Lovely game~K2 (South Park.)

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I'm flying to Spain right now, I'll probably publish there.
Warnings: Maybe cursing at best.
Ages: 16.
Note: No idea what I'm doing, just writing. I used title generator again because why not.
Kenny's POV.

I hate thinking of it as a game.... the whole ladykiller thing. I don't like thinking that it's a game, at all, because women and men are not objects.
However when I sit down next to my friends and one offers me 75 for me to get with Kyle of all people, I can't help it. Look, I'm poor and I am probably the closest to a reasonable adult my family has when my father is a drunk and Kevin suffered some really bad episode, my family totally needs it. Be it little or not.
Especially when I don't have to pay if I lose. That's exactly what got me sold on it, he pays me and I don't have to.
So that's exactly why I'm standing at the door of Kyle's room, keeping it closed with my back.

"So... you wanted to look over chemistry?"

I would call him naive but I haven't indicated much interest. I do feel something for him, more than the rest. I believe i do like him.... something I haven't had since that one time with Stan ages ago..... I got 45 for that one and didn't regret those 45 one bit until we came to the conclusion of staying friends. Best four months of my damn life, I felt like I was high without the bad from being high, we were actually having fun. Laughing, crying, all of that, we were doing it together.


He nods and I sit on his bed. He's fucking six foot something, can't be bothered to ask........ all I know is that he is the second tallest to Token, who is, get this right, 6'6.8.... DUDE'S A GIANT. AND KYLE ISN'T THAT MUCH OFF! HOLY FUCK!

"Look, I need to ask a favour," I say.

He nods and puts the chemistry notes down.

"This sounds so stupid but you know the game a few of my friends and I play—," I start.

"Dude..... of course I do. It's disrespect as fuck towards people that actually think you would like them."

I nod and sigh.

"I have a reason to play it."

"What's that?"

"We bet... sometimes a lot."

"Oh. What do you use the money for?"

"I.... keeping my family alive."

He nods.

"Fine, I'm fine with you doing it if that's it."

I nod and take a deep breath.

"And they know you're an angry one—."

"Go on."

"So they raised me a bet—."

"To get with me?"

I nod.

"I honestly didn't want to, at all. Stan and I agreed that it was fun and he actually took me out and it was so goddamn wonderful—."

"I know. You wouldn't stop talking about how much fun you two were having."

"Yeah but um.... 75. I get 75 dollars if I do."

"How fucking expensive am I?!"

"The next biggest was probably Wendy.... again, for being angry and being really against being objectified.... that was 65."

He stares at me in shock.

"Why the hell am I more expensive than the prettiest girl in South Park?"

"Because you have a personality.... and because your mom would totally kill me if I stepped out of line. Plus, our dads hate each other so it would cause a bigger challenge. The bigger challenge, the less likely I am to succeed in my quest."

Kyle nods.

"Do you need me to pretend to go out with you or is pretending we fucked enough?"

Goddamn, take the pretend off. I would gladly do both, this guy clearly doesn't know how fucking wanted he is in my circles..... or the whole school. He's probably in the gay list of 'Three guys you need to get with' as number one, beating me because of his great ass. Girls? He's probably number three there.... and non-binary folk? He's number two for them, only beat by me.... it's somehow hilarious that he doesn't notice how huge of a chance I have here and how much I wanna take it. He's got sass and he's got ass, two things people want in a man.

"I.... I think the first one might work better."

He nods.

"Dude, you owe me big time."

"What do I owe?"

"When the time comes."

I roll my eyes at this.

"It's probably a week at best."

"Alright then."

He does that thing with his fingers where they crack a little.

"This should be interesting!" He says.

~Time skippy.~

It's the last day of this fake dating Kyle thing.... can't say I'm not going to miss it. He's got to be my favourite and that includes my time with Stan.

"Hey," he says.

I wave, taking a deep breath.

"Dude.... I told you you would owe me."

"What do I owe you, Ky?"

He laughs and puts his hand into mine... we've been doing this a lot this week. Along with meaningless kissing. It's meaningless because we planned it, we both wrote down the boundaries we would have.... and that's sad... because I haven't hoped for anything quite as much this week.... really, I've hoped he would suddenly say it was something, he felt something. And then we'd kiss with an actual meaning to it instead of this bullshitting that we were doing.... we'd actually both care for each other a little, instead of that feeling being very one sided from me..... it's hard to think about, the possibilities of what would happen if we did like each other.

"Look, you owe me something you probably don't want to do..."

"I'll do it, got my family fed for a week thanks to you."

"Kiss me."

Oh this is cliche....

"You actually mean—?"

"Yes, I'm that fucking gay. Yes, I don't want this to be fake...... but I know that it will be.... so just try to mean it? Please."

I laugh and kiss him with all the goddamn passion I have in my body, putting hands on his hips as I do. When we part, I can't help laughing.

"Goddamn we're both stupid!"

He nods, clearly realising the mutuality of the feeling.

"It's actually a fairly lovely game."

I burst out laughing and just hug him.

"No it's not."

"I know but I think we both would be pussies enough to not confess if it didn't."

"Okay that's true. Even if I'm a pussy and you're a pussy, at least together we make a brave person."

"It doesn't work like that."

"Yes it does. Double negative is a positive."

"But double positive is still a positive."

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