Lieutenant~Hannor (Detroit:Become Human.)

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Well. Not in Russia yet but I thought I'd do this. Leaving today in about ten hours, have to wake up in... six? Seven? caffeinetea is this what you wanted? At all? (Takes place after the games best choices. Because I don't have time for the bullshit endings.)
Warnings: Cursing.
Ages: Hank is 54 and Connor is... how old is Connor anyway? Like, a year older from it? Okay.
Connor's POV.

November 11th, 2039, 1 pm.

"Hey! Connor! They're talking about android rights again! If you want to listen," Hank says.

I step next to him.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," I say.

"Ex-lieutenant if my age keeps going up! What can a 54 years old man do for the police officers?" Hank asks.

"I believe what you are experiencing is a sort of midlife crisis-," I start.

"Oh shut it, Connor! I've been like this all my life!" Hank says.

"Whatever you say, lieutenant," I say, amused.

"Don't you want to hear the news?" Hank asks.

"I can hear them just fine, lieutenant. Is your hearing going by a chance?" I ask.

"Oh fuck off, Connor," he mutters.

"I would like to hear that again, lieutenant. Did you mean to tell me to 'fuck off' as you said it?" I ask.

"Stop it with the shit eating grin, Connor," he says.

"I can't do anything about it I'm afraid, Lieutenant," I say.

He rolls his eyes and turns back to the television.

"Android rights have gone quite a step this week. They can now take jobs for money. However, president Cristina Warren says that she just came from a meeting with the devoted leader of the android population, Markus and this don't seem to move quite as fast as the general public would want it to. According to Markus, president Warren is avoiding the important subject of equal rights for now. Quote from Markus himself. 'We have made progress but until we have the rights humans have, this fight is not over.' One of the androids by the name of North was quoted saying, 'Right now, we have to live with humans, can't do the basic things humans are allowed and some of us are still forced to work in sex clubs and other places with minimum pay and no safety.' And half past six, the city's favorite police due, Connor and Hank, will be making an appearance in the talk show."

"One of those again. I don't even know why we are so goddamn loved here. What the fuck is so interesting about two police officers of sorts?" Hank asks.

"Some people find our relationship interesting, lieutenant. They think we are romantically involved with each other," I say.

"How the hell do you know that?" Hank asks.

"Because someone asked me if we were involved romantically and told me that if I wasn't taken, her name was Sarah and she was from just outside Detroit," I say.

"Sarah eh? Is she your new girlfriend now?" Hank asks.

"I don't believe so, lieutenant. I haven't seen the girl ones since, nor do I really want to. There was something off with her but I can't quite tell," I say.

"Maybe you like her. Go on, Connor, might be worth it," Hank says.

"I do not believe that I have any particular interest in having a relationship with her. I don't find interest in anyone that comes and approaches me with the same questions. It's nothing against the girls, I just don't find them attractive," I say.

"Huh. Sounds like something one of our Gay officers said ones. Got kicked off the force before you were made. Not for being gay, for being a little too old. He had his heart in the right place. Anyway. He was an attractive guy back when he was younger. Girls would ask him out before he found out about his sexuality, he never thought they were really romantically interesting and use to complain to me about it ones I was 18," Hank says.

"If I were to be homosexual, would that make our friendship break?" I ask.

"No! Not at all! Don't even think like that, Connor. If something would break our friendship, it would be how annoying you are," Hank says.

"Well, yes, I've been attracted to men and women... not so much. Ones but not afterwards. So, I believe the word is homosexual," I say.

"I'm not exactly straight either. Pansexual," he says.

"You are?" I ask.

"Oh don't act so shocked! Yes! I am pansexual. Is that a goddamn crime or something?" He asks.

"No, of course not, lieutenant. I was just surprised. I haven't seen you show any interest in other genders than female. So it surprised me. Apologies," I say.

"I don't mind. I've had far worse reactions from people, trust me," Hank says.

"Like what, lieutenant?" I ask.

"Let me tell you a very short story about the early 2000's and late 1990's. so, I was 13 to 17 and was very popular. But after I mentioned that I liked guys as well as girls, everything went to shit. Sure, I had maybe three people that stayed but even they had to leave me. It's a very lonely time in a humans life. My dad didn't like it either. Nor did my mom but she wasn't as open about her dislike towards my sexuality. It was more about back stabbing than hurting me in front of me," Hank says.

"I'm terribly sorry you had to go through that, lieutenant," I say.

"I never gave a fuck, to be honest. Nowadays, I give even less of a fuck about all of it. Called growing up," Hank says.

"Lieutenant. May I please tell you something?" I ask.

"Sure thing, Connor," Hank says.

"I've had feelings for you for a short while now and, I'm sorry if this makes things awkward, I wanted to tell you that," I say.

"You've got more guts then me then. I like you too, Connor," Hank says, with a laugh.

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