The Trembling Body~K2 (South Park.)

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Still title generator. But yeah. I loved writing this.... it's a bit on the longer side... but yeah. It was super nice to get to.... finally.... with K2 being my shit for the last few days. Also, I read so many K2 ones where Kyle was a complete ASSHOLE and YOU DO NOT DO THIS FOR STYLE! WHY IS HE AN ASSHOLE TO KENNY? THE FUCK? MY BOYS ARE KIND AS FUCK! AND WHY IS K2 AN ANGSTFEST? SHUT IT I WANT MY HAPPY SHIT, HALLELUJAH YOU HAVE IT FOR STYLE BUT LORD KNOWS IF K2 IS HAPPY LIKE THIS IS AN ANGSTFEST BUT I DON'T FUCKING KILL THEM OFF AFTER THEY FUCK! DA FUCK?!?!? IT IS NOT K2 IF YOU MAKE KYLE MOURN KENNY'S DEATH BY BEING WITH STAN! THAT'S STYLE!
Warnings: Sexual and all and all, quite sad. As well as cursing. Hinting to abuse and Kenny's really out of OOC in the start.
Ages: 16.
Note: I very much have a limited knowledge of gay sex? Like, I'm all for pride by all means but I know a lot more about kinks.... and pretty much aftercare? Kinda? I do know about aftercare more than gay sex but porn won't help for shit, not realistic. So um, this is vanilla gay sex, the two things I suck at writing..... oh shit..... sorry~.
Kyle's POV.

The doorbell rings and I, putting my book down, go look outside the window. At the familiar person, I unlock the door.

"Hey Ky."

He's shaking.... I don't know if he's cold or if he is just trying to do something else.

"Come in."

He smiles slightly and I close the door. The first sight is the fact he doesn't have his normal clothing on, leaving me to believe he left in a hurry.

"You probably need clothes, those look like they are soaked."

He keeps his eyes down, still shaking.

"You'll get some of my clothes, something baggy just might fit you arm wise. In length, everything is going to be a little bit long."

He nods.

"Kenny, dude.... you're freaking me out."

He still remains silent, shaking.... almost trembling.

"Fuck.... Kenny, go in the bathroom, I'll get you some clothes."

He nods. I put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump.

"Where is Karen? Or Kevin?"

He sighs.

"Karen's at Craig's and Kevin was already with his girlfriend."

"Already? Ken.... what's wrong?"

He shakes his head but I just hug him, keeping a hold of his cold hands to get them some kind of warmth.

"But really, go to the bathroom... I might have some food here as well, I mean, some that won't be weird to my family when they come... or the disappearance of them."

He nods and I just kiss his forehead. I'm a very affectionate guy, fuck the whole masculinity thing that says that i shouldn't be affectionate, I love my friends and damn well will gladly fucking do anything like this to show that fact.

"I'll bring some clothes in a moment, you can take a shower, I'm home alone so if someone walks in, it's me."

He nods yet again. Kenny's quiet but this is stupid, he isn't mute... normally when he speaks, it's muffled. Honestly, sometimes he is pretty talkative actually.


He nods and I go towards my room. When I step into my own room, I go through the closet, finding really a hard time with finding pants but ending up with some that look warm and would fit. Kenny's, in many ways, smaller than me. Weight, height, all these things. But one thing he has is the fact he has some muscle... I was never the one to do sports where you get muscle. Actually, Kenny and I bond a lot through this fact both of us are on the running team as well as the swimming team (latter of the two with Stan, the first one just the two of us. Actually, all of us have something we do with Stan alone, do with each other and something we do together. Huh, that's weird to notice.)

"Okay, I'll just go there, get him these and give him food."

I start going to do that thing I just told myself to do. I do sound like this is a task for me.... but it isn't. At all in fact. I love helping out my friends, especially him. Not because of the kind of connection we have, no, not at all. Kenny just needs more help than let's say, Stan. Which is more important for me to do because of that fact. Kenny is a bit of a struggling one, day to day I mean. He likes to act tougher than he really is. He isn't somebody to confront other people on their wrongs, not around people close to him. Especially me because I'm a fanatic for giving everyone a piece of my mind when they wrong me so he really doesn't have to say anything.


I open the door to him just sort of staring at a spot on the floor.

"Dude. Do I have to tell you how to use a shower?"

"No, I just—fuck."

I get on my knees in front of him.

"You what, shortie?"

He sighs and curses under his breath in a language I can't actually understand.

"Don't worry about it."

I roll my eyes.

"You're hiding something."

"Do you want to see me take a shower or something?"

I roll my eyes and put my hands on the unhealthily thin waist of Kenny McCormick. He, being underfed, is really small when it comes to that and while many people find it attractive..... if I didn't know him, I would be scared that I could break him by holding on too tight.

"You can tell me what's wrong?"

"No, I can't."

I roll my eyes and start to take in how fucking thin he is by moving my hands up. He flinches at a certain spot, that being a little closer to the back.

"Ken... are you hurt?"


I roll my eyes and push him into the shower.

"You would show me if you weren't hurt."

I go after him.

"Kyle, no, I wouldn't."

I sigh.

"Let me help."

My voice is so quiet it's unbelievable.... It does sound like a kicked puppy.


"Please, Ken, I just want to help."

He sighs.

"Fine but if you're going to hyperventilate, warn me."

I nod and he takes his shirt off. His backside has a ton of small scars, spread around like crazy.

"Oh shit."

He nods.

"So um.... can you leave now?"

I shake my head and put a hand against his back, He jumps.... I have never seen him so hurt.

"Ken... I... What did them?"

"I fell out of the window."

Fell? I highly doubt that you can just FALL out of a goddamn place like a window, breaking it... especially with barely any weight to break it.

"I'll just.... do this," he says, after a while of silence.

He's hiding those scars, he is against the cold wall in a way you don't just accidentally sit.... it's pushing into the wall and keeping your hands in a position that covers the damn backside.

"Okay, I'll go, there you have some clothes of mine you'll fit into. I'll see what I can get for you to eat."


I roll my eyes and kiss him on the cheek this time.

"Don't worry about it."

That's when I get out of the bathroom, closing the door with my back. I stand there for a while until I hear the shower turn on, just to make sure he's using it. Obviously, I've lived in coldness all the life, I know how to handle these cases.... and he seems to be beyond cold. He also is, as far as I could tell, cold on the outside as well. Really, poor Kenny.... in more ways than one but really.... I don't believe in the whole 'I fell out of a window' thing. If he truly went like that, something pushed him... I'm not stupid. Breaking a glass like that without meaning to with his weight? It's damn near impossible, he got pushed, I know it.
Oh shit, yeah, towels exist. Oh Goddamnit, I should have remembered when I was giving him the clothes.

"Fuck, I'm stupid."

I take one of the towels from the other room and open the bathroom door again.

"Sorry, forgot to give you a towel."

I put it on the toilet seat. Kyle, shut your gay mind out and don't look at him.


He clearly falls over because there is a huge crash. I look in his direction, just to see if he's okay, I'm not that perverted.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Fuck, that was a weirder angle than I thought."

"Need any help?"

"I'm fine."

The shower turns off and I start to walk away.


It comes out with such utter pain that I turn around.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, just opened an old wound."

I sigh.

"Let me see it."

"I mean I know I have a good body but—."

"No, the wound."

"Ah, fuck it."

He steps out, holding onto his shoulder. Kyle, nothing below the waist matters, don't look the—goddam you, dirty mind and crush on this guy.

"I'll just take a look at it."

I sit him down on the toilet seat, going on a side where I can see the shoulder. It doesn't look bad, might hurt but can't be that bad.

"Okay, it's clean at least. I'll bandage it, see if that stops the pain a little. If it stops hurting, that's good. If it's hurting when you wake up, tell me."

"I don't know, I should be home by—."

"You're not going home, that's the last thing you're doing."

I stop the bleeding before putting the bandage on, trying to be as gentle as I can.

"Okay, that looks fairly good. Your back didn't open, did it?"

He shrugs and turns around. No, none are open but I will murder the person that could throw such a light boy out a fucking window. It's clear that they were caused by glass, I'm frankly surprised he got lucky enough to only have his back badly damaged.

"It's not open, right?"

I shake my head.

"No but those are fucking terrible."

"Wow, very body positive."

"You got them from someone, I know you did, you couldn't have thrown yourself so fast by accident."

He shakes his head, taking the towel and just kinda doing what you're meant to do with one.... goddamnit! How can somebody actually hurt such a beautiful boy? I'm not actually capable of understanding why the fuck someone would hurt him.

"I didn't."

He's trembling again. I sigh and just hug the trembling body he's inside right now.

"Get dressed, I'll get you food. And please, stop acting so goddamn scared if you can.... I'm not going to hurt you."

He nods and I leave the bathroom again, opening the fridge to look for something. Macaroni casserole it is, the vegetarian shit because I'm Jewish and we are just vegetarians at this point to keep to the religion.

"I... Thanks."

I smile but just put some food for him, turning around with a smile. Oh Goddamnit, he's adorable. Even if he's a perverted, you cannot say he doesn't look like a flower boy... probably because of the softer features and blonde hair... and to some degree, not having such flat hair like Stan. It's fluffy and really... I think it's really adorable, being a bit long.

"Don't worry about it."

He sits down and starts eating. He's slowly becoming less careful... whatever scared him scared him properly, he looked jumpy beyond belief.... but he's slowly looking more relaxed, I'm glad about that fact.

"I... thank you."

I roll my eyes and put a hand on the table.

"Dude, you matter to me, a lot... keep your goddamn thank you's to yourself, you don't have to tell me that... I know when you appreciate something."

I smile.

"Just,  put them in the dishwasher, will you?"

He nods and puts the stuff in the dishwasher.

"I've got some clothes to wash anyway, so we'll put yours in the same round."

He smiles and I just can't help my heart skipping a beat at the genuine feel of it, it has never been that kind before. I mean, I haven't noticed at least, he clearly does smile a lot.

"You can go into my room, I'll be there in a minute."

He nods, walking up the stairs to my room. I go into the bathroom, putting the shit from the basket into the washer before pushing it on (after putting everything it needs of course.) and leave the room to go to my room.

"Hey," I say as I open the door.

He laughs, waving at me. I just sit next to him on my bed and put a hand on his knee.

"Ken, really, you can tell me about the scars."

"My dad just.... got a little overly emotional yesterday and was coming home drunk today so Kevin and I had about two minutes to figure out what to do with ourselves and Karen. I said that I would stay for a second so they could get away. When dad came to us, we yelled and he ended up pushing me out a window...."

"How did you survive?"

He sighs.

"I was almost dead when Stan found me and took me to the hospital. I would have died if it wasn't for him."

He looks sort of bitter at that fact but also moved.

"And you left because he was being like that again."

He nods, keeping his eyes down in an almost kicked dog way.

"I wouldn't have left if my siblings were in danger."

I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I wouldn't blame you if they weren't."

He shakes his head.

"I'm supposed to be responsible enough—."

"Your parents are supposed to be responsible enough—."

"It doesn't work like that."

"It shouldn't have to work like that for you!"

He shakes his head.

"Kevin's older than you. You're 16, Ken, don't try to act like you were the one that forced them to act like they do."

"Shut up, you don't know the situation."

"But I know you."

There is a long silence after that sentence, where he just stares at me.

"Do you now?"

I nod.

"Maybe you don't think that way but I know you enough to know that you're going to break if you have to care for everyone you love. DON'T take responsibility for them, not completely. You can help them and love them, whatever you want to do that way.... but when you're carrying more than you should, you're getting weaker... and when you get weaker, guess what happens."

He shakes his head and I hit my hands together.

"You fall. And if you don't ask someone to carry shit for you, they might just rather watch you get crushed than help you."

I sigh.

"My family would help me—."

"Unless you act like you've always done..... when you fall, you're 'sleeping a little'. They won't know anything is wrong if you don't force them to face that there is!"

"No, I'm not like that."

I sigh.

"You're just that."

He shakes his head but I just laugh.

"You're the ultimate therapist friend! You don't give a fuck about yourself when you can help others by putting yourself back!"

I grab his hands, softly trying to hold onto the hardness of them. It's something you get when you work and don't give a shit about yourself, your hands go hard and dry.


I hold on a little tighter.

"I care for you, a hell of a lot."

He laughs but I just put his hand on my heart, smiling a little.

"You won't feel it but you matter to me a lot more than you could imagine," I say.


I roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"Oh and you're the lady killer of the school how."

"You mean that you—?"

"No shit, Ken."

He shakes his head.

"I doubt that you do..... you would like Stan, I know that much."

I laugh.

"Yeah, I like him."

He nods, smiling slightly.

"But I still don't get why that's interesting. I like Nichole, Token, all of my friends are people I like—."

"You know what I mean."

"—But none of them are, at the moment, my kind of people to actually date. I don't think they will turn all of a sudden like 'holy shit, I'd date him'."

"But I'm not that cool either, you know what I'm known as. Whore of the school—."

"Like I gave a shit. Honestly, better for me if anything."

I take a deep breath.

"I'll admit.... when we were like 11, I didn't know enough about you to feel strongly, you were a friend."

I smile.

"But maybe something that introduced me to you again was taking care of Karen and how she talked how loving you were. When you came to get her home, I always looked forward to talking to you... just because of how utterly amazing you seemed when she talked about you... and damn, she was right, you were quickly becoming my favourite person to talk to. They call you a stupid whore sometimes.... when you're not there or when you are, mostly when you aren't. It's angering.... because they talk about somebody who isn't you, they're talking about someone I could never like talking to so much. You're not a goddamn slut, that's enough said. Sure, you get around but you are kind and gentle to people.... and to be honest, your personality is something far beyond what I thought you ever could be. I could list like 75 things about you that make me hate the people calling you 'just a whore who looks hot'....: and most important out of them is that you are someone I can talk with. Stan gets depressed when we talk about the world, Leo has adapted the Craig approach of 'Yeah but once you hit rock bottom.' Admittedly Leo says there is only going up while Craig says that once you've hit rock bottom, you are gonna stay there so you aren't going lower. You are hopeful but not in the overly positive way and that's what makes you a good person to talk with, especially about something as depressing as the way our world is going with climate warming and all that shit. Sorry, I'm probably rambling. Thought was that I do like you, one hell of a lot. And I have 852693 reasons to do so," I ramble, smiling a little as he blushes. It's adorable but really different to the smoothness I'm used to. I'm used to him being such a flirty little shit, not this broken, not this easy to make blush. I don't want him to be like this, at all, I love the way he is naturally. Fuck everything that has hurt him, I will kill it with so much fire that the whole goddamn world sees it. I don't like this flower boy he's acting like, it's not like him and that's so goddamn sad to me... he shouldn't pretend to be like this, he shouldn't result to this state when he gets hurt. I don't want the trembling body to be him, he's not like that. I don't want the guy that acts like he can't do anything without help to be him...... because I know who he is really. I know beyond the whore stereotype, I can see beyond that shit.... and I know this flower boy isn't like him either. He's not this pure little boy that I'm pretty sure everyone a little bit more of a comfortable person would embrace being there. I'm not that... I want him as himself, not this thing you would call a stereotypical 'uke' in shipping terms. I hate it, I hate how he is acting right now. He should become himself.

He takes a deep breath and kisses me, keeping his eyes on mine before I close them.... I'm not sure if he does too.

"I erm."

He smiles. Is he doing this because he feels bad for me?

"Kenny, be honest, is there some other reason for this than you liking me?"

He shakes his head.

"I don't think so."

He has a grin on his face, it's a nice sight, him having some confidence instead of being such a goddamn flower boy, acting like he were a goddamn shy person that doesn't know what sex is or something like that.... just, too innocent to exist. Even if he has doe eyes it doesn't mean he has to be a fucking cute thing that makes some people really go crazy about it. He isn't innocent, he isn't that quiet, he isn't that shy, that just isn't my Kenny. It's a fucking mistake, it's a lie.... a lie I fucking hate more than anything I could ever describe. He looked scared and that.....I still have problems figuring out what's so damn attractive about that, why people love flower boys so much. He's not a flower boy, he's scared of his own goddamn family.... if that's attractive, I should probably get rid of think that having confidence or bravery or really anything is attractive. There is nothing wrong with flower boys, I just feel like they get shoved down everybody's throat. They are valid but not everyone is like that, not everyone who is attractive is like that. So I love his grin, yes, even when he mocks me with it.... I think it's really fucking attractive. If that's really stupid to someone, fuck off, he's beautiful his way and I know that I find it to be really attractive when he does it, no matter how much mocking there is in it.

"I don't think I would ever do that to myself," he says.

It's a while before I process what he said and jump at him again, kissing him the way I always wished I could. I'm probably going to go on a long as fuck thing about how much I wanted to kiss him and to some degree, well, there is no reason to censor it.... fuck him. Now that I think it, it sounds clearly a bit like I'm obsessive. I'm not, he's a very goddamn attractive guy.... I'm pretty sure everyone knows that and wants to fuck him a little. I'm not creepy, we're all teenagers and when he's so goddamn good looking and for me the biggest thing is that he knows it. Goddamnit, that's just how pretty much everybody's thoughts work in our school..... and I'm ranting again.

"Are you okay?"

He has a smirk on his lips, the familiar one.


"Don't worry about it, Ky."

I really don't do it as anything beyond a suggestion but I kiss him on the neck. Maybe he gets the idea, maybe he doesn't.

"That's nice."

He responds by letting me continue it.

"Trust me, when my hand is doing better, I'll do that."

"Wait... Ken... are you suggesting that—?"

"Dude, if it's gonna go there, my hand is in no condition to do that shit. So I'll take the backseat and watch out so my hand doesn't hurt. Okay?"

I nod, well that is giving me pressure.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not going to laugh at whatever happens, I promise," he says.

I shrug.

"I have—I don't normally—."

He laughs.

"Then it's about time you try."

He smiles at me.

"Do whatever, as long as that arm doesn't hurt. I'm a masochist but I would rather not take it without aftercare and I doubt you know what that is."

"I do know what it is, I'm kinky enough to know it."

"Most people don't, it's not fun."

I nod.

"But I'm much more into getting hurt than hurting, i'm not a sadistic motherfucker."

"Then you don't have to hurt me, at all. Really, it's gonna hurt but you don't have to intend to. It's fine for you to just do it the vanilla way, I prefer it actually... with the scar business going on, getting hurt is not highest on my list."

I nod and just take a breath. I'm not a virgin but it's much rarer that people let me on top. Masculinity is very weird.... i don't really care, I'm masculine enough to know that it doesn't really matter.... most of the time, there really isn't any wrong to me about doing it... being stereotypically 'feminine' in my role. It's actually fairly liberating in it's own way. But no way in hell am I gonna be a stereotype. Want a stereotype? They exist everywhere. Not me.... I don't think I'm stereotypical at least? I'm not.

"So... are we gonna?" He asks.

I kiss him again, trying my best to be as gentle as possible while just continuing down more and more by the moment. He has a small amount of pain in him but he's been slightly in pain since he came here.

"Are we not gonna go all the way or do you have—?"

I burst out laughing.

"Are you thinking I'm a virgin?"

He shakes his head.

"Just because I don't top, because fucking everyone ever has got to have a masculinity complex, doesn't mean I'm normally not the one prepared," I say.

"Well, that's nice to know."

"You're in good hands..... I hope."

He laughs, smiling slightly.

"Don't worry about it, I can take a little bit worse, you don't have to be a master for me to enjoy shit."

He's smirking a little now.......that's the Kenny I like.

"I have much of a preference for understanding of this shit than being a master at it at first try," he says.

I laugh and just take a small breath in and out..... smiling a little. Okay, that's fine, it's all fine. I'll just.... fuck... I don't know, I most definitely don't want to hurt him more than I have to.... fuck. Even if he is the biggest goddamn pervert in South Park, I know he can be really soft.

"I swear to God—."

I sigh and just get up to grab the stuff.

"How do you keep it from your mom?" He asks.

"I clean my own room!"

"So she never comes?"

I roll my eyes and grab the key from the box.

"But if you mean why she doesn't see it if she does come in..."

"Oh you're smart about that then."

I nod and just open the goddamn drawer.

"If I throw shit at you, i'm sorry, I'm just throwing these there."


I throw it on the bed, hearing him laugh.

"I love how the bottle just fucking landed perfectly without you trying it but when you try to throw a bottle like that, it won't do it."

I turn to see that, indeed, the bottle has landed bottom on the bed.

"Oh are you actually kidding me?"

He shakes his head.

"You gonna do this or do I do this myself?" He asks.

"I can.... if I know how."

"Do What normally people do to you."

"That's the thing, I've never had very experienced people.... which, thank God I'm a masochist or I wouldn't have survived the stupid shit that has been done to me."

He nods but I just get back on the bed.

"Also, I'm a teenager. I know a lot of people think that—," I start.

"You're turned on but not getting a boner?"


"I know that happens."

"I don't know, I'm probably too nervous or something."

"Don't be.... I'll yell if it hurts too much."

I take a deep breath. Okay, Ky, don't worry about it. It can't be that bad, it's all okay.... just do it, stop being nervous.

"Do you need me to help you with that?" He asks.

I sigh.

"I can do it myself."

"Why would you? Dude, I'm right fucking here."

I sigh and he just grabs me.

"Better fuck me later though," he says.

"It doesn't have to be that much later."

He starts doing what you normally do when this happens. If done it before..... with Stan, I believe. Dude CANNOT keep his mind in the moment, he's almost randomly bursting out and saying the year Napoleon died.... like, not only that but kinda just always random shit. Anything between the fact most of the sea is unturned and the fact he left his lamp on.... both conversations I have had with my best friend. Oh god now I'm turning into Stan and going through this shit in my mind.

"What the Hell are you think about?"

I smile and get my mind back to focusing on everything.

"I'm trying to help you and you appreciate it by keeping your mind somewhere else?" He asks, jokingly obviously.

I sigh and try my best to keep my mind in the moment. Finally, we can actually get to the thing because of my stupid hormones not working the right fucking way.

"Okay, we can finally get to it."

"I was getting the slightest bit irritated. How are your hormones that broken?"

I shrug and just sit down.

"Let's get to the actual thing, I guess."

He nods and turns himself around. Oh god those scars are horrible to look at, just because it must have hurt like hell. Note to self: don't touch his back if you have the possibility not to.

"I'll start now," I say.

"Fucks sake, I would have allowed you to ages ago."

Another note to self: Kenny's one of those people that get annoyed when they've gone untouched too long.

"Yeah, Sorry."

"Don't worry."

I pick up the bottle and put the shit on my fingers, putting the first one in first.

"Ain't my first rodeo, I barely feel that."

I put the second one, which is the first time he hisses.

"I... fuck."

Considering the weird position we're in, I can get a kiss. I'd rather not describe it... let's just way it's gymnastics that this is fucking possible, from me, he's in an understandable position, I'm clearly doing something some gymnasts would be jealous of. It's not something I can even understand.

"Um.... you can do some m—."

I know what he means, scissoring a little. That's the moment my phone rings.

"Oh fuck off! This is turning into Lesbian real quick."

I sigh and see Stan's name on screen. I answer the call.

"Dude, I'm kinda doing work. Call you later?" I ask.

"I'm the work!"

"Shut up, Kenny!"

There is a long silence from the other side of the phone.

"Kyle.... you don't have to answer if it's this kind of situation," Stan says.

He laughs.

"Better remember a condom though!"

He ends the call before I can think up an answer.

"If there is one more goddamn distraction, I'm actually going to fuck off."

I sigh and just continue where we were. You'd expect this to be quicker... I mean according to Bebe, she can have sex with Red for the second hour and still they haven't gotten to it...... you'd expect men would be better at that.... we're fucking awful. No, really, we are not fucking able to go through it quickly.

"Are you just gonna stare or—?"

I laugh and finally put the last one in. He, again, wears a pained expression before getting used to it.

"Okay, that— you can go on."

I try to move them a little, again, really careful for him to not get hurt more than needed.... dear Lord.

"I.... do you want me to go now or—?"

"Go now, I'm not waiting an hour."

I sigh and just get the condom on. Ay, better safe than sorry.

"I'll just—."

"Do it, you don't have to constantly tell me, I'm normally doing that shit, I know what you're gonna do."

"Wow, no need to get pissy at me."

"I'm not."

He speaks calmly.

"That is before you start staring at a wall and space out worse than I have ever seen—."

I roll my eyes and get on with it with this very pissy boy.... he normally isn't but seeing the situation, fuck it, let him be pissy... he has every reason to be.

"Okay, move."

I nod and do just that. There is this awkward moment of keeping both of my hands to his sides to not hit his back too badly. There is the fact that..... why are we even doing this when he is in such shit condition? Wow, seems awfully complicated to do for no reason.... but eh, we're in it so let's win it while we're at it.


I just roll my eyes at this and continue doing the same thing, maybe I shouldn't be so in thought during this....? Fuck, I don't know. Fuck arms, really, sometimes I wish I had long hands instead of long as fuck legs.

"Oh shit!"

I should be focusing but he's enjoying it so..... I'm doing something right. This is a very stupid mindset to be in during fucking but my mind is damn everywhere. Even day to day, I can't stay here, I always have to be elsewhere.


Both of us laugh at how fucking annoyed he sounded.

"No really! What the fuck is it with you not staying in your goddamn moment?"

I roll my eyes and put a hand on his shoulder, the one that doesn't hurt.... obviously.

"I understand it's hard but bear with me."

He chuckles and nods before I go in again.

"This is going to go on for a long long time if you're going to bE So stupidly in your own MInd."

It's somewhere between a voice crack and moan, few times actually. So I'm probably on the right stop right now. Could I hold the body with one ha—? Or that might be easier.

"Can we go kinda sideways because I'm so scared of hitting your back that I don't have enough guts to fuck properly."

He laughs.

"As long as you don't slam into it with your whole weight, I can take it."

"Can't go to the side?"

"If you wanna."

So basically I push us in a way where the hand of his that doesn't hurt is against the bed.

"Let's just finish this, finally," he mutters.

"Yes sir!"

I get one of my arms to help him out in the front....
.....he does break first, unsurprisingly...... there ain't nothing to discuss about the fact he had more pleasure going in but also more pain in the start.

"I can just get you off the rest, I got you to that," he says.

I slowly pull out and he goes down in front of me, I sit on the bed since that's the way it should be so it's easier to do that way.

"This isn't going to take very long," he mutters.

I roll my eyes and he smiles at me lightly, putting hand on my knees on both sides.

"But I might just space out for a minute."

"Shut up, I can't help it, Ken."

"Ah but I'm allowed to be a bitch, Ky."

I roll my eyes again and he just gets the condom off.... I've never been able to come with one on.... it's weird but true.... that's probably I didn't just moment ago... hey, more you know.

"I'll just."


He puts his mouth on it. Damn, I knew he was good with his mouth but..... holy fuck.


I'm a bit whiny when it comes to this, an another reason I'm always supposed to be on the bottom.... but not that I'm a stereotypical one in any other way.

"Mother of Jesus... where did you learn to use your mouth so well?"

He smirks and probably to annoy me, he takes it further and uses his tongue. Holy fuck.


He gets his mouth of, probably realising the tone because one store and I'm fucking gone. There is a moment of more pleasure than I've had in a while, maybe because Craig and Kenny are the best at doing these kinds of things nowadays and when I was with Craig, he was worse than most people........ but when it comes to blowing, I would say I'm apart of the 'holy fuck guy are better at this' trio. Craig, Kenny and I.

"You okay?" He asks.

I nod and grab his hand, getting him on the bed as gently as I can.

"Wanna cuddle?" I ask.

He laughs and gets closer to me, only for me to wrap my arms around him.

"I'm probably leaving early tomorrow."

I shake my head and tighten a little.

"My family is away this week, there are three months of school before college starts.... we'll get you a job and you'll move with me. One thing I know, you're not fucking going there."

"Thank you...."

"Don't say that, Ken, I love you."

"Love you too."

6223 words! Bitch, I'm somewhere far from here tomorrow. Fuck you!

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