Approval~Stylenny (South Park.)

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Honestly, polyamory is my comfortable area. I feel better writing this than a pair but I'll find other poly ships to write about.
Warnings: Cursing and slightly sexual jokes.
Ages: 21 both Kyle and Kenny while Stan's 20.
Fun fact: A lot of this is inspired by how much I wanted my father to approve of me.
Stan's POV.

"Good morning!" I say, zooming the camera in on Kyle.

Kyle, very slowly, opens his eyes.

"No, Kenny, save me," he says.

He tries to hide by rolling over Kenny to stay out of the way of the way of the camera.

"Happy birthday-," I start singing.

"Shut the fuck up, I want to sleep," Kyle says.

Kenny opens his eyes as well. He gets up with a groan.

"What day is it?" He asks.

"Kyle's birthday," Stan says.

"Oh," Kenny says.

Kyle groans.

"I'm tired, overworked and stressed. Fucking leave me alone. Wake me up when today is over," Kyle says.

"Your mom called me," I say.

"And I give a shit why?" He asks.

"Is momma's boy being rebellious?" Kenny asks.

"No, I'm just fucking tired. It's my birthday, let me sleep in for ones in my life," Kyle says.

"Your mom is going over," I say.

Kyle jumps up, gets the closest clean clothes and runs into the bathroom.

"Works every single time," I say.

Kenny and I high five.

"Well his mom is coming over, like, actually coming over," I say.

"Oh shit," Kenny says.

Kyle comes back in, brushing his teeth, grabs a pair of socks and leaves back in. Both Kenny and I start laughing at the same time.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Kyle yells.

"No," I say.

"You're going to help me clean, my mom is not coming to this shit," Kyle says, getting back in.

"Kyle... we're just fine," I say.

"No, we are not. I'm going to put the kitchen in order, I expect everything in their boxes when I come back," Kyle says.

Kenny and I look at each other.

"Is she coming to the bedroom?" Kenny asks.

"Wouldn't be surprised if she checked the whole street, you know how crazy mom gets," Kyle says.

I look around and smile at Kenny. I throw some stuff into the box.

"Can you?" I ask.

He does the same shot. We continue throwing shit (with the occasional 'Score' from one of us.). When Kyle comes back, we're done.

"That was surprisingly quick. Oh yeah," he says.

He turns his back and throws the last thing into a box.

"If it's getting stuff into a basket, nobody can beat me," he says.

We both nod.

"You go, I have to change," Kenny says.

I kiss his cheek before going into the next room.

"Okay, it's just mom, relax," Kyle says.

He is literally putting the forks in length order. Something is weird here.

"So... which is the longest fork?" I ask.

He jumps, causing him to hit his head.

"Ow. What the fuck, Stan?" He asks.

"I didn't know you'd act like a cat and just jump at the roof!" I say.

He sighs.

"Anyway. Is there something wrong?" I ask.

He sighs.

"I-I don't know. You know. My mom always had a lot higher expectations for me than most parents," Kyle says.

I nod, seeing Kenny behind him.

"I just don't know if, at this point in my life, I'm at all in the point she wants of me. I'm 21, I haven't finished education yet and it's not even an education for something she'd want me to do. I know it's stupid but ever since I was so fucking little, getting my mom to approve of me has been my main goal. Sure, I've done stupid bullshit, like everyone else... but getting her approval was the reason I had a hard time telling her that I wouldn't be becoming a doctor, that it just didn't fit. What I'm trying to say is, for such a long time, I wanted approval from my mother and now I know I'm not getting it. So I just try to do anything possible to make her feel like she didn't completely waste 18 years," he says.

"Your mother is the one that went and bombed Canada," Kenny says.

"I know... wanting her to approve of me does not mean that I think she is perfect, hell, I don't think she's a good mother. It's just something I've learned from a young age, to look for being as perfect in her eyes as possible," Kyle says.

"You know, my mom yelled at me ones," I say.

"Wow," Kyle says, sarcastically.

"I mean many times. But one I remember very vividly was from we were maybe 15 and I was hung over. She, in her anger, asked me 'Why can't you be more like Kyle?' I'm pretty sure every parent in South Park would have rather had you than their real kids," I say.

Kyle takes a deep breath.

"I didn't mean it like that. I never thought anyone would've liked a kid with fucking terrible anger issues," Kyle says.

"We love our angry bear," Kenny says.

He kisses Kyle.

"Yeah, we certainly do," I say.

Kyle rolls his eyes.

"I don't get a kiss?" He asks.

Kenny bursts out laughing, probably thought about something dirty.

"Of course you do," I say.

I kiss him. Before we can really kiss, the goddamn doorbell rings. Kyle goes to open the door.

"Happy 21st birthday," his mom says.

I laugh, leaning on Kenny.

"Legal age to drink," I say.

"Legal age to have drunk sex," he states.

"How has life been going?" Kyle's mom asks.

"Good, I'm pretty sure i'm getting the job when I finish school in a month," Kyle says.

His voice is so incredibly tense.

"Oh! Amazing," Kyle's mom says.

Ike sneaks past them into the kitchen.

"Hey," he says.

"Ike! You are back in America?" Kenny asks.

"Wouldn't miss my brother's big day. Sorry I wasn't here for yours," Ike says.

The two hug.

"It's totally fine! I wanna hear all about the past year," Kenny says.

So I'm left alone again... Oh apparently not.

"Stan! Nice to see you!" Sheila says, coming in for a hug.

"Nice to see you as well, Sheila. You haven't aged a day!" I say.

Stan... what the fuck is wrong with your social skills?

"Aw, flattering. Well. How has life been?" Sheila asks.

"Great actually. Well, you're all probably hungry, we've got something, sit down," I say.

Kyle leads his father into the room to sit next to Kenny.

"It went well!" He tells me.

"I heard. Congratulations," I say.

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