Not quite birds and the bees~Stenny (South Park)

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I just want everyone to know Anna (the song in English is masterpiece and it's most likely a mother singing to her child. Which I, never having a mother, find gorgeous. This song is religious and I'm not but the vocals matter far more.)
Warnings: This is going to be cute as fuck Stendy again. Sue me. Also cursing.
Ages: 20.
Wendy's POV.

Stan and I just sit with, what I still can't believe, our child. Stan's drawing, smiling at our daughter with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen on his lips. Something our little girl has from him, a beautiful smile. I don't have that, I have a tight one, lips put together. While both of these people bite the back of their lower lip when smiling. Something they have from their fathers.


The accident comes from somewhere we don't know. Pops is the only word from the accent she actually uses.

"What is it, honey?"

She smiles.

"Can I have a little sister?"

Both of us start coughing, out of which I get first.

"We'll see. Depends on if we can."

"What do babies even come from?"


"Your turn, I whisper to Stan.

He rolls his eyes.

"You see, babies don't come out of nowhere, they have to be made. And the process takes a lot of time and is actually uncertain most of the time."

Stan... don't go into any detail.

"How are they made?"

Stan sighs, looking up a little.

"It's something only adults can do. I mean kids can I guess but you shouldn't do it before you are sure you want to. And when you do it someday, you will know what it is. It's a secret."

Wilma's eyes are wide open.

"I like finding secrets!"

I laugh.

"You will, just have patience," Stan says.

I cough. If she comes to her father, she'll not have such thing.

"Can I go play with Ollie?"

"Where is he?"

"There, with his parents."

She points on top of the hill.

"GRAIG," Stan yells.

Craig looks down and sighs. Before he can say anything, his kid drags himself over to Wilma.

"Heya you little shit!"


"Yeah! Like poop but older people's word!"

I laugh again.

"Shit shit shit shit."

"Oh fuck," Stan mutters.

I hit his shoulder.

"You're teaching them bad manners, Stan!"

Ollie and Wilma are already running to catch each other.


They go the other way around now, smiling as they catch each other each way. Stan continues to draw, looking up ones in a while to see his child.

"Whatcha drawing?" I ask.

He laughs.

"Nothing important. Just a side by side."

I look at it, smiling. When we were dating, we did this thing where we drew each other. Stan was terrible at drawing (still is but I love him) however, this time, the lines are clearer. Stan payed attention to what the drew, it's bad but he did. Anyway, that drawing of me is next to this better drawing of Wilma that looks slightly older. I like it, it looks cute.

"I'm never going to be a drawer."

He's looking at Wilma with the smile I've grown oh so familiar with. I was a daddy's child, all my life. Even before my mom died. I'm so used to seeing the loving smile of a father that it breaks my heart every single time how beautiful it is. It's a loving smile, one of those where that is a slight chuckle before it. It's nice to hear in every way. Maybe it's something about my own daddy issues that makes that smile so beautiful. Even if my dad and I were close, my dad was ill and also filled shoes too big. My mom was always kinder to me, just not there, and when she died... my dad didn't change. I've never been approved by anyone because the father is stereotypically the one to criticise. My dad was too and I just... he loved me, sure.... but there is something so different when it's with a mother. I don't think I will leave them, not soon. My girl is beyond the laws of life, I will stay for her.

"Are you okay?"

I nod.

"My daughter is just too beautiful," I say.

"I'm not?"

I laugh.

"You are. But I can admire that any time. She gets embarrassed."

Wilma tackles Ollie.

"Gotcha, you shit."

Both of us start laughing.

"We were supposed to go see uncle Kenny!"

Wilma RUNS to us at Ke. She loves him a lot.


We sigh both and take our stuff, going to the apartment building next to the park after catching the others for a goodbye.

"I wanna push the button!"

Stan lifts her and she presses number 17.

"The door is open."

We get in and go up the stairs as a group, going on Kenny's door.

"How is the little angel doing?"


They shake a long hug before Kenny puts Wilma down.


Kyle gets to us, dressed up to hell.

"I gotta bounce. Bye."

"Where the shit are you going?"

I snicker at Wilma's words.

"I was about—."

"I've got a proposal to make."

My mouth falls open.

"Holy shit I didn't know you two were on that level yet!"

"Me neither really but she keeps saying that if I don't, she will and I don't want that."

"Good luck," Stan says.

"Thanks dude. Ah fuck my eye hurts again," Kyle says.

"Don't curse in front of—."

"The kid who said shit. I think I only said a new word."

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck—."

"Oh Lord," Stan smiles.

I kiss him, smiling.

"Well you have a very lively daughter," I say.

We both laugh.

"Uncle Kenny. Where do kids come from?"

Ken freezes up.

"I erm...."

We both look at him with a look of 'if you dare'.

"It's two people that love each other so they have to go through this process. You know, you'll know when you're older, the process is a secret."

"Pops said that too!"

All the of us start laughing.

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