*cracks knuckles*

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Alrighty you know what's up my bois.

Anyways I was supposed to do this on Wednesday but I had a lot to do so I moved it to Friday but then I was sick on Friday sooo here we are.

A few people haven't turned in their forms yet and I know this rp isn't gonna be starting for a while I just wanna remind y'all to either ask for an extension or get it in or else I'll open up the roles for other people to take!

followingsaturn The Magician

darknessem The Wheel of Fortune (though I know you just got the role so)

a-nice-username The Devil

nikita22601 The Hermit *cough* coUGH* *COUGH*

As for the Minor Arcana, lowkey I think only 3 OC's have been finished?? Y'all?? If you wanna give me your roles back because you don't think you can handle it I'm super okay with that you know! I understand that having a lot of OC's is a lot of responsibility and even I'm not ready for it lmao.

Anyway just your friendly weekend reminder to get working

But also to take care of yourself and drink water today and do stuff you want to do instead of stressing over a form for a stupid rp! uwu

Special special thanks to Princess_Of_Curse for being a gift to mankind

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