Don't know 1/2~Kyndy (South Park)

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I haven't done enough Angst or honoured the strength my dad has enough, for being able to... move on after his love died... so this is just in honour of moving on.
Warnings: Death and cursing.
Ages: 21 both.
Wendy's POV.

"Hey," Kyle says.

I hug him, crying.

"Sh, I know, I know," he mutters.

"He was too young, Ky!" I say.

"I know, I know," he says.

I keep hugging him.

"But Wendy. As much as I hate to say this," he says.

"I know, I know I should be strong. For my daughter! But... he's gone. He's not coming back," I say.

He sighs.

"Stan would want you to move on, Wendy. And-and I'm not saying immediately. Just. Take your time. I'm here," he says.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

He looks surprised by my question.

"Why are you here when nobody else is?" I ask.

"I'm here because... because he was dear to me too. Admittedly, in a very different way but... he was. He was my closest friend and as his closest friend, I feel it's my obligation to help you and Wilma, he'd want that and I'll do what he'd want. Because even if he is dead, taken way too soon, I don't know if I can ever say that he won't be apart of our lives. You have his kid with you for fucks sake. He's left his mark on this world," he says.

"I do. I do Wilma to look after," I say.

"And I'll help you until you don't need me anymore," Kyle says.

I hug him tighter.

"Thank you," I whisper.

He nods.

"Now you really need sleep, I see those bags. Just, I'll look after Wilma while you rest a little. Okay?" He asks.

"I don't know. I don't think-," I say.

"None of your shit," he says.

I nod.

"You have a weird way to miss him," I say.

He rolls his eyes.

"I miss him with all my damn heart. But I also know I'm alive and because I'm alive and he is not, I have to prioritise taking care of those who are alive yet haven't realised it yet," he says.

"I know I'm alive," I say.

"You haven't until you have realised you need to live on without him here. Until then, you basically think you are dead," he says.

He lifts me on the sofa.

"Just...Rest a little," he says.

I sigh.

"I don't know, I have to take care of Wilma," I say.

"I'll handle it, Wendy," he says.

He smiles at me.

"Just, try to rest a bit," he says.

I nod.

~Time skip to really far away because I don't like writing this, for this is kind of triggering to me... which is weird. The single father Stan never triggered me even while being closer to my situation IRL.~

Kyle stands by the graveyard gate, smiling at me.

"At least you came this year, that's an improvement," he says.

"Yeah! Kyle and I had to put the candle all alone!" Wilma says.

"Sorry," I say.

Kyle smiles and puts an arm around me. He's a really nice dude, didn't even bother to notice that before.

"Why aren't you married?" Wilma asks, looking at Kyle.

"That's not polite!" I say.

Kyle laughs.

"Don't worry about it," he says.

He takes Wilma by the shoulders.

"Because right now, people need me and I don't want to get marriage into the mess," he says.

Oh yeah. He's always been like that, hasn't he? Putting his own emotions behind a wall to help others around him.

"Why can't you marry mommy?" Wilma asks.

That makes me break down. My sweet angel won't remember Stan at all, she was too young when he died. If he'd died around now, she could possibly remember him. Now she can't.

"Did I do something bad?" Wilma asks.

"You didn't," Kyle says.

He takes me into a hug.

"There you go. Breathe," he says.

I sigh.

"She won't remember him," I say.

He nods.

"It's our job to remind her. Look. Is this too much for you? Wilma and I can go put the candle if you can't do it," he says.

I shake my head.

"No, it's much better to try," I say.

"You did try already. You came here, you couldn't have last year," Kyle says.

"How are you still so nice?" I ask.

He laughs.

"I don't mind finishing last, I always have. Seriously, you have seen my girlfriend luck. But seriously, I like being there when people really need me," he says.

I take a deep breath and walk a few more steps until the fourth row comes and I turn.

"You haven't been here before. Come on," Kyle says.

He leads me left until we are at Stan's grave. I feel the tears fall though he takes me into a hug, looking at Wilma over my shoulder.

"Hey, little one," he says.

Wilma looks up.

"Want to put the candle in there? I'll light it," he says.

Wilma nods and puts the candle into it's place. Kyle gets on his knees so light up the candle, closing it in.

"Well done," Kyle says.

"Can we go now?" Wilma asks.

I sigh.

"I might need a moment. Go with her. Will you?" I ask.

He nods, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Come out before it gets really cold," he says.

He looks at Stan's grave.

"Happy Hanukkah," he says.

They both leave and I look down at the grave.

"Would you tell me to move on? Would you tell me what to do? Would you, if you could?" I ask.

The breeze hits me.

"Would you tell me to calm down and help me like all the other times? Would you talk about that animal hospital idea?" I ask.

I look at the stone.

"Would you tell me how to be a parent?" I ask.

I smile.

"I guess you would. But you can't. Don't worry, I won't be like this for forever. I'll move on, someday," I say.

I feel the breeze yet again.

"Merry Christmas, Stanley," I mutter.

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