Christmas with the girlfriend~Stendy (South Park.)

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Another clear up, people say I sexualise women (not here, IRL mainly, for drawing tits to make a girl look like a girl ((Because my drawings are stick figure level bad and I have to draw tits or dicks to show gender)) and for staring a bit when in the dressing room. Anyway.)............... doesn't everyone? I also sexualise any gender really, I'm a teenager, the age known for people being constantly horny. Of fucking course I will sexualise people!
Warnings: Smut (the irony was too much, I'm so sorry. You can tell the point this went from Fluff to Smut) and cursing.
Ages: 17.
Note one: I don't know how straight sex works, I only really know lesbian because... well... for reasons. So yeah... I'm actually the worst teen ever but I am probably too ugly for anyone to ever handle so I'll just stick to knowing what I actually know and porn. Thank you very much!
(Also, over 3000 words of story. You happy? I make this shit for Stendy but 2000 is hard for the others. Why? Because I don't explore Wendy a lot and that's why I like writing this.)
Stan's POV.

'Give me a more awkward moment then what's gonna happen to me.'

Kyle answers pretty soon.

'Colour me interested. What's happening?'

I sigh.

'We're spending this Christmas with Wendy and her family and I'm fairly sure my dad is going to burst out and with gift giving, give her a condom or something. Doesn't help when her grandparents are 'No sex before marriage'. SAVE ME!'

'Oh shit... I'm sorry for you Stan. But hey. You're at least sure you're not becoming a father!'

'Kyle, not helping!'

'Can't exactly help you. I'm literally 6 hours by plane! If I could help I would!'

'Oh shit.'

'Good luck, Stanny boy.'

I bury my head in my hands as my dad sits down. Oh my fucking God!

"Oh," Wendy lets out as she gets the card.

Dad no, dad please don't tell me you'd do this to me!

"Thank you, Randy," she says.

Stan breathe, this is not going to be that bad. We'll laugh it off!

"Open it," dad says.

Mom looks close to tears from the embarrassment as Wendy opens the card.

"Oh thanks for the condom," Wendy says.


"You're probably gonna need it anyway."


"Yeah, knowing him," Wendy says.

She smiles at me. Oh so she's trying to embarrass me? Damn right I'm gonna at least get back.

"Probably yeah, Unless you stop being fucking adorable," I say.

We have this silent staring competition. Wendy's face just screams 'let's go, fight me.'

"Well we are clearly here at the wrong time," mom says.

Oh I'm so sorry for this, mom, she started.

"Yes," Wendy's dad states, avoiding eye contact with his daughter.

"There isn't anything awkward about sex. I was born from it, Stan was born from it and my future child is going to be born from it," Wendy says, shrugging.

Wendy.... darling, I love you but don't take it that far, it's going to be hard to one up without getting explicit.

"I erm...," mom says.

Wendy looks at me, looking evil as all heck. Clearly our parents take it as something much worse as they look at each other. However, Wendy's grandparents look disgusted. My grandpa mainly looks like he wants to die, which, honestly, I relate to the resting face he has right now.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I whisper to her.

"Annoying you," Wendy answers.

"Oh you did it," I answer.

She laughs.

"Of course I did. You've been so stressed about this, come on, you have to let me off of it, I wanted to get you out of being so awkward," Wendy says.

I sigh.

"Fine," I mutter.

She puts her head on my shoulder.

"Love you," She says.

I sigh and look at the parents.

"So are we gonna watch a movie?" I ask.

Mom nods. I take my phone.

'How did it go?'

'Better than i expected, I'll tell you that.'

'Oh okay. Have a fun night then 😉.'

'Kyle no... I could tell you to have a fun night with Kenny! But I don't!'

'You don't need to tell me!'

'Dude... your sex life doesn't interest me!'

'Oh Goddamnit. Don't take anything I send tonight seriously! Taking Kenny with us was a BAD idea! I mean that wasn't far from what I'd say but for fucks sake, I really need to keep my phone out of his sight. Sorry!'

'Don't worry dude, anyway, gtg, we are watching a movie.'

"Oh my God, that's funny," Wendy says.

"Yeah, for him, if Kenny was being serious," I say.

Wendy laughs, so loudly that they adults look at us.

"Can you keep it down for ones in your life?" I ask.

"You, if anyone, would know that I can't," Wendy says.

Wendy, we just went over this!

"I... do you maybe need room?" Wendy's dad asks, awkwardly.

"We might," Wendy says.

Okay, Wendy, i swear to God.

"We can watch the movie on the 25th then, even if that's no longer Christmas," mom says.

"Is it not?" Wendy's granny speaks up.

"No, my family has been celebrating it on 24th since forever," mom says.

Wendy gets up.

"Goodnight, Family," Wendy says.

I roll my eyes and get up as well.

"Well take this with you," dad says.

Dad no.

"Yeah, of course," Wendy says, looking at me.

What is up with her tonight? I swear to God she isn't normally like this! For fucks sake!

"You coming?" Wendy asks.

"I... um," I say.

"It's your girl, you really should go. We're just opening a bottle, you won't be missing that much!" Grandpa says.

I get up and Wendy smiles, taking me by the hand.

"I wanna know what the fuck is up with you today," I say.

She rolls her eyes and opens the door. I close it behind us.

"No, I really do want to know what this is about," I say.

Wendy sighs.

"Do you still like me, Stan?" Wendy asks.

"Of course!" I say.

"I'm not boring?" She asks.

"Is this what this is about then?" I ask.

She nods. I sigh and sit next to her.

"Look, Wendy, Love. I don't exactly know how I should say anything like this but...," I say.

I put a hand on her leg.

"I think you're perfect the way you are, flaws and all," I say.

She sighs.

"I just... don't you ever feel like you got the most boring one out of them all, out of all the girls?" She asks.

I roll my eyes.

"You are many things but boring is not one of them," I say.

She looks down.

"You're my happy place and that's quite enough for me," I say.

She starts tearing up.

"I'm just... what if I never-what if I always stay like I am? I'm scared of letting go of things. What if I have to?" She asks.

"Look at me," I say.

She rises her head.

"I've never met anyone as gorgeous and smart and talented and... there are so many words to use. But if I know one thing it's that you don't stay the same, you change a lot. You've changed already and will continue to change," I say.

She smiles.

"One of my favourite songs is about something like that," I say.

"How does it go?" She asks.

"I took my love, I took it down. Climbed a mountain and I turned around and I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills... 'Til the landslide brought me down . Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life? Mmm! Well, I've been 'fraid of changin'... 'Cause I've built my life around you. But time makes you bolder, even children get older and I'm gettin' older, too! Well, I've been 'fraid of changin', 'Cause I've built my life around you but time makes you bolder, even children get older... and I'm gettin' older, too... I'm gettin' older, too! Take my love, take it down! Oh, climb a mountain and turn around and if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills...Well, the landslide will bring it down! And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills... Well, the landslide will bring it down. Oh, the landslide will bring it down," I sing, stroking her hair a bit out of a habit I got from babysitting Ike and Tricia.

"I... that's a beautiful song," she says.

I nod.

"It is. But you're more beautiful than any song," I say.

"Stop it! You seriously sound like you're trying to get into my pants," Wendy says.

"I'm your boyfriend! I'm fucking allowed to compliment you! And I'm allowed to try to get into your pants!" I say.

She laughs.

"I actually do wish there was a way I could say how fucking beautiful I think you are," I say.

She blushes a little.

"But like... you're missing out, Bebe is beautiful, Red is fucking hot, Nichole is so much kinder than me... I like... I don't know, I don't have such a specialty," Wendy says.

"Shut up," I say.

I look her in the eye.

"I'm not standing for that shit, you're witty, you're funny, you're sarcastic enough to understand my sarcasm," I start listing.

I sigh.

"And if I really have to mention looks, which you're clearly insecure about," I say.

I take a deep breath.

"You've got everything you told Bebe and Red have but better. You're beautiful, adorable, hot and somehow pull them all off at the same time," I say.

I pull her a bit closer.

"And I couldn't imagine being with anyone else because you're already such a fucking catch it would be downgrading at that point," I say.

She looks down.

"I've got nothing but touching thighs and a fucking nose from nightmares," she says.

"Who the hell fed you that bullshit?" I ask.

"Nobody," She says.

I have to think about the next line really carefully. Fuck it, it's not like someone will hear.

"Wouldn't want a fucking Barbie anyway," I say.

She look up.

"Honestly. If someone has to down more pills than food, it's not beauty. No matter what everyone else says," I say.

I take a deep breath again.

"You're perfectly healthy looking like you do and that's fucking beautiful, okay? If anyone says something else, they're damn lying. You have the best goddamn body on this planet and I'm so proud of you for being like you are instead of a doll looking fucker," I say.

Wendy looks almost speechless, which, does not simply happen, she doesn't know when to be quiet.

"I could sit here all day, just complimenting you. But if I had to pick something from the outside, you have nice ears. Which is yes, a very weird compliment but you do," I say.

"You really sound like you're trying to fuck or something like-," Wendy says.

"Me complimenting you doesn't have to mean I want to have sex, not always. It would be rude. Sometimes, yeah, simply because I think you're beautiful. But I don't compliment you just to have sex, you should know that by now. I do truly care for you and think you're really beautiful," I say.

"No but it really is tested, people, especially men, become kinder when they haven't had sex in a while, as in a like 'I really wanna fuck' kind of way," Wendy says.

"Not always. Sure, that exists, I know it does, I have first hand experience on that front but I think it always comes from a loving place, even if it's because of something like that. At least a little bit, for me, personally, it really does," I say.

I kiss her.

"But if I'm being completely honest," I say.

"Do we need the condom?" Wendy asks, chuckling.

"It's very much a decision from both sides," I say.

She laughs.

"Would I suggest it if I weren't okay with it?" She asks.

"I guess," I say.

I'm the one to kiss her first. She falls down, back against the bed. Okay, note to self, be more careful, that would have been an awkward visit to the hospital if she had gone about two inches left.

"Sorry," I say.

Wendy laughs.

"Didn't happen though," she says.

I nod and kiss her again, hands on both sides of her head. She's smirking a bit.

"What are you looking so sardonic for?" I ask.

"I just like it when you're a bit more dominant, you're too kind to do it most of the time," she says.

I roll my eyes.

"I could do it, I'm just careful," I say.

"Oh I don't believe you until you show me," She says.

"I will, don't get to it too fast," I say.

It's more fun this way around actually. I didn't even realise it would be.

"You're just staring again," she says.

I laugh.

"You want me to get to it faster then?" I ask.

"I mean considering you can play baseball and tennis, I would assume you'd have faster hands," she says.

"Oh shit, that's a good line," I say.

"Thanks, Midget," She says.

"Oh now you've done it!" I say.

I get her shirt off, which she laughing about.

"That's the man way though," she says.

"Are you gonna complain about how I pull of your shirt? It's more natural for me to do it that way, I seriously don't understand the girl way," I say.

"Fine," She says.

I nod. Okay, Stan, this is a new situation for you, you're not normally the dominant one in this shit, just try to do whatever you can and get it over with. I didn't think this would be stressful but I guess it is.

"I can do it," she says.

"No, I wanna, I'm just... figuring out as we go," I say.

I kiss her skin. Doesn't help this situation, being scared of objectifying her, I've made that mistake and oh boy was that a chat.

"I'm really sorry," I say.

"What for?" She asks.

"I'm scared I'll do something you don't want me to do," I say.

"Stan, don't worry about it so much, I'll let you know if that happens.," she says.

I nod and get her to sitting.

"It's probably easier if I have my back towards you," she says.

"I'm not the one for easy, you should know that already," I say.

"All or nothing," she says, chuckling.

I do get my hands far enough to find the opening mechanism.... I'm a mechanic, not someone who knows what the fuck the thing in the bra is called. I know what the opening thingy of a cooler is though.

"I swear, I can turn," Wendy says.

I open it, looking her in the eyes while doing it.

"What now?" I ask.

She laughs.

"Never mind I guess," she says.

I get it off.

"Are you gonna stay with clothes or what?" Wendy asks.

"I'm kinda thinking you're a bit annoying," I say.

I get my shirt off.

"There, even," I say.

"I'm not annoying, I just know how the situation is better for me and know how to get what I would like," she says.

"Good for you, I'm getting what I want as well," I say.

She laughs.

"You're learning how to talk, congratulations," she says.

I laugh and push her down yet again.

"I said I'd learn as we go," I say.

She nods and I continue to do the same I did just before, gradually getting a bit more comfortable with the position.

"Are you gonna just do the same thing?" She asks.

I roll my eyes and kiss her.

"All in time," I say.

"Okay then, you just like to make it annoyingly long," she says.

"Love, I don't have to try," I say.

She rolls her eyes.

"I thought you were making a dick joke," she says.

"Oh shit. I missed out," I say.

I get her jeans off, she's immediately really quiet. She's really insecure, isn't she? Oh fuck this.

"You're so fucking beautiful I can't comprehend it," I say.

"Oh really?" She asks.

I kiss her on the thigh, it's just kinda weird now that I think about it, fuck it.

"You're beautiful," I say.

Wendy's face is a bit much. Well, I did something right for ones in my life.

"How can you be wholesome and hot at the same fucking time?" Wendy asks.

"Trust me, that's something I've asked about you for about four years, welcome to the club," I say.

I get my pants off too, a little late but before she could get to complaining.

"Well we ain't got much left," I say.

She laughs.

"You know this reminds me of the line in Hamilton," I say.

"You're not slutty enough to act like a Hamilton," Wendy says.

I laugh.

"Watch me, Love," I say.

"The Love still sounds so weird," she says.

"Deal with it then, it's natural for me," I say.

She rolls her eyes and I just look her in the eye after she has done so.

"Are you gonna half ass now?" She asks.

"Never," I say.

I get the rest other than socks off because honestly can't be bothered with the socks at this point.

"Well... this is gonna be a lot of fun," Wendy says.

I sigh and take the condom. Which kinda feels bad considering I got it from dad and by method of association... y e a h.

"Do not break it!" Wendy says.

"I'm being careful," I say.

I open it and take it out.

"Want me to put it on then?" Wendy asks.

I roll my eyes.

"I can do it myself though," I say.

"My body, my rules, I wanna be sure," she says.

I roll my eyes before nodding. She puts it on after checking if she can see something wrong with it. Neither of us is mature enough for children.

"Let's do this then," she says.

I nod and try to get it in, or actually do, that's what sex is basically, putting it in. Unless it's lesbian, then it's something else-what is it with my mind?

"For FUCKS sake, Stan," Wendy says.

I roll my eyes and we continue to do the thing, obviously. I'm trying to keep quiet, she is not.

"Hell to the fucking yes!" She says, smiling.

I literally don't understand why she's so into it today but okay. I'm fine with that. It's not like I'm not enjoying it myself.

"We need to do this this way again. You're good when you get over the shyness," she says after I pull out.

"I'd actually like that," I say.

And there it goes, into the garbage. It seems easy but never put a condom in the toilet... doesn't flush.

"What time is it?" I ask.

She takes her phone.

"Ten. How so? Are you tired?" She asks.

"Are you?" I ask.

"A little," She says.

"Then I'm too," I say.

She rolls her eyes at the response but still put the light out. I put it back on and search for my PJ's, which are easy to actually find, putting them on.

"Can't be bothered," she says.

I shrug.

"If you can sleep naked, fine," I say.

I get back in the bed and put the lights out. She hugs me from the behind since I'm closer to the door.

"I love you," she says.

"I love you too, beautiful," I answer.

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