Classes~Stylenny (South Park.

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Sorry Hello_Im_Crazy279 i know you said to take a break but I um... this is where I struggle to the Hamilton level. Only if ladies came to my house for a fuck then it would be a hella yes. But yeah, I wrote this EXACTLY as we stopped talking. Admittedly, published later.
Warnings: I'm tired, I swear, I have no sense of censorship, I don't have a little brother as my editor so I can.... guess what? Be a kinky shit and write death.
Ages: 14 all (My youngest for now.)
Note: I'm Finnish, understandably, I have a love for my language but I'm counting to 100 in a few languages and I eh.... you'll see. Hint, Finnish numbers are fucking crazy.
Note 2: I'm learning both French and Spanish! I do not know this shit, this is not perfect, I'm going to offend someone. But I know Swedish and Finnish and I will stand with that!
Stan's POV.

I've actually like birds for a while now, I don't know when I started to like them. I'm a nerd, sure, I like robots and birds. Which is something easy to point out.

"What classes are you taking?"

Oh yeah. The chosen classes... I literally don't really know. Maybe something with computers? This is the last time I can choose, this is big, this helps me into collage next year, I need to do my fucking best. What should I take then? Music? What options do I even have? Do I take a language? French?  Zéro Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix onze douze treize quatorze quinze seize dix-sept dix-huit dix-neuf vingt vingt-et-un vingt-deux vingt-trois vingt-quatre vingt-cinq vingt-six? I guess. Vingt-sept vingt-huit vingt-neuf Trente Trente et un Trente-deux Trente-trois Trente-quatre Trente-cinq Trente-six Trente-sept Trente-huit Trente-neuf Quarante Quarante-et-un Quarante-deux Quarante-trois Quarante-quatre Quarante-cinq Quarante-six Quarante-sept Quarante-huit Quarante-neuf Cinquante Cinquante-en-un Cinquante-deux Cinquante-trois Cinquante-quatre Cinquante-cinq Cinquante-six Cinquante-sept Cinquante-huit Cinquante-neuf Soixante Soixante et un Soixante-deux Soixante-trois Soixante-quatre Soixante-cinq Soixante-six Soixante-sept Soixante-huit Soixante-neuf Soixante-dix Soixante et onze Soixante-douze Soixante-treize Soixante-quatorze Soixante-quinze Soixante-seize Soixante-dix-sept Soixante-dix-huit Soixante dix-neuf Quatre-vingts Quatre-vingt-un
Quatre-vingt-deux Quatre-vingt-trois Quatre-vingt-quatre Quatre-vingt-cinq Quatre-vingt-six Quatre-vingt-sept Quatre-vingt-huit Quatre-vingt-neuf Quatre-vingt-dix Quatre-vingt-onze Quatre-vingt-douze Quatre-vingt-treize Quatre-vingt-quatorze Quatre-vingt-quinze Quatre-vingt-seize Quatre-vingt-dix-sept Quatre-vingt-dix-huit Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf cent that's all the counting I can do in French. But do I need French? What do I need it for?

What about Swedish. Noll en två tre fyra fem sex sju åtta nio tio elva tolv tretton fjorton femton sexton sjutton arton nitton tjugo tjugoen tjugotvå tjugotre tjugofyra tjugofem tjugosex tjugosju tjugoåtta tjugonio trettio trettioen trettiotvå trettiotre trettiofyra trettiofem trettiosex trettiosju trettioåtta trettionio fyrtio fyrtioen fyrtiotvå fyrtiotre fyrtiofyra fyrtiofem fyrtiosex fyrtiosju fyrtioåtta fyrtionio femtio femtioen femtiotvå femtiotre femtiofyra femtiofem femtiosex femtiosju femtioåtta femtionio sextio sextioen sextiotvå sextiotre sextiofyra sextiofem sextiosex sextiosju sextioåtta sextiosju sjuttio sjuttioen sjuttiotvå sjuttiotre sjuttiofyra sjuttiofem sjuttiosex sjuttiosju sjuttioåtta sjuttionio åttio åttioen åttiotvå åttiotre åttiofyra åttiofem åttiosex åttiosju åttioåtta åttionio nittio nittioen nittiotvå nittiotre nittiofyra nittiofem nittiosex nittiosju nittioåtta nittionio... hundra!

Finnish? That's an actual subject. Well let's see how far I can do that one. Yksi kaksi kolme neljä viisi kuusi seitsemän kahdeksan yhdeksän kymmenen yksitoista kaksitoista kolmetoista neljätoista viisitoista kuusitoista seitsemäntoista kahdeksantoista yhdeksäntoista kaksikymmentä kaksikymmentä yksi
kaksikymmentä kaksi kaksikymmentä kolme kaksikymmentäneljä kaksikymmentäviisi
kaksikymmentä kuusi kaksikymmentäseitsemän   
kaksikymmentä kahdeksan
kaksikymmentä yhdeksän kolmekymmentä
kolmekymmentä yksi kolmekymmentä kaksi kolmekymmentä kolme kolmekymmentä neljä kolmekymmentä viisi kolmekymmentä kuusi kolmekymmentä seitsemän kolmekymmentä kahdeksan kolmekymmentä yhdeksän neljäkymmentä
Neljäkymmentä yksi neljäkymmentä kaksi neljäkymmentä kolme neljäkymmentä neljä neljäkymmentä viisi
neljäkymmentä kuusi neljäkymmentä seitsemän neljäkymmentä kahdeksan neljäkymmentä yhdeksän
Viisikymmentä yksi
Viisikymmentä kaksi
Viisikymmentä kolme
Viisikymmentä neljä
Viisikymmentä viisi
Viisikymmentä kuusi
Viisikymmentä seitsemän Viisikymmentä kahdeksan Viisikymmentä yhdeksän kuusikymmentä
kuusikymmentä yksi kuusikymmentä kaksi kuusikymmentä kolme kuusikymmentä neljä kuusikymmentä viisi
kuusikymmentä kuusi kuusikymmentä seitsemän kuusikymmentä kahdeksan kuusikymmentä yhdeksän seitsemänkymmentä seitsemänkymmentä yksi seitsemänkymmentä kaksi seitsemänkymmentä kolme seitsemänkymmentä neljä seitsemänkymmentä viisi seitsemänkymmentä kuusi seitsemänkymmentäseitsemän seitsemänkymmentäkahdeksan seitsemänkymmentäyhdeksän kahdeksankymmentä kahdeksankymmentä yksi kahdeksankymmentä kaksi kahdeksankymmentä kolme kahdeksankymmentä neljä kahdeksankymmentä viisi kahdeksankymmentä kuusi kahdeksankymmentäseitsemän kahdeksankymmentäkahdeksan kahdeksankymmentäyhdeksän yhdeksänkymmentä yhdeksänkymmentä yksi yhdeksänkymmentä kaksi yhdeksänkymmentä kolme yhdeksänkymmentä neljä yhdeksänkymmentä viisi yhdeksänkymmentä kuusi yhdeksänkymmentäseitsemän yhdeksänkymmentäkahdeksan yhdeksänkymmentä yhdeksän

Kenny has been teaching me a lot of languages. I mean Spanish exists but I don't know. Fuck it. Uno dos tres cuanto cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez once doce trece catorce quince dieciséis diecisiete dieciocho diecinueve veinte veintiuno veintidós veintitrés veinticuatro veintiséis veintisiete veintiocho veintinueve treinta treinta y uno treinta y dos treinta y tres treinta y cuatro treinta y cinco treinta y seis treinta y siete treinta y ocho treinta y nueve cuarenta cuarenta y uno cuarenta y dos cuarenta y tres cuarenta y cuatro cuarenta y cinco cuarenta y seis cuarenta y siete cuarenta y ocho cuarenta y nueve cincuenta cincuenta y uno cincuenta y dos cincuenta y tres cincuenta y cuatro cincuenta y cinco cincuenta y seis cincuenta y siete cincuenta y ocho cincuenta y nueve sesenta sesenta y uno sesenta y dos sesenta y tres sesenta y cuatro sesenta y cinco sesenta y seis sesenta y siete sesenta y ocho sesenta y nueve setenta setenta y uno setenta y dos setenta y tres setenta y cuatro setenta y cinco setenta y seis setenta y siete setenta y ocho setenta y nueve ochenta ochenta y uno ochenta y dos ochenta y tres ochenta y cuatro ochenta y cinco ochenta y seis ochenta y siete ochenta y ocho ochenta y nueve noventa noventa y uno noventa y dos noventa y tres noventa y cuatro noventa y cinco noventa y seis noventa y siete noventa y ocho noventa y nueve cien.

"Stan! Here dude! You should start listening!" Kyle says.

He plops the thing in front of me. Immediately, the computers start calling me.

"Do you know what to do?" He asks.

I nod and he laughs, putting his down. I look over his shoulder. Music, drama, textbook subjects over than languages. Maths, biology, chemistry, all those in the same damn class.

"Nothing could be more like you," I say.

He laughs.

"True that. I'll learn language in my free time, that wrongly coloured French flag on the hallway has annoyed me since we got here," he says.

It's literally fucking purple. The colours accidentally mixed! Dark purple, light purple, dark purple. It would be a French flag, blue white red, that flag has huge history! And it's so annoying that that flag is fucking p u r p l e. Because when the new French flag was established, purple was still a very expensive colour, nobody had it in their flags! And then the fake French flag comes along all purple. Like, I know it's hilarious to them but Kyle and I have huge problems every-fucking-time we talk past. We have to laugh at it each time. I've been late for class to laugh at that flag!

"How do you like these subjects?" I ask Kenny.

"I already speak the languages and creative writing is not here this year," Kenny says.

"I literally started thinking that if I can count to 100 without looking anywhere, I don't need that language," I say.

"Did you do it then?" Kyle asks.

I nod.

"Finnish is super easy and Swedish in easy to count in. I love Swedish, it's so much fun," I say.

Kyle laughs. I laugh as well before looking at the damn options.

"Music," Kenny says.

We look at him.

"You wanna share a class for sure? Let's take music," Kenny says.

"Yeah, you play drums," I say.

"I do," he says.

I put music down, look at my paper.

"Electronics," I say, loudly.

"Nerd!" Somebody yells.

"You mean fucking awesome?" I ask, putting electronics into the second box. What the fuck for the last box?

"What are you putting?" I ask.

"Music, art, drama," Kenny says, shrugging.

"Oh hey. I'm into drama too!" Kyle says.

Yeah, we're all fucking theatre kids.

"Okay, I've decided them," I say.

We give the teacher our papers back. The funny thing is, she is the drama teacher.

"We're not having a lot for drama this year. I'm almost sure you will get in," she says.

"Thanks," I say.

"Thank you ma'am," Kyle says.

Oh he just has to up the politeness.

"Tack!" Kenny says.

And she's the Swedish teacher so Kenny beat us all.

"Let's go, class is over," Kyle says.

I put my bag on my back and laugh as Kenny starts asking Kyle what we had for homework.

"It's still pages 117-119. I've said this seven times now!" Kyle says.

Kenny takes his book and looks at Kyle.

"Can I borrow your pen, man?" Kenny asks.

Fuck off.

"Sure. I don't know where it is but if you find it," Kyle says.

Kenny sighs and starts digging through Kyle's bag.

"And here is his dildo of the day," Kenny says.

"It's an eraser but whatever the fuck You want it to be," Kyle says.

"Can't find," Kenny says.

"Fucks sake! Let mamma help just a bit," I say.

I start digging through Kyle's bag and give Kenny the damn pen.

"Thanks Stanny," He says.

I roll my eyes and he starts doing his homework.

"I have such a weird head," Kyle says.

He Google's something.

"Oh shit, they do? I mean I believe a biologist but holy fuck," Kyle says.

"Did you google if girl have orgasms?" Kenny asks.

"They do, there is nothing to figure out really," I say.

"I didn't know ones and had to google. He's been bothering me ever since," Kyle says.

"Wait how do you know?" Kenny asks, rising his head.

"Oh shit, yeah," Kyle says.

I roll my eyes.

"Stan, holy shit, I didn't expect Kyle to be the last virgin," Kenny says.

"Dude! Shut up!" Kyle says.

"No but really, I'm so shocked," Kenny says.

"We got pretty serious," I say.

"Wendy?" Kenny asks.

I nod, looking around as if to avoid the subject.

"I don't really understand why it can't be when you have someone special. Why would people wanna lose their virginity? I don't like that idea myself, of it being something you need to hurry, life has more to it than fucking," Kyle says.

"Trust me. Neither do I! I didn't mean for me to lose it so early. I have respect for you," I say.

Kyle nods.

"Well I got blown in fourth grade, so," Kenny says.

Kyle rolls his eyes.

"I'm not really into that idea. I wanna wait a year or so before. I don't know, I don't like the idea of hurrying to do that shit. If I feel the need to do it with someone, fuck it, I'll totally do it," Kyle says.

Kenny rolls his eyes.

"I'm fine with whatever but I'm not a virgin. I wasn't hurrying. I just felt like it was the appropriate time. Although, I don't think it actually was. I fucked when I was 11," Kenny says.

"Holy shit," I say.

"Got blown at nine. So I'm pretty much no longer possibly anywhere near a fucking virgin," Kenny says.

Kyle look at me.

"Well, my ideals are somewhere in between. It's nice if it's somebody you love but I.... doubt it happening that often. I'm strongly of the mindset you have to be in the double digits. But I don't have any bigger ideals for it," I say.

"How old were you again?" Kyle asks.

"13, last year actually," I say.

"I'm 15 in a month," Kenny says.

"Three," Kyle says.

"I'm... I can't even bother counting the months," I say.

Kyle shows us what he googled. It's literally 'How fast can whales have sex?'.

"What the-?" I ask.

"I literally don't know! I just thought 'Can whales fuck the shit out of each other?' Which, no, the weight too much and are in water. It's impossible," Kyle says.

"Where the fuck does a males penis go? Like! How do they actually fuck? You'd think we'd see the whales vagina if it had one," Kenny says.

Kenny.... what the fuck is your mind?

"I don't want to google that!" Kyle says.

"Whales, at least blue whales, haven't been documented fucking," I say.

They both look at me.

"What? We all google weird shit at two am," I say, smiling.

"Stan, honey, I love you, I really do, but, I don't, I can't be bothered with it," Kyle says rolling his eyes.

"You looooove me," I say, poking him slightly.

"I regret my words," he says.

"No, don't," I say.

"Now I regret it even more," he says.

" I love you too," Kenny says.

"Yey! You love me!" I say.

Kenny and Kyle just look over me at each other, damn being so short.

"I love you too," they say.

It's scary because they're almost in sync.

"My eye hurts," I say.

"Want me to kiss it better?" Kenny asks.

"Shut up, Ken," I say.

He kisses me.

"Any better?" He asks.

I laugh. Kyle turn me to him and gives me a kiss. The other two kiss as well.

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