.

"I better go." I made the move to get down, Hunter sliding back on the chair to give me room. I better go before I further embarrassed myself. As much as I wanted to stay and keep talking to Hunter I knew it was best I go.

No doubt in my mind he already had girlfriend. A guy like him always has a girlfriend. The last thing I needed was to have some crazy jealous girlfriend on my back for being with her boyfriend.

"Thank you again for the help."

"Anytime." He nodded with a soft smile. "Make sure to ice that cheek a couple more times a day. It shouldn't bruise though." I nodded and made a note to do so later tonight.

Grabbing my bag I awkwardly shifted on my feet. The longer I stayed the more awkward it would become. So despite the weird feeling of wanting to stay I moved around his big frame.

"Bye." I spoke softly, heading for the door. With one hand still holding the ice pack to my cheek I reached for the door handle. As soon as I opened it Hunter's voice stopped me.

"Hey, Mia wait." I turned in surprise, fully expecting him to let me just walk out. He took a few steps towards me. "um...." he reached back and rubbed his neck. The action made my lips twitch.

"Would you like to get dinner or something?" I could have sworn his cheeks turned pink. "To make up for hitting you in the face." He quickly added.

I was beyond surprised he was asking me out. Wasn't quite sure it would be considered a date but it didn't stop the butterflies from blooming in my stomach. Gripping my bag strap I thought it through for a second. However I didn't even need to think about it, I already knew my answer. It's not everyday a hot football player wants to take you out, especially someone like Hunter James

"Sure. I'd like that."

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